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Sooo How's College?
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Sooo How's College?

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Posts: 82
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I don't start until spring sooo I got a lot of time on my hands((WORKING, BUSINESS))and when I do get there I'm gonna major in Graphic Design and Business as a minor, but anywho, where does everybody go to college? I'M A FREAKIN GAMECOCK....don't laugh.:fist

Posts: 2915
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I'm a student at the University of Saint Thomas in St.Paul, MN.

I'm going for a major in Electrical Engineering.

Right now I'm taking Classical Physics II, Multi-variable Calc, Digital Design, and Philosophy of the Human Person.

I wanna die D=...

Oh, and this is my Sophomore year... I wish I could take a year off, but I'd loose my scholarship money...

Posts: 4336
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I'm loving college so far.

I have Calculus I, Intro to Philosophy, English Composition 101, US History to 1877, a Math Seminar, and Research into Math (Fixed points for me.)...

I managed to get the schedule down so that I have about an hour between classes. So no rushing. :3

Planning. It works!

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

College is swell for me. Chaffey Community College FTW!

Three classes so far, Computer Systems, Econ-1, and Human Genetics. I really needed 4 classes but I didn't really register on time. Summer school for me!


Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Wow, academics are pushing forward fast. My freshman year the best you could hope for was AP Calc 1, and thats if you bent your highschool over with a 4.0. The rest of us ended up in calc 1 or that some easy A trig class.

So far Hiro there has you all beat I'm going to guess that that calc class is akin to calc 2, kinda an intro to reverse integrals. Digital Design is what Kevin's taking now, not overly hard but time consuming. Physics II is a blast, if you like math and problem solving, otherwise great ready for headaches. And that last one... I'm guessing that focuses on intra-personal dynamics, you'll learn stuff about yourself you didn't want to know. Looks like someone took all Core classes, hope you can afford lots of asprin. ;)


Posts: 2438
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I'm mostly just taking classes to round out my current major of English, but I'm ultimately going to become a theatre major in accordance with my goal of becoming a voice actor.

Some community college in Southern Illinois XP that'll narrow it down for anyone tracking me down.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Just started less than a week ago.

Classwise, things are going well. I like my professors and my classes are generally interesting and acceptably challenging.

Otherwise.... eh. The school has way too much partying and alcohol, and I'm a teetotaller. My roommates, who so far hadn't been bad, stumbled drunkenly into the dorm at half past midnight last night, at which time I pretended to be asleep. They continued to be noisy until about one. I have a feeling they're gonna be making a habit of it.

There are cool people at my school, but they're a minority.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

I wouldn't know, since I don't start until October. All I know's I'm gonna be studying a BA in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I'm a junior/3rd year student at Southwestern University with a double major in Feminist Studies and Political Science and a minor in Sociology.

My awesome schedule is as follows: Intro to Philosopy, "Women, Gender and Politics", Theories of Race, Exploring the Universe (Astronomy 101), and Contemporary Japanese Politics.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

for some reason my university year is starting over a week earlier then the past two years, so i'm having to travel there tomorrow instead of when i'd origionally planned. ^^;

hopefully this year i'll finally be able to finish my course. 😛

Posts: 2928
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Posts: 3468
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MY dad wants me to go to MIT - Should I point out this apparent lapse in rational thought or just let him be pissed when I don't go for it? I'm a sophomore in high school for those that don't know.

It just seemed on topic.

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

What's the "lapse?" It's not a pressing issue until senior year. However, being pressured into NOT attending the college/university that you want to go is an annoyance I dealt with my senior year. It's why I ended up being in NYC for college instead of St. Louis.

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

I'm making it. The 12th's gonna be rough, since I have a Speech test and a Calculus III test back to back, plus a two hour lab and karate right after.

I'm loving General Chemistry I and French, though.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

I maye not be going for a year now, but I still have an idea of where I want to go: Farnborough Sixth Form. It's in Farnborough. 😯

Posts: 178
Estimable Member

Well, I am about to start my second year towards my Joint Honours in Maths and Physics, thanks to the fact I didn't screw up my resits. =3


Mang, I havn't even looked at which courses I need to pick from for Physics yet, and can't remember my Maths ones o.o And I've still got a vacation essay. And registration week is like in, 9 days.

Awesome, that's 10 days to party!

Posts: 202
Estimable Member

I'll be starting my second year at the University of Wales (Aberystwyth) in two weeks, doing a Computer Science BSc. Year after that, I'll be doing my year in industry.

Anyway, all the best to everyone with their academic endevours and whatnot.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I'll actually be starting my first year at a county college, though I may be starting late. I just have to get my classes scheduled straightened out so I balance school and work. 😮

This is probably going to mean I'll be online even less than I am now, but I don't know that yet... everything's still in the air. 🙁

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

fantastic. i move into the house i rented for uni this year, only to find that it has a cockroach infestation.


Posts: 1567
Noble Member

College Algebra, Intro to Native American Studies (Am way too interested in Chicano and Native American culture for my own good), Intro to Computers and Physical Geography...rounding out my general studies in preparation for...lots of Calc, lots of meteorology classes and much annoyance...

Staring my third year (Not neccesarily a junior) at Metro State College of Denver...getting a bachelor's degree in meteorology before I go to OU to get my masters...

Posts: 91
Estimable Member

I get to make animations, draw, and take acting classes at my school. I love it, but there is like NEVER any free time! ;___;


Tigsie's First 3D Project

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

College is fun so far.

Okay, admittedly, I work there rather than attend classes, but still.

Seeing all the students around kinda makes me miss my undergrad years. I'd take advantage of my employment perks to go for a second Bachelor's, but either program I'd want (Japanse or Astronomy) doesn't seem to be a major here. Which kinda sucks. But I am gonna try for the Masters in Library Science program come Spring or next Fall. My supervisor is getting close to the end of her run in it, and she's given me some good advice about the program. Only thing that really bothers me is that it's almost entirely online. I'd rather have face to face classes.

I went to UF and I work at FSU. Always fun being in enemy territory.

Posts: 90
Trusted Member

I'm working on a degree in Fine Arts, and certificate in radiology.
Let's see...
Nyquil is my best friend during the week, or else I'd get NO sleep.
I should be writing my humanities paper now...:|

Posts: 82
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Topic starter

That's cool I'm going for Graphic Design as a major and Business as a minor, because I gotta get my whole t-shirt/custom shoe business started up pretty soon.
