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OMFG! Spider-Man 3!...
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OMFG! Spider-Man 3! *Spoilers*

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OMFG! Spider-Man 3!

Just got back from seeing this wonderful piece of movie, and I must admit to loving it. I can't really put it into words, so I'll put it into dot points. There may be spoilers. Read at own risk.

Spoilers (Select To Read):
- Thomas Haden Church was amazing as Flint Marko/Sandman. He was genuinely the only character I felt some real sympathy towards. The Sandman fight scenes felt like they didn't last long enough, although they were pretty.

- Topher Grace as Eddie Brock/Venom was good, but not amazing. The Venom character felt under used, and only put there to please raging Venom fan-boys (AKA, me). Venom also felt way less threatening than he should, seeming more like a sneaky, schemer (Much like Snivley for you Sonic fans out there), rather than the one track minded symbiote I know and love. Topher played a rather unlikable Eddie, although I've always found the Eddie character to be a tragic one, not a hate-able one. Also, scrawny Ultimate Eddie ftl. =(

- James Franco played Harry as he has played in him the previous movies. That is, he was good. Not much to really say here.

- Kirsten Dunst was her standard, MJ self. I love you Peter one moment, I'm not telling you anything because you're never there boo-hoo cry the next.

- Toby was Toby. You were embarrased he was Spidey one moment, loving him the next.

- Bruce Cambell rocks, and needs to star in more things.

- Everyone else was standard selves. Gwen Stacy was good. JJ was good. Aunt May was good.

I don't think I spoiled anything, but better safe than sorry. 😉

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Wait, what?
The movie's not out until-

Oh, f*** you, Australia.

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The wonders from down-under send their regards Wonder. 😉

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Die, Gyser! >: 8

Kitty's got hot tickets for tomorrow, the primetime screening on the opening night in London's biggest cinema. THERE SHALL BE NOISE!

Just another 32 hours...

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I heard that some parts of the movie happen differently than what was stated in the novelization.

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Hmm, it's my desire (danger, danger, high voltage) to see the film tomorrow after I get this exam out of the way... dunno what's going to come of that plan, but here's hoping!

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Pre-book to avoid disappointment.

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I should be seeing it on Sunday.

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Sunday, 1 P.M. for me. Already got my ticket.

Then I will finally have something to add to the "Last movie you saw" thread, though it might seem a bit redundant now. o_o

Posts: 609
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Got my ticket for 8:30 pm tomorrow night.

EDIT: something wrong here?

Posts: 489
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Just got back from the midnight showing.

I like it. Yes, those of you who go by the comics and tv series will pick away at how inaccurate it is, but whatever. They added the characters in very well, and visually i think it came out perfect. Sure the hobgoblin wasnt as hobgobliny as he was in the comics, but its good to have that character Spoilers (Select To Read): redeem himself and put and end to this now 3 movie long conflict between harry, his father and parker.

Venom came out quite well, and despite him being in the movie for a shorter time than expected, he played his part quite well. Still plenty of loose ends though if you pay attention to the details, so theres still alot that can be done with this movie series.

Like i said, if you try to link it to the comics ad tv show, you'll be disappointed, but it you really like spider man, and like seeing him and all his enemies and friends on a big screen, then go for this movie. I also think that this is the best superhero series, because so far its remained very consistent. With a consistent cast, story line, and its not too jazzed up (like what happened to batman after Tim Burton left) this stand now as my favorite. If batman stayed the way it was in the first 2 movies that Burton directed, then that would take my superhero movie cake.

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i liked it, it felt way too long though. even when it was only 2 and a half hours. i just get the feeling that some scenes could just be cut for the purpose of sanity. the hey, i'm peter parker and i'm cool scene just didn't work out for me. (granted it was kinda funny.)

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I enjoyed it, but I enjoy most movies I see at the movie theater (otherwise I just wasted 2 hours and $7.50, nt something I do lightly).

