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Napoleon Dynamite slaps Bill Gates, overthrows chairman.

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Microsoft's Gates faces off with Napoleon Dynamite
Tuesday September 13 10:12 PM ET

Pick your favorite geek: Napoleon Dynamite or Bill Gates?

Seeking to capitalize on the popularity of the 2004 cult movie "Napoleon Dynamite," Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday screened a video spoof for software developers in which the film's celebrated anti-hero reports to work as a programer for the world's largest software maker.

In a face-off between the two nerd icons, Jon Heder, the actor who plays Napoleon Dynamite, beats Gates in a slapping match to become the head of the software giant.

Gates is shown recruiting Heder's fictional character, after which they are seen together in ill-fitting brown suits on Microsoft's campus in Redmond, Washington.

In the last scene of the video spoof, Gates is seen scurrying into the office of his boss, Napoleon Dynamite.

Microsoft often uses major events to poke fun at its competitive business culture and and its hands-on chairman, Gates, the company's largest individual shareholder and the world's richest man with an estimated net worth of more than $48 billion.

Microsoft showed developers preliminary versions of its upgrades of its flagship Windows and Office programs to software developers at this weeks' conference in Los Angeles.


Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Say what you like about Gates, but he donates a lot of money to charity and at least he has a sense of humour. I can't see Donald Trump doing something like that video somehow. 🙂

Posts: 158
Estimable Member


XD Gates and Dynamite in a sissy nerd slap fight? GOLD!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

If it's all very well, I'd like to remind some people here of a passage from the bible.

Jesus and co were standing outside the temple. They watched many rich men go past, and put in huge sacks of money, and then an old woman passes and puts in a few coins...

I think most of you know how it goes. I just get a little sick of everyone saying how great Bill is because he gives some of his billions of dollars to charity.

Posts: 160
Estimable Member

But i'm sure if we all had billions of dollars, we'd do the same surely? To me - whatever you give to charity whether big or small makes a difference. That's what the charities say anyway. When i give to charity, i may just give 20p in 1's and 2's, but the people are still greatful for it even if it's just that small.

Going back on topic - the humour ploy is clever, though i should say that as a fan of the Apprentice, Donald Trump does seem to have a *little* sense of humour. Whether it would go to the level of slapsies is debatable though...

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I just get a little sick of everyone saying how great Bill is because he gives some of his billions of dollars to charity.
Bill gives a much greater proportion of his money to charity than I do.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


Bill gives a much greater proportion of his money to charity than I do.

Bill is in the public eye and has a reputation to maintain. You aren't and don't. To my knowledge.

Which is not to say that he gives money solely for the reputation factor, but it is still a point worth considering.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

His will states that at the least, half of the money left at his death will be entirely for charity. At the moment, that's 23 billion. You can't say that he's hording all the money.

...*also wishes to watch the video*

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Interesting. And yea, I wanna see the video as well.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Never heard of Napoleon Dynamite before. Google is a nice tool.

Sillyness works. I don't mind Bill Gates.

**has been assimilated into the "Evil Empire"** ;p

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

Never heard of Napoleon Dynamite before.


You just made me cry...

WATCH THE MOVIE! NOW! Go! NOW!!! Why aren't you watching it yet? QUIT READING ME! GO!


Anyway, don't be a bunch of jack asses. Just because the man is rich, and just because he's on the target of journalists half the time DOESN'T MEAN he's doing it just so he doesn't look like an evil money hungry bastard. He's GIVING to charity, and that's what counts. Rich or poor, if you give, you give, and you're a better person for it.

Hey, how much money have you given to those poor kids in 3rd world countries from those commercials you see on tv saying it's like only 10 cents a day? Huh? What? What's that? You haven't yet? But SURELY that's only like 3 bucks a month! And I'm pretty sure you must make at least $1000 a year if you even work part time. Why that's only $36 bucks a year! C'mon, now, why aren't you giving to charity?

Yeah, now YOU look like the rich assmunch, now don't you? Now shaddap. :"> ,

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I have to say I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite either. >.>

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Awww, sorry Jin for making you cry. If it's any consolation, I make TBlood cringe at my lack of movie watching. 🙂

BTW, calm down a little. 😉

Posts: 158
Estimable Member

Awww, sorry Jin for making you cry. If it's any consolation, I make TBlood cringe at my lack of movie watching. :)

Snaps. And I don't even watch movies very often. XD Tha's a bad thing, TR =3

BTW, calm down a little. ;)

But-but-but people need to get it through their heads that a good deed is a good deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! *whine*

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Donn make me take off mah belt. :cuckoo

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Bill is in the public eye and has a reputation to maintain. You aren't and don't. To my knowledge.

Bill gates couldn't give three-quarters of a sh-t about PR. Otherwise he wouldn't be letting his company bend over to facilitate the insertion of Hollywood's phallus, or associate itself in any way, shape or form with AOL.
