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It's been a long, l...
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It's been a long, long time.

17 Posts
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Posts: 85
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I leave for a while and look what happens? Things change, by golly! I realize it's been a long time since I've posted anything here. I just thought I'd come back and say hello to everyone here and find out what everyone is up to. So, how has everyone been since I left?

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New Member Guest

HI, I don't remember you!

Posts: 85
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Yeah, it's been a while since I left. So, if you joined since, you probably won't. 😛

Posts: 110
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I remember you....

How long has it been? Couple years?

Posts: 85
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Yep. About that long.

Posts: 4607
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The name seems familiar, but that's about all I can say. *shrug*

WeBa anyway.

Posts: 4336
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I came back recently myself; near the end of July.

Wow, it's already October? Man. o.o

Anyhow, weba.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

I wouldn't have thought that you've been gone for 2 years. Welcome back and I love that Lincoln quote. 😉

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Man, I actually remember you. It's scary how quickly time flies, eh? xx;;

Anyways, welcome back.Take a load off and stay awhile. ^_^

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Lackey Senses.... tingling. Vague memory... flaring up... talking like... William Shatner!

I do have some recognition of your name, but none of the 97 posts of past have rung a bell in my memory, so you must forgive me (or you can chose not to and make a poor lackey cry, you heartless fiend, I hope you choke on my tears!), but it's always nice to prove NO ONE ESCAPES THE MOFO!

*Brands "DON'T FORGET. YOU'RE HERE FOR LIFE!" onto your chest*

You may go about your regular business now, Number One welcomes you to the island, and has informed me to tell you that if you try to escape, bubbles and flamingo's will stand in your way.

Posts: 300
Reputable Member

I think the name rings a bell. If you remember me, please say so.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

your name also rings a bell for me. ^^ *hands you a cookie*

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

You're that strange one thats in my state. o.o


Posts: 85
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(deep voice) Whatchu talkin' bout, Willis?

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

You used to have alot of OSU Cowboy or whatever the mascot is stuff on your posts. I remember it.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Welcome back.
Due to my generally sad outlook on life, I do in fact remember you.
I remember everyone. (Yes, that includes you over there, hiding behind the penguin. Shame on you)

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Curses, spotted again.

*wanders off muttering about ineffectiveness of penguin cover*