Still, I do recognize that the movie had some big problems with pacing. Not to mention I'm not sure if it's a good thing if I watch a scene in a Spiderman movie and wonder if it was choreagraphed by Bob Fosse.

Go see the movie, then you'll know what I'm talking about.

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Better than 1, not better than 2. I think we should just be happy that in a genre populated with TERRIBLE third movies (Batman Forever, Superman 3, X-men 3, Matrix Revolutions), a third movie that doesn't make us want to kick puppies to vent our collective rage is a welcome change from the norm.

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I saw the premier thing last night ( waited until 12 in the morning)

I was a little upset because I thought it would be soo much better

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Just came back from the movie.

My only complaints were the score and pacing of the film. Other than that, I loved every minute of it. This must be my favorite out of the three.

Spoilers (Select To Read): I was also very moved with the ending. The forgiveness between Sandman and Peter, as well as the death of Harry brought a few tears to my eyes.

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I cannot comment on the pacing since I didn't get to see the movie yet (more for a lack of having tried than any theater being sold out), but...


My only complaints were the score...

That probably has to do with Danny Elfman leaving the project. Man, do I wish he didn't. The first two movies benefited greatly from his score, I do say.

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I walked out of this movie right after the climax, in the middle of Spoilers (Select To Read): harry's death scene and about a third of the audience followed me. I heard the rest of it was like the Return of the King Endless Ending From Hell. I really should have followed my instincts and left earlier, like right when they introduced Emo Peter. What a f--king joke.

Posts: 141
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I was particularly impressed by the amount of symbolism within the movie (Looks like my AP English Lit class was worth it after all xD).

But please, If any of you have young kids or will have them, PLEASE don't bring them to movies just because they feature a famous comic/cartoon character. IT'S CALLED PG-13 FOR A REASON, GODDAMMIT!! D< (And if you do, please don't let them bring laser pointers, glow sticks, flashlights, or cell phones with bright backlights and/or obnoxiously loud ringtones along with them.) Sorry, but I just had to get that out.

Posts: 609
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^You took the words right out of my mouth. There was this mexican couple who brought their baby boy to see the movie and annoyed the HELL out of me. The baby kept talking and got scared when Flint was in his transformation to Sandman, with his molecules changing and his body deteriorating.

SH: Yes, Chris Young's score seemed so corny, opposed to Danny Elfman's score of the last two films.

Posts: 2016
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Just came back from seeing it now. Only part I really liked was the final fight scene.

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Everything about this movie was a trainwreck.

That is all.

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I went and saw it with a bunch of my friends. I enjoyed it. Apparently I'm not the jaded critic Wonderbat is. :'(

(BTW, this was probably my favorite part of the movie.)

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I liked it, not as good as the second but it was still very good, if rather cheesy at parts.

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Eh could of been better if they removed sandman and focused on harry more. The movie had to much talking in it and not enough puncing and death.

Posts: 1402
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i liked sandman personally, and i loved the final fight. i think they could've removed gwen stacy from the movie personally. granted you'd have to do a little work trying to connect the dots, but i honestly think that she didn't have to be in the movie.

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Everything about this movie was a trainwreck.

Your momma is a trainwreck. Ooooooooooooooooh, I totally went there. Yep. ALL THE WAY THERE.

Seriously, any hate this movie gets is undeserved. Compared to Batman Forever, X-men 3 and Superman 3, this movie is a cinematic masterpiece.

Posts: 609
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Gwen Stacy was a complete waste. You can blame Laura Ziskin for that. You can also thank Avi Arad and the millions of Venom fanboys for Sam implementing Venom in the film, when it was only supposed to be Sandman.

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Venom wasn't even supposed to be in this one at all?

Wow, that would explain why they half-assed everything having to do with him so much.

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Pretty good film. Plot was all over the place, but everything had such energy it almost didn't matter.
Dislike this film, you have no sense of humour.

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I guess I have no sense of humor then =(
I will admit most of the action scenes were top-notch, however.

The rest of the movie just felt like a sloppy mess, though.

