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Justify your sig (YAY UNORIGINALITY!)

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Posts: 2191
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You know. Where did you get/think up the sig from. And why.

Mine was Gyserhog's crazy remark when we all thought that Nack was gonna be in Sonic Riders. I thought it was pretty funny what he said.

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I stole it from's profile on Yoda. =D

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It's a quote from Deck and the infamous 'Tool.' That I put there for some reason I can't remember now.

So I guess I can't really justify it at all =(

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Advertise, Advertise, ADVERTISE! Rum

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It's a bunch of links. Simple yet effective.

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It's Kid. He's here to help you avenge your cat.

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I don't have a signature.


Posts: 808
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Hmm. Signatures. I used to use a variety of mostly Zero related images a while back, including but not limited to this, this, and this. Got tired of it after a while though and just decided to get rid of the whole thing, with the exception of the couple links I have currently. One being a link to the lousy website I haven't messed with in months, and the other to the forums that I kinda sorta jointly run with someone else, except not really. "Run" isn't really accurate, mine is more just one of the partner sites. My old forums merged with his, but can still be accessed through my address with my theme and everything. So they're kinda my forums, but kinda not. Yeah.

One of these days if I get bored I may bring back one of the images, but I'm content with simplicity at the moment. And I have no interest in fighting EzBoard in an attempt to change the sig, only to have it revert back constantly.

Posts: 2723
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My sig is just one of the quotes Mandy at the beginning of every Grim Adventures episode. Why is the link to my dead Carni Isle thread still there? No idea.

Posts: 955
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I went on a banner-happy spree a few years ago and decided to make this. Not to mention I discovered how to make Zelda fairies in Photoshop, so I had to of course make one. 'Cause Cari is a Zelda character. Not to mention it fits my avatar almost perfectly. 😀 Same font, referencing the same character, similar color scheme.

The banner links to , my website. And there are, of course, the obligatory DeviantArt and Livejournal links.

Past sigs....
1) "Crazy? I was crazy once....." (Yay noobness!)
2 or 3) "Great Questions of the CAC" (Crazy About Cartoons club -three friends and myself came up with these awesome-at-the-time questions that were forever unanswered.)
3 or 2) "The time of awakening has finally come...." (Oh yeah. Check out my "I think I'm so cool" sig.)

And my current one is #4. 😀

And I've manually typed in the ~Shadowed Spirit Sage since day one (i.e. I've never included it in the automatic sig posting thingy)

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2234
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Hmm I wonder. 😯

Posts: 3468
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Click it and you'll know why I keep it there. <3

Posts: 1358
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Because user bars are sexy. And I need to change that Battletech one, I'm not in that clan anymore...

Hey post # 1555

Posts: 889
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I got mine from Knights of the Old Republic 2. I don't think it was the guys exact words but thats how I remember it.

Posts: 439
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Just changed mine the other day. It's the lyrics from the song that plays in all the Phantasy Star Universe trailers. It's got the corniest lyrics ever.

Posts: 5772
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This is my sig. It is made of Eva parody and random links of interest I find.

Posts: 2016
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Teabagging on Halo 2, and warning others of dangers like these and others of playing on Xbox Live.

And advertising my DA. =O

Posts: 1573
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Saw the eggs in someone else's sig (can't remember who), found the site it was from, took one of my own, and it's become an addiction. Yes, I'm addicted to Mystery Eggs. I'm so ashamed...


Posts: 1789
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My sig is hidden--like the NINJA!

Posts: 1195
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A quote from the very sexcellent Vlad Masters/Plasimus from "Danny Phantom". Loved it so much, I used it.

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Huffin' glue.

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It's one of Darkwing's patented entrances and amazingly appropriate given my profession :)


Posts: 917
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That's an easier one. Way back when, I used to have a rotating themed sig, until my old website "" died. Yet I was a lazy guy for a long time and didn't replace my sig, so for a very long time there was just a red X there. When I finally did, I just replaced it with some non-chalant comments on the beauty of red X's. I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Posts: 534
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With this one I was drunk and depressed and listening to the Rentals.

I think I'm going back to my old riotgrrl/Bikini Kill lyric sigs soon because this is way too area and dignity consuming.

Posts: 2928
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Umm, its self explanatory?

The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Posts: 1381
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Well, I've had several different sigs since I joined 2 years ago. Until a few months ago, all were text based, yet they all shared my faith in Christ with different sayings I've read on church signs, magnet, and various other sources.

Right now, my graphic sig, which once again espouses my beliefs, was found in someone else's sig at the Nsider (Nintendo) Forums; I liked it so much I PM the guy and ask for his permission to use it here and he agreed, though it took me awhile to actually use it where it was a first hand drawn then made like it is now when I actually used it.

Since, I've had a graphic sig, I've told myself that I can make a non-religious text sig to go with the graphic one, though I've never been able to actually make one.

My current text sig is based off of the reply my pastor usually gives when someone asks how's he doing, "I'm blessed and highly favored!" which I try to adapt into my own life occasionally.

Posts: 530
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What is my sig, again?

Posts: 1134
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'Cause I like the Sloganizer. Even though half the things it comes up with don't make any sense whatsoever. But the other half of the time I get a nice little ego stroke every time I post. 😀

Posts: 1037
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It's the crazy old dancing man from Mahoujin Guruguru, an anime I watched when I was little and which I still like a lot. (I'm not much into anime, this is the only one I really like.)
He appears in the show all the time to get on the nerves of the main characters and thinks he can beat monsters with his dance. :cuckoo

I'm kinda tired of him now (and of my avatar as well), I guess I'm gonna change it when I'm not lazy.

Posts: 3468
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[][image noborder] [/image][/link]

Posts: 663
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I was posting questions on the board for computer homework discussion...since I wasn't sure how people would view my questions (i.e. maybe they were really simple, but since I didn't have much programming experience, I didn't know how to do that kind of stuff), I put "Thanks for putting up with me!" at the end of my post. I guess it just kinda became a habit, though I didn't exactly post all that often. When I decided to make a sig when I got an account for here, that was what came to mind@computer board posts^^;

Posts: 721
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Well, the first part is literally my philosophy on life.

The second part, well, I was reading QOTW's and I thought how I'd like to come up with one, then realized I'd have a better time at it unmedicated. I muttered to my self under my breath, and thought it was funny enough to share with everyone here.

Posts: 462
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I stole from cartoons. That's justifaction to the highest level.
