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Questions of the week 02/06 QotW 2:The Questioning

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Posts: 917
Noble Member
Topic starter

Yeah yeah, I just started and I'm already a day late. I bet you all were waiting with baited breath. Anyway, five more questions! Stat!

1. I know the audience of this board tends to skew a little younger, but I think most of us have jobs, and if not are currently students. Of course, your current job may have very little with what you intend to do with your life later on. Albert Einstein worked in a patent office, but I doubt he put that on his resume when applying for tenure at Princeton. How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all? Are you in school, preparing for a career? Is your current job just to save up money, or as a foot in the door? Are you unemployed, or have you already made it to your intended career?

2. Do you still get a lot of calls from telemarketers? I know within 24 hours of getting my new phone number, I got my first call from one. Sometimes these people can be very rude and intrusive. In particular, I hate it when they start out talking so fast, you don't have time to get a word in edgewise, and they end by asking a question, so if you say, "No thank you, I'm not interested," YOU seem like the rude one. How do you deal with telemarketers when they call?

3. One of my favorite Calvin and Hobbes strips of all time is the one where Calvin says scientists shouldn't be allowwed to name things, because they give them lame names like "The Big Bang". If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it?

4. Okay, this may be a loaded question in this forum in particular, but I'm asking strictly because I'm curious. What are your thoughts on furries? For furry supporters and furries themselves, what is it about it that you find so appealing. For furry detractors, what is it that you find so annoying. And for people who don't see thmselves either way on it...any thoughts? Any at all?

5. If your hypothetical spouse gave you free reign, what would you name your hypothetical first-born child? Would you give them a unique name, or do you feel that would be too goofy? Name them after someone in particular? For people with children already, you can skip to the next one in order =P.

I'll post my replies next Monday, and new questions next Tuesday.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

1/ None of my current subjects are really relevant to what I want to be when Im older; an artist. Hence why I might drop school after this year, get a job to get an income and on the side practice my artwork.

2/ I havent had any experience with telemarketers at all. I rarely answer the phone as it is since no one would really want to call me. *shrugs*

3/ No idea. How about we go with The day Haruhi decided to reinvent the universe.?

4/ I dont hold any real stance to them. They can do whatever they want as long as it doesnt really harm me or other people.

5/ Anna.

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

1. How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all? It doesn't, I just figure having a maths qualification looks good for whatever I do.

2. How do you deal with telemarketers when they call? I never answer the phone anyway, so I don't deal with them.

3. If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it? "Genesis day", so it would fit nicely with "Judgement day".

4. What are your thoughts on furries? It's not really my style, I just have an apathetic stance on it.

5. what would you name your hypothetical first-born child? I think if it was a girl, it would be Joanne/Joanna, if it was a boy, it would be James. I'm not really too sure.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Hokay, here we go :3

1) What I'm currently doing... I'm a student, will be a student next year as well, though I'll try to squeeze in as many music and theater and musical theater classes as I can to try to prepare myself for the realm of acting. I'm a camp counselor in the summer (boy scouts, w00!), and we do a LOT of performing there, believe it or not. It's a step in the right direction, I think, as I become more confident ad-libbing, performing, and interacting with an audience.

2) OH MY LORD. I harass the crap out of them. I argue with them. I sell them fake products. I get them to vote Dr. Fexusfan. I make sure they're Rush fans. I convince them I'm dead. I make loud and obnoxious noises into the phone. I ask "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" at the top of my lungs. I excitedly share stories of my childhood. I sing to them. They never call back.

3) If I could rename the Big Bang, I'd call it "THE SPECTACULAR START OF LIFE AS WE KNOW IT". But not really >> I'm bad at coming up with names.

4) My thoughts on furries.... I can't really say I'm obsessed with them, nor can I say I dislike them for any reason. I see them as human-like animals, no more interesting than any other species ^^;

5) When I was little, I wanted kids named Tiffany and Brittany. If there was a boy, his name would be Michael. Because it seemed as if everyone I knew back then was one of those three names. Now that I think about it, I want my child to have an uncommon name like I did (for awhile, I thought I was the only Tricia in the world ^^).

