Rawr! It annoys me so much about how Sega has totally messed Sonic up ever since SA. Ok so the SA games are ok, but the cut scenes are too cheasy. :"> Sega gives Sonic no emotion. Now the SatAm Sonic was the best. He actually acted with emotion. He even cried in two episodes and his love for Sally was strong. SegaSonic isn't sensitive about Amy. He always wants her off his back. Plus his lines are soooooooooo lame!(not to offend any one). The SatAm Sonic had an attitude. His catch phrases are way cooler.
Plus his look is cooler. Of course everything I say is just my opinion. Anyway he even treats Tails better. I know SatAm is canceled (I still watch it online), but I still say that if Sega made their games even a little more like SatAm by giving the characters more emotion(And changing Robotnik to look and act more like SatAm) than maybe it would be more successful. Oh and they should add sally.
Does anyone agree?
Sonic and Sally. The true couple
Ha! You don't see that knd of emotion in SA!
Oh I thought that I couldn't talk about satam on the South Island Forums or SegaSonic on the Knothole Village Forums. TWhich forum would it be acceptable on?
Actually, most "let's compare two completely different series with the same lead character portrayed - you guessed it - completely differently!" threads really belong in here.
That said, I once liked SatAM. If I can get over the whole "Mobius" stuff and the various other liberties they took, then I probably still would like SatAM. But, I still feel the definitive Sonic to be the games for one simple reason: he came first. And heck, the way he was portrayed pre-SA1 was and is still pretty darn cool; much better than anything an Urkel-voiced Sonic would feel to me, frankly ("Let's speed, KEED").
And yes, he's had some cheesy dialogue recently. But really, how many game series HAVEN'T had a single cheesy or awkward line ever? And the ones with no sound don't count.
Nah, topics that deal with two or more Sonic univereses belong here.
Anyway, SatAM just doesn't appeal to me, sorry, but SatAM just doesn't show what Sonic is suppose to be all about, whereas SegaSonic does, just the hedgehog getting up to all sorts of crazy adventures. SatAM throws Sonic into very same-y situations, with nothing really dazzling and outstanding, and I believe that Sonic shows little emotion in the SegaSonic universe because thats who he is, filling Sonic with tears doesn't do the SegaSonic Hedgehog justice.
Basically They're two different universes, two different Sonic hedgehogs, SatAM places Sonic in more dangerous, and dark missions, while the SegaSonic universe places Sonic in light hearted, challenging, but always light hearted. It just boils down to personal preference, and mine is SegaSonic.
"Let's speed keed" was from AoStH. "It's juice time!" Was the line from SatAm. i hate the SA sonics look and voice anyway and he still lacks emotion. Who cares if Sega came first, DiC is the company that perfected Sonic.:">
Oh and one more thing, the SegaSonic is too relaxed at times, but the SatAm Sonic was impatient which made him cool. And for the record, Amy does not deserve Sonic. Sally does.
"Let's speed keed", "it's juice time"... doesn't really matter, both strike me as rather lame.
Perfected? More like "completely went against everything that made Sonic Sonic except speed and some battle between Eggman and the blue fella". I suppose some have it worse (*cough*PendersKnux*cough*), but it still was an unnecessarily large jump.
My opinion: impatience is not cool. Being somewhat laid back and relaxed is cool. Seriously. Nobody likes the whiny jackass. Not that Sonic fits that demographic, but the farther from it he is, the better.
And I don't like love stories in Sonic. Period. It was never about love, it was about saving the day. Seriously.
I know SatAm is canceled (I still watch it online), but I still say that if Sega made their games even a little more like SatAm by giving the characters more emotion(And changing Robotnik to look and act more like SatAm) than maybe it would be more successful.
That lone sentence makes no sense at all to me. How could something that was "cancelled" make something that has lasted for over a decade "more successful?"
Anyway, I don't agree with you. SegaSonic makes probably the best balance in terms of people's varying tolerance for romance. It's there in many doses, but it's very avoidable as well. Sure, if seeing major romance is some kind of story requirement for you, then as long as you don't hate Sally, SatAM will be tops; but a lot of people aren't interested in that stuff at all. Alienating people that don't like romance isn't going to help something be "more successful." SegaSonic has the best approach for a global market. All other Sonic universes are for niche groups.
