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New to the mofo but not to Sonic forums.

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Posts: 35
Eminent Member
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Hello all members :wave . I am Poridet. I've been watching this forum for a long time but i've just joined as i've seen what nice members there are here. I'm certainly not a n00b as i post on the SSMB, Sonic revolution and other Sonic forums. Here is a little about myself:

I love writing fanfics, playing the Sonic games, and reading. I also enjoy watching TV (Though not much as the internet which i like better), and other things that are too much to list here :nn; .

But i dislike cruelty or opression of anything. I hate very hot weather or very cold weather *is thankful she lives in a temperate climate* and fanfic stealers.

I'm really 17 years of age (the profile lies, but i put in my birthdate as 1987 and it says i'm eighteen) and i'm female.

That's pretty much about me. I hope to have a good time posting here.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Welcome to the forums, looks like you're going to be a very welcome addition to our cast of loveable (if not, insane) forummers :)

Would love to read your fanfics at some point, so please post them in Carni Isle for us all to take a peek at :)

Enjoy the forums, and see you about.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I'm one of those nice members, aren't I? ^_^
But yes, welcome!
There are some people who'll attempt to eat you, so be careful!!

I'll see you around...

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Abi...nice!? Heh. Don't listen to her it's a trick to get you in her pot of soup! Anywho...welcome, welcome and I hope you stay here and enjoy it. *shakes hand*

Posts: 622
Honorable Member


Posts: 333
Reputable Member

Welcomewelcomewelcome. It's always wonderful to have a new member among us. ^_^ Enjoy your stay, and I can't wait to see some wonderful....wonderfulness. o_o


Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Thank you all for all the warm welcomes. This forum is ace already! :)

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Hey there! ^^ Nice to see another girl on the boards. There are too many guys here.... but our numbers are growing! ;p Glad you're enjoying your stay so far... it's only gonna get better, I'm sure, as you get to know more people ^^

Welcome aboard ^^ **places a Santa hat on your head and bounces away to do whatever it is she does all day....**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Just to let you know, it's a custom for newbies to be eaten here as a 'welcoming practice'. :cuckoo

(Unless something changed while I was gone. :nn; )

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Definitely agree with Triple S, it's good to see more girls here.

Yes, I know I'm a guy. That's why I like seeing more girls here. ^^

Welcome to the board, maybe I'll see you around in the RP Guild.

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Like SSS said, it's great to have another girl on the forums. Welcome to the MoFo. I've got a welcoming gift.

*gives you an entire herd of rampaging ChuChus*

Enjoy your stay, and beware of LNR.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Yey another RPer!

Welcome to the board from Wraith the local screwloose and RP obsessive^^

Hope you enjoy it here, and hope to see you around a lot, although I rarely leave my hollow log in the little glade of trees in the center of the RP Guild, so unless you go there...

But anyway, nice to meet you :)


Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member


Yes, I know I'm a guy. That's why I like seeing more girls here. ^^

XD Normally i'd say something, but i'm gonna refrain. =X

Posts: 18
Active Member

You can type properly, haven't been eaten yet (US007 mentioned it but hasn't followed through) and are female.

So I might as well just get this over and done with, since it would eventually happen anyway.

Will you marry me?! 😀

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

Heeeeey, welcome to the board.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

No one's eaten her yet. Strangeness.

Oh well, might as well for old times sake!


Mmm...tart, yet crusty. :]

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Welcome to the boards and I hope you enjoy your time here. Aw, Ultra you didnt save some noobie for me..:(

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I'm not the newbie eater I used to be. One 'CHOMP' from me only gets everything from the waist down.

You get the rest! :cuckoo

Posts: 1134
Noble Member


Well, that's Lokki's hopes dashed. I'm not sure he'd marry a half a woman. Then again... :

Speaking of Lokki, don't mind him, Ms. Poridet; that's just his way of saying hello. I mean sure, you can marry him if you want, but he shouldn't be too disappointed if you don't. I don't think so, anyway.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I ate everything from the waist DOWN.

