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Merry Christmas!
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Merry Christmas!

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Well, okay, so it's barely even Christmas Eve where I live (more like Christmas Eve Eve), but it's more or less time to get this show on the road. Obviously, we can't discuss presents yet - I can't say how many of us open that one gift on Christmas Eve, and we definitely won't do it on Eve Eve - so instead, where is everyone going to be celebrating it (if you even do)? Anything special gonna happen? Anyone special with you? Do you believe in Santa Claus, or no?

To answer my own questions, home, no, no, and no, but I like the guy enough that I respect him anyway.

Posts: 2610
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I'ma going to my Godparents house with my whole family, and then return to our house at about 1 A.M. to open presents. My oldest brother came home from college last week. I don't expect to get anything that's on my list, and I hope my family doesn't argue like past years. >>

Merry Christmas to everyone else!

Posts: 814
Prominent Member

My cousin's coming over on Sunday. We'll open presents in the afternoon, then go to a party at my aunt and uncle's house.

...What? You were expecting a longer description then that? You lose! Good day, sir!

Posts: 114
Estimable Member

Me, my family, my sister, her boyfriend, my uncle and his girlfriend are going to celebrate christmas in our home.
I think we will get nice christmas presents and good company even this year!

Have you thought about what's going to happen next year? :|
I really have and i think next year is going to be a special and unforgetable year to me.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Meh, I can discuss presents, as I already got mine like...a month ago. @.@ (We usually open our presents a week or two early anyway, but this year we decided to to this extreme since my older brother was moving out)

I got a new stereo system (since my old one broke), a jacket, and money. Not a whole lot, but I'm extremely hard to get presents for, and we had to pay for furniture, appliances, and the like for my brother.

As for what we're going to do for Christmas, we're going to stay at home (well, with the traffic out there, you're kind of forced to. Take the beltway. It's basically a 60+ mile circular parking lot (it usually is, but even moreso right now) from what I've heard from one of my dad's friends) and stuff ourselves full with Christmas dinnerey goodness. Fairly uneventful, but then again, we really don't celebrate Christmas on Christmas.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Well, with one day till Christmas, I can say with utmost certainty that I will get Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Rush, as a matter of fact I'm looking at the packages that I suspect are the respective games.

Anyway to the topic at hand, we will be spending Christmas at our house which is the first in what seems like forever. I guess staying at home is the special event, and as for someone special, well, my granny is coming to our house this hear whereas normally, we go up to her house to celebrate Christmas. Finally, no I don't believe in Santa but at times, I think it would be nice if he did exist; I mean a human that felt such compassion and kindness to his fellow man would be great!

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Well both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are busy with my family. Tomorrow (er, later today), we're having breakfast with my grandfather, then my uncle is coming over to our house to visit. There may be more people with him, but I'm unsure.

Christmas Day, my mom's family is coming over to spend the morning with us, and then we're likely going back to their place in the evening.

As for special things happening, not till New Years.
As for anybody special being with me, again, not till New Years.

As for my belief in Santa Claus? Of course I do. 😀 I'm sure there's a guy out there.... whether he delivers presents or not is beyond me. I'm sure a guy with a name like that would have to live up to it though and deliver as many as he can. I dunno. I've had a long day. I need sleep.

Oh, and we always open one present on Christmas Eve. Any others wait till Christmas Day. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Well, considering I am probably going to be the first one here to hit Christmas, in about 2 hours, let me say Merry Holiday season to all.

I'm going to relax at home for X-mas, I worked all day today and I work all day on the 26th. I'm going to relax, and play some Soul Calibur III and Phantasy Star Online.

I got a little present earlier, which was $20, some phone credit and a Yin-Yang pendant. I know my girlfriend brought me the second Halo novel, and some Pokmon booster packs, and friend of mine tracked down an official Dreamcast controller as a present, and so far, that's been it.

And I think that's Christmas for me. ^^

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I'll be celebrating it at home as always, along with my immediate family - although that said, I think my sis is going to her boyfriend's at some point during the day. Ah well, not a loss. << Nothing special that I'm aware of is gonna happen, besides opening presents and checking out what we've got. While I do know most of the presents I'm getting, I'll not list 'em yet, 'cause I'm certain there's at least a few CDs that I'm not entirely sure what they are.

