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It's time for me to...
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It's time for me to take a break...

15 Posts
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Posts: 815
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No, this isn't a joke.

I seriously do need to take a break from here. Not because of any of you, but because of me.

I've been wasting way too much time online. In the past 1.5 years, I've become an obsessive website checker. It's not good.

I've been letting my grades slip way too much. I need to stop it, and it's something that I personally have to work on.

So yeah. I'm going to be going... Or at least not checking here as often as I have. Maybe once a week... Maybe not till school is out. I don't know yet.

I'm just going to say good bye for now. You all take care, don't have too much fun without me. Maybe when I return I'll have my kilo lyrics all written out.

Michael Boston

PS: Nobody die... When I return, I want all of you to be here.

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

Good luck with your grades Mike. Don't forget to give us a visit from time to time.

Posts: 428
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Later, Boston.

Posts: 3666
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/me dies

Posts: 3468
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See you soon, and good luck with the grades.

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 4607
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I should really do the same thing sometime. It's a little late NOW, maybe, but still!

Posts: 1694
Noble Member

Enjoy Real Life. We'll be here when you get back. Have fun and I hope your grades get better.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

that's why i generally limit my internet time to only the evenings.. or else i'd just sit online and just check websites and refresh them blankly. >>;

have a good break, and good luck with your classes!

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Get back quick so I can kick your arse at pokmon. }:O

Oh, and have fun dioing whatever people do when they're not online.

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

*swirls around Boston*

Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

You come back now, ya hear?

On an unrelated note, lol @ Rabid. You just reminded me that I never finished watching Paranoia Agent. XD

What is that dog's name again?

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Cya when you come around ^_^

Posts: 488
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Posts: 1037
Noble Member

Well, good luck staying away from the internets!
It's very hard, I try, too. x_o