Well SatAm actually had a deep storyline that was very popular evan ask the folks a FUS. And the SegaSonic's voice is sooooo annoying. Oh and his name was originally Robotnik not Eggman. What kind of name is Eggman anyway? Oh I'm so scared of a guy named Eggman. Oh and as for this.....
Anyway, I don't agree with you. SegaSonic makes probably the best balance in terms of people's varying tolerance for romance. It's there in many doses, but it's very avoidable as well. Sure, if seeing major romance is some kind of story requirement for you, then as long as you don't hate Sally, SatAM will be tops; but a lot of people aren't interested in that stuff at all. Alienating people that don't like romance isn't going to help something be "more successful." SegaSonic has the best approach for a global market. All other Sonic universes are for niche groups
I laugh. If Sega made games based on SatAm they'd probobly have loads more money. Oh and SonicX should be canceled and replaced with SatAm, AoStH, or SU which are all better series.
First off, his original name as it was penned was Eggman. Robotnik may have come out first but that doesn't mean it was the initial design; after all, the story that was in the Japanese version was completely missing in the US version. Not that there was MUCH difference, but if you went on US knowledge then you'd have never heard of South Island or known that Eggy and Sonic have been at it for ages.
Second off, you're not SUPPOSED to be that intimidated by Eggman, because he was designed as, and has been for the most part, a goofy villain. Not the evil malevolent dictator SatAM made him out to be, though he did that role rather well too.
Third, why should I care that SatAM had a deep storyline? Sonic games don't need that much story. All they need is good fun and that's all that really matters. If I wanted story I'd go read a book. (Good John Carmack quote here: "Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.")
Finally, why are we even arguing? I just said I didn't like SatAM right now - even as an opinion and not a fact -- and the next thing I know you're attacking me like a rabid fanboy gone mad. Seriously, calm down. So I don't like it that much. Should it bother you any? I don't see why.
Well my mistake you don't have to like SatAm.... Does anyone agree though? I don't SegaSonic in general, but I just like SatAm and SU's storylines more. I really like chao world in SA2 Battle. Oh and True Red, the romance thing just makes the storyline more interesting, but I also like the action and the whole Sonic liking Chillidogs. You don't see that in any games
. And the themesong is way better than the SonicX one.
Dubbed or not? I think you'll not have to look far for people who hate the dub - a lot of people consider it to be an abomination of a rather decent show. (For more info, see the topic "One Piece (of crap)".)
Heck, I hate the dub. That music should never have been touched; it was awesome as it had been, now it's some hardly-orchestral crap that doesn't set up the right mood at the right time, ever.
Are you talking about SonicX? If so I have never seen the japanese version so I mean the dubbed.
Say how good is the japanese version?
If you prefer SatAM as empthatically as you do right now, it's not going to convince you otherwise; else it's a pretty good translation of the game Sonic onto TV. Main problem would be Chris, he gets too much limelight; other than that it's pretty good. The game adaptions are awesome; SA2's has "Live and Learn" in it, for pity's sake, that was probably the best homage ever in any Sonic TV show ever. Shame 4Kids cut THAT too.
Ok so I don't hate SonicX too much I just prefer the other series like SatAm and SU. OVA was pretty good too. I really like the Dark Chao from SA2 battle aswell. I have one on my game with everything at level 99. Yes I do play SA, but only for the gameplay and the cool background music and the chao. (Say does anyone know where to get uncu SatAm episodes or SU episodes. I need them for my website. I already have a few, but I still need Sonic Conversion.)
Heck, I hate the dub. That music should never have been touched; it was awesome as it had been, now it's some hardly-orchestral crap that doesn't set up the right mood at the right time, ever.
I admit the American dub tends to be overdramatic at best, but with the exception for Knuckles' "Master Emerald" theme and maybe that bouncy music that plays whenever Amy's mallet is showcased, most of the original's music didn't impress me. I will say it was more appriorate then the dub, although only a few scenes had me perfering the dub over the original, especially the ending to epsiode 17.