As for the final question, no, but that doesn't stop him from being awesome. :p

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Well, with one day till Christmas, I can say with utmost certainty that I will get Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Rush, as a matter of fact I'm looking at the packages that I suspect are the respective games.

plus, the movies, a mysterious dvd of dragon ball z origins i suspect, the movies and a strange cd...

Posts: 3291
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*sits, hugging her empty stocking..near bouncing in anticipation* ^.^

i've got my parent's stockings filled already, as i'm being santa's little helper once again. (no, not the dog.)

this christmas we've gained a grandmother for the first time since i can remember, as we usually have an adoptive gran in the form of a lovely old lady from down the road. ^^

*hugs her stocking yet more!*

Posts: 3468
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I already know that I'm getting a PS3 and a Revo next year for christmas. And a ton of cash. >>

Have a merry (Read: Very SX) Christmas, all.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

I got my gifts today.

My family's gonna be home through Christmas Day. The day after we're heading to Orlando.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

Tonight I am going to have dinner with my family and my brothers girlfriend (my girlfriend can't make it =( ) to celebrate Christmas eve. Going to have a nice ham dinner and open our gifts afterwards. ^^

As for Christmas day....the family party from my moms side is what we normaly do...but as of last year, it hasn't really gone down in a while...kind of sad to say goodbye to an every-year tradition.


Posts: 229
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Time- 00:05 GMT


Posts: 1396
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My Christmas shall span over the next few days as I visit friends and family. ^.^

I'm working on a pic that I could post here if no one objects, but that won't be finished for a while.

Hope you all have a fantastic day. ^^

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

It's almost Christmas day, so I'll post again, I guess.

I wish you all a merry christmas with a family that loves you and a very stuffed tree. And of course, a good holiday feast. Fat kids unite! ...Not that I'm fat.

As for right now, there isn't a single gift under my tree. Nor am I spending Christmas with my dad and his wife, I'm going to my mothers. I can't tell which is worse.

But enough of my griping. Merry Christmas from SX.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

And it just hit 12 AM EST, so to everyone in the east US right now, it's CHRISTMAS.

Merry Christmas, everybody!

Posts: 1334
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Posts: 1195
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Seriously, Happy Christmas to you all and a Merry New Year of 2006!

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Whoo, Christmas. Time for all to chill out, eh? Well, I guess this is as good a place as any to start the anual "What presents you got this year" listing...

So, in no particular order:

  • The League of Gentlemen Live at Drury Lane Special Edition DVD[*]Monty Python - The Movies DVD Box Set (And Now For Something Completely Different, Holy Grail, Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life)[*]Sin City DVD (Along with the three graphic novels te film was based on - The Hard Goodbye, The Big Fat Kill and That Yellow Bastard)[*]Queen Greatest Hits Vol. 1 CD[*]Guns and Roses Greatest Hits CD[*]Kiss Greatest Hits CD[*]Fitness to Practice CD (For those unaware, the guys who did the London Underground song. I'll offer no more explaination beyond that :p)[*]Metroid Prime 2, Gamecube[*]Soul Calibur 3, PS2[*]Half Life 2, Xbox (Not come yet, but it will. c.c)[*]New Dog Tags - Whee, silver. Not engraved yet, tho.[*]Assorted Chocolates - Terry's Chocolate Orange, Chocolate Seashells, Matchmakers Mints...y'know, the usual.[*]Money - Leftovers from what wasn't spent on presents (Not got it yet, but it'll be about 85), and also money got from relatives, family friends and paper round tips. Comes in at about 150 overall, I think.[/list:u:61995cbad8]
  • That's about it, I think. I'll stick some more in should anything new come up.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Yay. Christmas!

I got:

- New speakers for the PC, and I needed some for my MP3 player as well, so it's all good.
- A webcam
- Various assortments of chocolate
- A sum of money that adds up to about...70 (With which I shall be purchasing some Toto albums/DVDs)

Oh, and I brought myself Mario Kart DS and a USB adapter last week, I dunno if you can get christmas presents off yourself, but I did anyway. 😀

Posts: 348
Reputable Member

We're gonna leave this morning to go down to my grandparents and visit assorted relatives down there, so we unwrapped everything last night.