Posts: 4885
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I have too many feelings on the movie to verbalise. Suffice to say I called everything in that movie, especially Harry turning up in the final battle, showing Peter how to defeat Venom and then dying.

Anywho I'll just go with a laundry list of things I'd have liked:

Better ending. Vortex brought this to my attention, but we have Sandman fly away to continue stealing money and the billionaire dying for no damn reason. Why not have the billionaire promise he'd help Sandman's daughter if he turned himself in? Sandman and Harry get redemption, everyone smiles. Happy end!

Morphing. Why is the Venom suit an actual suit? Peter has to buy all those snazzy black clothes on his poverty pay? They can special effects everything in this movie but can't make the symbiote morph? What the heck?

Harry using the water tower he takes 15 seconds to fly around during the Sandman battle.

Spidey... you know... stopping the killer crane? Saving the guy inside?

Some balls with the whole Eddie Brock thing. If you want us to buy the whole "Kill Peter Parker!" stuff, you need to let us like him. They let us assume Peter ruined his relationship and isn't as good with a camera... see it through, show Eddie and Gwen break up, show Jonah comparing their shots and Eddie's being better. Have the balls, dammit! It's not like Peter can be likeable in a movie where he bombs his best friend and hits his wife.

Marriage? They can't round off the series and include the engagement subplot without the damned marriage. It's bad enough they had scenes from the Jameson-Watson wedding, but ignoring Peter's is dumb.

Crappy crappy end... either end on the wedding or on Spidey stunts V.3, not akwardly swaying to music that isn't there.

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Spidey... you know... stopping the killer crane? Saving the guy inside?

It's pointed out explicitly in the dialogue that the power gets turned off by the police, stopping the crane.

Posts: 286
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My fave Spidey movie is the first, and then I probably liked the second, and whilst it's far better than the likes of X-Men 3, I think that this third installment is also my third favourite.


I walked out of this movie right after the climax

I'm often surprised to hear this from people in regards to many films, and I often wonder if it's truth or if they're just saying it to 'be cool' (though I don't doubt you personally though, Cycle). I could understand walking out of like.. Blair Witch Project 2, but for films that actually do possess some redeeming features, I can't afford to do that myself. I don't know how much seeing a movie costs anywhere else, but I had to drop NZ$13 on Spidey 3.
Oh.. I guess these people must ask for (and get) their money back.

I liked Spider-Man 3 enough, despite the treatment of the villains, but dude, these things:
- Emo (gawd, I hate that word but I need to use it) Peter
- Ridiculous antics of E-Peter
- That friggin' reporter woman (her lines and acting both)
- Did Peter think the symbiote was black web he exuded himself due to his negative emotion or something? I know he was indulging in negativity at the time but he trusts it too easily without knowing what it was. It could have been irradiated animal crap, man.


Marriage? They can't round off the series and include the engagement subplot without the damned marriage.

See, I would've felt weird if they did get married. He acts like a complete and total dick and then hits her. Perhaps if he actually explained 'hey, this wierd black was corrupting me' (though I realise it was not entirely the symbiote's fault) I could buy it, but as far as the movie actually shows, MJ still thinks he was just feeling like crap after a few bad turns. He was going through some crap, but I don't think it'd excuse his behaviour in her mind enough to marry the guy.

Leave the wedding to the next film (they've been throwing it around since long before this one came out, but now it's actually official). Someone told me a further two films after that have also been given the green light, which I'm not sure to believe that or not.

Posts: 931
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Emo Peter was by far the best thing in the film. By far.

Posts: 609
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To CyberKnux:

Yes sir. Sam Raimi confirmed that Sony are on their way in making 4, 5, and 6, with or without the entire cast. Sam said he would do it if he had a great idea for a story in mind, and Tobey was offered 20 mil to come back. However, he said he would only stay if the movies have a great cast and the script was good.

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After the whole conversation about picturing MJ getting married on a hilltop in the second movie, I was expecting the end of the third film to've been telegraphed from a mile away.

