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Mother's Day! (US)
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Mother's Day! (US)

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Posts: 1567
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I can't believe you all forgot this! It's Mother's Day in the what will you do for your moms? I will be treating my mom to dinner after church because I couldn't think of anything else good to buy her (Darn malls...too expensive for a poor college student)...

Posts: 3291
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i didn't forget it, i just didn't post about it as it doesn't apply to me. :p

Posts: 29
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I just bought a gift card as I'm not exactly rolling in it myself either.

*paralel topic*
On a side note, has anyone else thought that it might be a good idea to synchronize some holidays internationally? Obviously the Independence and Document (Magna Carta, Constitution) days along with leaders' birthdays would have to stay in their relavant countries.

But (going on US holidays) why couldn't Mother/Fathers day be the same day everywhere, or thanksgivings, labor day. Memorial day should be extended to the fallen of all countries, and veteran's day to all who serve and protect from marines to bobbies. MLK's birthday could become a memorial day for all civil rights leaders, etc, etc.

Just one less thing to cause confusion...

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*sporks Becca* Well I knew you Brits wouldn't mention it because you already had it!

As for Blaze...I wish it were like that but it's hard to get nations to agree on anything these days...

Posts: 4885
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Go on, Americans! Spoil you dear old mumsies! Breakfast in bed, a card or just a phonecall. A little can go a long way :)

Posts: 104
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I gave her breakfast in bed and a couple of gifts. I dunno what my dad's planning, though.

Posts: 1037
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It's mother's day here, too.
My brother and I made a lot of drawings and I made pizza for lunch.^^

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I drew a card for her. That's it. 0.o

Posts: 235
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Yesterday I learned that Mother's Day is day of the year where long distance phone calls are made the most.

Anyway, I got my mom a heating, vibrating neck massager. She likes it.

Posts: 5035
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Well i got my mom a card. But I was gonna get a vacuum, so me and my dad could help her out around the house. Yea and I want to buy her the Notebook. I just need some money.

Posts: 955
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For my horticulture class, one of our projects was to make a flower arrangement for mother's day. Since I'm very low on money, I was able to take the arrangement home in exchange for working my tail off after school XD;

I gave the arrangement to my aunt and grandmother, along with an amusing handmade card ^^

I also gave my mom a handmade card, and I can safely say both cards were very much enjoyed by all. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 534
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I worked all day and the tips were pretty good because of Mother's day! I don't celebrate it myself though since my mom is unconscious and has no idea what day it is. I celebrate father's day cause my dad is fun.

Posts: 489
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X.x;; Yeah, just like my father, i forget. but we allways forget because we're thinking of so many things. actually, i was goign ot call my mother today (even though i just talked with her like 2 days ago)

Posts: 527
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I gave her breakfast in bed and then later on in the day we went to Hometown Buffet for an added treat and dinner. Overall, it was an enjoyable time.

Posts: 462
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I just got back from taking my Mom to lunch (it's a bit of a drive). Mom also recieved e-mail from my siblings who live too far away for a visit.

Posts: 1376
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I called her and said happy Mothers day and hung up :O

Everyone laughed, and then got mad at me when I didnt call her back, but that's what I usually do.

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I got mum this niftastic half-sphere scented candles, because candles are just the kinda gift I usually give to females to show I care.
And bought her some ice cream from Stone Cold Creamery, fancy *Expensive! Ack!* Ice cream place.

Posts: 30
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Lilliiith! I love succubi! I love Darkstalkers! XD;

Anyway, I bought my mom a big smelly pink candle. (Smelly in a good way.) It was divine.

Posts: 1437
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I got my mom the Phantom of the Opera DVD.

But we all know who's really going to watch it most often.

Posts: 2354
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I bought my mother two boxes of chocolate.

Those chocolates won't last at least three weeks. ** evil grin **

Posts: 774
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I bought Mom a card with little holes in the back where words were supposed to have been cut out as the joke. I wanted to find those little magnetic words to buy with it, but no store in the area had 'em. I DID like the Adult Swim Mother's Day special: Brak singing the Mom song from the Mobab episode...with singalong captions.

Posts: 2610
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I just made my mom a card and that was that.

Posts: 1269
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It's just another commercialised holiday, like Grandparent's Day (a recent invention). But don't tell your mothers that; they'll disown you or something.

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It's just another commercialised holiday, like Grandparent's Day (a recent invention). But don't tell your mothers that; they'll disown you or something.


