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Questions of the week 01/29: Never go back to QotW Lake!

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Posts: 917
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Okay, it's time to clean this dump up. I'm taking charge now. You've had the best, now you're gonna have the rest...wait..that doesn't seem right.

At any rate, I am ressurecting the Questions of the Week from whatever pile of ashes they happenned to be sitting in at the time. I've long been a big fan of them, as they were one of the first posts I ever read on the Mofo. Back then, they were maintained by a user named Katsuni, and while I don't claim to be as eloquent or as nuts as she was, I do have I can bring a certain "genesayqua" (that's French!) to the process.

If you're not familiar with the process, here are the ground rules.

* I post questions, and you post in reply answering them.
* Honestly.
* Okay, maybe not completely honestly.
* If you want to fib a little go ahead.
* Although I have no way of keeping you in line really since I don't know any of you personally.
* I guess what I'm trying to say is, be honest unless you want to lie, in which case, go ahead.
* No smoking

Alright, got those rules stored into your short-term memory where you're sure to forget them as soon as something shiny catches your eye? Good. Then let's begin with the first Questions of the Week for the New Year.

1. Fantasy or science fiction? It always truck me odd that these two genres are grouped together. One usually consists of a world where technology is so primitive that they use magic, while the other usually consists of a world so advanced technology has begun to resemble magic. Anyway, what's your preference between the two. Are you a ray-gun lover or do you not leave house without your +2 Sword of Dragon Discomfort. Do you let Scotty beam you up or do you charge into Mordor, ring in hand?

2. Different cultures perceive some crimes as worse than others. Theft for example. In America, we tend to look at theft as a minor crime that tends to be victimless, as those stolen from are usually wealthy and/or have lots of insurance. But there are some parts of the world where theft is punished by having your hands cut off. Similrarely, in America, intent is very important when it comes to murder. If someone planned a murder, we treat it more harshly than if it was a crime of passion. Other places make no distinction. I guess what I'm asking is to you, what is the most heinous thing a person can do? You can either be generic, or provide a specific example of a crime you heard of that shook you to the core.

3. In zombie movies, the downfall of many characters is when they meet someone they knew and were close to in life who has become zombified. Let's say that situation happens to you and you encounter someone you loved who has been zombified. What do you do? Do you put a shotgun blast(it's a zombie movie, of course you have a shotgun) through their head to put them out of their misery? Do youjust wound them in hopes that a cure might be found (yet to see a cure in a zombie movie)? Or do you become overcome with emotion and just stand their shocked until they bite you. The president's daughter has been kidnapped, it's up to us?

4. Your agent is on the phone, your autobiography is the top seller this month. Stephen Spielburg just called, he wants to make a movie out of it, but the studio's aren't interested unless they can get some hot young starlet to take the lead. So, in the movie of your life, who do you have play your role?

5. Okay Mr. President, here's the problem. Your new plan to put Nintendo Wiis in every public school in America and PS3s in every nursing home is going to be massively expensive. We will never have enough money to enact this plan unless you increase taxes from. If you could pick any consumer product to increase taxes on, which one would it be and why?

Anyway, those are the questions for this week. I'll post my answers on Sunday, and will hopefully have a fresh batch by Monday. Happy answering.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

1. I perfer Science fiction myself. [Ray gun? Pah! It's all about warp-driven projectiles!] Then Fantasy. Then Science Fantasy, where both Magic and Technology is involved. They're all actually pretty even on the scale for me, differing on the 1-10 scale by decimals.

2. Prolonged Torture/Disfigurement. Those people have to live with whatever happened to them.

3. Attempt to avoid them. It there's a cure, you'll be able to find them. If there isn't, you didn't get bitten and they aren't in any significant misery.

4. Tom Cruise. It'd work.

5.I'd rase taxes on things in the process of industrialising land. Meaning logging the area to building the whatever is going to be there. That'll get enough money for those Wiis and PS3s

Posts: 4607
Famed Member



Je ne sais quoi.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

1. In brief, SF and fantasy are not actually different genres. SF is a subcategory of Fantasy. Also, things which many people consider SF are not, in my opinion, SF. Star Wars is not SF. It's not about spaceships and aliens and stuff. Yes, it has spaceships and aliens, but it's about knights with magical powers. Dune, on the other hand, is sci-fi, because it is about a variety of sciences, including ecology, psychology, genetics, and political science. Oh, but I prefer SF. And I lied about being brief.