SA2's has "Live and Learn" in it, for pity's sake, that was probably the best homage ever in any Sonic TV show ever. Shame 4Kids cut THAT too.
I think I'm the only one who dislikes that song. It just wasn't as good as "Open Your Heart." to me.
My answer to all this. Well, I'll tell you what, MegaSonic, I don't hate the SAtam Sonic show and I would glady watch it, but I would glady prefer Segasonic over SATam Sonic. To me, he had more personality. He was cocky, he was lazy (when not adventuring or running around), he was clever. Most of SATam Sonic generally has him showing off (even segaSonic doesn't show off much) nearly all the time, he was too impatient and even too immature (acting more like an whiny 10 year old kid then a 15 year old hero). It also seems he has protrayed with little common sense which I mainly see in SegaSonic.
Romance...Some like him with Sally, others with Amy. I prefer he be alone because I see him as the type to be alone, at least SegaSonic wise...
I like SatAm, but as I've said before around here: I like anything that has do with Sonic; in a way, I guess my saying should be, "If it's Sonic, it has to be good." Heck, I'm even one of the few that likes Sonic Heroes (though let's forget I said anything about SH ) The way I see it though is I don't actually see no, if any, difference in personality between SatAm Sonic and SegaSonic. They're both cocky, both love getting on 'Buttnik/Eggy's nerves, have fun defeating Eggy's machines (or creatures as the case is in Shadow and Chaos), love juicin', and has respect for their friends.
I prefer SegaSonic more but that's because I never saw SaTam much and the episodes I did see didn't convince me it was superior to SegaSonic...
Chicken or fish? Rock or Country? Boxers or briefs?
To me this has always been a subject that is a matter of personal preference. Anyone who says that without a doubt, one is intrinsically better then the other, is putting on airs. It's all a matter of what you think and what you want.
Now explaining why you like one better then the other, no harm in that. But going around and trying to convince people of the flaws in their preference and why they should like one over the other is a little bit bordering on pretension in my book.
Hence why I try and avoid arguments like this at all costs.
Just because Sonic isn't the one showing emotion doesn't mean that the Sonic Adventure games are completely devoid of it. Tell me for a moment that E-102's ending wasn't a beautiful little cutscene, it just worked perfectly and was so cute and sad.
I never overly liked SatAM, the storylines were too silly most of the time (though, like Fleetway fans, SatAm fans conviniently forget episodes like that in favour for the minority of serious stories), Tails was useless in it and EVERY DANG EPISODE ended with "OMG POWAH RING!"
Sonic X is the only Sonic cartoon I've enjoyed so far and that's mostly for the Sonic Adventure/Battle adaptions.
But really, how many game series HAVEN'T had a single cheesy or awkward line ever?
One or two, all on PC
Anyway, Sonic X is quite good in the original Japanese. I personally found the dub to be awful, as I have almost always found dubs the be awful.... it's rare that the acting is of the same standard, and I thus find it hard to take them seriously.
Mind you, I've never seen SatAM... but I'll agree that the plots for all recent Sonic Games bar Battle have been pretty awful...
but I'll agree that the plots for all recent Sonic Games bar Battle have been pretty awful...
Since SA2 the only games with plots have been Battle, Advance 3 and Heroes. Advance 3 stuck a plot in there just to say, "Look, we have a plot" even though to be honest it doesnt. So that doesn't really count as it doesnt have much of a plot at all.
So, basically Heroes, which actually had a quite decent basic idea that was mangled in execution, is pretty much the only "recent" plot to base that on.
First off, you make a poor argument, MegaSonic. Most of what you're saying is merely squawking 'they messed this up!!' Luckily, I'm here to help.
As for my personal preference, I like stories with deep emotional character development and a driven plot, so if a Sonic story -- ANY Sonic story -- clicks with this I hold it in high regard. Now trying to compare ONE show to ALL games is kind of difficult, especially when it comes to things like story, since all the stories are different. What games are you comparing? Sonic 1 or Sonic Adventure? What shows: the Doomsday three-part that ended the series with a bang or Robo-Becca? On the average, I like the SatAM ideals more than that of the games, just because it's more of a fresh approach. I DON'T think of the show as an adaptation, or even a continuation, of any of the games. They're just a show. And I still cringe whenever Sonic opens his mouth.
