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Silly PETA, fish ar...
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Silly PETA, fish are for eating!

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Posted on Sun, Aug. 22, 2004

PETA launches campaign to shame anglers


'Imagine reaching for an apple on a tree and having your hand suddenly impaled by a metal hook that drags you the whole weight of your body pulling on that one hand out of the air and into an atmosphere in which you cannot breathe."

Can you picture this happening to you?

"This is what fish who have well-developed pain receptors experience when they are hooked for 'sport.' "

The above is part of a new campaign to shame people from participating in the cruel and inhumane activity of killing fish for food, fun or profit.

A billboard along Interstate 45 running into the Texas' port city of Galveston featured a dog with a pained look being pulled by a giant fishhook that pierced its bloody upper lip.

"If you wouldn't do this to a dog, why do it to a fish?" the billboard asked.

The billboard didn't provide an answer to its question. I suppose the point was to make people think of their own answers.

I thought the right answer might be because fish don't come when you whistle.

That answer might not be what People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals had in mind when they paid for the billboard and launched their anti-fishing campaign.

The billboard, according the Houston Chronicle, was the first in a national campaign to show that people who fish are merciless torturers and killers. Well, actually, I added the "merciless torturers and killers" part.

After reading the PETA Web site supporting this campaign,, my description appears to cut to the chase.

"Fish may not be cute and cuddly like puppies and kittens, but they suffer and experience pain in very much the same way," the animal-rights group preaches.

Supposedly people who don't fish but still eat an occasional tuna-salad sandwich for lunch, munch on catfish at a church fish fry or perchance dine on a flavorful Red Snapper in a delicate orange-ginger sauce are still guilty of the suffering and slaughter of fish dragged painfully from their homes and left callously to die by suffocation.

I had always thought fishing was a pleasant pastime that occasionally put food on the table depending on the right bait, weather, time of day, phase of the moon and entreaties to your lucky mesquite bean.

Boy, was I wrong. People who fish are right up there on the torturers' list with Saddam Hussein's sons Odai and Qusai.

In defense of myself and people who have fished since there have been people on Earth, I recalled the story of Jesus feeding loaves and fishes to 5,000 followers. Surely, I thought, PETA is not saying that Jesus also is guilty of torturing and killing innocent fish.

The PETA folks anticipated that argument on its Web site.

Under a headline that says, "What about Jesus and the fish? Didn't Jesus eat fish?"

The answer to their own question "Probably not: There is strong evidence suggesting that Jesus was a vegetarian."

The anti-fishing Web site claims that "most Biblical scholars" agree that references to Jesus eating fish were late and improper additions to the Gospels by fish-eating scribes.

As far as Jesus multiplying dead fish to feed the masses, the PETA folks argue that fish were added to these stories by Greek scribes due to some confusion over the Greek word for fish and an acronym for "Jesus Christ Son of God Savior" and "has nothing to do with eating animals (or torturing them by impaling them on a hook)."

What's more, the PETA anti-fishing Web site points out that the Bible tells how Jesus "calls multiple fishers away from their occupation of killing animals and pleads with them to show mercy to all beings."

Christians should be grateful to PETA for clearing up the Bible although it's not clear if non-Christians are let off the hook.

The anti-fishing campaign is just beginning. Be prepared to feel shame.

Nethaway is senior editor of the Waco Tribune-Herald. E-mail him at

Yeah, I LOL'd when I first read this...What's your opinion?

Posts: 2354
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That's just plain stupid.

I have nothing else to say, really.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I swear, PETA gets more and more ridiculous as time goes by.

Though it makes me think of <a href=""">this</a> ;" and I LOL. I recommend watching that, it's very interesting, and it might open some eyes. Language warning, though.

Posts: 3468
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PETA, you suck. o.o;

I have no problem with hunting if you intend to eat, but I don't see the point otherwise. But I hear Deer is great.

Posts: 1437
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Just one thing to say:

People Eating Tasty Animals.

If you choose not to eat meat, go ahead. But don't try to rule the diets of others. Animals eat other animals, why shouldn't we?

Posts: 3291
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for goodness sakes, i wish they'd leave jesus out of it. ox; they're mis-interpreting the bible.

as for the fish? they should stop complaining and using scare tactics and try and find ways for fish to be killed in a less painful way if they're that worried about them.

Posts: 91
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Boy, they're really reaching, aren't they?

So, I had a hamburger tonight, and catfish on Tuesday. Two innocent species raised for our food, and slaughtered just for the brief enjoyment of their meat, and whatever nutritional value they add. How do I feel about this? Absolutely delicious, of course.

Oh, and SX. I've had venison a couple times. Wasn't too bad, but given a choice, I'd rather have something else. Now, ostrich, on the other hand... Oh my god, it melts in your mouth! I'd love to have more of it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I was agreeing until the stupid over the top Jesus reference.