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

1. I don't have any idea where to go.

2. Very rarely, recorded messages. I haven't actually seen a human caller in over a year. They were fun to mess with.

3. But I LIKE "The Big Bang" - It's better than those HUGE latin tongue twisters.

4. I see "furry" as having multiple definitions. I'll answer for both major definitions of the term.
Furry: Person who looks at furry porn, nude anthromorphic images, or 'cybers' as a furry avatar:

I could care less if they do UNTIL they annoy me with talking about it to excess (usually involving obscene language), acting overly-furry, or trying to convert me. All three have happened. All three ended in strong language and obscene suggestions of what s/he could do with him/herself, and where s/he could go to do it. Personally, I don't understand the whole yiff thing, I don't understand how furries can be more attractive to a man than actual humans, but it isn't my place to seek-and-destroy these types, this view being unlike several other people here that would say they are against furry porn.

Furry: A person who RPs as or writes original- or fan-fiction of anthromorphic characters, such as Sonic fanfiction, several types of RP, etc

I guess I fall into this category, though I wouldn't really describe myself as a "furry" - Really, I see no problem with it. I guess it kinda adds variety, makes an RP less realistic and more as an alternate, what-if reality, or some kind of escape. I really don't know.

5. I hate names that are so 'unique', they confuse people on how to say the name. I mean, the kind of people I go to school with currently, I learned the difference in "Shaqira" and "Shaqira," and "Shaqira" in pronuncation. I'd really have to hate my kid to do that.

Male: Casey. I uh, don't know why, actually.
Female: Sandy. Why? Because, can you hear the name "Sandy," and picture a fat, ugly, or loser type? "Sandy" just, to me anyway, sounds like someone who'd wind up succesful, loved, etc.

In short, it's a babe name. 😀

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

1) Well, I have 2 jobs. One is being the office b*tch for my uncle's company. I like the job, the pay isn't bad either. I do what ever needs to be done, from capturing video from DVs and DVDs, to creating Player Highlight DVDs for athletes, to running to pick up lunch for everyone.

My other job is/was being a manager for my university's Football team. During the week, I would alternate between filling the water bottles, fixing broken equipment, set up and take down, and filming the drills. During the games, I sat in the endzone and filmed the game with a huge telescoping camera :D ... For $7.25/hr, it was the perfect job. This coming year, I'll probably be moving to just filming, which is fine with me. More $$$ for less physical work? Hell yeah!

2)Usually ask who's calling, and then just hang up...

3)IT DIDN'T HAPPEN...GOD JUST CREATED THE WORLD [/stereotypical Christian belief]

4)Don't care.

5)Hiro or Zelda... neither will probably fly with my wife though =)

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

1. I'm currently jobless and loving it. I was just in the air force for 4 years and worked harder and longer than i ever have. this is my break time. I plan to continue as an aircraft mechanic and might attend a school for it this year.

2. Never got a call from a telemarketer. ever.

3. I would call it the universal sneeze.

4. Furries are freaks. they scare me and give me a bad name. of couse, i still hang out with them because theyre funny and it boosts my own ego, and i have my own character thanks to good ol sonic back in the day, but i think my furry interest has died down alot in the past few years. or course female furs are hot as ever, but it scares me now more than it has mostly because to the male furries im dead sexy, and i like to keep my rear exit just that, an exit. lol, furries... >.>;

5. My child would be be named Rhet if it was a boy, and Clare if it was a girl. the middle names i would have to think up randomly.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

1. It doesn't, because I'm not doing anything at the moment, much as I like to. Nor do I have any clue what to do. If I can get some kind of job in the near future I'll be plenty happy.

2. Ever since we signed up for that "do not call" list thing quite a while back, telemarketing calls are extremely rare. And I always let the machine pick up if I don't recognize the caller ID. I've considered answering one sometime just to say something stupid and see the reaction, but I've never gotten around to it.

3. idea. I'm lousy with names. "Universe, Act 1"?

