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Not a single thread on this yet? Come now.

Michael Richards, that guy who played Kramer, got heckled during his standup routine (he does standup?) the other day. Instead of responding in some witty or hilarious fashion like comedians are supposed to do, Richards just threw a temper tantrum and screamed the word "n***er* over and over again, along with other racist remarks. (Note that video requires a Youtube account to watch, because apparently the N word is worthy of an 18+ rating.)

I really didn't expect him to do something so innappropriate and Gibsonesque. Actually, who did? It's f***ing Kramer, for God's sakes. I honestly don't think he's a racist; he's probably just horrible at coming up with good comebacks and just shouted the first petty insult off the top of his head. I can't help but think that comes off as wishful thinking, though.

In other important news, is Kramer actually Weresheep? Discuss.

Posts: 2354
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Heard, read it in the news this morning and my co-workers discussed this topic again in the afternoon.

Seriously, I can't think of him the same way (to echo the thought of one person interviewed in the news). Forgiving is good. I'm guessing that life after Friends is not very easy.

Btw, Kramer =! Weresheep. I doubt Kramer is interested in getting videogames.

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I'm guessing that life after Friends is not very easy.


And you're a fellow New Yorker, too. Shame on you.

Posts: 439
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Watch his Letterman appearance, his attempt to apologise sounds more like an attempt to save himself from being surrounded by an angry mob the next time he goes outside.

Needless to say, Rob Schneider will never work with him now. :lol

Posts: 4607
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Please. Rob Schneider's too busy filming The Stapler, A Carrot, Da Derp Dee Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb and Kenny to care much.

Posts: 2016
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Hmm. Look at what this world has come to.

Oh well.

Posts: 1413
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A bit surprised he didn't blame them for all wars in world. I think he cross the line with "50 years ago..." comment.

Posts: 428
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Here's another link to the video, since the one Spite posted got canned by CBS - but of course, there are five other copies of the same vid still up.

Personally, I think that Mr. Richards - as in most "apologies" over the years - talks way too much and it comes off like he's defending himself and his actions. As for the situation itself, I think it's getting blown out of proportion, but I choose not to overly analyse it, since I have a head cold and this would probably make me feel worse.

Bottom line: whether Richards was or not, don't be a racist douche, guys.

EDIT: Also, all the people comparing this to Mel Gibson need to be hung upside-down with a fork up ins. It's completely different. Mel was drunk. Kramer was not only sober, but on the clock in front of an audience. If we're going to start lumping all the stupid things celebrities do into one category, this would rank closer to Michael's baby dangling stunt.

Posts: 2354
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And you're a fellow New Yorker, too. Shame on you.

My bad, I didn't watch Seinfield or Friends and it's been a while.


Posts: 1583
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If it'll make Dreamer feel better (and Deck worse; sorry), I never heard of the guy either. When my mom mentioned it to me, I said, "Who?" But my mom knows I don't watch sitcoms or pay much attention to celebrities in the first place so she just explained who he was to me--though she knows full well that by next week I'll have forgotten. ;p

Posts: 3291
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i've never heard of this guy either. oo;

Posts: 504
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^ Ditto. You what's sad?

He said it in frount of millions of people and even more on TV with little kids peolly up from eating all that left over Halloween candy. He was Idot and he KNEW EXACTICALLY what he was doing. REGARDLESS if he was drunk or not.

If he WAS drunk that's no exuse to make a compleate idot of your self in public. WHY on earth whould you go on LIVE TV drunk?

He said sorry just to save his skin and his carear.

And Im pretty sure Were CLAMED his family taught him NEVER to saty the n-word and felt offend whean Wonder said some thing and asked a mod to do some thing with Wonder.

Im prolly behind on some things.

And to end my post I whould whould like to say one thing:


Posts: 428
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He didn't say it on TV, much less live TV.

Posts: 504
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Ooooh! HIS Letterman apologies was on TV.

I rarely watch TV nowadays and I even seen my home page tell me a little about it but I don't watch Clips on the web, Even if I know about that Person or not.

I feel stupid, nutten new. Move along, People!