2. To be generic, I think the most heinous crimes are killing and raping.

3. Realistically, this is a situation in which I would probably be dead. I would be unable to harm him or her and I would be fodder.

4. I have actually written an autobiographical play, but I didn't play me, I played Gavin, a fictitious character created by me. My friend Chris played me. I don't know what big name I would have play me. Maybe Josh Peck, from that Nickelodeon show.

5. Tobacco/alcohol because I dislike them and I think they should be more costly.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

1. Science Fiction, won't go into reasons because there's like 80 gazillion pages of reasons for liking each.

2. Predictably enough, probably rape. See, killing has a psychological effect on everyone the victim knew, but not on the victim themselves- they're dead, what do they care?

3. Run.

4. This is a question I have myself pondered many times, but I'd have to say Andy Samberg because he captures my wacky side. I don't know how well he does serious, but then there's always a first time for everything.

5. iPods. the sooner I can get rid of those damn things, the better.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

I love Question of the Whenever, and in fact considered making up a post of my own maybe two days ago? Wow. Great minds think alike. But I'm not all that smart, so I guess it's just a coincidence. Still. YOU ROCK.


1) Fantasy or science fiction? Oooh. Definitely gonna have to go with science fiction. Though had you asked like two years ago, I would have said the exact opposite. My increasing interest in space and technology to explore it probably helps there >3

2) What is the most heinous thing a person could do? Manipulate and mentally destroy another person. You can do so much physical damage, but the body is good at regenerating and repairing stuff like that on its own. But psychological damage? That takes a metric BUTTLOAD of effort and energy to even attempt to fix something like that.

3) Zombies? Someone I care about? It depends on how close we are. If it's a good friend of mine, I'd try to search for a cure. If it was an immediate family member or one of five close friends, I couldn't bear to see them like that and put them out of their misery. Possibly myself too, as I wouldn't be able to live knowing I "killed" someone else (you can't kill a zombie, can you?) That may sound backwards, but I guess it's how I'd react.

4) In the movie of my life, I'd play myself, darn it. :D Shoving the actress in me aside, I honestly don't believe anybody could get my personality down, as it fluctuates rapidly and I have the most peculiar habits and thought trains that sometimes I can't even follow....

5) What tax would I raise? Alcohol. Compared to everything else I can think of, alcohol seems so trivial and unnecessary in comparison. Not to mention a lot of people buy it in large amounts, so there you go. That'll pay for a bunch of Wiis. PS3's I'm not so sure about. :3

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

1. Science Fiction. You find many more works that actually say something about our society (1985, F451, etc) than you do in Fantasy.
I mean, Frodo's great, but what the hell does he have to do with us?

2.That's a thinker, but I'd say rape- even moreso if it's a virgin. That's just wrong, mang.

3. Plug them in the head. I'll see them in heaven soon enough.

BTW, Resident Evil: Apocalypse had a cure in it.

4. Another tough one. I'd like to say a young Clint Eastwood, but I know I'm not that badass.
And on the other hand, I'd liek to say Jeff Bridges (Who plays the best slacker/stoner role I've ever seen, as in The Big Lebowski).

So... Jim Breuer? Sure.

5. Cigarettes. Death sticks, ain't good for nobody.

Now Ditka Cigars... Let's make those more affordable, can we?

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

1. As much as I like Zelda and LotR, I've got to lean towards sci-fi. Yay Stargate! :D

2. I've never really given it much thought, but the earlier mentions of rape and prolonged torture/disfigurement both seem accurate.

3. Most likely run. Or freeze and get eaten.

4. Michael Shanks? *brick'd*

5. Probably cigarettes.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

1. Fantasy or science fiction? Fantasy, but only because I DESPISE technobabble. In Fantasy you can be amazed that there IS a crystal that teleports you to the enemy fortress, and if anyone asks how you just say "a wizard" none of this cross polarity partial ionized fragments of alterior dimensions refracting rays through a worm hole to allow transdimensional travel crap.

2. What is the most heinous thing a person can do? Well, throwing Bill and Ted in jail is a most non-heinous thing to do... but in serious answer, deal class A drugs would be my biggest one. Snuffing out a single life is a horrible horrible thing, but making a BUSINESS on destroying multiple people's lives through addiction, desperation, making people sell their bodies, steal and eventually die in misery. That's just sick.

