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Michael Crook gets owned on the news

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Edit: Ooh, yay, as soon as I post it the link stops working. Maybe it'll work later. o_O

Posts: 3666
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Hah, that was awesome. Stupid ignorant people. ^_^

Posts: 620
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Beat me to it. I was about to post it.

Yeah, jerks like that deserve a little ass woopin'. I was hoping the title "Crook takes a pounding on Fox News", was a little literal while I was watching the thing. I was hoping some one would bust through the doors on his side and jump his ass.

Now I'm all about the war, but that's just blatant disrespectful and rude, not to mention ignorant as all hell.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

Well, I don't think anybody deserves the public reaming he got on the video, being treated like a little kid, not being allowed to finish a single sentence when allowed to speak, etc.

But after reading his website, I don't think he should be allowed to have opinions, either.

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Honestly, I think as journalists that the anchors at Fox should have let him say what he had to about the pay structure and benefits, as opposed to taking the most sensationalistic line on his website and giving it to him.

But in a way, this was much more satisfying. He sounds like a real dick.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

When I read "owned on the news", I expected maybe he's doing a routine interview with... you know... a real journalist... and the interviewer slips in a humourous dagger or something. Something subtle. Something that's actually funny, or satisfying, or out of the ordinary.

But a Fox News anchor calling someone a moron? HAHAHA! I've never seen that before! LOL! WOOT! What a find!! Such genius! Such irony! Very, very clever!

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You're so easy to please. <3

Posts: 622
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Michael Crook: Jackass.

Is it me, or does that guy look a bit...zombyish?

Posts: 1355
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He looks a little weird, yeah. Was also creepy how he seemed to be smiling half the time.

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Does Fox News realise it's such a moron that it has to drop all professional pretenses inorder to call out such an easy target?

P.S. I know the answer.

Posts: 456
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Those were the most unprofessional newscasters I've ever seen.

Posts: 1818
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Believe it or not, that's actually rather subdued for Fox News. I'm surprised they didn't try to lump this guy in with the "liberal menace".

Posts: 336
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What a crock of @#%$. From what I gather, that newcaster just sat there cussing that guy for writing stuff on his website that he, the newscaster, didn't like. I don't even know who Michael Crook is, but I doubt he deserved to be talked to like that on live TV especially by a so-called professional news anchor.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

So that's what an internet debate would look like in real life...

Posts: 2610
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I was hoping the title "Crook takes a pounding on Fox News", was a little literal while I was watching the thing. I was hoping some one would bust through the doors on his side and jump his ass.

I was thinking the same thing while I was watching the video, Jin. That would've been really funny.
The "News Anchors" should've let him talk, but Crook sounded like a big jerk either way.

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I don't even know who Michael Crook is, but I doubt he deserved to be talked to like that on live TV especially by a so-called professional news anchor.

At a time of war, what this Mr. Crook was saying, he definately had it comin'. Find his website.

It's been bought out now, but there's a mirror of it in the new site there, I believe. Read what he had to say.

I don't condone such acts of "journalism", and to tell you the truth, I hate the living crap out of Fox "news". BUT, there is the one times where even both sides agree, and they couldn't have done it any better.

To blame and to belittle our soldiers, to say "Four more soldiers died today, and they couldn't be any more stupid", I'm sorry, that deserves an all out lashing. I agree, that wasn't journalism. But you know, when you find someone like that, I think you want to just grab him and smack his ass around left and right. I think that's what Fox did that day. They vented, and they used the little schmuck as bait.

But you know what? For what that little @#%$ said and did, I'm all for it.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I have to agree, though the news reporters were being VERY biast indeed.
I thought that Michael Crook was well out of order, but I didn't think it fair for them to humiliate him on national t.v.
It's just an after thought really, but I still think he's a jackass.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member


I'm surprised they didn't try to lump this guy in with the "liberal menace".

I think the liberals didn't want him either.

On a side note, they DID let him say the thing about the pay structure. He just...didn't make any sense...when he mentioned it.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I think the liberals didn't want him either.
That's my point. Anything Fox News doesn't like is part of the "liberal menace" that's sweeping the country. More lies from the "liberal media". I'm surprised they didn't try and chalk him up as yet another assault on "conservative values".

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I'm surprised they didn't try and chalk him up as yet another assault on "conservative values".

N'ah, there's something you must understand about the "American People". No matter on what side the people are on, or what beliefs, the people will always support the troops that give their lives for ours, the troops that will always put their lives on the line before us, to protect our freedoms, our futures, no matter what the cause.

