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Questions of the week 2/13: I know what you did last QotW!

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Posts: 917
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Haha, on time and in style this week, completely shattering all predictions of utter failure!

That's completely untrue of course, no one cares about these things enough to predict whether they come out or not, so lets just get down to brass tacks, shall we?

1. I'll keep this one short and sweet(wait for the punchline). What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? *ba dum psh* Oh my! Seriously though, I recently went down a supermarket aisle trying to find my favorite, and they had everything now from marshmallow colloid to weasal encrusted. So amid this flood of ice cream flavors, what's your favorite?

2. Every year, people talk more and more about high defination or HDTV. Everyone seems to be pushing it on us, from electronics manufacturers to congress, because it means more sales for everybody if we all buy new TVs. So when do you plan to make the switch to HDTV? Have you already made it? Do you have a date planned out, or do you just plan to do it whenever you have the money? Is the decision out of your hands, or are you completely opposed to doing it? Answers in the form of a check made out to me for the purpose of buying an HDTV will receive bonus points. That's right folks. I'm keeping score

3. When I was about eight, my parents took me to the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. At the top of the main stairs was a plain canvas hung on the wall with no visible markings on it whatsoever. The tag next to it had it entitled as "wallspace". I've been skeptical of modern art since. But I digress. What's your favorite form of art as a casual observer? Do statues of naked Roman men turn you on(not literally), or are you more of a fan of Romantic paintings? Maybe you're a fan of pop art like Andy Warhol, or does your interest in art not rise above comic book panels. Are you a complete philistine? Answers in the form of abstract paintings will have points deducted (again with the points, is this Who's Line is it Anyway?)

4. Last week, it was announced that in spite of all the Mexican food and the blazing heat, Albuquerque is the fittest city in the country. This was big news down here in New Mexico, and has everyone talking about their workout habits, meaning I have an instant question I don't even need to think about. How much and where do you work out? Do you go to the gym, or excercize on your own. DO you get a workout over the natural course of the day, or do you just not care that much about fitness.

5. What is your favorite punctuation mark? Emoticons do not count.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

1: I like those ones with fudge in them!

2: In a decade, maybe. Perhaps by then the price will be low enough for consideration.

3: I don't really have a preference.

4: Doing the weekly shopping is my only real exercise; I'm lucky I'm not obese. If I did take a sudden turn in that direction then I'd probably make do with daily walks, but for now I'm not bothered so long as I'm still able to do my flamboyant, extravagant and just plain camp maneuvers for everyday indoor movements.

5. I am boycotting this question dute to the emoticons clause >:8

Posts: 955
Noble Member

1) Mint chocolate chip is my favorite ice cream. Hands-down. Cookie dough as celebration after a writing achievement is nice though, and I will rarely turn down death-by-chocolate ice cream, but it's gotta be mint to be the best.

2) I don't watch TV, so probably never 😀 As for this house, um.... whenever my parents want, I guess?

3) As a casual observer of art, I'm fond of simple, white-backgrounded pictures with the focus being very pastel-like. I see this frequently with anime drawings. I also like art which makes you think, for example, with M.C. Escher's work. 😀 That's the kind of stuff I would love to try to pull off.

4) My school requires gym every year and I suck at sports, so I am currently taking all dance classes available, occasionally switching over to toning/weightlifting. That's 30 minutes a day. My school is huge, so the hikes from class to class add extra aerobic exercise during the day. I also work out at home on weekends, focusing on situps and leg strengthening in between talking online and building websites. It's something to do while at the computer **nods sagely**

5) ?! ...okay, that's two. But they're the perfect couple!

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

1. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? - Got to be mint/chocolate. Such a beautiful combo.

2. So when do you plan to make the switch to HDTV? - To be honest, I don't see what the big deal is, "the home cinema experience"? You need a large TV and a good sound system, both of which I have. In the cinema the picture is grainy and has those little flickers, it's not crystal clear perfect and I deal fine. I don't need super clarity, and damn it, it took me this long to get the 42", I'm not downgrading size.

3. What's your favorite form of art as a casual observer? - Art is art, you either like it or you don't. I don't like any category of art at all. There are some paintings I do, some I don't, some modern art I enjoy, some I don't. Heck even with specific artists it's all on perception.

4. How much and where do you work out? - I don't. I run to and from work every day, and you'd be suprised how much constant effort my photography gig can cause. I'm not in good or bad shape, and to be fair, I don't care either way.

