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Talking To Yourself
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Talking To Yourself

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Does anyone else do this?

I do it. I'll sometimes even have full conversations. I find it brings comfort or a sense of focus, even though no one will hear what I'm saying.

I'm crazy, I know.

Posts: 2928
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Posts: 2097
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Like Rico said: 24/7. Beats talking to noone.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

When I'm high and when I'm stressed. So pretty much all the time.

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

I tried talking to myself but she couldn't keep a secret. Now we're banned in 20 states, 3 provinces, and a commonwealth. I blame our upbringing.

Posts: 383
Reputable Member

I have conversations with myself in my head. However, I still do the the same hand movements I do whenm I'm talking normally, so people think I'm tweaking out or something.


Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Guilty as charged.

I carry on full conversations with myself all time, especially when I'm trying to motivate my muses.

Besides, sometimes that's the only person you can have an intelligent conversation with.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

i'll muse to myself on occasion. More often then not I curse to myself (and diffenatly not out loud).

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Exactly like Silver stated. Gesticulatins and all. I'll even get so bad as to write things down so I can get a word in edgewise-because I'll forget my thought and thereby lose the argument...

at the same time I'd win it too. Never thought of it that way...

But those are days when I'm really ticked off about something...

Otherwise, its just mellow chat...24/7

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I can't say I have. I'm pretty sure I have, but I'm not positive about it.

But I know one of my friends have. In his sleep. He was having a conversation with a hooker he met earlier that day. Oh, wait. That was sleep talking. :cuckoo

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Yeah. I do. All day, every day.

Just a habit I have. It's especially prevalant when I'm playing video games by myself.

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

Yup, loads of times. You live alone, you get bored with silence really quick. The problem is that you don't stop when you get a housemate...

Still, keeps the old vocal chords and vocabulary in good nick :)


Posts: 141
Estimable Member

Oh very often. Sometimes to vocalize to myself what goes on in my head, sometimes to vent frustration and irritation with people or things that make me cross or sometimes simply to 'explain' what I'm doing in the case someone's actually listening.

In general it lets me focus and do away with excess impulse or excitement.

And it generally saves people incoherent and frustrated rants about this and that, too.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Most definitely. I repeat what I type a lot when I'm carrying a conversation or roleplaying or something just to make sure it sounds right. Other times, they're questions, like "Where did I leave my homework?" "_____ said they'd be home by seven, right? ....Right. Okay."

Sometimes I'll carry on full conversations, though those usually stay inside my head. Usually.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Usually when I'm bored I imagine conversations with people, which is odd as heck.

When I'm at home alone I usually speak to the mirror.

And I refer to myself as "Kitty" in the third person.

...I'm a neuroticking time bomb.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Usually only when I'm alone. My roommate does it CONSTANTLY, when others are around. It bugs me.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

"Usually when I'm bored I imagine conversations with people, which is odd as heck."

Holy s**t, me too. Actually, I haven't noticed it so much recently, but I definitely do it. Especially conversations with people I think I might be talking to in the near future. But then after a while they sort of devolve into bizarre paradoxes whereby I imagine talking to someone about imagining talking to them. Obviously if I then do talk to the person, the actual conversation ends up nothing like the imaginary one.

Funny thing is, I was reading an interview with Vernon Kay and he mentioned that the best conversationists tend to rehearse possible conversations in their head before talking to someone. I wonder if that's the kind of thing he meant. Oh well.

That's all in my head though.

As for out-loud stuff, it's mainly questions like Sagey said (especially if I lose stuff) or statements/expressions of irritation. That and I sometimes think not so much out loud as under my breath.

Posts: 35
Eminent Member

Yay i talk to myself alot not 24/7 but alot like 3-5 times a day

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I never talk to myself and when I try sometimes I feel really awkward and horrible. I'm not alone alot though, so maybe that's why. I lived with people and now I live near all my best friends so I can always go bother them with what I have to say.

