I want the costume. NOW.
*dies laughing*
Lovely. Anybody got some Phoenix Downs? Looks like Cooki could use some.
Painfully old. Pepsiman has been my favourite soda-endorsed superhero since 1998.
Funny you say that- never heard of him.
It made me laugh, though
make you guys laugh even harder
yup, there was a ps1 game too
Absolutely brilliant. XD
Pepsi man? Oh man, who the heck would want to buy a PS1 game of him? Oh good god....
We need to have more Pepsiman ads worldwide, these are hilarious. XD
*Is why I drink Pepsi...well, not really, but hey...* ~Neo
I'm Australian, and even I remember Pepsiman!!!
*Downloads every little thing off that site*
I SAW a Pepsiman at Ohayocon 2004! He was part of the staff...I think.
Pepsiman rocks, I remember the game but only just.