4. I don't care.

5. ...uh. Well, I've always kind of figured the world would be better off if I didn't reproduce, so I've never really given it any thought. I suppose I'd get smacked if I said something like Link or Zero, and the kid would probably get the crap kicked out of him in school if I did that anyway. :p So. Perhaps Daniel or Rodney? No idea on girl names.

*flees from the one or two people who may have gotten that awful reference*

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

1) Currently I'm interning as a web developer at Feminist Majority Foundation, taking a break from my final year of college. My major in Political Science was a fluke and has little to do with what I want in life, but my other major in Feminist Studies is. Eventually I'd like to do web design advocacy campaigns for non-profits and also design non-prof's websites, which is what I'm doing now. I don't have a formal computer science background because I'm poor in math, but I've self taught myself enough coding languages and have a strong enough portfolio to get hired. I also wait tables on the side which I hope to never do again once I'm out of school.

2) I say "I'm not interested" and hang up. I don't want to waste their time and they shouldn't waste mine. I've worked at a call center before and I know that arguing does nothing but work against you. These people are only doing their jobs and their supervisors primarily view their call reports. If a call is over, say, 3 minutes, even if it was just arguing with someone they WILL be told to call back, because to the supervisor three minutes only looks like someone who might possibly listen. So the shorter you make it the less likely you'll get future calls.

3) I like "The Big Bang". Sounds very exciting!

4) Okay, I'm sorry, but it irritates me. It wouldn't if most of the furries online that I've met didn't insist on being in character ALL THE TIME/constantly talking about their character, using stupid baby talk, or have so many RP melodramas. I don't get the porn thing at all, but to each his or her own.

5) Astrid II or Lee the Junior. Actually we like Olive or Blythe for a girl and I like Elijah for a boy.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

1. High school has very little bearing on the career of traditional chef O:

2. I toy with them if I'm feeling particularly bored or evil, otherwise I just hang up on them. It's not like they're people or anything.

3. What's wrong with The Big Bang? Succinct and descriptive!

4. Oh, come on. do you really need to ask me what I think of furries?

5. Gilgamesh, because that name sounds all kinds of badass.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

1. I'm in high school so, I'm not planning for the future yet.

2. I normally say no and just hang up the phone. Sometimes, I listen for a while and then politely say not interested or something like that and hang up, but mostly I don't listen.

3. The Moderately-Sized Bang.

4. Nothing comes to mind. =/

5. Clark Amos if a boy, and Paige [insert middle name].

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

1. How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all? - I'm going back to college to further my education, in the hopes that I can go on to Uni, and then get a job as a teacher.

2. How do you deal with telemarketers when they call? - Depends on who they are and what they're calling about. If they have a thick heavy accent that I can't undersand because the jobs have been outsourced to somewhere were labour is cheaper, I generally just hang up. Mostly with a slam.

If there are calling to ask if I want to buy a raffle ticket for a charity, I half feel like asking them why they don't just sell the prizes they have, and use that money for charity? But I usually politely decline (Due to lack of money) and hang up.

3. If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it? - The kind of large sound that resembles something.

4. What are your thoughts on furries? - Depends. If we're talking about the 'zomg i r teh furry secks secks secks babfur', then all the more power to them. Personally, the idea creeps the living **** out of me, but whatever floats their boat, as long as they don't try to force it on people who don't want it, and at least act slightly normal in social situations.

If we mean those who simply RP an anthro character, or use one to represent themselves on the internet, then what's wrong with that? Nothing. Exactly.

5. If your hypothetical spouse gave you free reign, what would you name your hypothetical first-born child? - Boy = Blaine Girl = Asuka

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

1. I'm currently enrolled in the MSLS program at the University of Kentucky. I'm hoping to land a job in historical preservation.

2. No. We're on the National Do Not Call list.

3. I wouldn't. I like the name.

4. I really...don't care.

5. I don't plan on having children.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

EDIT 1) I'm currently enrolled in the Electrical Engineering program at the University of St Thomas. My jobs... aren't really related...

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

1. I'm just in high school, so there's not much there I can currently do to help towards working with video games

2. I find a politely to hang up, if they're people. I once tried to see how long I could hold up a machine telemarketer by just not saying anything.