Fishing for sport is a cruel thing and needlessly painful for the poor creature.

Posts: 1367
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Actually, I do sort of agree with this on one thing: I don't agree with hunting for sport.

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I know what I'm eating for supper tonight ^__^
(Hint for the slow: IT IS TEH FISH!!!111HOHNOEZ I AM MURDERAR)

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Well, in my books, they insulted my Christian beliefs.

Then again I've already thought of them as idiots before so why should I be shocked and mad now?


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I wanted to wait until some others had posted before I gave my reaction to this article


As far as Jesus multiplying dead fish to feed the masses, the PETA folks argue that fish were added to these stories by Greek scribes due to some confusion over the Greek word for fish and an acronym for "Jesus Christ Son of God Savior" and "has nothing to do with eating animals (or torturing them by impaling them on a hook)."

Oh, okay...And Jesus didn't really rise from the dead...It was actually just some dude who looked like Jesus...yeah...

I was given this article in my Honors Theo class last year... The teacher gave it to us as an example of how people can use the bible to prove things that aren't true...We also talked about the book "The Bible Code", which claims the bible predicted such things as the Holocaust...Total BS...

Yeah, I'm not a fan of hunting, but it's not like I think those who hunt are murders... as long as you aren't wasting the meat, I have no problem with it...Capture and release: Hey, it's better than just discarding the caught fish...

Hunting isn't my thing, but that's cause I'd rather not sit and wait...

Posts: 1367
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Capture and release: Hey, it's better than just discarding the caught fish...

Fishing for sport. Ergo, people like to keep trophies. Although I really wouldn't like a dead fish mounted to my wall.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Capture and release is the equivalent of getting caught in a bear trap and then let go afterwards. Hey, it's only a nasty wound a whole lot of prain and terror which will cripple you for the rest of your days (or at least for the next 90 seconds, depending on your memory capacity), but still.

I'm all for it being DISCOURAGED, not banned or forbidden. I realise that it's wide-spread and a relaxing hobby, so damned if stopping it would be worth the effort, but cutting down on even one, well that's a good thing.

PETA going for the kill with the Jesus bull is just a bit stupid. That said, PETA are stupid.

Posts: 530
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*is suddenly reminded of a story where two men 'fished' by hooking jumper cables to their car, throwing the ends in a pond, and cranking the engine thereby causing fish to instantly die and float to the surface*

Posts: 233
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Just a bit of a thought, but following PETA's biblical claims, I wonder what the theological implications of this would be given that some of his more famous disciples were told to stop being fishermen, but instead "fishers of men"...

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*ties a beer can to a long bit of string, dangles it from her window* >>

Posts: 2232
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*pounces it*


Posts: 3291
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*hoists up the string as he latches to it!* ^.@!!

Posts: 1376
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*Takes photo of caught Crimson, sneds to PETA* OMG LADY KYLLING ALKAHOLIX 4 SPORT!

Posts: 666
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All non-commercial fishing is sport fishing. Altho some commercial fishing vessels use line rod and hooks too.

When PETA can train Alaskan grizzlies to not catch and eat salmon, they can start convincing me. Until then, I will hunt and eat meat because I, like the bear, am an omnivore. I really hunt because it is fun, but don't tell PETA that...

Hunting isn't for everyone, but neither is racecar driving or BASE jumping.


Posts: 4336
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Well I don't drink beer. So nyeh.

Now on-topic...well, just look at this classic.

<-- Warning: Cartoonized realistic violence

That pretty sums up my opinion of what I think of PETA.

Acrio: o.0;; Ultra you're beginning to make some people uncomfortable with these pictures you're linking all over.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Was that really necessary, Ultra?

I rarely eat fish: I'm more of a chicken and meat kind of guy. :p

Posts: 4336
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I posted the same pics in Marble Garden without a peep of protest.

Here. *zap*

Acrio: And that counted for something until you got the peeps here. o.o I love the pics myself Ultra, but a few people weren't reacting too well. Try to chop a few years off the rating of your next pic. That goes for either violent or what could be considered sexual content.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

*Wonders why PETA assume that only women wear fur and only men fish...*

*Then subsequently wonders what the heck goes through the minds of the PETA commity that produces this sort of thing*

Posts: 4336
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Try to chop a few years off the rating of your next pic.



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I wish I lived in Wisconsin...

*Grabs shotgun*

Here kitty kitty kitty!

Posts: 142
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awww, Ultra, the cute widdle fwuffy animals! sqeeee! *cuteness overload*

Posts: 36
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I would love to see PETA try to explain this to the people living in Hawaii. Chances are if you have been living in Hawaii for an extended peirod of time you fish. Weather you're a person who just moved here or are a certified local you have or will be invited to fish. Fishing is part of the local culture here in Hawaii. No matter what time of day or night you will see anglers lining the beaches fishing either alone or with friends and/or families.

