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Microsoft To Sony: 'Oh Yeah! Well You're A Doodyhead!'

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Microsoft to remove Sony CD code

Sony's controversial anti-piracy CD software has been labelled as spyware by Microsoft.

The software giant said the XCP copy protection system counted as malicious software under the rules it uses to define what Windows should be protected against.

It is planning to include detection and removal tools for XCP in its weekly update to its anti-spyware software.

The news came as Sony BMG suspended production of CDs that use XCP.

Tool kit

Microsoft's decision to label the XCP system spyware was revealed on the corporate blog maintained by the software maker's anti-malware team.

Root-kits have a clearly negative impact on not only the security, but also the reliability and performance of their systems
Jason Garms, Microsoft
Malware is the generic term for malicious software and includes viruses, spyware and any other program designed to hijack or harm a computer.

Writing in the blog, Jason Garms, one of the senior managers in the anti-malware team, said the XCP software qualified as spyware under the "objective criteria" Microsoft uses to assess potentially malicious programs.

The XCP system is controversial because it uses techniques more often seen in computer viruses to hide itself on users' machines.

Specifically XCP uses a "root-kit" to conceal itself deep inside the Windows operating system.

"Root-kits have a clearly negative impact on not only the security, but also the reliability and performance of their systems," said Mr Garms in the blog entry.

As a result Microsoft will put utilities to find and remove the XCP system in the next update of its anti-spyware software.

The same utilities will also go in to the December update for Microsoft's malicious software removal tool.

Bad publicity

The row about XCP blew up following an expose by Windows programming expert Mark Russinovich.

It led to widespread criticism of Sony BMG and several class action lawsuits have been started against the record label over XCP. The stealthy software is intended to stop illegal copies being made of Sony CDs.

Mr Russinovich's discovery led to a string of bad publicity for Sony, which culminated in the news that virus writers were starting to use XCP to hide their own malicious programs.

In response Sony BMG suspended use of XCP as a "precautionary measure". The XCP software was only used on CDs sold in the US.

Speaking about the suspension Mr Russinovich said: "This is a step they should have taken immediately."

After which Microsoft took Sony out in the back of the schoolyard and gave him a wedgie. Sony ran home and cried to tell its mommy! While Nintendo stood on the sidelines and sold tickets to the fight, nerdy old Apple broadcasted the whole debacle on his new IPod-Nono and the entire schoolyard was simply abuzz with kidlike frenzy! Teehee! :crazy

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Sony's controversial anti-piracy CD software has been labelled as spyware by Microsoft.

That sentance made my morning bright and cheerful despite it barely being morning and the sky being black

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

If I hadn't already used the pwnd pic this month, I woulda busted it out.


Posts: 4336
Famed Member


If I hadn't already used the pwnd pic this month, I woulda busted it out.

But I haven't.

That make you feel better? 😛

Posts: 4
New Member

I don't think spyware and virii writers have yet exploited the root-kit, what the root-kit has been exploited for was MMORPG game hacking that come with spyware to search for cheat files and scan your activity off the game. There is an artical about WoW's "The Warden" being bypassed thanks to this root-kit's purpose.

Microsoft and Sony are under extreme pressure im sure from companies who want this root-kit removed to stop the few who use this method to cheat in their games. Of course spyware and virii writers will jump on the boat and start using this root-kit to their advantage, but it likely was not the reason why the pulling of the software from CDs and this Microsoft action against it.

This is unrelated to console battle between M$ and Sony.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I don't think spyware and virii writers have yet exploited the root-kit, what the root-kit has been exploited for was MMORPG game hacking that come with spyware to search for cheat files and scan your activity off the game.

This is unrelated to console battle between M$ and Sony.
I vote for Dragon to be automatically disqualified from the thread.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Well, well.
That's a slightly better situation.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

lol, apple also ties microsofts shoes together when they get back to class, and nintendo throws and egg at sony's house for making the playstation that beat out the nintendo 64 and snes back in the day XD
