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Posts: 131
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o_O Anyone here flown off into a blind rage? Because I did not too long back (my mum's candle holders didn' come off too well.. frankly I'm suprised my office chair, door, and a camping chair managed to survive) and frankly I'm worried about myself.

It's my own fault, I keep acting calm and cool (or at least trying to) whenever I should just be angry and end up with it pressuring up inside me until... *boom* >_>

I'm fairly emotional as a person, but anger for whatever reason I always seem to let build up like that...

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Nah, it's been a long time since I've ever done such a thing.

Find an outlet. I don't know if that means finding a ball to smack against a wall (not a window ^_~) as many times as you want, or writing, or drawing, or whatever. I just know that an outlet helps because you need to release it in some fashion BEFORE you boil over.

Anyway, it's worked for me.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

A while ago everything, and I DO mean everything in my room that could fit went out through the window...

Was quite embarrising picking up all the bits of lego and metal parts to broken stuff, and then brushing up the dirtt that had fallen out of he flowerpots...

That was a while ago now... I think I was about, 13, maybe 14 at a push. I havent freaked out for a while... and that LAST incident was completely called for...

This guy said he was gonna switch of a computer iwas using, while I was still using it. I told him that if he touched the off buton I'd break his nose.
He pushes the off button.
I didn't break his nose, which was good, but I did break the headphones (nearest thing to come to hand)...

Bloody idiots, when will they ver learn.

But, back to the point, find an outlet. I hate councellers so talking about anger just made me even MORE angry, but thats for another topic. At Lianne suggests, kick around a ball, write something, play golf (imagine the ball is THATn guys head, you know, THAT guy that's been getting on your nerves for so long...
Just do something that you'll enjoy and move on.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

My blind raging comes in split-second impulses, and every time, something HAS been destroyed, which snaps me out of it. Two prominent instances:

I went into a rage at a stuck window, so I decided to let it meet my right hand. Big mistake. I broke the window, but it cut my hand. I still have the scar. Another time, I was infuriated at a game and put my fist to its screen. Consequently, I needed a new GBA.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Used to happen to me quite often, mostly from bottling it all up inside me until I explode. But now when something angers me, I just be angry, and it helps a lot, actually.

Though I don't really throw tantrums.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I chain smoke when I'm angry. I'd rather be slamming my fist through a window, it's really a disgusting habit.

Then I cuss a bit, possibly cry and call a friend.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I used to keep my anger bottled up inside, and then throw the occasional tantrum. Then puberty hit and my chemistry rearranged itself to turn me into a deeply relaxed individual. The worst I get these days is stress.

Posts: 170
Estimable Member

I have a very strange outlet, of sorts. I rarely get mad at things, as I often like to question the very basis of reality, and, well, it's hard to fear something if you can question its authority.

...WHY does that spider just stay there for minutes at en-



Anyway, my outlet is, beleive it or not, shuddering. O_o
If I get angry at a game, or something, I'll just pick an appendage, a leg, arm, or if I'm really angry, my head, (It hurts. :( ) And tense all the muscles in it and shake. o.o

Trust me. I've got quite a few odd looks from my parents.

Mom: "You cold?" O_o

Dad: "What? Is there a bug in your hair, or something?" O_O


~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

I tend to throw Game Boys across the room, listen for the satisfying "thud", and then pout.

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Once I threw most of my roommate's stuff out our window because he sold something of mine. Thing is, the value of all his stuff was almost exactly equal to the value of this one thing, so I got off scot-free and he had to buy new stuff.

But mostly now when I get mad I just wait until later and smash things.
Knocking over trees with bricks is surprisingly therapeutic.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I tend to just grit my teeth, breathe deep and pray to God that there isn't anything in arms reach that is very aero dynamic but, at the same time, rather fragile.

Doesn't help. After I calm down, I notice what I have most likely broken and get annoyed with myself for doing something so stupid.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

I don't really understand why people feel the need to go and hit stuff. I heard that there were studies proving that taking violent physical action only infuriates the subject more. Myself, I've never been allowed to show signs of anger. The most I've gotten away with (and not even that) is slamming my own bedroom door. I guess I just got used to bottling it all up. Unfortunately, I once made the mistake of letting it all out on LiveJournal. Everyone I knew was pissed off for like two weeks.

Knocking over trees with bricks is surprisingly therapeutic.


Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Bearing in mind you need a good door to slam. Doesn't have the same effect if it closes slowly instead of their being a loud bang!:nn;

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

I must be very lucky then, because my door is solid and makes the walls rattle when slammed. How delightfully satisfying...

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

I get angry very quickly.
I don't show it though- I just go into my room and start punching stuff.
But when I was a little younger(okay- maybe a year ago but meh), my sister said she thought there was something wrong with me because of my anger. I got really scared and thought I had something like ADHD but it turned out she was exaggerating.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

I'm a bad one for bottling things up, although I'm working on it and don't do it as much now.

Once or twice I've rather forcefully re-arainged the furnature in my room, but that was before I found THE ULTIMATE STRESS RELIEF!!!!!!!

BURNOUT 3: TAKEDOWN Road Rage Mode!!!

Works every time!!! Trust me, next time you feel like flying off the handle, ram the game in and take it out on those dumb learner drivers! CARNAGE UNLIMITED!