5. What is your favorite punctuation mark? Emoticons do not count. - Hmm... I don't have one? I mean, do people really enjoy using punctiation? I used to whore ; out like a 16 year old drug abuser in my pimp days, but these days I'm content to just use where needed and no where else.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

1. I'm a simple man with simple pleasures...vanilla is fine by me. Preferablly as an ice cream sandwich...mmmmm

2. When I get a better job and when they go down in price, I'll switch to HD. For now, my new TV will last me for a while.

3. Hmmm, I really don't understand the meaning of art sometimes, even if you beat me over the head with the explaination. I do enjoy some of it but it's mainly hit or miss...

4. I work out almost everyday. Working at UPS is essentially a work out and I get paid for it...not too bad.

5. I think it's apparent by now that I abuse ellipses more than anyone else on this board...yea...darnit!

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

1) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

2) Never, probably. By the time I need to worry about buying a TV for myself, any TV show I could want will likely be available for easy download on the Internet, legally or illegally. I think the obsession with TV in modern society is disgusting, and spending great deals of money to get a fancy TV is a gross misuse of resources. But I've ranted about this in the past so I'll stop now.

3) My favorite form of "art," broadly defined, is music. But if you were referring to visual art, then I don't really have a particular favorite.

4) Currently I don't work out, walking around campus is sufficient for me to stay in reasonable shape. However, I think I am going to start working out soon.

5) The semicolon. It's a punctuation mark that's generally not been taught to students at a young age and, consequently, it's one of the few that doesn't get bastardized.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

1. I'd probably say Raspberry Ripple, but depends on mood, and there are some very nice flavours to be found in more specialist ice-cream shops...

2. I'll probably switch when it makes economic sense to me to switch - probably at a time when I'm shopping for a new TV at some point. Dunno, really.

3. I reckon painted landscapes, non-conceptual - something fairly easy to look at and enjoy. Although every now and then I appreciate something which makes me think about what its message is, so some conceptual/modern art. That said, I believe that if the piece of conceptual art requires an essay to explain what the concept is, then I don't really consider the art a successful attempt at showing the concept.

4. Generally through walking around, these days, and that tends to be in the local area, which varies based on where I am. Don't worry hugely about fitness, and am certainly less fit than I was while at university, when I was also regularly involved in activities requiring physical exercise.

5. Don't really have one. Probably be the comma, apostrophe or full stop, simply because they do the most work. Don't tend to use the others that much.

Posts: 815
Prominent Member

1) Hate to be plain and boring, but my favorite flavor is Vanilla... Tin Roof Sundae and Strawberry are close seconds though.

2) Maybe once I graduate and don't have to spend $$$ on tuition... Then again, I'll have lots of loans to pay back... and housing... and insurance... My computer can handle HD input, so that should work... too bad my monitor doesn't =

3) I have a couple favorites. Definitely love the classical styles... I'm also a huge fan of the Impressionist style. Renoir is probably my favorite artist (gotta love a guy who is so passionate about paint that he'll tie brushes to his hands so he can continue to paint despite his arthritis). Stylized Japanese cartoons are also on my favorite list.

4) lolz work out? In high school I ran track... now that I'm a big college student, I don't work out... I should though.

5) If you've been reading this reply, you'll notice I ellipsis'd 8 times... That's why I'm known as the King of Ellipsis

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Ice Cream: Cookies n Cream. None better to me.

HDTV: Now see, this is weird. I bought a Mid-side HDTV {32in} for reasonable prices {699. Yeah not bad. Will soon get the 62 inch when I have a big enough place. for now that'll do.} However, of course, I do not have HD signals coming into this TV yet. Or at least not any I am aware of. My TV is always projecting in 480i due to my Wiidiction {<--That is now never to be said by any male again.}

So I guess I'll wait 'til Feb 13th, 2009-when the switch from Digital to HD will be forcibly made all over the US before I consider getting the rest of the components.

Art: Comics-yes. Escher-yes. Picasso-yes. Art displayed through media that is rarely actually seen as art-yes.

Workout: I ran track for years. Stopped that now, cause its cold. I speed walk naturally. My job is three miles from my home. I usually walk either to work, or from work home, so I get at least 15 miles a week in. Coupled with my hyperactivity, yeah I don't need to work out.

Symbol: ...Man, you said no Emoticons, so its gonna be << >> << >>..Wait no that's one too x_x!! ... <--Yeah that's it, with the arrows being a close second.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

1/ Mint Chocolate Chip. Mmmmmmm

2/ Whenever theyre at a relatively cheap price.