There's no price on a life. And that's why mostly we value the troops. And I'm sure it's the same in every country... mostly, anyway.

Think about it this way; you have a heart, how would you feel if some heartless ass starts telling you you're a dumbass after you took a bullet and it took your life. Whether one's left or right, or whatever the hell, it's all the same. It's just a natural feeling.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I don't consider Fox News to be an entirely accurate representation of the "American People". Maybe I'm just used to the fact that if Fox hates it it's probably liberal (and that is probably the reason why they hate it).

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Oy... I may not like the war, I may hate the army. But as the second newcaster said, he's fighting the wrong battle here. It's NOT the troops fault the armed forces do what they do. The troops are/were just kids with either a desire to be a warrior or kids lacking the money/skills to succeed elsewhere. Crook can't see the forest through the trees, he doesn't even know what he should be fighting in his own opinions.

As for fox news, everyone knows they'd take crayons to the constitution themselves if Bush let 'em. That video is full of stupidity on both sides, the second newscaster had a few un-moronic things to say. The part about Crook pointing the blame in the wrong direction and such. But the first anchorman and Crook are both, as Crook put it, "posterchildren for retroactive abortion."


Posts: 193
Estimable Member


N'ah, there's something you must understand about the "American People". No matter on what side the people are on, or what beliefs, the people will always support the troops that give their lives for ours, the troops that will always put their lives on the line before us, to protect our freedoms, our futures, no matter what the cause.

I'm sure they will. However, I have an observation that needs to be made, and often is ignored in all this talk about being for or against the military.

Most people in the United States respect military personnel. Not very many people in the United States *like* military personnel. I have a family friend who joined the marines, and you would not *believe* the (polite) social ostracism he gets among the Chinese community (which I live in). I was really confused abut it, so I asked my parents. Well, Chinese people are A) Confucian and B) Buddhist. There's a high priority on higher education, politeness, non-violence, and family. Military men are seen as thugs. With the abuses of the Communist government over the last 50 years, Chinese people don't trust government military action in general. And someone who joins the military and leaves their elderly parents at home is a "bad kid." It could just be a Chinese thing, I don't know. He gets a cold, polite, "That's nice. It's good that you're protecting your country," and a raised eyebrow. Nobody actively insults him, but I think he knows about their disapproval.

Even with non-Chinese people, there's an odd social thing that goes on when civilians meet military personnel. It's the same way with cops. Everyone respects cops, but nobody likes them. A cop or a military man goes to a party, the party gets a bit more subdued. There's something intimidating about that walk, someone who moves in straight lines and stands all square and blocky, it's hard to describe. Military etiquette, which is very direct and precise, seems brusque, almost rude, compared to civilian social etiquette where it pays to be eloquent, charming and amiable. It's offputting when I talk to cops or soldiers, and how they can never speak in complete sentences, but use clipped half-phrases. Their body language says, "I'm in power," even the sir's and ma'ams don't make me feel at ease around them. I know they're good people, but they make me uncomfortable.

It's a strange social dynamic that people don't really like admitting exists, because it's so important to support our troops, or at least nominally say we do. But this feeling does exist, and I think it affects the way we think about war.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Strange, I never find it hard to talk with ex military...but considering I act a lot like them, maybe that's why...:p

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I've heard of people reacting like that.

I however have never had a problem, so that might have just been me speaking for me. My own boss is an ex-Marine. I have absolutely no problems with him, whatsoever. Everyone of our co-workers, we all get along. Like a mini-family, mind you.

My cousin, is in the army. And he's still just that; my cousin. I'll be damned if he becomes a jack ass around me. 😛

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

You have to admit, these soldiers aren't exactly doing themselves any favours by dropping bombs on Canadian soldiers, shooting civilians, shooting dogs, subjecting POWs to sexual humiliation and severe physical abuse, urinating on Qu'rans, urinating on POWs, forcing POWs to urinate on each other and on Qu'rans, forcing POWs to roll around in their own feces, electrocuting POWs' genitals, theartening naked POWs with vicious dogs, piling naked POWs on top of each other, burning POWs, beating the sh-t out of POWs, and tying wounded teenage POWs to the backs of trucks and dragging them down dirt roads. It's pretty difficult to want God to bless people who do things like that. I support US troops -- including my cousin -- to the extent that I don't want them to be killed.