3. The president's daughter has been kidnapped, it's up to us? I'd JUMP GYPSY! JUMP!. Seriously, let's say Trishie was the victim for arguement's sake. ALL Zombie movies and games and such agree on one thing, you have to be DEAD to be a zombie, even in T-Virus case and such you die then get reanimated, hence why people have diaries of their slow cross over and such. There's no cure for dead people, besides tea-bagging in Halo's case. Destroy the head and the body will die.

If it were a Marvel Zombies scenario where they were fully sentient, then I'd have trouble... how could I kill my beloved when she's talking to me and seems rational, just... you know... wanting to eat me.

4. So, in the movie of your life, who do you have play your role? Get Rupert Grint on the phone. Only he can save me now!

5. If you could pick any consumer product to increase taxes on, which one would it be and why? Do they tax for data transactions? If not, they would make a killing on that. My thought process was simple "Tax Microsoft... what do Microsoft sell?".

Posts: 262
Reputable Member

1) Fantasy or Sci Fi? Going to go with Fantasy, because its nice where everything doesn't have to be invented to work. Its Magic duh.

2) What is the most heinous thing a person can do? Not sure really. Probably either Rape or Torture.

3) . Let's say that situation happens to you and you encounter someone you loved who has been zombified. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO? Firstly I'd swear. A lot. Secondly I'd run away. Thirdly when they catch up because these are super fast zombies I'd cry and shoot wildly.

4) So, in the movie of your life, who do you have play your role? Brian Blessed.

5) If you could pick any consumer product to increase taxes on, which one would it be and why? Spirits. Seriously, every Budget Gordon Brown has increase taxes on Alcohol and Cigarettes. But for some reason Wines and Champagnes etc are exempt from the tax hike because politicians buy it. Well screw 'em.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

1. Science fiction. Dunno why.

2. Difficult. Rape and murdering innocent people isn't nice at all, then again, I've always thought that torment and bullying someone to the point of self harm and suicide is a terrible thing to do, and nothing justifies it.

3. I'd probably run. Running away from life's problems is fun!

4. Mr. T

...Okay seriously, I don't know. I'd have to do it myself I think.

5. Maybe putting higher taxes on materials that come out of rainforests and such? I dunno. Britain has too much tax on everything really.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

1. Why not both? I like fantasy and science fiction.Can't really choose one from the other.

2. FGM. I won't say anything more than that.

3. Well, they're a zombie. I'll just have to shoot first, cry later. Sorry, mom.

4. Oprah Winfrey. Because.....honestly, I can't think of anyone who would want to play me.

5. Easy. I'd tax socks. And since everryone needs socks, there is no choice but to buy them. Yeah.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Fantasy or science fiction?

Fantasy, definitely. I love stories like The Neverending Story and Lord of the Rings.

What is the most heinous thing a person can do?

As a woman, rape is number one. There is no reason whatsoever for anyone to force themselves upon another. It's sick and whoever does it should have all their rights as a human stripped from them.

Let's say that situation happens to you and you encounter someone you loved who has been zombified. What do you do?

I'd probably be so shocked that I'd get bit before I did anything.

So, in the movie of your life, who do you have play your role?

Probably Olivia Newton-John. I love her voice and she is a beautiful woman.

If you could pick any consumer product to increase taxes on, which one would it be and why?

I have to agree with Sage and say alcohol. People buy enough of it for it to work.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Oh if we're ignoring the whole "massive age difference" thing with the actors I change my answer to Kiefer Sutherland, because Kiefer Sutherland is badass.

EDIT: Unintentionally both my choices are connected. A cookie if you know how. No Wikipedia cheating, kids.

Posts: 162
Estimable Member

Fantasy or science fiction?

science fiction
What is the most heinous thing a person can do?

Leave you without toilet paper when your on the toilet

Let's say that situation happens to you and you encounter someone you loved who has been zombified. What do you do?

Cut off there head, then commit suicide for re-killing them
So, in the movie of your life, who do you have play your role?
Emeril lagassi (i hope i spelled his name right)
If you could pick any consumer product to increase taxes on, which one would it be and why?
Cigarettes we dont need them

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

1. I'd say fantasy only because I have always had an interest in older tech stuffs. Also, because I've never seen/read lots of Sci-fi stuff, so =/.