3/ Manga

4/ Natural daily exercise is good enough!

5/ ;

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

1. What's your favorite flavour of ice cream? Mint chocolate chip by far. Mmmmyes.

2. So when do you plan to make the switch to HDTV? As late and as cheaply as possible. HDTV has taken off in the UK at all, so I'm waiting for a while.

3. What's your favorite form of art as a casual observer? Comic books.

4. How much and where do you work out? I walk to and from school 4-5 times a week. It's only a 12 minute walk, but it's severely uphill for part of the way, so it's a good workout.

5. What is your favorite punctuation mark? ? is cuuuurrrvyyyy

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

1. Mint. Choc. Chip. And I'm glad to see I'm not the first to answer with this. Rock on, guys.

2. HD holds no appeal to me. It'll probably be at least after I move out - so 2 years minimum if I go to Uni - plus when I feel it's cheap enough to be worthwhile, when I actually have the space for it, and when it's actually substantially supported, at very least.

I say this, but knowing me I'll pick one up as soon as I go next-gen and it won't dent my budget too much.

3. I'm not much of an appreciator of art. I generally like it if it's well crafted, has time and effort put into it, and is overall in good tastes. So most things that aren't 'modern art'.

4. I dont really do anything regular. I bike to school daily and do a paper round, too, and also I'm still young enough to have mandatory PE lessons, meaning that when I feel the actual sport we're doing is worthwhile and I bring my kit I get a good work out. Particularly like the multigym. And I'm not too bad at it either! In general fitness I claim I'm fat but anyone who's been in chat knows that others think against this ^-^

5. Um. Don't really have one? o.o I'm not much of a punctuation man, despite being something of a writer, but I viciously overuse -.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

1. Either cookies n cream or GRASSHOPPER PIE!

2. Well... i probably wont buy another tv until i leave home, so thats maybe 3 years... so yeah. estimate 3 or 4 years i guess.

3. Comics! well.. i like landscape and abstract if in a museum.

4. Well i used to be in the air force, so i ran almost every day and was in good shape. Now that i've been out for about 4 months, i look the same but im sure my breathing stamina has gone down drastically.

5. !

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

1. Va. F*cking. Nilla.
Beyond that, cookie cream and mint - NOT MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP - ice cream mixed with fresh raspberries (Or strawberries, if one doesn't like raspberries.)

2. I have a 32" LCD TV in my room. Dad has an LCD TV of aorund that size in his. We have a 50" Plasma in the basement - the Plasma was our gift to ourselves after Katrina, Dad's LCD used to be in the living room and was bought marked severely down after a storm wrecked the store and they had to close, and my LCD was bought fror a surprisingly small amount, under $700 - a little over a year ago, that size was well over $1k. All other TVs we own are CRT and are rarely used, we won't totally switch to HD for another few years, once they're truely cheap and TV signals are broadcast in HD.

3., what is that again? Do video games count?

4. lolz exercise. Fat chance. (For the record, 5'10"/128lbs/16YO/Slim frame. Yay for high metabolism and underweightitude. Hope to God it doesn't catch up to me soon.)

5. .

Posts: 327
Reputable Member

1. Vanilla or strawberry.

2. Don't care. Television's rather low on my list of diversions.

3. I've always been more of a fan of late Middle Ages and early Renaissance works (van Eyck, for example) than anything else. Some of the more abstract expressionism is lost on me--I've been to the Guggenheim Museum, seen a black square painted by a Russian, and was unimpressed by the longwinded explanation of it representing emptiness and poverty.

4. Exercise? Que es este fenmeno? *is one of those lucky people who's more in danger of being severely underweight than overweight*

5. The exclamation point. The energetic exclamation point is either ignored or abused horribly by people who cannot grasp typing, usually in the form of LOLZ0RS!!!!!!!1!

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? It's a tie between cotton candy and cookies and cream. I <3 cookies and cream milkshakes.

So when do you plan to make the switch to HDTV? Not anytime soon, since we just got us a new big screen TV not too long ago.

What's your favorite form of art as a casual observer? I've don't have a particular favorite. Though, I do enjoy surreal paintings.

How much and where do you work out? If you count going up stairs every day, I do that five times a week. As for any gym classes, I have karate twice a week if that counts.

What is your favorite punctuation mark? "!" without a doubt. I tend to get carried away sometimes and it just weasels its way in.

