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Real MoFo Heroes!
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Real MoFo Heroes!

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Posts: 4885
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The SPA presents, Real MoFo Heroes


Today, we salute you! Ms. News Gathering MFC Poster.

Miss Lazy Copy and Paste NEW TOPIC!

Only a true MoFoer can scower the net for hours, searching for weird and wonderful news stories, to copy and paste as a new topic adding only one single word.


Rarely posting again or checking the thread's progress, YOU are the one to spread this news and see contraversy set aflame.


Posting new news stories every day, we salute you, Miss News Gathering MFC Poster; because without you, some of of might have to turn on a TV.

Miss News Gathering Pooooster

SPA, Mobius Forum, Internet.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Are you talking about Cooki?

And DAMN that thread's hellish to read and understand >>;;

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Heh heh heh...


...wait, no drinks? It's not a good parody of them Budweiser ads without some kind of beverage, alcoholic or not!

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

X-Play did the parodies without any beverages and those turned out okay.

Well, I got a chuckle out of it, so it's good to me. Good work, Craig.

Posts: 880
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Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Oh, fine, Shadow Hog, but on your head rest the consequences.

PiE Juice proudly presents Real MoFo Heroes


Today, we salute YOU! Mr. Political and Religious Debate Poster!


Your lengthy, long winded posts of sheer zeal and passion are cause for 12 page threads across the forum, with enough words to fill a small novel.


You take time out of YOUR day to make sure people know that YOU are right, and they have a right to be wrong, and if they don't like it, there'll be another 2000 word essay waiting the next morning.


and if someone counters your post in a way or a place that makes you feel uncomfortable, you just ignore the hell out of it, but your blindness is cured the moment you think you can pwn someone else.


So open up a PiE Juice, Mr. Religious and Political Debate Poster, you earned it, for causing rage and contraversy, while acting like a little 8 year old kid; you're another one of our Real MoFo Heroes!

Mr. Political and Religious Debate Poster!

PiE Juice is not endorsed by Jin.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Better. Don't have to report you to the authortiy now.

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

i am a real mofo hero too! dfo me or ill send a bomb to your house!

i am the authortiy

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

lmao.... funee

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Dragonmaster Dyne Presents:


"Reeeaaal Fooorumers of Geeeeniuuus!"

Today we salute you, Little Ms. Attention Whore.

"Lil' Miss Atteeeention Whore!"

You love to jump into a discussion and go against the ideas of the majority, forcing you to defend your beliefs even when time and time again they're proved to be mis-guided and just flat-out WRONG.

"Damn woman, getta clue!"

Not only that, you're often the cause of much ballyho in guarded circles because of your odd fixation with describing bodyparts in stark detail.

"Sucking on up that breastmilk!"

It's not that we despise you or anything, it's just that you try our patience with every other word you type and quite frankly, we're getting a little tired of it.

"Stop making us repeat ourselves!"

So we salute you, Little Ms. Attention Whore. Letting you know that next time, if we want your opinion, we'll beat it out of you.

"Lil' Miss Attentiooooon Whooooore-ah!"

Dragonmaster Dyne, Somewhere Out There, Internet.

There was another version of this prior... but it was just flat outright MEAN, so I scrapped it. o.o

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Ouch, PSX o_O;;

There was another version of this prior... but it was just flat outright MEAN, so I scrapped it. o.o

....o.o; I don't even wanna know how bad it was...

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Okay, okay, I get the message, I'll stop whoring for attention. XP

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Ouch, PSX o_O;;

That bad? Hmm...

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the sick machinations of a big poopy-head
and are not inherently shared by this establishment or its members.

P.S. Did I mention I'm dying?

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

lmao i actually know who that one is, psx

and for the record

Spoilers (Select To Read)
i agree
Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Hey, did you hear me? I said I'd stop whoring for attention!


Posts: 4607
Famed Member


P.S. Did I mention I'm dying?

Each day we die a little more...

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Each day we die a little more...

I'm already dead...

...on the inside.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Nah, I'm CRYING on the inside...

It's still so beautiful... ;_;

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

That is the most beautiful thing ever

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

*reads gas prices*

Could you really get silver for $.84?*shot*

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Hmmm... which MoFo Hero are you, Craig?


Dammit, you're not a hero! Either that, or my Vicousness Chip isn't working properly today...

Posts: 2438
Famed Member


*is finally struck over the head as he's finally crossed the line of being funny with the joke he was making, is thrown into a gunny sack, tossed into Sega Lake, found three days later on the shore of South Island dazed and confused, is involved in a riot concerning the use of the US soundtrack for Sonic Gems, gets thrown out on a rubber raft, has a weeklong debate with a sea snake on who should be Sonic's dream girl (they eventually settled on Bunnie Rabbot), washes back ashore, and falls down asleep in his apartment dwelling in Sega City*

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Oh, yes, I know of a MoFo Hero.

