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Ken's site: Down?
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Ken's site: Down?

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Posts: 409
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Yeah, I'm really active there. Is it just me, or is the site not loading? Does anyone have news from BobR or Ken?


Posts: 622
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Well...since I don't really go to that site much, I decided to check it out quite a few times and I just got a "Page Cannot Be Found" page.
It may be down...

Posts: 1437
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The Internet has suffered a great loss.

Posts: 4885
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*J.K Simmons voice* Thanks for the good news!

Posts: 1567
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The Internet has suffered a great loss.

Has it?

Posts: 1195
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I'm gonna bet ya a million bucks it'll be back up before this months end. If it doesn't...well, I'm keeping the million bucks, but I'll eat my hat!

Posts: 1437
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Has it?

Oh, yes. Who's going to insult the fans now that Ken and Bob can't?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Perhaps Bob's finally getting around to that big update he's had planned for the site?

Posts: 622
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Oh, yes. Who's going to insult the fans now that Ken and Bob can't?

Mmmmm? They do that there? I should visit that site more often.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Perhaps Bob's finally getting around to that big update he's had planned for the site?

Said update happened about a month ago. Google it and check the cache if you wana see what the new site looks like. Perhaps it's a further update, though.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

Yeah I noticed that it was down. I wanted to check something out on it and noticed that it wasn't loading. How very odd.
Perhaps Ken has finally realized how p/oed the fans are at him and took off the face of the net?
Hmm.....naw...I'll bet he'll be back. Probably just down as you guys are saying.
And...I didn't know Bob had an update..does this relate somehow?

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

BobR mentioned that they were planning to add a password feature to the site, (there was also talk of enabling the use of avatars) so they may have taken it down for maintenance purposes. I was never really too keen on posting there (arguments on that messageboard tended to spiral out of control) but it was an interesting place to visit.

Posts: 349
Reputable Member

So maybe they're actually going to put up a real message board then? With avatars, sigs, and you have to log in and register and some crap? That would be interesting. Plus I wouldn't have to type in my screen name that i feel inclined to use everytime I log in there. So perhaps it's for the better...and this is why it's down.
Heheh...well...even if that dreaded place does go back up's all the more reason I have to go there and cause pain, destruction and torture! MWAHAHAHA! :lol
Yeah I give Ken a real hard time about the whole subject, and I'm surprized I havn't been banned from there yet. Not that I'd really care that much.
Although I don't see how they could've banned anyone...unless it can trace IP addresses or some crap.
*shrugs* Oh well. I have no idea. If they can make the place better, that's fine. If it trully has disappeered off the face of the earth, that's fine too. It'd be nice if Ken would disapeer from the face of Archie Sonic IMO also. Then maybe stories like M:25YL could be left up to the fans and there'd be no more...or at least less wars concerned who's getting paired with who and whatnot.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


Although I don't see how they could've banned anyone...unless it can trace IP addresses or some crap.

They can ban IPs. Anyone who has control over a server (or even enough control over their webhosting service) can ban IPs.


Then maybe stories like M:25YL could be left up to the fans and there'd be no more...or at least less wars concerned who's getting paired with who and whatnot.

The only way there would be "less wars" is if things were set in stone. If things were set in stone, then there wouldn't be any wars as there wouldn't be a point. Some people would still complain (just as there are those who complain about stuff like Julie-Su not existing in the Sega games), but those aren't wars, just complaints.

Posts: 349
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They can ban IPs. Anyone who has control over a server (or even enough control over their webhosting service) can ban IPs

Alright then. That's what I figured...


The only way there would be "less wars" is if things were set in stone. If things were set in stone, then there wouldn't be any wars as there wouldn't be a point. Some people would still complain (just as there are those who complain about stuff like Julie-Su not existing in the Sega games), but those aren't wars, just complaints.

You mean like my complaints about the subject? :p
Except even that's really not set in stone either. But as you said it is safe to say that Julie-su not being in any official sega games is set in stone and something to complain about if you're a Julie-su fan.
But I do agree with you in a way. Even though there's evidence that Sonic and Sally will get together, it's only an alternate/possible future and no one really knows what's going to happen.

Posts: 378
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I realizet that too, myself. I hope the site is back up soon *crosses fingers*

Posts: 349
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Eh. As I said before, I have mixed feelings about the site being down. It sucks because it's a good place for information... but the thing can't always trust or believe Ken or Bobr very well. Ken's got his nose right up his "beautiful" creation of M:25YL and Bobr's got his head up Ken's dairy-air.
I wonder why this isn't in the archie section? *shrugs*
Ah well... that and we don't have to hear Ken abuse his fans all the time and stuff. Sure he pretends to be all nice to them on the letter's page...but if it were printed how he really felt...well..he'd lose it's job. So I think it all comes down to Ken really just cares about the money.
Of course he cares about his creations....but he's got such a thick skull that he doesn't care what other people think. You'd think he'd lose sales because of that. Well, he probably has..but maybe he doesn't care that much about money then after all.

Posts: 140
Estimable Member


Miss Puar: I was never really too keen on posting there (arguments on that messageboard tended to spiral out of control) but it was an interesting place to visit.

I hear ya, Miss Puar. I used to post a little on his original 'board, but these days I just lurk.

BTW, Ken's site must still be down; I keep getting "operation timed out" when I try to go there.

Posts: 622
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It's back.

Posts: 409
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Aww, you beat me to it in my own topic!

Anyway, BobR said it was down due to his phone company switching to a new type of DSL, which wasn't compatible with his current modem, or something of that matter.


Posts: 349
Reputable Member

Awww. I don't know if that's a good thing or a disapointment. :lol

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Back before the end of this month! Now I don't have to eat my hat!