2. I'd say mutilation of a corpse. I mean, what would possess someone to just cut a body apart, and I could never stomach the thought of performing the act. x.x

3. I'd give it a couple of thoughts, and then I'd blow their head off. =)

4. Edward Norton, because he played the narrator in Fight Club.

5. Those damn shoes that have wheels on the bottom so you can skate around on them. Whenever I see someone rolling around with them, I always have the urge to just tackle them. I hate the most trivial things.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

1. Sci-Fi, regardless of whether it's scientific, or sci-fantasy like Star Wars. Fantasy tends to be used to describe swords n' sorcery, a genre I strongly dislike because it romanticizes some of the worst things about human history and just plain isn't as interesting. Even Star Wars has a tech geek backstory to get into.

Swords n' sorcery also tends to be loaded with cliches that are usually rippoed off from Tolkien, rather than creating original concepts. Some of my pet peeve cliches are the unquestioned prophecy, validation of birthright, illogical use of ancient weapons, inability of characters to use any kind of tactics other than being stronger than 1000 of the enemy for no apparent reason, or characters and story logic that reinforce feudalistic roots of western culture. Narnia, based on the movie, is the ULTIMATE in bad fantasy.

2. Incarceration and torture (rape or otherwise) followed by murder.

3. Attempt capture and cure.

4. ME!

5. Gasoline. Oh and I'd legalize drugs and prostitution and tax them too, while saving billions on enforcement and the crime prevented by their legality. And I'd go beyond comsumer products and instead tax corporations based on environmental and labor practices.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

1. I prefer science fiction over fantasy, and for the longest time totally hated the whole wizzard and magic concept. Now, i dont mind, i guess its all in how you percieve it. Science fiction seems more real and more likely than fantasy, but only because it hasnt been fully developed yet. I suppose magic seems very... primative and ridiculous. I like having facts to support things. Just saying "he waved his wand and she came to life" isnt something i buy at all. but hey, PSU combines science ficiton and fantasy! i kinda like...

2. the worst thing someone can do is sexually abuse a child. While some go to jail and eventually get let free, i say they get their membres chopped off. seriously. if its a women at fault, then i cant think of a similar punishment, but you dont see them doing it *or getting caught* as much as men.

3. I try and imagine seeing my girlfriend as a zombie and wonder if i would have the strength to blow her head off or keep her locked up somewhere in case of a cure. then again, i suppose if she's a mindless zombie i'de assume her personality is gone forever so i'de have to treat the situation the same as if i came up to some guy i dont know who's about to bite my head off. Survival of the living i say!

4. It's got to be Keanu Reeves. I dont know, i guess thats not saying alot. XD

5. I'de have to go with alcohol. Wait, i hate smoking more, so cigs i'de have to say first.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

1. Fantasy or science fiction?
Both. I can not decide.

2. What is the most heinous thing a person can do?
Anything that hurts another human being, physically or emotionally. It's all ******.

3. You encounter someone you loved who has been zombified. What do you do?
Family members? Sorry, I love ya's, but it's time to say hello to my little friend.

Girlfriend? I'd probably hit shock stage, and get bitten. =/

4. So, in the movie of your life, who do you have play your role?
Seth Green. No doubt. Me and a group of friends have had this conversation before, and when it came to me, it was unanimous. Seth Green FTW.

5. If you could pick any consumer product to increase taxes on, which one would it be and why?

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

1: Fantasy I guess. I like them both really.

2: Rape

3: Try to reason with them as much as possible

4: Bill Baily. Magically de-aged.

5: Stop taxing cigs and booze so much dagnabbit, they are taxed to heck already. I'd legallise and tax drugs.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Fantasy or Science Fiction? I tend to prefer fantasy, largely due to it providing a richer environment for "What if?" questions without feeling the need to explain any scientific background.

Most heinous thing a person could do Hard to say. I reckon Craig's answer of dealing class A drugs is closest, since that completely destroys not only the life of the addicts, but also adversely affects many others around them through driving the addicts to crime, but I imagine there are worse things people could do if they wished to.

You encounter someone you loved who has been zombified Depends how on the ball I am at the time of the encounter. I'd probably shoot to destroy (zombies can't be killed, they're already dead) as long as I've been able to see them coming. I'd quite possibly get over it eventually as well. But it would be tough.

Who would play you? Not sure. I'm yet to see an actor in a role and think that it could be me they were playing, so I wouldn't choose anyone without first seeing whether they could really get into my kind of character. Of course, the film wouldn't exactly be an action thriller...

What would I increase taxes on? Well, I'd probably end up going for cigarettes or alcohol, although the taxation on those is pretty hefty as it is. Can't really think of any other reasonable luxury consumer good off the top of my head, though...

