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So, how's school go...
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So, how's school going so far for you?

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Not bad for me. I have a 100 average in multimedia. All of my other classes aren't producing grades like that, but I manage a high C to a low B in each of those classes.
In case your wondering, school started July 29th here in Geogia. But we get out during early May.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Ah, very cool ^^

I just started my Junior year on Thursday and my schedule is both awesome and cruel. I have swimming first period, then from there I get to literally run back and forth across my (rather large) school for the rest of the day. ^^;

I'm enjoying my classes. I'm taking Creative Writing, Cosmic Journey (a funner version of astronomy that focuses on everything in space rather than just stars), and I MADE IT INTO VARSITY SINGERS 😀 the highest chorus a female junior can get into. I'm happy. ^^

My entire schedule is as follows: Gym (swimming :D), Cosmic Journey, Creative Writing, Lunch/Varsity Singers, American Studies, Math Analysis (Algebra III/Pre-calculus cross), and English III.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 348
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I don't start school until September 6th.

In the state of Virginia, there's this law that states that public schools cannot start until after Labor Day.

I'll be in 11th classes will be: English 11, Trigonometry, French 4, Chemistry, some government/history class, Art 3 and Art 4.

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The good: I got three of the APs I asked for (Literature, Calculus BC, and Computer Science, aka Java). Plus I'm an intern, so Research Practicum should be... well, more interesting, I guess.

The bad: I did NOT get AP Physics C like I asked because the scheduling got screwed up like mad, and therefore it wound up when I would be taking AP Literature, so I wound up with a nice hole in my schedule. Fortunately, I managed to fill it up with AP Chemistry, though I've yet to get my new schedule so as to actually START AP Chemistry, meaning I'll be a whole week behind when I do.

The other bad: Homework. Ah, how I didn't miss ye. It's not like I wasn't asking for it, though; FOUR APs, plus RP... ouch. Man, I wish I wasn't in Sci/Tech right now... x_x;

The other good: I get out a whole month earlier, just because I'm a senior. Yay.

Posts: 1321
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It hasn't started for me yet (on Monday, that will be a different story. -.-;;), but I do have my schedule.

Scheldule: Computer Construction (A+), CP World History, Algebra II, Gym, Driver's Ed, CP English, CP CATS (science)

My only complaint about the schedule is that I wanted Computer Science instead of A+. I'm surprised it got filled up. Oh well. At least it's an easy A (for me, anyway)

My only other complaint is that I don't have a locker yet due to the overcrowding and renovations being done to the school. Great. -.-;;

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In case anyone's wondering, here's my schedule for my junior year:
1st period: Multimedia
2nd period: Algebra 2
3rd period: American History
4th period: Chemistry 1
5th period: Spanish 1
6th period: American Literature

I won't get a locker because all of my classes are so spread apart. Not to mention the halls get so crowded, that we have one-way halls.

Posts: 1567
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Lesse I first have Pre Algebra 106 because I did bad on my ACT in math (Everything else was in the 24 range)...and it's almost 2 hours long...the PAIN.

After that is an Ethics course...then a course on the study of the geology of Colorado followed up with an Intro to Lit. I'm just tolerating these general studies until I can start going to the classes for my degree...only a couple more classes left...

Oh and as of right now my GPA is about 3.7...WAY below my high school GPA.

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Ah, college starts on Wednesday, I'm moving out tomorrow.

Let's see, I have...

Applied Stat for Business and Economics
Theory of Public Finance
Ancient Greek Life and Thought
History of the Roman Empire
Household Economics - You should see my book. If it weren't politically incorrect to call this book gay, I'd call it gay. There's just no other word. "Stupid-looking," "garish," and "tacky" simply do not suffice. If someone can come up with a non-offensive word that can better describe this type of sheer awfulness, you are more than welcome to suggest it.

For example, the cover is bright pink, has the words Household Dynamics emblazoned across it, and inside a circle on the middle of the front cover, there's a campy picture of an 80's style family, like the type you'd see in those old health ed videos, a suburban husband and wife playing with their two kids.

It's so... blindingly... arrrgh!!

(I'm an economics major and an archaeology and writing minor. Because people always ask: I hope to get into economic development and the conservation/restoration of historical sites. Even better would be reconstructive archaeology, like where you build Viking ships and sail them, figuring out they lived... man! Awesome!)

Posts: 1269
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I'm not back for another week or so.

Posts: 80
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I barely got my grade (Licence de communication). I hope this year will be better. I'm a very bad worker. :o

Posts: 2610
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School hasn't started for me, but it will on the sixth. The stupidest thing about my school is that we don't get our schedules till the first day. I can't wait to go back though! -_-;;

Posts: 1334
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School for me starts on the 30th, ala Tuesday But I'll grace you with my Junior year's schedule.