Christmas/Easter yes, Mother's Day, no

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just ask half-way through the year wether they agree or disagree with it.

If they agree with the concept, get them something, make them feel nice and bubbly, if not, do something small as a "I love you" gesture and then have a long discussion on the matter of commercial holidays and why you didn't buy anything :p

I barely bother with birthdays and Christmas', so "blahblah"s day doesn't make me take notice, I especially hate mothers day.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


It's just another commercialised holiday, like Grandparent's Day (a recent invention). But don't tell your mothers that; they'll disown you or something.

Hey guys lets stop celebrating any holiday so we don't act like capitalist pigs! Even if the holiday is celebrating people who are underappreciated 364 days of the year anyways! Even if nothing really requires you to buy a thing for a person on any holiday!

Everything is commercialized to a certain extent. I don't really get how denouncing Mother's Day as such makes a difference. The statement in itself just sounds pretentious.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Well, perhaps it is better not to devote a single day to having the commandment "Thou shalt spend this day acknowledging the greatness of *individual of choice* through the act of purchasing them some gift that we suggest", and instead generally show your thanks more often and not in such a formalised way.

But it is a fair point that people such as mothers deserve recognition for what they do (in most cases - please don't provide traumatic upbringing stories here as counterexamples), and for several people, the easiest way to do this is through having one designated day of the year for showing their affection.

Posts: 534
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"Thou shalt spend this day acknowledging the greatness of *individual of choice* through the act of purchasing them some gift that we suggest", and instead generally show your thanks more often and not in such a formalised way

Which is exactly one way that you can celebrate Mother's Day, or any holiday, and like I said, you don't have to buy anyone anything for holidays. But seriously, how many of us request that we're given nothing for our birthdays or Christmas? I don't think that it can hurt to have a special day. It's like Valentine's. I know that I love my partner every day of the year and I try to show that to him every day as well. But with our hectic schedules it's hard to really devote special time to one another, so why not Valentine's? How is it any different than setting aside any other day for love?

I think the same can be said for Mother's Day. So you can show appreciation every day of the year. That's great. How would it hurt to dedicate a day to that appreciation? It doesn't have to involve buying things.

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That's great. How would it hurt to dedicate a day to that appreciation? It doesn't have to involve buying things.

Tell that to my parents. Even if I bought my mom a card or picked her some real nice flowers and made it into a bouquet, they'd say I was cheap...:cuckoo

Posts: 534
Honorable Member


Tell that to my parents. Even if I bought my mom a card or picked her some real nice flowers and made it into a bouquet, they'd say I was cheap...

With all the money parents spend on their kids on unnecessary things to get them from 0-18 I'm not suprised that they don't ask for more. =P

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

If they agree with the concept, get them something, make them feel nice and bubbly, if not, do something small as a "I love you" gesture and then have a long discussion on the matter of commercial holidays and why you didn't buy anything

Mum disagrees with it. Dad, however, is annually on my case about the fact that I should show Mum a little appreciation even if it's for just one day. So I can't win.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Aaaah, that would be a problem.

Forgive me for not considering that possibility. I'm so damn used to a broken home, I forgot how traditional families work :p

Seriously though, that's kind of akward. Don't either parent care what the other one has to say on the matter?

Posts: 233
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Maybe it's just some grand conspiracy they've set up to leave you confused as to what to do, and in a no-win situation, Sam... :evil

Posts: 2116
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You've met my parents. What do you think?

Posts: 2928
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*gives Craig a rose*

Thanks Mom. ;)

~Rico (*Flees from ICP's (Identifed Craigborn Projectiles)*)

Posts: 233
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I have :?

If so, I don't remember sufficient details to decide...

Posts: 174
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I... Well, I was going to wash the car for her, but then it rained. I think we're going to wash it today though, since it's not raining. I pretty much forgot aout Mother's Day until it was there... Oops.
I also gave her a cold :^^;
Thankfully, dad took us all out to dinner the day after Mother's Day, so hopefully, all was forgiven.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Twitch* Craig cannot be mum to a mod, he's a man and mum's have authority over their offspring...

PARADOX!!! *Dives out of window*

Posts: 1583
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Way off-topic, but that made me laugh and I needed one. Thankies to you both. ^^

Posts: 2928
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Not a problem, embarassing Craig for the enjoyment of others is what I do. :D

