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Posts: 1381
Noble Member
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As I'm sure you know, Monday was the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere(and fall in the southern), but in many places, including my native Tennessee, it's been feeling like the beginning of winter instead of spring with some places even getting snow. So, has the first week of spring been very spring-like in your neck of the woods or is Old Man Winter still trying to hold on?

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Minnesota has no "spring"... We have two seasons... Winter and Road Construction...

We had 60*F weather about two weeks ago... then we were hit with our largest snowfall this season... In the course of a weekend we went from no snow to about 7" of the stuff... Mother Nature MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

Posts: 1381
Noble Member
Topic starter

Yeah, that's what I mean. About a week or so ago, we were having record breaking temptures(70s and 80s), but as soon as spring comes, we get winter, argh!

Posts: 955
Noble Member

XD I agree with Hiro, the same can be said about Chicago.

And all I have to say is I woke up this morning and looked outside and there is about an inch of snow on the ground. It probably won't last the day, but still. That's how much Winter wants to stay. >_o; Seems January came a little late this year. (we had 50 degree weather in January! What happened?)

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 403
Reputable Member

Here in Ohio, we have had a generally crappy winter, especially as far as snow days are concerened. It doesn't help that our school sucks at giving out snow days. They road was thick with ice one time and they STILL made us go. Despicable!

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

It was fairly warm Monday, but then we had several rain storms come in, and it got cold again. So far we've been between 50 and 60 degrees. Frankly, it's starting to irritate me. I want Spring weather, dangit!

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Holy Toledo Tibby! (I'm was actually born in Toledo ;P)

Yeah, the schools up here are really reluctant to hand out snow days too... I had one over my high school career. But, I did just have one this year. My college (and my high school) canceled school 2 Mondays ago because of the sudden snow. It was awesome! We built snow forts out in the quad and we had a huge snowball fight!

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

we're due to get a lot of rain here, apparently bringing in more spring-like weather.
about time too! winter has lasted for waay too long.

Posts: 41
Eminent Member

In Maine, we have Winter, Mud Season, and Road Construction.

We didn't quite make it to Mud Season last week, but it was close... and now it's winter again.

Only odd thing is, we've had hardly any snow this Winter. (Usually, we have at least a few feet if not several of snow on the ground from Christmas to the end of March, with snow storms long before and after those points. But with no snow on the ground to melt, it's not going to be much of a Mud Season...)

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

I still have three lairs of blanket on top of me, so therefore, God likes to screw with me and keep the chilly air. I cry helplessly.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

It's Michigan. I could agree with Sage, Box, and Hiro the most. Since well, we live in a relative same area. =P

Posts: 12
Active Member

We had snow flurries twice this week. I live in the western part of Kentucky. It's way too cold for spring to be here.