I think about conversations I'd like to have with other people though, or things I wish I had said. I also repeat alot of old conversations and situations over and over in my head. Like every day of my life I think of this memory where I'm around 7 years old and my mom tells me she's going to kill herself, but first she's going to have to kill me so I can be with her. She proceeds to get a knife and hold me against a wall. I also literally can't seem to get through a day without hearing my Dad's voice in my head telling me I'm a "good kid". So I guess it evens out.

Posts: 1037
Noble Member

And do it all the time. Out loud too. =)
Especially when I'm very happy/high or really pissed.
I really enjoy talking to myself and I also end up gesticulating all the time and sometimes people think I'm talking to them. n.n"
It gets really embarassing when I suddenly burst out laughing about something that happened only inside my head and everybody near me looks at me like o.o" and all I can say to explain was "Uh.. I was thinking of this really funny joke, you see.. ^^;"

Sometimes I start giving interviews to imaginary people who ask me a lot of questions and I talk and talk and talk.. xD
And just like stumbleina, I also imagine conversations with people I'll meet and in my case, too, the conversations always end up totally differently than what I had imagined. 😛

But yeah, talking to oneself is, at least to my opinion, not any bit near madness or whatever. I think it's only a way for our imagination to manifest itself. =)

Posts: 1396
Noble Member

I do, I use free time when I'm alone to talk to myself to get my imagination churning and help myself figure out how I feel on certain things, or to just work on ideas I have for characters and whatnot.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I usually talk to myself when I'm alone, mostly about story or character ideas I never seem to act upon. Sometimes I'll just say something and someone would ask me "Who are you talking to?"

At that point, I don't say anything else until later on.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I shout at myself often and tell myself I'm dumb and could do better.

Is this bad?

Posts: 808
Prominent Member

I don't generally have actual conversations with myself (unless you count the times I gripe at myself over my own stupidity), but I tend to think out loud fairly frequently when no one else is around. And I tend to imagine past, future, and fictional conversations on occasion as well, particularly when I'm bored or can't sleep. Yay I'm weird. My mind tends to wander a lot in general, annoyingly.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Yes. Usually it's either to 1: sort out stressful situations out loud, listing reasons and solutions in an organized but impromptu manner, and 2: to act out potential story ideas that I have, sometimes with voice impressions, and sometimes with actual movements representing actions involved in the scene I'm thinking of. This is usually done, especially with #2, in private. I find it almost essential to my health to be able to do this at times, though I am embarrassed if I'm "caught" in the act because it is a private, personal thing to me.

I don't personally subscribe to this philosophy, but when asked why he talked to himself so much in Beast Wars, Megatron replied, "Because I have a penchant for intelligent conversation." I love that guy.

Posts: 91
Trusted Member

Of course. And I don't see anything wrong with it at all. Sometimes, I just do it for conversation, but, like Tergonaut, I mostly act out story ideas (along with gestures, voices, the whole nine yeards). I need to start carrying a little recrder around with me, though. I can never recreate them all that well when I go to type them up later (or write them down immediately after).

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i tend to mumble to myself when thinking, annoyed or amused.. but i tend not to talk out aloud unless i'm doing my usual nessissary ritual listing of things i have to do or take with me to somewhere.
most who know me should by now be used to me growling something like.. 'keys, phone, purse, pen, paper... uhh~ *makes sure she's fully dressed and wearing shoes*' every single time i leave the house. oo;

i tend to worry people by giggling evilly while on the computer or drawing. :p but that's not quite talking.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Basically, when I'm plotting out new plots for my stories, I talk to myself, going through the actual dialogue.

I also walk in circles at the same time.

It helps.

Posts: 18
Eminent Member

I see nothing wrong with talking with yourself. In fact, I do it all the time! I have big conversations with myself when it comes to big desisions in life, or if I just have something on my mind. Ever watch an episode of The Simpsons where Homer talks to his own brain? It's something like that. 😛

PS: My first post on the Mobius Forum! Hope ya don't mind a newbie! :)

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

All the time, though full on conversations are rarer. I also do the imagining conversations with others thing.

As a bonus, I make stupid noises and whine or growl at things that are irking me, often without meaning too these days. That was a habit that I could have avoided.