Posts: 4
New Member

Isn't the double-standard in the world great?
Our culture will allow you to call anybody anything else on TV and get away with it, unless you're white.
I'm not saying that what he did was right, I think that as a professional comedian he needs to be better-prepared to deal with hecklers, and that resorting to what he did was not the best thing he could've done. I'm just saying that the same standards should apply.
I don't see anybody yelling at the black guy for calling him a "cracka white-(BEEP) mother(BEEP)" and fueling the fire...

Posts: 4336
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I found it fascinating to see a celebrity's multi-year career self-destruct in a matter of minutes. o.o

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I think the same standards should apply if someone had actually done something on the same level as Richards, but no one did. There was one guy who said the word "cracker", so what? Sure, it's stupid that he responded to racism with more racism, but it's not like he screamed racial epithets a dozen times at the top of his lungs while referring to lynching and "getting back at the white man". And it's not like he was on stage in front of an audience that was expecting him to act entertaining and professional.

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Ultra, when was the last time you ever saw Michael Richards on anything besides Seinfeld?

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I saw him doing standup on TV once a few years ago.

He sucked.

Posts: 504
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It's this one Black girl in my Computer class who some times say 'Son of a Cracker' whean she make a mistake and not one White Girl (Or Man, the teacher) got up and yelled at her.

I don't think they heard her,they thought she was referring to the food, Really did'et give a care or did'et know what that mean.

And just because I go to a Christen HS don't mean People won't will yell and make threats.

Posts: 488
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Ultra, when was the last time you ever saw Michael Richards on anything besides Seinfeld?

He was the villain kidnapper jail escapee guy in one of my favorite childhood movies, Problem Child. Those movies were such a bad influence on my young, juvenile mind. That an Animaniacs. Well, Animaniacs was a better influence I think. Like personality wise. Maybe. My topic boat is sailing off course now.

But that question wasn't directed at me in the first place. So I sit here and read. Carry on.

Random clown in carnival with balloon animal: Look, a gir-raffe!
Kidnapper villain guy in funny mimic-y voice: Look, a fist! *punch*



Posts: 439
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I just remembered there was an episode of Seinfield where Jerry was heckled on stage, and he got revenge on her by tracking her down at her office and heckling her there. >='D

Posts: 428
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Ultra, when was the last time you ever saw Michael Richards on anything besides Seinfeld?

The dim-witted janitor in the cinematic masterpiece UHF <3

But that was before Seinfeld, so I don't know if it counts.

Posts: 4336
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Hence 'multi-year' career.

Posts: 1583
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Our culture will allow you to call anybody anything else on TV and get away with it, unless you're white.

I know because Louis Farrakhan is so respected by everyone.


I don't see anybody yelling at the black guy for calling him a "cracka white-(BEEP) mother(BEEP)" and fueling the fire...

Society never seems to care about "some random person" when they're being compared with a "celebrity" (or a "politician" or any so-called "important person"). Of course, if what you said is the only thing the hecklers were doing, to most people what they did wouldn't appear as bad, which would also factor into the equation of your question.

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But that was before Seinfeld, so I don't know if it counts.

He was also in the film Airheads as a nerdy accountant. Before Seinfeld, I think.

Is it a rule to say "The N-Word" here instead of "@#%$"? If so, can we transform "Cracker" into "The C-Word"?

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

This from the guy who keeps saying honky?

Cracker I consider to be a bit more about certain personality traits than race, like redneck but a bit more racial. Banning honky would be consistent, but I don't like banning words unless I really have to, and then we get into an annoying precedent of having to research out every racial word to be banned and judging each by its history and usage. Bah.

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This from the guy who keeps saying honky?

Just proving a point, mate.

Posts: 2928
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It would be nice of people just didn't say them. But I know thats a pipe dream.


Posts: 1583
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Is it a rule to say "The N-Word" here instead of "@#%$"?

You can type any word that you want. If it sets off the censor, then its censored. If it doesn't, it's not. If you want to know why it's in the censor it was due to someone using it in an inappropriate fashion continually and I got sick of warning for it at the time. I never saw a reason to take it off either as there's no reason to use it. Certain website urls also ended up in the censor for similar reasons, btw. ;p

Cracker makes no sense to add because most people would use it to be talking about food. If someone is using it as a slur, they can be warned for it.