I got:

-a portable DVD player that I didn't ask or expect for
-a NOAA weather, if the power fails or if it's 3 AM, I'll know when there's tornadoes afoot
-a globe
-hand-made zodiac ornaments from China
-a hand-made pearl box from Egypt
-a hand-made a painted clay cat from Mexico
A Bug's Life
March of the Penguins
Muppet Show season one
The Polar Express
Racing Stripes
Black Eyed Peas - "Elephunk"
Dierks Bentley - "Modern Day Drifter"
Flogging Molly - "Within a Mile From Home"
Gretchen Wilson - "Here for the Party"
Jay-Z - "The Black Album"
-assorted Hello Kitty items
-two fleece blankets
-a couple books on art
-Sonic X Matchbox cars
-Shadow the Hedgehog for GC
-a wallscroll with Sonic, Amy, and Tails on it

-.....Paris Hilton's perfume...o__O;

Posts: 955
Noble Member

^^ Here's what I got

~ An iPod
~ Sonic Rush
~ A Knuckles plushie (<3!!)
~ Socks and pajama pants
~ A t-shirt with Navi and the words "HEY! LISTEN!"
~ A rabbit beanie baby
~ Money from parents, grandfather, and uncle

And possibly things from my aunty and grammy later ^^;

Though I'm very happy with my gifts, I'm even happier that people enjoyed (and are going to enjoy) what I got them. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

Once again, Merry Christmas all!!!

To celebrate I have drawn and coloured a Christmas pic for all those I know online, though it's only on my DA account right now, but I'll link it here. ^^


Posts: 2610
Famed Member

I got:

Mario Tennis: Power Tour
We ♥ Katamari
Atlantis (DVD)
2 Teen Titans DVDs
High Rhulian Hardcover (Book)
Messenger Hardcover (Book)
Some Gift Cards

I think that's it. No DS over here. ;.;

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i don't like to list my presents, as i then start to compare it with the vast and expensive amounts some other people get. ^.x;

i'm still waiting for my toaster. o@ my mum has lost it somewhere in her wardrobe. *hugs her new scarf*

Posts: 85
Estimable Member

Here's the list of stuff I received this year:

Portable DVD player
A case to carry it in
Red Green's "We Can't Help It-We're Men" DVD
The Cosby Show Season 1 DVD collection
Cabinets for DVDs and CDs
Three new OSU shirts
Recordable CDs
Danish butter cookies
Lots of candy
OSU ornament
Bottle of "Cowboy Blush" wine
Gift cards from Arby's and Hastings

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I got one important present.
The Doctor Who box set.
Spending the day with grandparents, anyway...

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I got:
- A PC microphone headset that doesn't work o.o
- Star Wars: Clone Wars Season 1 DVD
- a little radio thing
- A Snowmobile racing game
- Cologne from my Gramma o.o
- An umbrella
- One of those Magic Eye "Cross Your Eyes and See a Suprise" books


Red Green's "We Can't Help It-We're Men" DVD

And that sounds fun. ^_^

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Merry Chistmas!

Astrid got:
Little House on the Prairie books (THE WHOLE SET OF 9!)
365 kittens a year wall calendar
2 boxes of Thortons chocolates

Lee got:
He'll get a shopping trip to Lone Star Comics tomarrow courtesy of Astrid

It's been an figure skating Christmas. We woke up and went to Astrid's friend's apartment and watched the short programs of the Grand Prix Final cause it was on cable. Then we came back to her house and watched Holiday on Ice. Now we're eating cheese and we're going to go out with her dad to a nice restaurant for Christmas dinner.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

The Ghost in the Shell DVD
The Animatrix VHS
Rhapsody's "Symphony of the Enchanted Lands II"
Dungeons & Dragons 16 month wall calender
Metallica wallet
$10 phone card
Three Sudoku books
Ohgod such clothes (socks, underwear, three outfits, a night outfit with a too big top, then a polo shirt that's too big as well)
A plasma ball room decoration
A second dance pad (Red Octane ripoff)
And the "big gift"...

Now to just learn how to tune it, then play it, then get a real amp (the one that came with it is microportable and didn't come with an AC adapter), then grow talent.