It hung up.

3. The sizeable expanding matter situation

4. About the same as most people here: Depends on the meaning.

5. None of your roleplaying character's names are safe!

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

1. I'm currently a bum, so there's no relation here unless I end up being one for the rest of my life. Wouldn't be so bad, but might get sick of it after a decade or so. There are positions I'd like to be in but I'm too lazy to work my way up.

2. About three times a year. Sometimes I say no until they shut up, sometimes I hang up. Depends on my mood but more on whether they made me get out of bed.

3. "Nagata would beat Haruhi in a fight"

4. Furries are a nice example of how tolerant I am - I find them exceptionally ugly{with exceptions} and absolutely despise the hand=paw and person=fur habit but I read Jack{popular furry comic which has far too much "mature material" in it} and have yet to utter a single derogatory comment about them.

5. Kilina or Azura for a girl, and I dunno about boy. Raziel maybe.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

1. I have a set of career paths that I'll eventually have to choose from, or at least balance in some way. Right now it comes down to author or someone in the video game industry (game designer in particular). Currently, the only classes that are really helping me out with any of that is art (which I'm currently excelling him), and obviously English. I don't think my school offers courses on technology that people in video game design actually use, but I'll see how close I can get before college.

2. I usually wait for the answering machine to start before I pick up the phone, so I don't have to worry about telemarketers. I can tell that they call me every day because they always hang up when the hear the answering machine.

3. I'd call it an explosion of extraordinary magnitude. Anyone who says its name must do so while imitating Ignignokt.

4. They're all weird. But so am I, so I try not to hold that against them.

5. Phoenix, regardless of gender. Hell, maybe even Zedian (if it's a boy). I've already decided that I don't want my kids to have boring, common names. But I still need to draw the line between "unique" and "@#%$ ridiculous".

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all?

Well, aside from a couple of programming classes and all the Calculii classes, I'm not doing that much towards a computer engineering degree yet.

How do you deal with telemarketers when they call?

Since it usually doesn't occur to me to do something silly, I just hang up. But the majority of the time, they want one of my parents, so I just tell them that neither of them around. More often than not it's not a lie, because they'll call when both of them are at work.

If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it?

The Cosmos: Part 1, or something.

What are your thoughts on furries?

I generally try not to think about it. As long as they don't try to shove it at it, I couldn't care less what people do in their spare time.

What would you name your hypothetical first-born child?

If it were a girl, probably Melody. If a boy, maybe David.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

1. It already is my career.

2. I only have a cell. If there's no name, I don't answer.

3. *insert homosexual innuendo here*

4. I really don't care.

5. Girl - Amelia
Boy - Justin

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

1) I am currently a student majoring in English. I honestly don't know what I want to do for a career. I don't think I want one. I'd rather live life more... free-form.

2) I generally just say that the person they're looking for isn't there and I don't know when they will be. I currently work as a telemarketer of sorts on weeknights, calling people for donations to the school. Personally, I find the job horribly frustrating. Nobody ever answers the phone. About 9 in 10 calls I make I get the answering machine.

3) The Original Event.

4) Fairly apathetic, really.

5) My name is Thomas and my father's name is Thomas so I'm probably expected to name my first son "Thomas." I don't know if I can do that to him. It horribly complicates things. I like "in between" names that are neither common nor unusual. A name like... for instance... Oliver. Dean. Elsie. I also like slightly-off-beat names which can be abbreviated to common names. For instance, "Stanford," which can be abbreviated to "Stan" (which is usually short for Stanley).

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all?
I'm currently in my fourth year of University, studying Computing & Networks, and I'm simultaneously freaking out and relaxing about it. I'm freaked out because I haven't done the huge massive essay that's a big part of my Honours and I have numerous other things that I should have done, yet I'm quietly serene about the whole thing as the fact that I've been through Uni and studied will reflect well on me anyway. In addition, I'm currently working for ClientLogic, previously as a Customer Services Advisor on the BT Retail campaign, now on Order Management for stuff. As to how this relates to my future career, I'd like to be a system or network admin in the future, or at least be doing something that will make use of my computer skillz.

