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Spite is a sin. It'...
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Spite is a sin. It's also very very appropriate.

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I'm very ecstatic about this. I was even kinda social in school today. I'm only social if I'm really hapy (Which I'm normally not.)

Why? Well, today, Dad and I finally kicked Lynn and Lisa out. Any regulars to the chat room know mostly the full story, but I'll recap.

Dad married Lynn (She's not my mother. Dad divorced Mom when I was like two.) in sixth or seventh grade. I dun remember. She was alright with me for a while, but around the summer between 7th and 8th grade, she started to be very hostile to me. This eventually culminated in two physically violent encounters and countless threats. Later, Lisa, her daughter, got herself pregnant by some deadbeat after a brief stint with drugs that got her house raided by the DEA and classified as a drughouse. After we moved here to Atlanta, the constant fights had reached a peak. Dad finally noticed (Hey! I've only been saying that for a few years...) that Lynn hates my guts. He decided to divorce her and kick them out.

This presented another problem. In the course of packing their things, they "accidentally" packed a few items that weren't theirs. Things like a crystal vase handed down in our family for a few generations now, an expensive book set, some other stuffs. This also made Dad and I come to the conclusion that when Lynn stopped her "we can be a family again please don't kick us out (Heaven forbid we pull our own weight for once.)" thing, when she realized there will not be any more chances, she may not be very happy. And in the past, her not being happy has resulted in bodily harm to me. So, under the guise of a few dogs down the road that like to attack me, I aquired a bottle of pepper spray.

Anyway, we're finally getting their things moved out. Today is the last day I have to sit through this. If I can pacify my mother (Whole different story there.) I might actually have a decent family life for once.

A list of the six family members we're getting rid of.

-Lynn: Dad's (about-to-be-ex)wife. Hates my guts and has notified me of this very violently, on multiple occasions.

-Lisa: Lynn's fat lazy daughter. She eats all of my food (she's eaten a gallon of ice cream in a day before, not kidding.). What food she doesn't eat, she steals and hides. This has led to countless nights where I've simply gone hungry. Typically she spends all day babytalking to either Noah or Oscar and watching Finding Nemo and Fairly Oddparents. I'm not kidding. She only stops watching Nick to watch Finding Nemo.

-Oscar: nickname "Shiczie" (Sp?) German for "Sh*tty." Lisa's chihuahua. Yappiest dog I've seen ever. More annoying because his incessant yapping causes Sierra, Lynn's chow/german shephard mix (Think: Very loud, very deep bark), to bark. Oscar sits in front of the window and barks literally all day. And all night.

-Noah: Lisa's newborn. Cries all night and all day, which I don't blame him for. He's a newborn, only a few months. Crying nonstop is what babies (and democrats?) do. However, this causes a great deal of stress to Lisa. She failry often snaps and just screams at the kid, causing the kid to cry more and giving me a damn awful headache.

-Sierra: I'm actually pretty sad about this one. She's a good dog when she isn't barking at what Oscar's barking at. She's smart enough to know, unlike Oscar, only to bark when someone is coming to the house or something. She just barks when Oscar barks, which is annoying. But when Oscar isn't around, she's a great dog. Ah well.

-Little Cat: Lynn's cat. We keep it outside unless it's storming. Mostly annoying because he gets Oscar to bark, typically at night. This leads to a lack of ability to sleep (Sierra's bark is LOUD. and DEEP. in case you forgot.)

That's the six family members we're losing. And good f*cking riddance.

Anyway, I felt I should post this. To ya'll, it means less complaining about my family in Chat.

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I'm not sure if congratulations is an appropriate word for this...especially as I'm not familiar with your story.

However, I hope from this point on life gets a lot better and happier for you. I'm sure they will, judging on how Lynn treated you, but still, all the best mate!

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Oh yes it's appropriate. We're getting rid of a lot of dead weight, and a lot of stress. Probably relations between Dad and I will become less hostile because he's dealing with so much less stress now, too.