Happy Jesus Birth, one and all. Or if you don't believe in that, Happy Holiday. If that one offends you, Festive December. Or if you're a geek, Happy Christmahanakwanzakah to you!

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

O_0 @ the fact he has yet to post in this topic. Ho ho ho Merry Christmas to all! Glad to see everyone is having fun and enjoying their gifts.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

I got:

-$250 cash
-around $300 in gift cards
-a Salvador Dali-styled wall clock
-a scrapbook thing for my Eurotrip '05 pics to go in
-misc snacks
-some sort of record book
-Danger Mouse seasons 3 and 4 on DVD

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

I worked on Xmas Day! Got a bit drunk, knackered but I cant wait for my payslip this Friday
Happy Boxing Day!
I gots
Shadow (Gamecube)
WWE Smackdown V Raw 06 (PS2 Got it a bit early, good sim of wrestling)
Resident Evil 4: Limited Edition (PS2, havent played it)
Stewie Griffin Movie (Really Funny)
Disgusting Sweets (Doggie liked them though)
Lynx gift set
Pen Set
10 Game Voucher

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

w00t. :cackle As for presents and stuff, I received:

two new jackets
other new clothes
car calendar
Steelers hat
Steelers shirt
new cordless phone
Fred Meyer gift card
Super Mario Sunshine
Medal of Honor European Assault (GameCube)
Xbox 360 Controller for my PC (yay!)
decent amount of various types of candy
a few other random small things
and not one, but two cans of Spam. w00t for Spam sammiches! :]

So far I'm greatly pleased with this Xbox 360 controller. Someone here, I think it was Cycle, once said that when God plays videogames, he uses this controller. I do believe he was correct. :D I haven't used it a lot yet, but I think it's already surpassed the Dual Shock 2 as my favorite gamepad. Extremely comfortable to hold, comfortable buttons and sticks, great D-pad (comfortable to use, and no trouble with pushing in the wrong direction like other PC controllers I've had), analog triggers and two normal shoulder buttons, and so on. My only minor complaints are that the two normal shoulder buttons aren't quite as comfortable to use as they are with the PS1/2, and that from what I gather, the vibration feature was implemented in such a way that a game would have to specifically support it, meaning none of the games I have that support normal force feedback will work with it. And I wish I could use it in Windows 2000. I can deal with those minor issues though, as I'm loving everything else about it. And it's not that much trouble to just boot into XP if I'll be playing games on the PC.

Now if only someone would come up with an adapter to let me use it on a PS2 and/or GameCube...

</controller ramblings>

Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone! :D Although I just realized that it's already past Christmas by the time zone this board is set to... >_>

Posts: 429
Reputable Member

The only stuff worth mentioning is a new guitar strap, a Wavebird controller (I now have four controllers... w00t) and a Beatles CD. Clothes, candy and small gift cetificates were also plentiful, but don't really need mentioning.

But I just mentioned them.


I didn't really expect too much for Christmas since my parents are going through some financial difficulties at the moment. It's weird... I'm usually disappointed right after Christmas (human greed, I guess) but for some reason I actually feel pretty content.

I usually buy everything I want though (bass guitar, iPod, stereo, CD's), but my savings account is pretty much empty and I won't have much cash until I can work next summer. :

And SX, I want to punch you in the skull... for having rich parents. :(

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

First, off, I hope you all had a good Christmas. As for me, this has been one of the best Christmases we've have. One of the best surprises was that our great neighbor, Mr. Webb, came over and ate Christmas dinner with my family because I mean the man is like family to us, he's watched our mail and pets when we're gone, takes us to school and work when our cars are messed up, etc. so this was a great way to pay him back for all he did for us.

As for presents, I got Shadow for GC, Sonic Rush(in the same packages just as I predicted I would) , a Sonic X Matchbox tractor trailer(for a stocking stuffer), pj bottoms and a pj shirt that says, "Fruitcake: the gift that keeps on giving" from my sister, 25 bucks from my grannie, 10 bucks from one of my managers, two Christian shirts(one T and one sweater) from my aunt in Virginia, and then today, I got me a Sonic Rush DS skin, a 3 pack of DS styli, and the guide book for Shadow. So, yeah, I had a very good Christmas!^__^:]
