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Posts: 276
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This is so awesome! The plot scripts for episodes 7, 8, and 9 were released! Go to the link for more info.

EDIT: I'd like to point something out. The more and more I read on that site, the more I questioned my own wisdom abut the officiality of the whole thing. If you read the interview with George Lucas, which I believe is also fake, he says something about Wookie Jedi and asking supershadow (which is not me) to include wookie jedi, when it clearly states that the scripts were written by George Lucas. Hmm...awfully suspicous! He also says something about women trying to steal his money, and mentione something about most of us being dirt poor, and so far as my knowledge goes, he's a very modest man. One more point is the idea that he says something about the "genius of phantom menace".

I agree. Codswallop. I just want to contact him or something and tell him that all of this is fake and this phony is using his trademark characters and using his persona for interviews.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I don't believe it.

Literally. I think it's a load of codswallop.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Eh, I don't want to put too much faith in it.

If this news came out after the Star Wars TV show ended (or was near completion), THEN I'd be less suspicious.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member

Well, if says so...!

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Unbelievable! The website with your username has a totally unbelievable hoax based on something sci-fi fans would cream themselves over?!


Posts: 276
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I do believe I've clearly stated that it isn't my site.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Of course this is all @#%$.

George Lucas has stated that Episode III would be the last one.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Oh Ep. 3 will be the last one until he gets that sudden urge and realizes he hasn't drained enough money out of America so he'll start making movies of the novels...>>

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Quote from Wesu:

Of course this is all @#%$.

George Lucas has stated that Episode III would be the last one.

Quote from tornadot:

Oh Ep. 3 will be the last one until he gets that sudden urge and realizes he hasn't drained enough money out of America so he'll start making movies of the novels...>>

What they said. 😀

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

I refuse to believe a single thing on this site. Except maybe his picture in the "About Supershadow" section.

Everything. Down to the page about his girlfriend. A guy with a site like this can't have one of those. And even if he did have one, I doubt she would be very happy being displayed on a geek website wearing that.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Agreed, Sak. I personally think the whole thing is a complete sham and his picture even has me thinking he isn't who he claims to be.

The talk about more movies, Jedi Wookies and Jawas - and Lucas' supposed vents at the fans? I don't believe a word. Someone challenge the hoaxer with a comment.

Mike out.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

Whatever. If they do actually make 7, 8 and 9, then thats cool. something to look foreward to when im like, 30 something. But for now, theres too much gossip and you dont know what to believe. So, I think I'll just sit back and keep my imagination to myself and let the big wigs fight over the future of Star Wars.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I think 6 movies were enough.

Let the books take care or the rest, which I think it did. =b


Posts: 763
Prominent Member


Whatever. If they do actually make 7, 8 and 9, then thats cool. something to look foreward to when im like, 30 something.

But by that time we'll have HAD the REAL Star Wars >>

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Don't fill my life with the eternal fear that the novels will become canon, it's bad enough that the last films were filtering in some elements from the books and such, I believe Greivous was an original character from one of the novels; though don't quote me on that.

If Lucas even thinks about filming Chewy's death, the Star Wars geeks will film their own movie, Snuff Wars, Revenge of the Fans!

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Greivous was a character who was created for the films but used in Novels before the film came out.

Episodes 7, 8, and 9 were never more than an idea. The original plan was JUST 4-6, no prequels or sequels. Later, he thoguht it might be cool to do 1-3 and then MAYBE 7-9. he changed his mind about 7-9.

Posts: 1402
Noble Member

well, lucas is getting up there in years so i don't think he'd even consider 7-9.

his Son on the other hand...

Posts: 2354
Noble Member


If Lucas even thinks about filming Chewy's death, the Star Wars geeks will film their own movie, Snuff Wars, Revenge of the Fans!

But Craig, Chewy has a limit on his life. He would probably die of old age (if I were Mr. Lucas) unlike some of the other characters **coughAnakincough**

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Except Chewie really dies...

Posts: 84
Estimable Member

It's clearly a hoax. Both the picture he's used to represent himself and his girlfriend are clearly professional modelling shots culled from some obscure site somewhere. I daresay they've had a professional watermark on which he's cropped off.
Plus, if he's "very close, personal friends with George Lucas" as he says, why the hell is he leaking stuff like this? I'd have thought that as with the films in previous years, all details would be kept as secret as possible until things were going to be filmed.
Also, when I started reading over the plot scripts, I couldn't help but laugh. It was complete geek-fantasy fan service.
No way this is genuine.


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I'm not enough of a Star Wars fan to actually care whether it's a hoax or not. But whether this interview is a hoax or not, I think George Lucas will be making the last three books into films.

I mean, since when did a movie-maker turn down ready-written sequels and all the merchandise that will be churned out with them?

Take the Mortal Kombat films as an example (forgetting for a moment that many people think they suck). First one is MK1&2. Second one is MK2&3. Ready-written scripts in the games - how could they turn it down?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Never mention the Mortal Kombat sequels.


At all.

It's blasphemic. If Raiden heard you he'd stop electricuting Jack and Rose for stealing his name and making him look like a wimp; and rush to end you!

I don't know much about the MK franchise, but I do know that those sequels have NOTHING to do with the games, they're just poorly fragmented and scripted excuses to get each character some screen time.

I have nightmares about them... though Mario the Movie still scares me more.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

The first MK movie was actually decent but the sequels were horrible....and they were about as bad as the Street Fighter movie (The live action one).

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

No, nothing could be as completely crap as the Street Fighter 2 movie. I mean, Van Damme, a Belgian actor, as the all American Guile? And Dhalsim a scientist? And Ken on the bad guys side?

Come on, nothing is worse than that film. Except perhaps leprosy.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Mystery Science Theater 3000 would disagree with you, Harley.


Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Episodes 7, 8, and 9 were never more than an idea. The original plan was JUST 4-6, no prequels or sequels. Later, he thoguht it might be cool to do 1-3 and then MAYBE 7-9. he changed his mind about 7-9.

From what I heard the original plan had been to make a trilogy that was Ep.1-3, Ep.4-6 and Ep.7-9. However, George Lucas realised pretty quickly that there was far too much content for the whole thing to be just one trilogy, and so decided to make Ep.4-6 as the trilogy he was able to make originally. 1-3 and 7-9 have been there conceptually from the start (hence why A New Hope has Episode IV as part of the title originally as well...)

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Stop saying MK sequals?


There was only one. If you show me that there was another Movie after MK: Annhiliation..I must

A) Buy Every Copy in Existance so I could then ...

B) Force Matt Heyter into watching them so ...

C) He could explain it to me -thereby making my head asplode

And no Street FIghter 2 was MUCH better than MK : Annhilation. The only movie wo--no we're not even going to go there.

Super Mario..ok Yoshi ruled. That's it.