Anyway. Thanks!

Posts: 35
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I thought i hated my brother you know what they say sx "you'll never miss somthing until it's gone" It's called karma btw

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When does anyone say that, I don't believe I heard that saying before.

Anyway's, Goodluck in the future SX.

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F**k 'em. Sounds like you just cut off some deadweights here, so good luck to the rest of your life. Which should be pretty happier.
And stealing family heirlooms = no.

Posts: 462
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Whoa. I had no idea your homelife had been so @#%$ but am glad it seems to finally be turning 'round. If those guys're stealing things tho, y'might wanna go to the police. That kind of behavior is not okay and might escalate into worse stuff. Dunno if you have pets of your own, but animals are a common target in messy divorces (speaks from sad experience, Daddy broke my pet cat's jaw after he and Mama split, injury was severe nuff that the lil kitten had to be put down). If you at all suspet that they'll harm you, your dad or anyone you care about, get a restraining order soon as possible. And talk to the police about getting your stuff back.
P.S. If you think your stepma or stepsis cannot care for the baby, notify child services.

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Yes, Phil, it's called Karma. As in, when Lynn decided to release stress by phisyical harm, she built up bad karma. If ya want a million other examples, re-read my post. And now this bad karma is being paid off, as she's moving from a three-level house to a crap apartment. She's now going to have to pay for her own things, not leech off Dad's money. Lisa too. Also, Phil, they aren't my mother and sister. There is no direct relation.

Tus, it's not like one of the seven deadly sins or nothing. But it kinda goes against the whole forgiveness and love thy enemy stuff. Going against the teachings of Jesus = sin

Yeah, Geo, what with this all off my shoulders, all I have to worry about is Mom. And she's a million miles away...Figuratively.

Yeah, Puar, the last few months have been realy tense, but now I think all I'll have to worry about is school, etc. The usual things that stress teenagers. And they aren't stealing, Lisa just "thought that it was theirs," of course. I doubt it will escalate, what with the fact that they are now gone. Those two are animal lovers, so I think Dini, my Siverian Husky, is safe enough. There is no real suspiscion based on anyhting more than putting two and two together, honestly. I already watch my back when I walk home and walk the dog, glance back occasionally, stuff like that (It may sound paranoid, but I caught my ex's mom stalking me out of this paranoia.) And no, they did not take anything. Dad looked through all of their boxes when he noticed things missing. Lisa gets a little stressed too far sometimes, but she isn't a bad mother. They dote over him a lot, too.

Thanks for the replies guys, 'means much.

Posts: 409
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Yay! I'm very happy for you! And I'm very happy to see a happy SeX! ^^

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Yay! I'm very happy for you! And I'm very happy to see a happy SeX! ^^

OMG! lol, what the hell?

LOL @ happy SeX.

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Go polish your rocks for me Ethan. ^^

Tussy if you didn't notice, Ethan likes to refer to men by names meaning or involving sexual acts. Duh.

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Now, that I did not know, so I will know that from this point and on...

Posts: 2915
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And congrats SX...

Oh...and yelling at a baby that young. That isn't good at all. Kids that young aren't old enough to stand up, let alone know to stop crying.

Posts: 1573
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First time I've heard about this.

Congrats on finally getting rid of her. I hope things get better after this.

Posts: 90
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Best wishes for you.

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Seriously though, I hope life gets better for you, SX. =D

Posts: 2928
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Does this mean I should cancel the green light?


Posts: 2116
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Sounds as though you've done pretty well to stay functioning recently. Here's hoping it all gets better for you from now on.

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Yeah, the last few months have been bad. Mostly I just stayed in my room 24/7 (Don't feel bad. I do that anyway.) to avoid being a target. It's all sorting out now, thank God.

Again, thanks for the comments guys. I considered making a thread last month, but "SX's Official Whining Topic" didn't seem appropriate, so I decided to wait until I could make it happy.