Posts: 917
Noble Member
Topic starter

Posting my answers a bit sooner then usual, because I feel silly posting right before I'm about to create a new one.

1. Torn between Mint Chocolate Chip and Cookie Dough. They're both sex.

2. HDTV bugs me, because it's something being pushed on consumers not because it's a huge leap in technology, but because companies will make a buttload of money on it. I plan on holding out until prices are the exact same as normal TVs are now.

3. I tend to be a bit of a phillistine, but I tend to be a fan of classical portraits like El Greco.

4. I'm horrible at working out, which explains why I'm in such bad shape.

5. I'll tell you what my least favorite punctuation mark is, the exclamation point. I spell it out because an English teacher once told me that I had one exclamation point to use for my entire life. I'm still saving mine.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

1. Butter Rum in softserve form, otherwise Coffee. Don't eat much Ice cream though, a bit too much fat and sugar for my liking.

2. Whenever it's affordable. Ordinary Television in High-def is just consumer-whoring at its finest, and so I don't plan on early-adopting it.

3. Classical paintings for the most part, some modern art if it's not complete crap.

4. Bicycling every day when it's warm enough, otherwise weightlifting and indoor swimming.

5. The semicolon; you can use it pretty much anywhere and it makes you look more intelligent. "Oh look!" They exclaim. "He used a semicolon! He must be so educated!" Semicolon doesn't get enough props.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

1. Mint chocolate chip

2. Ummm, not until the TVs cost $200 or everything is in HD. I'll stick with the ancient technology until then.

3. Cartoon 2D artwork.

4. I never work out. I'm insanely skinny too and it caused me nothing but grief until I got used to the comments.

5. I never thought about it before. I'll go with the lovely period "." as my choice though. ^_^

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

1)Mint chocolate chip. Es ist gut.

2) Whenever I need a new TV. I won't get it for the television, but for the video games. I'd say movies, too, but most new movies suck.

3) Psychedellic/Art rock.

4) In my basement i have a curling bar, bench press, dumbells, etc. So I speand anywhere between 0 minutes and 70 per day.

5) ;
It's so mysterious.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

1. I love me some good ol' classic chocolate ice cream, although I also like strawberry, too.

2. Hey, I haven't even gotten one of them ipod things. In short, I'm not getting any new technology when just having a TV at the moment is fine.

3. Honestly, I have no preferences. While I'm largely in tune to animation and comic books since it's my current career path, I like to see all kinds of art.

4. I don't really care, but I should try and get in shape.

5. Good ol' exclamation mark. ! never lets me down. *grins*

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

1. Cookie Dough, but Mint Chocolate Chip isn't far behind.

2. I plan to never switch, I couldn't really care less about HD. =)

3. I look at anything that looks like something, but sometimes I enjoy abstract things, only for the reason that I like to come up with my own ideas of what the things are.

4. I don't go to the Gym at all, but I do 50 sit-ups and 25 push-ups before I go to bed.

5. .

Posts: 37
Eminent Member

I like these topics, I'm a survey fiend

1. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Strawberry. The classic pink kind, or the one with mashed bits of strawberry in, either is good

2. So when do you plan to make the switch to HDTV?

I spose I'll technically have it when my boyfriend or parents get it. Dunno if either of them will though

3. What's your favorite form of art as a casual observer?

Do former art students ever count as casual observers? My real favourite is the old paintings of the virgin Mary where she usually has a rich blue cloak. It's the attention to detail in those paintings that I like, all the rich colours and beautiful folds of fabic.

4. How much and where do you work out?

30 minutes nearly every day. I used to do more but then I figured out that I could only keep such a regime going for a week or so and then I'd give up. It's either in my room or outside if the weather is good

5. What is your favorite punctuation mark?


because I liked to think I was the only 10 year old who knew how to use it properly!

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Well, Pink, one of these is made about once a week. 😛

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

1. Strawberry. From the Baskin Robbins. Ice cream is one of the few "junk foods" I adore.
2. I don't plan on geting HDTV. Mostly I download shows on my computer or iPod on the go, I listen to sports on the radio or mooch off friend's TV so there's no need.
3. I like graffiti. Some of them are very impressive murals an there's no shortage in my neighborhood.
4. I love to swim, hike, play ball, and just walk around town. I'm not happy indoors (that's why I gots a laptop- can enjoy the sunshine when typing)
5. Parenthises. I use them often. Can't spell 'em, but I use 'em.