Frankly, I wouldn't feel confident enough in any Sonic source to defend it unwaveringly. All the sources have the strengths and weaknesses. If you're lining up all the final installments of the Sonic sources for comparison (The Doomsday eps for SatAM, the last eps of AoStH, SU, Sonic X, the Sonic OVA, Sonic Heroes for the next-gen games, Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the last "true" old-school game, the latest issue of Archie, and the latest issue of StC-Online) you're going to get several different answers depending on who you ask. I myself belong to the camp that refuses favorites; the IDEALS of Sonic are why I'm here in the fandom, and no one source exemplifies those ideals as closely as they play in my mind. But that's what fanfiction's for.
I guess I'll add my two cents as well.
I admit, I used to adore SatAM. I'd get up every Saturday to watch it. But when it was cancelled, I migrated to the games and took a liking to them.
I have a few gripes with SatAM though. A major issue was the role of Tails. He was Sonic sidekick originally, but in SatAM, he was nothing more than a side character. Sally often filled the roles that Tails normally plays in the games, which brings me to my next point.
Sally was a great character and all, but she, like Chris in Sonic X, got too much airtime compared to the other Freedom Fighters. If I recall right, hers was the only past we were shown. I can't recall ever seeing anything about Sonic, Tails, Antoine, Bunnie, and Rotor's pasts.
Another thing were the use of plots. There were plenty of things to work with from the games. The Chaos Emeralds were a prime example. A Chaos Emerald arc would've fit in perfectly in SatAM. And why replace South Island with Knothole? And why put the Time Stones on a dinky little island, when they're supposed to be on the Little Planet?
Sorry if I sound nitpicky, but I firmly believe that SatAM could've been so much more better if more thought had been put into it.
A major issue was the role of Tails. He was Sonic sidekick originally, but in SatAM, he was nothing more than a side character. Sally often filled the roles that Tails normally plays in the games
They were planning on writing that into Season 3, before it got canceled.
And why put the Time Stones on a dinky little island, when they're supposed to be on the Little Planet?
Sonic CD was released shortly after the show ended. It was just a coincidence that both had time travel of some kind, if I remember right.
But yeah, you have valid points. Heh, NOW who's being nitpicky? ^^;
Well SatAm actually had a deep storyline that was very popular evan ask the folks a FUS.
That's like going over SonicAnime.net and asking people if they love Sonic X and is also irrelevant to the discussion. :p
And the SegaSonic's voice is sooooo annoying.
Irrelevant to the discussion, though I personally think Eggman has the best dubbed voice in SA & SA2. I've yet to play Heroes.
Oh and his name was originally Robotnik not Eggman.
Irrelevant to the discussion.
What kind of name is Eggman anyway? Oh I'm so scared of a guy named Eggman.
Do you have to be scared of the villain to want to play the game? Remember, we're supposed to be discussing what will make people want to play the games more. Obviously the lack of people flocking to your cause should be sending some signals that "scary villains" are not required.
I laugh. If Sega made games based on SatAm they'd probobly have loads more money.
If that's all you can say in response to what I said, then quit attempting to debate the issue as you didn't touch one point I made. You just said that you "laugh."
Oh and SonicX should be canceled and replaced with SatAm, AoStH, or SU which are all better series.
Considering its ratings, that's doubtful, particularly since SU got sent off the air (at least where I live). One kid at the middle school where I work even told me that he'd make me watch SU as punishment if I become a bad math teacher. 😉
Oh and True Red, the romance thing just makes the storyline more interesting,
In YOUR opinion. A lot of people despise romance, particularly those who play the video games. Adding something that people despise will turn them away from the games, which would make it sell LESS, not more. You're supposed to be improving the sales not making them worse.
but I also like the action and the whole Sonic liking Chillidogs.