Did anyone else think the same?

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The entire thread already has a spoiler warning attached. Anyone entering it knows what they're running the risk of.

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Emo Peter was by far the best thing in the film. By far.

Dark Peter was awesome, and I pity those who can't enjoy that character. I also loved all the little 'dick moves' that populated the movie. Dark Peter showing off his smokin' hot new girlfriend to his ex, Harry hilariously throwing an epic cockblock at Peter over some coffee and pie ("Hows the pie?" "So good."), the Tony Manero Peter dancing scene: just a bunch of great little Raimi moments.

It's a good movie. It's not a GREAT movie, not by any means, but it's not wasted time at the theater.

I think Spider-man 3 is being overly hated (not here, but on the internet in general). I'm not the only one, it seems.

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Nice (and mildly surprising) to see a fellow Chud reader/Chewer on here, Castor.

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It's a good movie, but it could of been better. If they focused on Sandman, a morally complex character, than it would of been on par with SM2.

The problem is that Venom, despite having the most hype, seemed tacked on at last minute. If Peter did more evil stuff like trying to kill Sandman or actually being aggresive, instead of being a ridiculously laughable badboy(my favorite was his dance in the street, LOL), would of made it better movie. Plus the real Venom(Eddie Brock controlled) only got 8 min of screen time(Ouch!) and he didn't seemed like the comic Venom at all. Venom was at least 5X bigger in physique and was more like a monster, the goo controlling him, instead of him controlling goo. Venom deserved his own film and if he got it, it would of flowed way better. They really should of had New Goblin and Sandman in a movie together,simply because they had to solve that Harry plotline and he wasn't evil or complex enough to carry a whole film.

What I did like was the action and humor. Sure it was cheesy, but Spiderman is cheesy! He's always pulling lame comeback to his enemies and he is still big nerd, so don't expect a movie as dark as Batman Begins or as serious(and boring) as Superman Returns. I also liked the redemption and revenge theme prevalent in the film. Every superpowered character except Sandman wants revenge at one point and it almost and even destroys them. Yet forgiveness and redemption proves more fruitful in the end. It's no SM2 or 1, but it's pretty entertaining film.

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Nice (and mildly surprising) to see a fellow Chud reader/Chewer on here, Castor.

Y'know, I thought I recognized your name from somewhere. I've been going to CHUD for years now, ever since the 100 Best Kills first premiered. I roll as Master Shake on the forums.

But yeah, always nice to see Chewers outside of CHUD.

Posts: 99
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So yeah guys...

Spoilers (Select To Read): The dance scene

Overall the movie was OK. Lots and lots and lots of cornball moments

Spoilers (Select To Read): Spidey in front of the American flag, "Spider-Man come out if you dare!", the reporters, etc.

I guess i like the beginning better than the 3rd act, but overall i enjoyed the massive fights, special effects, and Sandman.

Oh my God Sandman, easily the best part of the movie except when Spoilers (Select To Read): he just flies away at the end... come on Spidey... you're just letting him go?

It definitely was not a waste of my $10.00.

Posts: 1818
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Dark Peter was awesome, and I pity those who can't enjoy that character. I also loved all the little 'dick moves' that populated the movie. Dark Peter showing off his smokin' hot new girlfriend to his ex, Harry hilariously throwing an epic cockblock at Peter over some coffee and pie ("Hows the pie?" "So good."), the Tony Manero Peter dancing scene: just a bunch of great little Raimi moments.
They were great moments, and they were totally out of place in an otherwise terrible screenplay.

Posts: 609
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I forgot to post this a few days ago, but for you disappointed Venom fans, this may be a glimmer of hope.

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Y'know, I thought I recognized your name from somewhere. I've been going to CHUD for years now, ever since the 100 Best Kills first premiered. I roll as Master Shake on the forums.

Your name is also familiar.

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I saw it on Friday. I liked it. It was a tad busy, too many storylines with a few threads left untied, but it was an enjoyable experience.
