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Tails: Sex unknown
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Tails: Sex unknown

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I wonder if anyone can clear up a question;

Is Tails male or Female and what evidence is there to support him being either?

For a long time I thought tails was a male but after being on a few sites, they say tails is a female. Now I'm confused. Please help.

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Evidence: All of Sega.

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What does wang mean? I couldn't find it at^^;

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"but after being on a few sites, they say tails is a female"

Hentai sites don't count. ;P

Seriously, though, most of the games at least imply if not explicitly state that Tails is a guy. I haven't watched any of the cartoons or comics or whatever so I don't know about them, but this is the first I've heard anyone suggest Tails is a girl outside of certain comics on Sonic CulT (which were fan creations and thus don't count).

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This thread wins my "WTF of the day" award. =D

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Eggman spends the entire of SA2 calling him "Foxboy"

You know... BOY. MALE...


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Shadow Hog
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(8/5/05 4:29 pm)


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I agree with HSW.

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A boy... riiiiiiiight.

Don't listen to these weirdos. They're pulling your leg.

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OM MY GAWD .... and she's been naked all this time.

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Fully-naked if you count LBT.

Speaking of which, maybe I should ask him/her what gender he/she is...

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o.o Megan'd.

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Tails wears the proud title of Gender Neutral, available to only a few proud weirdos.

Doesn't s/he look cute in that picture?!

I heard that Tails was going to be a girl but it was changed, for obvious Sonic/Tails sex-romp reasons. Not that it made much difference - there's almost as much Sonic/Tails slash on the net as there is Sonic/Shadow.

I know this - Miles is a BOY'S name.

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Then why would SEGA draw her so clearly as a girl like I have shown?

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Yeah, but her names actually Millie.

She uses Miles because Sonic perfers it that way ;P

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And honestly, what the hell would Eggman know about being able to tell the genders of animals apart? He spends all his time around robots.

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Tails is indeed a boy.

....however....very cute. ^^ And if that makes him 'girly' then meh!


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Hot female robots like Gamma ;)

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... o_O; You're all joking, right? I seriously don't get how people can miss it.

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Next yer gonna tell me those hanson chics are guys, right? o.o


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Nah, he's more likely to argue the Golden Girls are guys if you ask me...

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The truth is right in front of you.

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Eww..... XD

"At least I have a man."
"Have a man? Sounds like you swallowed one."

-Blanche and Dorothy, Golden Girls ep. 21, "The Flu"

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Tis the internet where genders can be criss-crossed and switched at the course of opinion. I mean isn't there female Sonic's out there?


I personally rather don't care what the hades Miles/Millie is. Maybe she/he is both. -_o

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Yeah, there are female versions of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. There are probably female versions of the other male characters too, but I haven't seen any. ;p

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If Tails were a girl, wouldn't he be wearing clothes. I mean...yeah he's quite young and he wouldn't actually have any err...female parts on him yet-but look at Cream! She's six and wears a whole dress!!!

Boy. Definitely a boy.

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What about Sally in the early days of SatAM. All she wore was a pair of boots.

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Tails is a girl. Plain and simple.

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It seems so but why hasn't sonic hitched up with him/her/it yet?

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Sonic is 15 and Tails is 8.

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Perhaps that is one reason, besides look at Sonic - he runs from a girl that wants him like he wants chilli dogs. oO

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I agree with Mike. Sonic is blatantly homosexual.

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If memory serves me correctly, it was against the rules at Sonic CulT to reference to Tails as male, as due to site in jokes, Tails was female as far as Sonic CulT was concerned.

And if that was their ruling, then it's safe to say that Tails is actually male.

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Don't be mean to Rico. He's hot for Tails like I'm hot for Shadow.

The point is, Tails is a little boy NOW. Concept art doesn't come into it. As for voices, well, it won't be for a couple of years until his voice breaks.

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But the characters haven't aged yet, and we don't know if they ever will...

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What about Sally in the early days of SatAM. All she wore was a pair of boots.

You're comparing different creators and that won't work. It's common knowledge (and extremely noticeable) that the Sega females wear clothes and the Sega guys mainly wear gloves/socks/sneakers. ;p

Sally isn't a direct Sega creation, but Tails is.

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Therefore, he's a boy.
Acrio, those pictures are disturbing and scary...

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Weirded Out!

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You're all weird. o.0 Tails is a girl. I've proved it with several pieces of official art.

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Oh god... but had all these pictures... and magazines and, oh god. Oh god. Oh god! [/quagmire]


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Now I'm more confused then ever, if a little worried.

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Just say that Tails is asexual and your problems will be over.

How long you ask?

I don't know.

I never said it would solve your problem completely. :p

Posts: 527
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Tails is quite obviously bishounen.

That's how he can easily be confused as a female. o.o

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AH! Pokemon ass slappin! O.O *flee*


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That Pichu needs to learn matters.

And no, I'm not biting his butt. Who knows what kind of stuff comes out of that. It makes me want to puke.

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