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Posts: 1104
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Wow, I haven't been here in the longest time... and the forum is exactly how I left it. Although the people I remember best now have a trillion times more posts than me. o.o And you have the most random icons. :fist What is this, Chibi Bison? o.O

Some members at Sonic Classic were talking about restoring the old ezBoard to recover some history, and I thought back to the days when ezBoard was all I knew.


I logged in for the first time in... it must've been almost 2 years. It saddened me to see my old haunts died long ago. This was the only forum remaining in my meager list.

Good to see so many old acquaintances still hanging around here. How you guys been? Oh, and so many newbies. I'm sure there's more people on this forum than there are in Heaven.

I'm considering becoming an active member here again, but there's so much I missed, and I'm sure a lot of people have forgotten me. It's like being a newbie all over again :lol

Posts: 4336
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The weird guy! I remember you from SClassic (you always creeped out Sue and Shadow)! 😀

Welcome back!

Posts: 1104
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you always creeped out Sue and Shadow

I thought Sue liked me ;o;

Posts: 1381
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Hey, welcome back!! I seem to remember your screenname, though I don't think we ever talked or even posted in the same topic; you must of quit regularly coming shortly after I joined/started lurking. Anyway, glad to have you back and hope you do stay for awhile.

Also, while looking at the member directory, I see you know about and posted in the Eliteboard; however, you should know that this whole board shall be moving "soon" to the Eliteboard permanently. At first, we were supposed to move in mid-February, than told mid-March, now it's currently listed as "Spring?" so I not sure when we actually will be moving but hopefully before the end of April. So, I hope you will also move with us.

Again, glad to have you back, and I look forward to seeing you around!!;)

Posts: 1241
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Whoa. </Neo>

Long time no see. Welcome back to the freak show. =P

Posts: 1355
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You're hot.

Posts: 4607
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I hope you're happy.
I hope you're happy now.
I hope you're happy how
you've hurt that joke forever,
I hope you think you're clever.

Anyway, WB.

Posts: 4336
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Nah, flamboyant murder would be killing someone with a flock of flamingos. I think you're talking about a subtle murder.

Posts: 4607
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Oh, no no no, Ultra, there wasn't anything subtle about it. Subtle is all stealthy like and everything. Yours was anything but.

Besides, isn't that a flamingo feather behind your back?

Posts: 3468
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Posts: 3291
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*takes your shoelaces as you're sort of a newbie right now* :p hello again!

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Yay, someone returning I actually remember...
Doesn't happen, I forget names much too easily...

... Welcome back, :)

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Holy crap, I haven't seen you in ages o_O;

Welcome back :D Though be ready to pack up and move again seeing as we're migrating from EzBread pretty soon.

and XD once again @ Shadow Hog

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1104
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Ehhh some children



one hundred billion accounts.

Posts: 2610
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Webas, I think I remember you, and it's always good to see an old face around.

Posts: 333
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Holy cow! I haven't seen you in a long ol' time!

Welcome back, welcome back indeed! If you become more active, believe me, you aren't a newbie in my eyes. You are one of the oldbies I've been missing.


Posts: 4336
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How many accounts DID you have?

Posts: 1134
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Dude I remember you. From like, way back when. Welcome back, man.

EDIT: w00 sexond page

Posts: 0
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I looooove yooooooooooooou... I can't think of anything else. ;O;

But really I do, lets go find a secluded area to bend over in. <3

Posts: 2097
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Wow, I haven't seen you in ages. Welcome back.

Posts: 1104
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Acrio, you have NO idea how many people tell me that. But you can cut in line, 'cause I think you're neat. ;)

Posts: 2
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Heeeeeey there Hybrid! It's been a while! But I do remember you in fact. Nice to have you around again. Try and stick around for a while! 😛

Oh, and because you probably won't recognise who this is, it's SilverShadow0. Or just SilverShadow. One of the "oldbies" who never left.

Or wait, have I been around long enough to be considered an oldbie? Maybe I'm only just a... I dunno, a medbie? A midbie? Something like that? Hmmmm...

~Magenta ^^

Posts: 1104
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You changed your name AAAAAAHHH!!

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Unless you have this really cool secret.

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I do...




Posts: 1367
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OMGOMGOMG I remember you. This is Gotenks the Hedgehog/NeoPikmin/that loser. I missed you and your weirdness soooo much. <3 I can't believe I didn't notice this topic until now.

Welcome back. :D

Posts: 1104
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You wouldn't have to miss me, if you all went here. *shot*

Posts: 1367
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I went there once like a year ago and got bored and left. :O

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