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Tails: Sex unknown
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Tails: Sex unknown

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Posts: 2928
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Oh god! They're slapping their butts in time with Rob Zombie... *scream*


Posts: 1269
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You know, I wouldn't be surprised if somebody faked that art. Lots of people are good at the Sonic Adventure style. Not me. But lots of people. So Rico can go on fantasising.

Unless of course they're creating a girlfriend for Tails.

Although I thought that was Cream's job...

Posts: 4885
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No. It's COSMO's job.

COSMO Ged dang it.

Cream is barely out of pre-school. Stop your sick pre-pubesent coupling schemes right this instant.

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Caption of the Week! Shadow Hog, get your butt here and make sure that's next weeks CotW! If you don't, words shall be had.

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and bolts will fly

Posts: 4885
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Oh, come on! That is no worse than Tails copping a feel of Sara in the OVA :p

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Tails likes the ladies!!!

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Since Tails is a girl we know that's nothing suggestive.


Or explicit.

Posts: 1269
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We've all seen Tails humping Amy by now. The Cosmo one is a new thing for me though.

Go Tails, Get It On! Dash Rico's hopes and dreams!

Posts: 1367
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Tails is obviously the @#%$ man.

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No, Tails is a ladies' man.

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WTF they censored my favorite word.

Posts: 512
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Oh, come on! That is no worse than Tails copping a feel of Sara in the OVA

[Schwarzenegger accent]
I like your titties.
[/Schwarzenegger accent]

Posts: 2928
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Why is Harley still fantasizing about RicoXTails porn?

[Schwarzenegger accent]
I like your titties.
[/Schwarzenegger accent]

oh my giggle! She's hugging another girl! O.O


Posts: 18
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LOOK AT THE SCREENSHOT. The colors of Knuckles' shoes are BACKWARDS!

Posts: 1269
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What makes you think that, Rico? Why should I fantasise about Tails? He's way too young for me. You're acting like I'm some sort of paedophile!

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Whos Sera?

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It's 'Sara'. And she's a character from a Sonic movie called Sonic the Movie.

Posts: 18
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Sera is a girl with cat ear-ish things and a tail who is daughter to the President of Planet Freedom's Land of the Sky from the two part Sonic OVA which was merged into one movie for it's english language release, like Harley said.

Posts: 4336
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I wonder if Sara is the offspring of a nekomata and a Saiyan (points to the ears and the tail). If she got it on with Sonic...

Maybe Super Sonic from the games is a Super Saiyan who was born from Sonic and Sara! o.o


Posts: 2928
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Oh god, he mixed universes. *hands ultra a flame proof vest.*

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(bursts into flames anyway)

Whoops. Did I do something wrong?

Posts: 1269
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This topic should be called Tails: Gender Unknown. Because by now, it's quite obvious that he knows about sex.

Posts: 4336
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Tails has said nothing of the sort. How would YOU know?


Posts: 4607
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Sorry, Ultra, but overreacting to paradoxes is Craig's job.

Posts: 4336
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Overreacting to paradoxes is fun... ;_;

Posts: 2928
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Just pay craig a royalty of one hot bunny chic and you can do it all you want.


Posts: 1269
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Well, what with these pictures of Tails humping, groping and strutting all over the place pretty much sums it up, don't you think?

Come on, Tails! Get FUNKY!

Posts: 4885
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I, Craig Bayfield, Lackey of the MoFo, am hereby pressing legal action against one Ultra Sonic 007, and his guardians; for the unsolicited useage of my catchphrase "PARADOX(exclimation marks to the power of n)"

Unless you pay me royalties, as specified, I will be forced to even the odds by using your hook, of posting awful skits which cause Vec and Dub to rob us all from the privlige of posting them at all.

Posts: 1269
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Tch. Court cases never suceed here, Craig. I think I've sued people before, and I never win.

I always end up worse off than when I started, in fact.

Cus... cus everyone hates me...


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Cus... cus everyone hates me...

*Hugs Harley*

There, there. I don't hate you. Hate is such a strong word.

*Tries to find a more appropriate word*


Posts: 2928
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*gives Harley some worms to eat.*


Posts: 1269
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You guys aren't helping.

Neither is my headache.

Oh, Rico, it's so nice of you to be nice to me... I hope you haven't hurt yourself...

Posts: 2928
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Its down the street not across?



Posts: 1269
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Yes, I know that. Easier to get knocked down, as it were.

Never hang yourself unless you know how to tie a noose properly.

Posts: 258
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Poor Tails. First made fun of because his twin butt-appendages, and now his very gender is questioned.

One of these days, the kid's going to flip out and kill us all, I'm telling you!

Posts: 1702
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One of these days, the kid's going to flip out and kill us all, I'm telling you!

He's got the fire power to do it, too.

Posts: 2928
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You'd think with a many dads, moms, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, lost cousins, lost twins, and mysterious guardians as he has one of them would like... kick everyones asses for this kinda stuff.

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And all his alternate personalities too - they'll give his haters a good ass-kicking.

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Posts: 1631
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One of these days, the kid's going to flip out and kill us all, I'm telling you!




PS: and while we're on the subject, what gender is the Tails Doll too?


Posts: 1355
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it has no gender. its a freakin doll

Posts: 1631
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Ah but how can you be sure???

There are a lot of things we don't know about that thing...

Besides, I once heard a tale where a young woman found herslef pregnant with it's kits!


Posts: 4885
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I have undeniable proof that he is male or a lesbian.

Or a lesbian male.

Remember, I own the damn thing I know how often he glomps boobage.

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*shudders as all the lights in his house break*

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