How'd you get into my stomach to GET her legs? :0o

Posts: 955
Noble Member

...... I....could because I didn't read it properly! >>

**gives you her legs back, grabs her upper body by the arm and runs again**

(sorry, had to edit. Couldn't stand how wrong that sounded. X_o **rinses her guttermind with soap and water**)

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


(let's the legs digest) You'll have them back...eventually. :cuckoo

Don't take it personally though.

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Hello Poridet, nice to meet you. Uh, unfortunately I'm a little too succinct so that's all I can think of to say at the moment. Enjoy your stay.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

It's always cool to see a new face around here and I hope you have a lot of fun here. :smile

You say you like writing fanfiction so I'm interested in what you may put up in Carni Island and if you like writing you might like Roleplaying as well, in which case I might see you around the RPGuild. :) Have fun!

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Have a fun stay!

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Welcome to the forum, where about 87 percent of the forumers here are alts...

Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I'm grateful for all the warm welcomes. I'm not much of an RPer mind you. I'll put up a few of my fanfics i think if you want to see them.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

WHEEEE new member! *dances around in circles, throwing confetti and balloons*

Personally, I like being surrounded by guys (meow), but the MoFo does need more females to balance out the overload of testosterone! WELCOME ABOARD, Poridet!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

It's always nice to meet new potential RPers!

Welcome to the MoFo, where the only reason I don't eat newbies is that I'm too damn lazy to bother. I prefer the sweet, fatty taste of regulars.

So come and be welcomed by me at least.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Greetings oh new one

*places an arm round your shoulders* I see you have already fallen pray to one of the more crude customs around here, but don't worry, we can fix those right up for you.

Of course, legs come at a price...

Obey the boxers, swear your soul to me.

Swear it..

..Please? I'll give you cookies?

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

:lol @ Sx3's huge mix-up. XDXD!

Posts: 1631
Noble Member


Seriously Crimson those boxers are evil! You must destroy them now before they eat your soul and force themselves onto your head!

Hey a newbie! Welcome to the board! I'm Dory^^

*Voice off-camera* You already welcomed her!

I did? Oh no, it's happened again :(

(Well I had to find some way of keeping the post on-topic so as not to be told off by Admins!)


Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Welcome. I love you.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

But i dislike opression
Hell yea. Rage and all that.

... cruelty can be funny though.

And I'm pretty sure Lok wouldn't mind just having your bottom half. Hur hur hur dont hit me.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Welcome Poridet! I hope you stay for awhile cuz the MoFo is great fun that's why I love it so much. *hugs the MoFo then Poridet* Now go out there and post like a madman or madwoman or madperson or whatever the politically correct term is!:spin

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Hey, welcome to the MoFO. Names Dan and I'm the local (and totally insane) Sonic and Sally fan. I can see that you have been eaten:^^; Well happens to everyone. Not me though. I've got some fanfics already up on Carnival Island. The repctive titles are Tears of Blood and Hands of wrath. The letter of which I am still writing. I rarly crawl out of the world of fun and randomniess that is Carni Island but I would like to say. Hello and leave all choclates and pies at the door.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Under normal circumstances he wouldn't Geo, except that Ultra Sonic ate that half. ;P

Posts: 50
Trusted Member

Oh well, hello ma'am. Be careful here, ok and have a nice stay. Hm...anyway your know it from somewhere but I can't remember from where. Anyway have a nice stay and make good fanfics,ok?

Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Well, i post on the Sonic stadium forum, Sonic Anime forum, Sonic revolution forum, Sonic zone forum, and i'm a moderator at my pals forum. I also have my own deviantart page at and my own page at This forum is very good i must say. Thanks still for all the warm welcomes.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Welcome to the boards.

The exits are all over the place including one under yourself.

Be minded of not feeding foxes at midnight or poking things that you don't know nor understand.

Ah, and be minded of the regulations of the board. 🙂

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Just waddaya mean don't feed the foxes. We get hungry to! :[

Oh yeah, Poridet, Welcome to SHQ. I'm the local mod that hates 'everyone'. Or at least thats what I'm told. o.o


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

We hate you too, Rico! *blows kiss*

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Wait wait wait, woah. Don't feed the foxes? Whaaat?!

Yo, by the way.