The video games have plenty of action as well, but no they don't have Sonic liking chili dogs, which to me has nothing to do with anything. **shrugs**
Ok people..... I don't hate SegaSonic I liked SA2 battle (specially the dark chao), but I still think that Sonic's looks should be reverted back to their original design. My favorite look for Sonic was that of SatAm. And yes there are a few things that SatAm could have had like chaos emeralds and the episode "Super Sonic" didn't have Super Sonic in it so why call it that? Of course I am comparing this to SH and SA and not the earlier games which are perfectly fine. Of course SA isn't so bad. Of course SatAm was how I got into Sonic. I didn't know about the games until a while after so I am more used to it. I even watch the episodes online. And Sonic's voice in SA sounds too mature for a 15 year old. As for SatAm's Sonic, he looks, sounds, and acts more like a 13 year old than a 15 year old if you ask me. Infact I always thought he was that age until the comics. I have SH and SA2 Battle and I play them because they are fun.(And I like the music. Especially "Live and Learn". Oooh yeah.) I like all Sonic stuff except maybe a few things.I'm kind of mad at Arcie right now.) Anyway I still say that Sega should give Sonic better lines, more emotion, and a better look.
Sonic is a 15 year old, not 13. Also, no offense to fans of Jaleel White, but Sonic was VA'ed by STEVE URKEL for heavens sake! The personification of DORK doing the voice for the self styled personification of COOL. Does not compute!
and, have you played Sonic Adventure 1 at all? I'm shocked to see you keep mentioning SA2 and SH, but not SA1 which is regarded as one of the holy trinity of Sonic games (along with S3&K and Sonic CD)
Oh and by the way a TV series is obliged to give an award winning script to stay on the air. A videogame focuses on gameplay, with story coming as an add-on. Sonic games have a wonderful story with alot of developed and briliant characters, but in the end it's too much to ask for a flawless and perfect storyline in a videogame series.
Oh and play Sonic Battle. Play Sonic Battle and tell me that Sonic games don't have decent/mature stories.
As far as storyline is concerned, look at S3&K. It executed a well thought out storyline without using a single VA or line of text.
:"> I know he's 15, but I used to think he was 13 before the games and comics. Oh and I have played SA 1 DX, and It was fun I liked fighting Perfect Chaos. Doesn't the SatAm Sonic look and act younger than 15 though. Oh and the SA voice for Sonic drives me CRAZY!!!! It sounds more like the voice of a 21 year old than a 15 year old.
might as well ad mu 2 cents on this subject...again...
ok, well SatAm had a very dark subject done in an immature way to appeal to kids. The story was faily thought out and the characters had the Archie feel to em, however, SegaSonic started off with a very base character, Sonic was an animal *similar to flickies and pocky and the rest of em* who just so happened to be more anthropomorphic than the others, using this to his advantage he saved his friends, he wasnt very impatient, wasnt ever scared *unless he ran out of air or died* and always had a smile on his face. Eggman and him had no prior conflict *though some disagree* and thier relationship built throughout the series. When the third game hit Sonic started gaining a personality with his interactions with Tails and specificly with Knuckles, then the series went dormant as far as the cannon story goes for a while. When SADX came out SonicTeam took everything they had about sonic and gave him a voice and personality with heavy influence on the whole valley-boy genre. He was still the same character though, with a few minor additions *his playfullness with knux and protectiveness with tails* it also made Amy an annoying little girl.
In SatAM, Sonic stayed fairly static as far as characters go, he was happy, hungry and impatient most of the time, and when danger was around or he screwed up he manicly changed moods into a very serious *shadow-like* state of mind. Which is, much like a teenager.
Now the way i see it, if SegaSonic started having Sonic change moods like that in the game than it would be drastic mood changes, imagine Sonic going from Amy in Sonic Heroes to Espio in Heroes or Shadow in SA2.... big change, very very rapidly, it wouldnt work imho. It'd just be stupid scripting and distribution, and sonic would probably be so confused he'd commit suicide *ok that last part was a joke on extents, but you get my point i hope cuz im not explaining it anymore*
Ok I think it was EVIL how Sega changed Amy. And I still say that Sally is a better character. Of course I've known SatAm a couple of years longer than I've known SegaSonic so I'm more used to SatAm. Besides I like a Sonic who is more interesting like on SatAm. I like his mood swings and his love for chillidogs.(gotta love the chillidog thing) And since Sega changed Sonic's look I've kina been mad at them a little. I just think the new one looks too much like a hippie with those horrible long spikes. And green eyes don't go good with a blue character, plus his "game voice" sounds too old. He sounds 21 or something, not 15 or however old he is nowadays. I miss the old look and it would be nice if they made atleast one more game starring the old Sonic that WASN'T Mega Collection. And maybe I can convince the FoxBox to air SatAm to help promote SonicX since it was popular way back when.>D
I think it would be nice for SatAm to air in the Us again. I miss it even if i do watch it online, just isn't the same. It was my first refferance to Sonic. It is kind of funny how I used to think he was 13 instead of 15. Of course I didn't know about Sega then though.