I respect PETA's beliefs, if you want to be a veitarian, so be it, if you want to go hardcore and be a vegan good for you, but I draw the line when you start bending over backwards to prove that you are right and everyone else is wrong. I eat meat and I know that I may not be the best person in the world, in fact I know strongly that I am far from a perfect christian, but I know the fact that I eat meat does not make me a monster of a human.

In closing I feel that PETA needs to just stop hating. They are just making it harder for themselves by demonising regular people. If PETA knows what's good for them they will keep their anti-fishing campaign far far away from Hawaii.

Posts: 233
Estimable Member


I respect PETA's beliefs, if you want to be a veitarian, so be it, if you want to go hardcore and be a vegan good for you

Or if you want to go really hardcore, be a hardcore vegan and don't go to any location that has any form of meat in its name :crazy :crazy :crazy *shot*

Posts: 1367
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I respect PETA's beliefs, if you want to be a veitarian, so be it, if you want to go hardcore and be a vegan good for you, but I draw the line when you start bending over backwards to prove that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

Congratulations, you just described PETA in a nutshell. PETA is everything a vegan/vegetarian should not be: insane, psycopathic nutjobs who want nothing other than "total animal liberation." They go so far as to compare the way animals are treated in factory farms to the way the Jews were treated during the Holocaust. Do I respect vegetarians? Sure, they can eat what they want. Do I respect psychos? Um, not quite.

People should check out the link I posted earlier in the topic if they haven't. It really opened my eyes.

Posts: 51
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Some facts about PETA.

1) They take in about 29 million dollars worth of donations. (Since they are a non-profit organization, their finacial records can be viewed by the public.)

2) The shelter PETA runs has taken in almost 16 000 animals, yet they euthinized about 12 500 of them that's almost 80%

With their finaces PETA could easy become a no-kill shelter, but they simply choose not to. Before they go on their high horse about saving animals, they better start with themselves.

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Wesu...that was awesome...and informative...


Life isn't Disney ******** where lions, pigs, and meerkats hang out together and sing songs

I laughed so hard when they said this...

So they are against animal testing?!?...Okay, I'm cool with that...Anyone for rounding up some PETA folks for testing?

Yeah...I totally agree with these guys...One human life out weighs the lifes of any animals...Yes, I understand animals can feel pain and all that other stuff, but they are not like humans...Humans can be self-sacrificing, humans can love...

It makes me sick to think that Madame (insert fancy name here)'s little doggy Snoopy is getting treatment for cancer while there are people in 3 world countries who are dying of diseases that we have cures for! Heck, there are people starving here in our own country (US, UK, where ever!)! We have the means to feed these people, it's not like we have a lack of food or anything... We are all (myself included) too stuck up to help out others... (no, I know some of you {or at least I hope...} volunteer your time and money... but there is always more we can do).

There is only one true way to be a vegan...

EDIT: the hell! they took down the strip...dang...I'll find it later tonight...

EDIT #2: THE HELL! It's back?!? AARRGHH! They must take their site down...

Posts: 980
Prominent Member

Show the world the episode of the Cartoon 'Tales of the Cryptkeeper' with "Gone Fishin'"...

There's good Anti-fishing propaganda right there. :D

As for the whole idea - meh, PETA are plain nuts...nothing new if you think about it, heh heh.

Posts: 43
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Humans can be self-sacrificing, humans can love...

So can animals. You base your idea that they can't on what exactly? Bias?

PETA is a sensationalist organization that loves attention, and says a lot of stupidity, but most fishing is cruel, and slaughterhouses can be compared to the Holocaust. To deny that is an excellent example of how people will believe what they're taught to accept over facts.

But animals do it too. I like Jimro's bear example. Sometimes human hunting is less or more cruel than predators in general. Sure, saying that somebody else does it isn't a good moral argument and unnecessary cruelty is of course wrong, but I don't think it's unreasonable for a predator to eat meat.

Personally I base my opinions on how smart the animal is or how much I like it. So I wouldn't eat a monkey. But I don't like most meat other than occasional fish or chicken so it doesn't come up.

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and slaughterhouses can be compared to the Holocaust.

How? Last I recalled, German chickens didn't send Jewish chickens to death camps.

But seriously, how? How can a chicken slaughterhouse (in which chickens are killed to become human food or for products to be used by humans) be comparable to the Holocaust (in which Hitler ordered the destruction of over 6,000,000 Jews because he thought they were inferior to the Aryans)?

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It's saying that they're alike in the sense that animals are apparently treated in factory farms the same as Jews were in the camps.

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I finally managed to find a copy of the Dilbert strip that puts all of this into perspective...
