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My Space or LJ?

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I made promased that I whould not may a thread 'Till my grammer improved. But seeing that you Guys and Girls are my First internet familyIn a VERY strange way,Im pertty sure you will understand... I hope.

I go to an All Girl Catholic school. This is my first time IN a all Girl Catholic school. I have a half a lunch peorid. And have the Same classes, In the same peorids - every day. My Mom complan that I should have some friends. Some of the girls have a My Space. In my Math class, a group of girls have a My space.

Ironicly, A girl who sit next to me in Math class asked me do i have one.

On friday or Thusday -

Girl: Why not?

Me: I don't know what's the point of haveing one.

Girl: To have friends.

Problem sloved?


Today -

Mom: Did'et you hear about that girl who BLA BLA BLA.

Me: Yes, i did. But in not gonna post my adress or something like that on the net. Do you think im a 'Tard?

Mom: No I don't sweetie. It's just that BLA BLA BLA.

So, Just because a brainless girl posted so much infomatin on where she lived on her My Space that a Local News station went to her house and The Psyco Chick who was hireing a hit man to kill her Ex Boyfriend girl And posting the pictures of her and were to meet her mean that My Space are bad? What about LJ? Are they Evil also?

My Spaces are not bad - It's the people who use who make them that make them look bad.

So should i get a My Space or a LJ? Or both? Or neather?

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Get a Myspace if you feel like it, but keep in mind that you may become hooked on it. Don't bother with LiveJournal; it's a waste of energy and nobody will ever read it.

Posts: 1437
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Don't bother with LiveJournal; it's a waste of energy and nobody will ever read it.

Quite the contrary, in my experience.

For two or three years Livejournal was basically the number one means of communication between me and my freinds, second only to face-to-face communication. I've met some great people through lj, and I've become better friends with some of my schoolmates as a result. It's also a very convenient way for me to share my writing with my close friends, control who sees it, allow them to comment on it, and archive these things for future reference... so much so that I now have a separate LJ specifically for the novel I'm working on.

I have a myspace. I never touch it though. It's so user unfriendly and sketchy.

Facebook is cool. Or, rather, it used to be cool. It's starting to deteriorate.

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Humm.. I heard that a Danny phamthom (However oyu spell it, i don't watch the show) club in LJ are 'acting like My Space'. And some people have good things to say about My space or LJ, some don't and To tell you guys the truth, I really don't know what's the diffreance between the two.

And I never heard of Facebook. (Highlight and look up in Yahoo!)Hmm, interesting.

Good luck whit that novel Dirk, Some people will do any thing to rip people off of there work.

Posts: 3291
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you might want to test your sig some more in the SPA, sonic candy. you've got the ezcodes messed up or something. ^^;

i don't have a myspace account as i'm not on the internet to be popular, and i'm pretty happy with the freinds i have already. it's hard enough to keep up everyone with as it is!

i use livejournal to keep myself updated on events in my freind's lives, and keep them updated with mine.

Posts: 2354
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I have both and although I use a Livejournal, I rarely post on it. Myspace's something new for me.

Which reminds me to change my sig and pic combo to reflect the changes. 🙂

Posts: 439
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I never really understood MySpace's purpose, is it supposed to be a web journal or free advertising for amateur musicians? Most peoples pages I've seen don't even use it as a journal, so I don't understand it.

As for your actual question, MySpace or LJ, register at the one where the majority of your friends are at (that seems like a no brainier to me). It's better to have a decent collection of friends to start with at one place, so you know your page will be looked at.

I'd recommend LJ over MySpace though.

Posts: 608
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Well, I have all three. My space I got it because of some cousins and that's where I post pictures. Not only that but since I just moved to the states it keeps me updated on conventions and the whole music scene up here. So LJ I use for writing, it's like my "diary" and where I post most of my fanfic and art ideas, also where I ramble withouth heed about grad school and work.

Finally, facebook... I got it simply to get to know the people in my University better. SonicCandy: facebook is an account you can get by having an e-mail from an university. At least that's what they told me.

Like I said, I do ramble on un-necessarily and my English may be just as bad... *goes back to study*

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Sorry 'bout that Chibi. I'll test it after this post.

The reason I think I need a MySpace is because I need SOME ONE to be friends with 'cause after Two years of listing to my mom saying 'You need friends BLA BLA BLA' im starting to lose my temper.

I HAVE no friends at my new school and sense some of them have My Spaces and what not, Why not join them? (And get my Mom off my back for a whille) Im simply trying to find out which one is better. If i did this topic will not extist.

Just thought I share that.

Also welcome Hido! (Hands you candy) SC or Candy is fine but don't call me Son or Sonny - I mean it. Hope to see ya around!

Posts: 1818
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I should also mention that the only people I ever "met" on Myspace were slutty tenth-graders who wanted a 19-year-old boyfriend who would buy booze for them.

Posts: 1358
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I hate to say it SC but the people you meet on Myspace for the most part probably aren't gonna be good people if you go "HEY I WANT SOME FRIENDS"

Posts: 333
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I do have both but...

LJ for life dawg.


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Um, Im in 9th grad, not a slut and have no buiness wanting a 19 year old boy friend to buy me booze. No need to worry 'bout me. Im smart. (Pat Cycle)

I accidently had a drink of whiskey whean i was 6, thinking it was water in a fancy glass. I did'et shallow it though. AHEAM. Back on topic.

Oh, Trans. I don't do that on Club penguin and did'et do it here and not on Puzzle Pirate - Im was born with common sense - you find friends carefully and thean see if there good enough. (Pat Tran) You people worry to much.

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Sorry, look at top. Stupid E-barf. Mod delate please.

Posts: 489
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I dont want a myspace because i dont want people bothering and looking me up on it. I have a livejournal though, just to write down thoughts. i dont care if nobody reads it (because i am somewhat borring) but i know that people who want to know what's going on in my life will read it.

Posts: 235
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I did the LiveJournal thing, but recently found myself using MySpace for picture uploading, blogging, and reading the blogs of bands I like/Dethklok. I like LiveJournal just as much, if not more, but LJ is just a blog and nothing more, and I can do more with MySpace.

I'm yet to make any friends on it, but I haven't gone out looking for them. I'm happy just friending people I already know and keeping tabs on them instead of buying booze for people

Posts: 1827
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I have both a LJ and a Myspace. I used LJ once... I can't enjoy Myspace really because Dial up + Music = no load quick.

If I'm right Myspace for USA was used as dating and in UK its mainly used as Music promotion.

Posts: 534
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I use Myspace as an alternative to texting mostly. Until I buy unlimited texts on my cell they're costing me 10 cents a message and my friends (if given the chance) will send me 10-15 text messages a day. I also use it to keep up with my friends at other colleges and at home and to post slutty pictures of myself.

Posts: 3468
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I'd reccomend against having either of them. Both are chock full of gimmicks, spam, viruses, stalkers, FBI agents, and emos. Oh and sluts. Them too.

Posts: 608
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Lol at stumbelina... sweet I'm not the only one who posts weird sexy pics of herself! Yeah, college life is different.

Oooh Candy! Thanx SC!

*aherm* (try to sound mature) Yeah definetly, LJ you can't really do anything other than write. But on MySpace you can write a blog, post pics and get comments from other ppl, plus add music and a calendar of events on your space. :thumbsup
