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Sample skit.

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Well, all you chaps know me, so Ineed no introduction.
Anyways, what you may or may not kn ow is I'm writing a skit. As it is, this skit is turning out to be the funniest, most epic skit this forum has ever seen. Im about 13 pages in and still not even close to done.
So, indeed, there is some trial and error before the perfect plot and such is discovered for it. I have written two skits i only got a few pages into and then scrapped for not being good enough for the caliber I was looking for. And no, the plot of this has nothing to do with the final one.
This is the shorter of the two. Why did I scrap it? Well, mostly because the plot wasn't whatsoever original and would just be a parody of MGS2.
I'm better than parodies, as you all know.
Without further ado, here it is, (I dont have a title)!
As a last note, viewer discretion is advised.
I did do a more or less throughou job of censoring vulgarities, but there still is mentioning of "Cybering" and such. Other words like "Ass" and "Piss" do still remain.Viewer discretion. Kay.

The day was crisp and sunny on the golden sandy beaches of Sega City. Half a klick off, and about 12,000 feet in the air, a C-130 operating on a secret black ops mission glided above the clouds. Inside the flying HQ stood two figures, one in street clothing and one in a dirty uniform that looks military. They were walking up to the control section of the plane.
Dude, youre so gay, that when a chick was like hay u wanna go out??? You were like no thx im not in2 chix
Hey man, youre so gay, that that was actually you and not me! Yeah!
Indeed, it was none other than the dynamic teenage duo: Zex and Geo!
Alright, so let me run over the briefing one more time, Zex started. He was of average height, and clad in a colonels uniform that was anything but clean. A quick glance at it revealed several alcohol-drenched stains of vomit, several smears of blood, and a sticky substance that was probably result of the previous two. Do you recall a while ago, when, like, those jackass Russians tried to jack our ship and just pissed all over the place?
Ya man, and like they put up that shell thing to clean u- The other one was in street clothing, plain khaki pants, a black t shirt over a blue long sleeved shirt, and year-old broken in shoes. His hair was black and smooth down to his shoulders.
DONT INTTERUPT ME, B***H! Zex shouted, trying to slap Geo but failing horribly and almost collapsing on the floor, Anyways Acrio, on one of his typical self-esteem tours, went to the shell, a cleaning facility put up to clean up after those pissy Russians, to increase self-esteem and advocate against the use of drugs and unsafe sex.
Good man.
Indeed. Anyways, some poor f**kers kidnapped Acrio. Youre mission is to infiltrate the facility and rescue Acrio by any means necessary.
So, like, even if I had to shove your baby down a wood chipper, its cool?
Hell ya. That brats child support is taking some out of my wallet, anyways. I need that money for tequila and cheap hookers. Anyways, youre about to meet some of the people youll be working with on this mission.
Why couldnt we do that before, jackass? I mean, you kept me crammed in the back of the plane the whole damn time. Why couldnt I hang out with you guys, huh? Something about ruining the tactical planning of the objective? The hell kinda white-ass bulls**t is that, honky?
DUDE. Shut up. Were like about to meet them. Chill.
You cant chill the revolution, motherf**ker. Why are we even in a plane, anyways?
Uhh No more questions.
Geo kicked down the door and rushed into the control room. If you learned anything from Resident Evil 4, its not to let no bh ass door pimp you around. The room was constantly polluted by an unrelenting whirring sound; that was probably the affect of the dozens of computers that lined the room. To one side, currently tinkering on a small handgun, sat a jet-black echidna surrounded by a pc and guns. Lots of guns. The other side sat a cute Chinese girl in her early, early teens, surrounded by any and everything Bruce Lee, along with some necrophilia-promoting books. Both of them, occupied in their studies, did not notice him barging in. He first walked over to the echidna, stepping over parts of guns and scattered papers that surrounded his workstation like a moat. The desk had an ammo shifter, several guns cracked open for modification, tools of all assortments, boxes of bullets, etc. Behind him were boxes of weaponry of all sizes, from derringers to g3s.
Sup Geo Spyke blinked, looking up from the fieldstripped pistol.
Heey man. So, uh, whats your role on this b
h? Geo inquired, scanning his eyes amongst the mess.
I like taking things apart, what can I say? He shrugged, oh and while you're down there, if you need any help with anything that involves technology or a specific gun give me a ring and I'll try to help, a'ight?
Ya, ya Geo answered.
Oh, and I got this for you, Spyke added. He tossed his current project on the ground, and got up over to a shelf to his right. Sorting through numerous boxes, he pulled out an aluminum case, about two feet wide and one foot high. He sat back down and punched a combination into the handle, letting the top swing open, Its a Slayer-Voigt 6 inch infinity stock, a work of art. The slide is shaven down, the trigger adjusted to be extra sensitive, the sights shaven down and replaced with fiber optics. I could go on for a bit, but Id hate to bore you to death. Its fitted with a silencer that has an integrated compensator-
You would know about compensating
Uhm, nothing. Go on.
kk. Well, it has .45 ACP, etc. Basically, man, its a pimped out 1911. He handed the pistol in a holster, along with several magazines and a knife, to him, Consider it a late birthday present.
Er, thanks for the cannon, man, but what about all those other guns? Cant I have a machine gun or something?
Uh Youll do fine with that Spyke quickly dashed his eyes from side to side, besides, I need those for an upcoming project Im working on. Which, bye the way, could you help me on?
Dude, last time I helped you on a project, I woke up two weeks later in Southern Mexico without a pinky.
Well, good luck on the mission!
Deciding it was better to not ask any more questions, Geo jumped over to the front end of the room, which was layered with 7-Up cans. He kicked one beside and walked up t o the girl. Hey Sc- Before he could finish the sentence, the girl jumped up and tackled him. Taken by surprise. They slide all the way across the control room, sliding to a stop a foot away from one of Spykes claymores.
HEY GEO! ^-^
Happy to see you, to-
Yknow, shame this isnt real life, yknow? But hey, Im a nice guy, if you want to, me and you could probably find a janitor closet and
Really!?!? Sci jumped up to her feet, and started thinking about the nearest closet, Wait Never mind. Hormone surge, its gone now. So whats happening, Geo?
You you sure its gone? Geo said, still lying on the floor.
You really sure? He asked, about to cry.
Dont worry, Geo, Ill probably have another surge later.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