How do you deal with telemarketers when they call?
They don't, plain and simple. My number's on the Telephone Preference Service, so we don't get unsolicited calls from marketing firms. When I've dealt with them in the past though, I've cut in as soon as possible and said in a polite but firm way that we're not interested.

If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it?
"The Beginning" sounds so much more fitting I think.

What are your thoughts on furries?
lol teh furriez. OK, seriously now. For the ones that are doing the yiff stuff? Not really bothered about that, to every one their own I say. There are certain "levels" of furriness that get to me, but other than that I've no huge opinion of it. As for the definition whereby it's those that RP an anthro character? Guilty as charged, and I see nothing wrong with it. =P

If your hypothetical spouse gave you free reign, what would you name your hypothetical first-born child?
Now this is something I've thought of a lot, because it's damned tough to come up with something that still sounds awesome when said along with the surname they'd have... so let's see... Probably Solomon for a boy, Millia for a girl. Both are unusual yet still fairly sensible. =P

...and that's the lot!


Posts: 233
Estimable Member

1. I'm not really doing anything actively towards a career at present - I'm more enjoying what little life I have left before it becomes consumed by work... (OK, I don't really see it like that, but you get the idea). Pretty much keeping myself out of trouble and in some kind of reasonable state is about all I can claim to be doing for a future career at present.

2. It depends on what I'm doing at the time. If it's not very much, then I'll tend to listen, and answer honestly - which will generally involve the words "No" and "Thankyou". If I'm more pressed for time, I'll tend to cut them off, or similar.

3. I'm happy with "The Big Bang" myself. Can't think of anything better

4. Hey, as long as it ain't hurting other people, I'm not too bothered by it. Can't say I see the appeal myself, but I'm not everyone...

5. I'd probably see what the child was like first, and pick a name which felt right from there. Not sure, otherwise...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

1. How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all? Well, I'm exceptionally content here, within my job and within my company. Given that the other office is in Chicago, it's ecspecially convinient for me to be here, so when/if Tricia and I live on the same continent, I'll be sorted workwise on either side of the ocean.

2. How do you deal with telemarketers when they call? I work for a market research company. Legally they're not allowed to talk with me.

3. If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it? The CILLIT Bang. Barry Scott can be the God of our religion.

4. What are your thoughts on furries? I'm neutral, I have friends who are and friends who DESPISE them on principal. As a hobby, then yeah, I'm a cosplayer, I get it. As a fandom follower, I understand people like all different things. As a fetish, well everyone has interesting quirks, and it's not for anyone to judge. The only thing I don't like is people assuming I am any of the above because I like Sonic. I don't factor talking animals into my choice of wether something is good or not.

5. If your hypothetical spouse gave you free reign, what would you name your hypothetical first-born child? That's assuming Tricia and I can make decisions *laughs*, I'm lazy, so I'd use the name Kay for a girl until I could think of anything better (it's a reference). Also depends who's sirname s/he inherits. I'd insist Tricia pick, she's the one who has to put up with the brat stealing her food and kicking her from the inside for 9 months. If I had to deal with that, I'd call it Slagathor.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

1) ololz, I'm a shelf stacker at a freakin' grocery story - and I will be studying Graphic Design in uni. So no, the two do not relate.

2) I don't get any telemarketer calls - but if I was to get any, I'd probably just rudely hang up on them.

3) The Day the Universe Got Funky

4) Thoughts on furries? Ololz, not much.

5) Max Power. Or more seriously, maybe a Jake/Jason for my son, Charlene/Charlotte/Cheryl for my daughter. I dunno.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

1. I'm currently job hunting at the moment. I want to be a comic artist, so I draw constantly, including my original characters and story idea, but for now, I just want a job.

2. I hang up immediately. I don't even answer. Damn telemarketers called me one too many times for me to bother anymore.

3. God Farted out the Universe. But seriously I like the Big Bang name. It's fine to me.

4. *shurgs* I don't care if people like furries or not. I have no problems with furries.