Discussing this with you is useless, you keep repeating the same bias points over and over again. You have your opinion, we have ours. If you don't wish to hear ours, don't expect us to listen to yours ;p
First Mau and now this kid? Craig you like to argue with brick walls don't you? *snickers*
Quiet you!
Quiet U? I thought it was Silent E. Could this be the start of a new grammatical rule?
*Runs away from this thread in tears* Rico and Shadow Hog are mean ;.;
Mean? I'm complimenting you for your grammatical genius! Just think, Craig! You could make MILLIONS off of this new invention of quiet U!
I'me tempted to nitpick at Mega's comment on blue characters with green eyes not working, should I just leave it?
I'me tempted to nitpick at Mega's comment on blue characters with green eyes not working, should I just leave it?
He opened the door for it, so why not?
He opened the door for it, so why not?
Very well, but I may start to sound like my art tutor.
And green eyes don't go good with a blue character
OK, firstly that's only your artistic preference, thus meaning your opinion, that doesn't mean it doesn't work, cause it does, otherwise people like me would hate it (I in fact love it, I tend to design many of my characters with blue hair and green eyes, I now have it cut down to 2). The reason why the combination works is because blue and green create a harmony of colour, meaning they work together to create a certain affect or feeling to a picture/scene or character, in this case the combination is usually associated with aquatic scenes or characters, this gives Sonic a cool image that fits perfectly with the tropical beach setting of most of the first Zones in the Sonic series.
Sonic's not the only character to use this though, here's a few others;
No image, but a link to one
And again
And again, except this is my character!
I feel that I've proven my point, so I'll leave it at that. I know there are more characters out there, but most of them aren't from games and I can't be bothered to search any farther.
I never thought of it like that. It makes sense though since blue and green are colors that are often associated with water. Thanks for the insight. You learn something new every day.
Well green eyes don't work with Sonic. Does anyone like SatAm Sonic's look?
After hearing so much about "SatAM this, SatAM that", I actually went out of my way to download every single episode from both seasons and take the effort to watch them.
I found myself incredibly bored, never watched past episode 6, eventually deleted every episode.
As you admitted, SatAM was your earlier influence on Sonic. SO naturally it's your perferred. For most of us, however, it wasn't.
What's the difference between Sonic's "SatAM look", his "AoStH look" and his Mega Drive era games look?
The only major difference between the looks is that in SatAM he only had a row of spikes, which looked pretty stupid as they were 2 dimensional spikes, like razor blades rather than the large quills which they've been since Sonic 2 (check the special zone).
Also, I mean no offense, but the animation of SatAM is majorly dated, as it was all hand-drawn and has the inevitable re-used animations etc, it was good at it's time, but looking at it now you can see how jerky the animation is and how the characters movements are just akward, especially Sonic's.
I like the story of the show, I enjoy Princess Sally as a character, I thought that the final 2 eps were superb like any other guy. I just know where to draw the line and realise that this is a poorly animated kids show with zero character development and not some dark and deep story that intrigues at about 50'000 different levels.
If you're after that, Gargoyles was being made about the same time, THAT is a deep story! SatAM was just a kids show which had a mild sense of continuity, which if I remember, was a BIG thing at the time.
Ah, Gargoyles. The only Disney-related series you'll ever catch me admit to liking. Ever.
The DVD of season 1 is out in 1 month and six days ^.^
I prefer Sat AM mostly.
Hello, ma!
Care to add to the discussion and tell us why Kubo?