Posts: 286
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:lol @ Wraith the Echidna

Posts: 322
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Even though I dislike most games that focus on destruction, Burnout kicks large amounts of arse. Bummer I don't own the game. But I don't ever have anything to be angry about, so I'm cool.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

A loooooong time ago, and trust me I'm not proud of it. A very long time ago, I was still in Primary School and was going through hell of bullying, home and school. School was bad enough, but nothing beat going home and being TOLD to go out and play, knowing that if my brother didn't hit me, then the local teens and some ruder than thou diptwit Georgie Jones would.

One time my brother went out with my bike, only one I have ever had, parents got it for me at the last Christmas before they split up, anywho, Dan went out and I was sent out and found my bike all completely mangled in a tree. I don't even want to know how it got there, but the local teens were getting it out and threw it in a tip.

Needless to say, I was pissed.

and so this Georgie kid, a year younger than me, actually, starts making something of it, and you know how teens are about a decent fight, they boxed us in and jeered in their neanderfal way, and I tried to run, what else could I do, however I was being pushed from all directions and Georgie wasn't exactly holding back, my shirt was more or less ripped off and I just wanted out of there, and the only way out was through him so I just pounced that little snot to the ground and slammed his head against a concrete pillar.


And again.

And again.

He bled. He was crying. The teens sort of backed off and let me dash the hell away back home.

Seriously, that memory scares the crap out of me, what makes it worse is that the family moved away shortly afterwards, though I didn't go out much after that anyway. Rage is a really really bad thing... I regret it every day :(

I've had my spats of rage since then, but nothing physical, in Secondary School I was shoved down a flight of stairs and went absoloutely ballistic, in a famous outburst which old school friends remember to this day and quote to annoy me.


Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Poor Craig... But it shows you can fight, and is often enough the only way to defend yourself. *hugs*

I on the other hand take no crap what-so-ever, rage for me is becoming daily. Now if someone tries shoving (thanks to Geogwe), try to "bully" me or try to break the rules in basketball, I kick the crap out of them before they even say the classic chav words "You startin'?".

Posts: 131
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Craig, seems in both your cases you were pretty well provoked. o_O First one particularly, but.. yeah.. even when there's justification for it, freaking out is never fun.

I do have an outlet, but it's not really working it'd seem. x_x; I need to be less afraid of expressing anger methinks

Posts: 2097
Noble Member

I haven't got truely angry for years, I get stressed sometimes, but never angry. I don't bottle it up, it just isn't there. I realised how anger impaired my judgement and would make me do some regretful things on the rare occasion I was angry, so I decided to not get angry, and somehow it stuck.

But anger is a natural thing. You shouldn't need to supress it all the time, I suppose there's a time and place for it, but that's something you probably have to find for yourself.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Holy crap @ peoples' reactions to anger

I am notorious for bottling up any feelings of anger I have. After all, it's my problem, not anybody else's. That said, it takes a freaking lot to get me really angry. Even random annoyances disappear after about five seconds for me. ^_^;

But when I do get angry, physical activity gets me back to normal. Whether it be a bike ride to nowhere in particular, shoutsinging while jumping on my bed, climbing trees in my backyard, or breaking my legs on DDR Heavy Mode, it calms me down. If none of those things are possible and I have to let my anger out somehow (like at school or something), I usually disappear into the most secluded area I can find (bathrooms work well) and cry.

Last time I truly flew off into a rage was about four or five weeks ago (and the time before that was when I was 11 or so). I had spent countless days online trying to help a friend out during a hard time in his life. He drained a lot of my energy and "happy reserves", and nothing good came from it. His situation and mood got worse and worse... he said several really nasty things to and about me. One comment in particular just completely set me off.

I flew downstairs, stumbled through a piano piece to try to calm myself down, failed, tried to rant to my sister who wasn't listening at all... at that point I was so ticked off I jumped on my bike and went as far south as I could without getting lost.

That was not a fun time. But when is getting angry really fun?

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Many years ago, for some unknown reason the 'You know when you've been Tango'd' thing came back in, and I became a victim of this for a short period of time (it involved being slapped by someone, then they used to run away). One day I was working away on the computer when someone did this, I was so pissed off at them I decided to take a chair to their head. It worked, I was not Tango'd any more.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Nice one...

Hmmm... last time I got really angry, I frizbeed my dinner plate across the college dining hall and into a wall. There was food and dinner plate everywhere.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

I'm calm and collected 99% of the time. I'm renowned for being the Chillaxer, the voice of reason and bringer of light entertainment for everyone. This usually involves spliffs.

However, that other tiny 1% of time, fuelled by my Dad, relationship trouble, alcohol, getting beaten up, and being walked all over for being too nice to say no, is a very hideous 1% indeed. I suppress my rage to the point where I'll just flip out and start smashing things like a skinny white Hulk. Unfortunately my anger always seems to be inflicted on my friends and family, usually making the situation worse and making me even angrier. It's a vicious cycle, and an uncontrollable part of me that I am not very proud of.

I have to live with the fact that I am exactly like my Dad and I will be forever. I just hope I'm not this way to my kids when I get older.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

I hate that when you row with your friends or family and you just land yourself in more and more trouble. Makes you wanna scream!

Chavs, you just want to kick the living hell out of them!:evil