5. I wanna name a boy Quentin cuz' that name is awesome. As for the moment.

I'll post my replies next Monday, and new questions next Tuesday.

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

1. Having aspirations of being a lawyer--*dodges hostile projectiles*--I'm just working my way through the necessary uni requirements for pre-law. At present, I don't have any employment that would help me in becoming an attorney, but I feel that playing Phoenix Wright compensates for such. :p

2. Happily enough, I've never really had a problem with telemarketers. The one method of dealing with them that I have seen to be most darkly amusing is telling the person on the other end of the line that they've fled the country or are in hospital.

3. The Principium. The Book of Genesis, before so named, was originally known as "In Principio" anyway.
As a side thought, that is by far one of my favourite C&H strips as well.

4. Never gave this much thought one way or another. I merely use a furry avatar, and that's the beginning and ending of that for me. I figure it's merely one more means of self-expression.

5. If your hypothetical spouse gave you free reign, what would you name your hypothetical first-born child? Would you give them a unique name, or do you feel that would be too goofy? Name them after someone in particular? For people with children already, you can skip to the next one in order =P.

5. Probably Mark for a boy and Meredith for a girl.

Posts: 235
Reputable Member

1. How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all?

Since I'm currently unemployed, I'm hoping it doesn't end up a career!

But my last job was working with computers and video projection, and computers are what I want a living in.

2. How do you deal with telemarketers when they call?

The same way we deal with all calls, Pinky. TRY TO MAKE THE ANSWERING MACHINE DO IT!

3. If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it?


I'd name it The Day the Stars Were Wrong and let the religions of the world sort out the meaning.

4. What are your thoughts on furries?

Know 'em, accept 'em, roleplayed with 'em, not me though. Live and let live. I'm sure people'd lynch me for playing D&D.

5. what would you name your hypothetical first-born child?

Squid food, as I already promised Great Cthulhu my first born in return for a painless, quick death at his rising.

Hypothetically, that is.

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

How does what you are currently doing relate to what you plan to do as a career, if at all?

looking for a job is what I'm doing now... but that doesn't always relate to getting a job. ^^; I don't know what I want to do. Right now I'll do anything.

How do you deal with telemarketers when they call?

Sometimes if I'm in the mood and they seem nice, I'll talk to them, but I never let them sell me anything.

If you could rename "The Big Bang", what would you call it?

But I like the name it's got!

What are your thoughts on furries?

I don't usually self-identify as one, but we share common thoughts and interests.

What would you name your hypothetical first-born child?

Girl: LLynos
Boy: dunno really.

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

1. Considering today was my last day in lab rotation #3 and have just one more. No I'm not where I want to be but I will in April when I finally join my permanent lab where I will get my PhD from. So, in 4.5 years I'll hopefully get a PhD in Neurotoxicology and obtain a good PostDoctoral position...
I'm on my way and they're paying me to get there!

2. For those guys I've only delt w/ them once. I pretended to have a horrible Chinese accent and said: "wat yu wan? NO wan nooo. Hello, who is this? no call, he no here" and then proceed to hang up.

3. The Particle Implosion and Expansion Theory... 'nuff said

4. Furry: as in drawing anthropomorphic animals and stuff. I'm up for it (no porn or cybering please mind you). I do have my own chars. However, I do not RP anymore or am in char all the time. So I just draw them and make fanfics.

5. I've never told anyone but here we go:
Boy: Myles Alexander
Girl: Rheanna Seline

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

1) Student teaching (...) and it's my career (minus the fact that I don't get paid & I don't have direct responsibility for the kids) barring something crazy happening.

2) I cut them off and let them know that I'm not interested. How early depends on my mood.

3) I wouldn't rename it.

4) No thoughts because I don't think about it. What people do or think about themselves doesn't rank very high on my concern meter unless I think it's harmful to others.

5) I don't really care in the least, but I like to tease my parents with the names "Maxima" (girl) and "Neo" (boy) just because I think it's funny. The fact that they aren't sure whether or not I'm serious (and I'm not) is what makes it funny to me.