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

1) Sci-Fi. The only reason I guess that is because I've always been more interested in Star Trek/space type shows than things about hobbits or magic. Although I do really like Buffy, which seems to cover alot of genres.

2) Sexual Assault

3) That isn't my friend anymore! I totally shoot them in the face.

4) Mary Louise Parker, because she's the only person off the top of my head that people compare my features to.

5) SUVs for people who don't need them. They rip up roads, they often kill people in smaller cars, they are inefficent and keep us depedent on gas.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

Yes to number 5!

God, i cant STAND SUV's... and not to generalize, but whenever i see them cut people off, it's always some mother on a phone. Oh! That reminds me! We should tax cell phones! Kids nowadays cant live without them!

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

1/ Fantasy. Always seemed more appealing to me then the aforementioned need to babble in scientific terms to explain something.

2/ Hmm, this is a toughie. Probably the complete mental abuse and destruction of another person. But this isn't very specific... it would include several already mentioned crimes like rapes and drugs, I guess.

3/ I would try to look at it from the perspective of the zombie and from this, work out a compromise with my old chum. Maybe give them an arm to tide them over or something?

4/ Mr. Bean.

5/ Howabout we tax the Wii's and PS3's? 😀

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

1. I prefer magic to technology. However, the adventure is always the key. I like to get into an adventure-based story, though I'll admit that the less weaponry (exceptions being swords--love those) and more "powers" the more likely I am to really like it. I'm usually not into the space-travel stuff though.

2. I'm in the camp that considers tortured killing or torture as the worse.

3. Probably would end up being bitten.

4. Umm, it'd probably help if I actually knew any actresses. I'd probably pick some random person who catches my eye. ;p

5. Make certain "currently illegal" things suddenly "legal" and then tax them. Barring that, I'll throw in everything with alcohol. ;p

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

1. I dislike both for the exact same reason, however, I prefer sci-fi to fantasy.

2. The only thing worse than rape is rape and murder.

3. Sorry honey. I love the shotgun more.

4. Any of the James Bond actors that aren't Daniel Craig. I like Casino Royale, but for reasons I won't go into, can we PLEASe have Brosnan back, or SOMETHING?

5. The X360 because it's been left out. 😛 OR, chocolate. Because you could charge any price more, and people will still buy it en masse. Oh, and I hate chocolate.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

1. Fantasy: I see myself lean more closer to fantasy then I do Sci-fi. I like me some magicks, wizards, and knights.

2. Rape: This seem to really hit the nail for me on heinous acts a human can commit. Murder is a pretty close second.

3. I'd try and find a cure first, but I'm stuck in a position where the only way out is through my zombied friend, I'll make that painful choice and shoot him or her.

4. Lucy Liu...or any butt kickin' Asian woman.

5. Hey, I'm not the president, he can deal with those.

Posts: 917
Noble Member
Topic starter

1. You know, it's weird. When I was younger, I was all about science fiction. From the earliest age, I watched nothing but Star Trek, and I read nothing but Asimov and Clarke, the giants of the field. As I've gotten older though, I find I gravitate more and more towards fantasy. I think I've sort of become disillusioned with the constraints of what's called "hard" science fiction where what you propose must have some sort of grounding in science or it might as well be fantasy. Well you know what...yeah, it might as well, and that's not a bad thing.

2. I think it's kinda funny here that I don't have an answer to my own question, I've been thinking about this all week, and I couldn't put down one crime as being more heinous than others. I tend to think any kind of murder is the worst thing a person can do though. Once you get into the realm of denying a person's life, that's it. There's no going back or healing from that.

3. In a movie, my character would shoot first, then run and grive later, as that's what protagonists do in movies, and I wouldn't settle to be anything but the main character. IN real life though, no question. I'm zombie chow.

4. People always tell me I look like Jack Black, and then get don't understand why that rubs me the wrong way. I don't like Jack Black, and wouldn't want him to portray me. If I could pick any actor, I'd pick Sean Astin. He was Sam in Lord of the Rings, and more recently Lynn McGill on 24. I think he looks kinda like me, and he could pull off all the nuances playing me would require.

5. Someone said it before me, but definately socks. What, are people suddenly gonna go barefoot. Think of all the blisters. No, socks are one of the few things we could tax and get away with it.

New questions of the week go up tommorow, ta.