Posts: 2016
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From what you've told me before in the past SX, I just got one thing to say: it's about f**kin' time, dude.

Glad to hear things are starting to finally look up for you.

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Yeah, this whole what-comes-around-goes-around thing is kinda slow. Too slow. D:

Posts: 2723
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I never really knew just how bad things were for you, SX. o.o

Reminds me of some crap I had gone through a few years ago. But I won't bother to elaborate on the details. :/

Posts: 1402
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man, that's pretty harsh. i bet one day soon you're going to wake up, go to the kitchen to eat some breakfast and realize just how pleasant your life will be.

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Oh, about that HS77, we bought some Cookie Dough Ice Cream the other day.

I went to the freezer two days later, <i>and it's still there</i>. BIg difference. Lisa ate cooki dough ice cream until there was no more to eat. She ate more than Dad and I combined.

The best part is she swears she's watching her weight. Yeah? Well we're watching it too. Watching it rise...

Posts: 2928
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Reminds me of my step-dad. I remember that fatass eating all my birthday cake. THAT I MADE.

Morning after that he waltzed in shirtless and jiggling and just stopped, when wide eyed and said, "Holy @#%$, whats the matter skipper? Ya eat Gilligan?"


Posts: 439
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What? You go to Hell!!!

Oh... this topic isn't about me. It's never about me. =[

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It's spite ... LOL.

Posts: 1402
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/quote/ Oh, about that HS77, we bought some Cookie Dough Ice Cream the other day. I went to the freezer two days later, <i>and it's still there</i>. BIg difference. Lisa ate cooki dough ice cream until there was no more to eat. She ate more than Dad and I combined.

The best part is she swears she's watching her weight. Yeah? Well we're watching it too. Watching it rise... /quote/

you should post a pic, if you haven't burned them already. i gotta see how fat she is.

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She so fat she jump up in the air and get stuck!


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I don't have pictures of her. That and I don't post people's pictures online without their permission.

"Hey Lisa, I wanna show the Internet how fat you are. You mind?" doesn't work so well. Oh and I don't ahve the means to contact her, thank God.

Posts: 1402
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allright, i'm just going to assume that she's ready to die of quadruple bypass surgery then.

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My aunt had a quintuple bypass, and she's thin as a rail. o.o


Posts: 1402
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it was a joke.

Posts: 489
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ok... pets are just caught in the middle. if i had a step mother that abused me (and i have had a step mother before, but she was ok) then she would certainly not like my version of revenge.

As for a fat step-sister with the baby... well... heck, i cant even think of something good to say. that's just insanely ignorance in human form. makes me wonder if people like that would even run across a highway, let alone get up to cross it in the first place. (if there was food on the other side...) >.>; or something...

I'm not good at words, but happy nice stuff and junk to you. ">

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Good for you, bud! :thumbsup I knew about your ex-girlfriend's mom stalking you, but I had no idea that your home life was bad, too. I glad it's over for you for the most part.


Tus, it's not like one of the seven deadly sins or nothing. But it kinda goes against the whole forgiveness and love thy enemy stuff. Going against the teachings of Jesus = sin

About that SX, I don't think you're going agaist forgiveness. Just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you can't watch them like a hawk so they can't do you wrong again. Someone in my family stole some of my games and stole money from me and my parents. (though we don't have evidence just that money seems to disappear when he's around us)We've forgiven him; however, we not stupid enough to let him come around without watching him like a hawk on the rare occasions he does come around.

I mean Jesus forgave the Pharisees, but He didn't stick around for them to kill Him before the Crucifixiton. (The Pharisees, etc. did try to stone Jesus a few times before He was crucified.)

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That would require me forgiving them. You can't feel spite and forgiveness. They contradict.

Being careful of one and forgiving one, however, does not contradict.

Posts: 1381
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Ah, gotcha, I thought you were trying to forgive them or something. :nn;