Shouldn't this be in Carnival Island?
Anyway, pretty good!

Posts: 143
Estimable Member

"A true work of literary genius." ~ Skit Weekly

"Geogwe has outdone himself with this best-selling romantic-comedic who-dunnit cyber-punk war-epic power-house over-hyphenated stunner of a skit." ~ Some overpaid fatass

"The plot will leave you guessing until the end and then you'll go 'Oh.'" ~ Mobius Forum Herald

"3/5" ~ Rolling Stone

"XD" ~ The Turtle Guy

"A thumb and a half up" ~ Ebert and other guy

"G|-|3y" ~ GameFAQs review

Posts: 403
Reputable Member

Simply brilliant. Finish it, please.

Posts: 3756
Famed Member

Heh. I wanna see the rest of this.

Oh, and to make Wonder's quote legitamate...

Wait for it....


Posts: 488
Honorable Member

When I see this skit, only one word comes to mind: "breathtaking." From the three-dimensional, lifelike characters to the imaginative and engulfing plot, tears were flowing down my face from the shear beauty of this work. Work? More like piece of art.

The characters, oh the characters, where to begin. They are so down to earth, and it's so easy for any of the audience members to relate to them. When they were calling each other gay, I was like "Hey, that could be me up there jokingly calling one of my friends gay!" It was like looking into a mirror. They let me ask myself "Is this really who I am? Should I change myself? Should I become a better person in life?" These characters introduced me to such thoughts that I would have never thought if I haven't read this piece of art. Truly a life-changing experience.

And the story. The story! The comedy! The action! The suspense! The romantic! The utterly shocking! The tension! The sexual, sexual tension! All of this seems to flow together like syrup! It's sweet deliciousness overwhelms me with delight! I'm like a kid in some sort of pancake-n-syrup toy store! The swirl of emotion just makes my head gush with amazement!

This is by far one of the greatest works I have ever read. Move over J.K. Rowling, we've got ourselves a new craze-in-the-making right here! Soon children will put down their fake wizard hats and wands, and begin questioning each other's sexual preference! One step towards a better future? You be the judge! But I know this world will eventually be a better place with this story of enchanting wonders safely read and remembered in the minds of all.


seriusly iss good stuff keep it up mang

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Heh, sweet. Keep it up, I guess.

Posts: 211
Estimable Member

We want more. More of the literary amazement that is our Geo.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Oh, thank you, you darling kids... But I don't think anyone read the intro, so I'll c&p some parts here.

Namely... The whole intro, sans warning.

Well, all you chaps know me, so Ineed no introduction.
Anyways, what you may or may not kn ow is I'm writing a skit. As it is, this skit is turning out to be the funniest, most epic skit this forum has ever seen. Im about 13 pages in and still not even close to done.
So, indeed, there is some trial and error before the perfect plot and such is discovered for it. I have written two skits i only got a few pages into and then scrapped for not being good enough for the caliber I was looking for. And no, the plot of this has nothing to do with the final one.
This is the shorter of the two. Why did I scrap it? Well, mostly because the plot wasn't whatsoever original and would just be a parody of MGS2.
I'm better than parodies, as you all know.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

That is all.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Woah. I must admit, that was awesome. I figured it'd suck, personally. Anyways, hilarious.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Eh, maybe I'll post the other one. Maybe. maybe.

Posts: 100
Estimable Member

"But I don't think anyone read the intro"

I did. It was good even if you're not planning on finishing it, though.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

::Posted here cause he was in the chat when teh skit was posted.::
Coo coo mang.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

That actually seemed pretty good, Geo. Looking forward to reading more (if it's ever posted).