1st/ Geography 2
2nd/ Biology
3rd/ Literature 11
4th/ Multimedia Applications
"B Lunch"
5th/ Algebra II
6th/ Teacher's Assistance
7th/ US Military History

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Well my junior year in high school began August 10th and my schedule is as follows:

1st - AP American History - Not too tough, but this essay writing thing isn't cool. It makes me weep. ;_;
2nd - AP English - Really, really boring so far, and yet some more essay writing...phooey.
3rd - Art I - Pretty cool, not as fun as I had hoped, but still pretty cool.
4th - Precal. w/Trig - At the moment really easy and alot of my friends are in this class so it rocks.
5th - Lunch - You know you'd think this would be a good period, but it's not. Of course a lot of my friends are in this lunch period, but all of them are better friends with some of my other friends...making me as usual a third wheel. Although one of my friends who is a Sonic freak as myself is in this lunch so we usually are discussing Sonic Gems, Shadow, Metal Sonic, or when he's gonna get those other 4/5 emeralds on Sonic Heroes, so when he's there it's cool.
6th - Physics - teacher doesn't waste any time, I can barely keep up in that class. Oh boy.
7th - Spanish III - Hip hip Hooray! I love this class. Not the easiest class, but really fun and interactive. Lots of friends in this one as well.
8th - Advanced PE - Basically football practice.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I'm starting my Junior year of UNIVERSITY tommarrow! In an hour I will drive back to Austin and move in to my awesome new dorm.

The good: We're using the same Spanish book as we did last year so that saves me $100 or so. I can't wait to live with my friends again. Parties. Learning new things.

The bad: Cafeteria food. I haven't even bought my books yet. UNPACKING. Spending half my time looking for parking on campus.

Spanish 3
Art Since 1945
Intro to Islam
International Politics
Intro to Feminist Performance Studies

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Kickboxing...yikes. Thats awesome.

Posts: 3291
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i don't leave for uni until the 25th of september, as that's when the halls of residence open up for returning students.
the semester should start at the beginning of october, but i haven't heard anything from the uni yet, apart from a letter that i think said that i've finally passed my first year.

but i don't trust my uni, as i didn't descover that i'd failed my first year and was officially retaking it until halfway through the second year. xx; noone told me, and my tutors were letting me into the second year classes. *shrugs*

eh, it can only get better from here on. ^^;

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Dunno yet. My junior year starts around the 7th I believe. Here's my tentative schedule or what I remember of it from when they showed me in June:

9th Period: PE

Yes. That's all I remember of my schedule. It's the part that deserves it though. PE in the last slot of the day is the best. My other classes without knowing what order they'll be in aaaarrreee:

- Math 11
- English 10
- US History
- Forensics (half year)/ Topics in Science (half year)
- Intro to Web Design (half year)/ Web Design (half year)
- Philosophy (half year)/ Study Hall (half year)
- Study Hall
- PE
- Lunch


Posts: 1367
Noble Member

...Nine classes? Dude, my high school only has four. o.O

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What are they like 2 hours long? o0 All my classes are 45 minutes.

Posts: 1367
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They're usually about an hour and half long.

Our school splits us up into different lunches, too. I think there's a total of 3 lunches.

Posts: 193
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Kickboxing is a class?


You are one badass girl. 😛

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

You started school early, Aeva. But at least you break up earlier than I would.
I haven't started yet. I think I start on the 6th, I'm not sure. I'm going to a completely different school this year, so I wouldn't know anyway...

Posts: 174
Estimable Member

First year of high school. Tiny little person getting lost, even after a full five days of classes.
Of course, it doesn't help that our school loves to confuse us with their "Periods 1,3, and 5 on______" and "Periods 2,4, and 6 on _______".
So far, I don't like high school at all. I just screwed up a big assignment for Earth Science, and I don't like the way math is going.
Spanish 1, Band, and English on odd classes days.
Geometry, Earth Science, and Intro. to Comp. Programming on even classes days.

Whine whine whine. I'm good at that ">

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

I'm currently enrolled in the best school ever! ART SCHOOL!!! *___* I'm going to do my best to ensure success in the 3-D Animation field!

Get this my classes are:

Perspective Systems (Drawing Stuff)
Figure Drawing (Drawing Naked People)
Form and Space (Make Stuff Out of Garbage and Clay)
Art History (A LOT of reading about art AND my ONLY book reading class!)

I could never ask for anything better! Except for the fact that I wish to draw more cartoons, but I need this year to spiff up on realism. I've waitied so long, and it's finally happening! ;__;

Posts: 3291
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good for you tigergirl, i hope you have alot of fun there! ^^

as for cartoons, i've found that most of my tutors have grumbled at or even discoraged my doodles and comics. i hope those who teach you will be a bit more open with their views of art.
i also hope that art history doesn't saddle you with too many essays. bane of my life, those. :p

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...Nine classes? Dude, my high school only has four. o.O

My last school was like that. They called it the "block" schedule. Classes were about an hour and a half. I liked that better because teachers let you finish homework in class.