THE ALT!!!!!!!

There's this one guy eating up bandwidth. He calls himself about twenty different names, all variations on his original name.

He supports himself in debates. He breaks rules with his alts and has all the spares to break some more with. He RPs with himself.

And you know it's him, because he still doesn't know how to use punctuation or spell or avoid accidentally using Emoticons.

Without THE ALT, and all his buddies, we'd have about 1000 members. Thanks to this miraculous creature, we have well over 5000.

Don't we just love him!

No, I'm not picking on anybody in particular.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

*is finally struck over the head as he's finally crossed the line of being funny with the joke he was making, is thrown into a gunny sack, tossed into Sega Lake, found three days later on the shore of South Island dazed and confused, is involved in a riot concerning the use of the US soundtrack for Sonic Gems, gets thrown out on a rubber raft, has a weeklong debate with a sea snake on who should be Sonic's dream girl (they eventually settled on Bunnie Rabbot), washes back ashore, and falls down asleep in his apartment dwelling in Sega City*

Don't YOU have adventures...

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

THE ALT!!!!!!!

There's this one guy eating up bandwidth. He calls himself about twenty different names, all variations on his original name.

He supports himself in debates. He breaks rules with his alts and has all the spares to break some more with. He RPs with himself.

And you know it's him, because he still doesn't know how to use punctuation or spell or avoid accidentally using Emoticons.

Without THE ALT, and all his buddies, we'd have about 1000 members. Thanks to this miraculous creature, we have well over 5000.

Don't we just love him!

sounds like james crownfur

Posts: 2
New Member

THE ALT!!!!!!!

There's this one guy eating up bandwidth. He calls himself about twenty different names, all variations on his original name.

He supports himself in debates. He breaks rules with his alts and has all the spares to break some more with. He RPs with himself.

And you know it's him, because he still doesn't know how to use punctuation or spell or avoid accidentally using Emoticons.

Without THE ALT, and all his buddies, we'd have about 1000 members. Thanks to this miraculous creature, we have well over 5000.

Don't we just love him!

Both: o.o......
Wailsy: .... you think she's talking about us?
Sunny: **shrug** Probably.
Wailsy: .... hm. **loudly** WELL SUNNY! What do YOU think about alternate accounts?
Sunny: WELL WAILSY, I think alternate accounts serve for an interesting and amusing purpose ^^ Perhaps not for people whom post counts mean a lot to. But they're there to give a false and silly identity, most of the time. They're there to provide a laugh, to feel a bit more in-character, to just have a good time. ^^ After all, these boards can't be so evil and serious all the time, right?
Wailsy: Well. We could be considered alts, couldn't we?
Sunny: Not according to that description.

**turns to the nearest forumer** Do we support ourselves in debates? ....well... wait, don't answer that. >>; Do we break the rules? Do we RP with ourselves? **whispers** This doesn't count.

Do we not know how to use punctuation and spelling and how to avoid accidentally using emoticons?
Wailsy: If you answered "HECK NO!" to any of those questions, you win! ^^
Sunny: Therefore, miss Harley, I do believe your generalization is a bit too wide. ^^ Hardly any alts I've seen have fit the description you gave.
Wailsy: Thank you, good night. ^^

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Okay, maybe I was thinking of dear ole bobcow. It took a few months to get rid of that loser.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Now now, no need for namecalling ^_^;

If I recall correctly, he only had one alternate account, maybe two.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

He was still a tart.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

He was my one true love. ;-;

Until the next one.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

You mean me, THS?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member


Are you one and true?

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

No.. I'm afraid I'm two.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Then you are not my one true love.

You can try out for my three true love, though.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Why not skip the love and try to find your one true blue?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I've already found him.


Posts: 527
Honorable Member

I thought your true love was Kez!

Posts: 1355
Noble Member


Posts: 3666
Famed Member

He's my two true love.

That's why Wes isn't. 😮

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I'll be your three true love. :[

Posts: 527
Honorable Member

Hr always had a thing for those special, darling guys.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Who's your two true blue, or one true red?

...wait, I think TR would be your one True Red. Okay, TWO true red, then.

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Im very confused at this point.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I'll tell you when I know. o.o

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Today we salute you, Ms. I have a Problem with everything.

This Greatly Offends Me! }:O

Without you, Free speetch would be an infections disease.

Get A life!



I just couldn't resist. >_>

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

lmao silv you shouldve finizhed it

also i wish i was a mofo heroe :[

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Don't tempt me. o.o *uses fake fox tail to strangle Wesu*


Posts: 1367
Noble Member

*dies sadly*

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

What? No! That's horrible!

*revives Wes*


*makes sure he dies HAPPY this time*
