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Ten Most Prominent Myths in Sonic Fandom

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1) SegaSonic is the only "official" Sonic universe.

This has been a long debated topic and to put it rather bluntly, if it was approved by Sega, it's official. That means that although the comic books (Archie, Fleetway) and cartoons ("Adventures of Sonic", SatAM and "Sonic Underground,") by no means represent the original story, they are, nonetheless, just as valid as the original itself.

2) Only certain games can be considered canon.

By this logic, while games like "Sonic 1- Sonic & Knuckles" and "Sonic Adventure" may be considered "canon," others (such as "Sonic Spinball," "Sonic Advance," ect) are barred. So if that's the case, what's to stop the barring of, say, "Sonic Adventure" from the continuity? If that's the case then, why not bar all the of games in the entire series from being considered canon? After all, Sega DID make the bulk of the games right?

3)Sonic X is a part of the SegaSonic continuity.

Nope. It's quite similar to the present day games but a little guy named Chris made sure that this became a separate continuity.

4) Sonic's homeworld IS and always HAS been Earth or vice vesa.

Ah...the old Earth-Mobius-Freedom debate. On one hand, you have SegaSonic purists that insist that Sonic's always been on Earth and anything having to do with the planet Mobius is simply a load of crap. They feel that if Mobius wasn't mentioned in the Japanese instruction manuels, it doesn't exist. On the other hand, you have SOA/SatAM fans who are used to the concept of Mobius and wouldn't have it any other way. And the answer is...both sides are right...and wrong. You see, Sonic Team was too concerned with making a good game to worry about such plot devices, and that's how they should have been. After all, nobody in their right mind plays video games for moving and complex plots; it's the fun factor that's the selling point. To wrap it up once and for all, the original American instruction manuels used the name Mobius, the SatAM only mentioned planet Mobius, but the "Sonic Adventure" games definitely take place on Earth. Finally, depictions of Sonic's world vary from continuity to continuity (there's like a million of them).

5.)A "Sonic" movie should be easy to get off the ground given the character's popularity.

Wrong. If ever there was a time for a "Sonic" movie to have been made, it would have been made circa 1993, the year of the Sonic Explosion. The character was at a peak in popularity. The "SpongeBob Square Pants" and "Pokemon" films performed well because they were released at the height of their subjects' popularity. Sonic's time has long past, and given the typical box office performance of a game based movie, things don't look too good.

6.) None of the DIC shows were faithful to the games on which they were based.

While it may seem that way given the gradual development of contemporary games, the simple fact was this: in 1992, the only "plot" that the games had was that of "Spiny blue rodent saves his animal friends from being trapped inside robots." So really, with the exception of "Sonic Underground," neither "AOSTH" nor "SATAM" strayed too far at all.

7.) Archie is a continuation of the SATAM.
Nope. Never. This comic was never a continuation to that series. In fact, compare issue #36 to the episode "The Void."

8.) SATAM is dead.
Hardly. This particular continuity is definitely the most talked about of all of the American Sonic cartoons, with countless fanfics keeping it alive. It's influence can be found in the "Sonic Christmas Blast!" special as well as "Sonic Underground." Oh yeah, and the Archie book. So dead? Yeah right.

9.) Everything about "Sonic Underground" was far less believable than in the SATAM.

I guess...not taking into account the way each universe's Robotnik staged their takeovers. The SATAM "buttnik" flat out invaded the palace with an airship; the other was a bit more political in his method of usurping the throne."

10.) This list is WAY TOO LONG; Whoever wrote this needs to get a life.

I have one, and I'm enjoying it, thank you very much. Then again, you DID read this far.

That concludes the Ten Most Prominent Myths in Sonic Fandom.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I disagree with a lot of what you said.

1) SegaSonic is the only "official" Sonic universe.

This isn't a prominent myth. You'd be hard-pressed to find ten MoFoers who actually believe this.

2) Only certain games can be considered canon.

This is actually quite true. Are you saying that Sonic Xs and Shadow Xs are canon? See " Which Sonic games are canon, and which aren't?" in South Island if you'd like to get in on the debate.

3)Sonic X is a part of the SegaSonic continuity.

See (1), only replace "ten" with "two." This myth isn't prominent at all.

4) Sonic's homeworld IS and always HAS been Earth or vice vesa.

This is more complex than you make it out to be. I'm assuming that you're talking about Sega. In this case, then you have to realize that there are several Sega continuities. The SoA and SoE have Mobius, and SoJ had Earth. Since SoJ has superseded SoA and SoE and those continuities have been 1984'd out of existence, Mobius should not be considered to have happened at all as it relates to the game continuity.

5.)A "Sonic" movie should be easy to get off the ground given the character's popularity.

Sonic's popularity is again rising. A movie wouldn't be unrealistic in a couple of years' time. Maybe it would not be "easy," but it's definitely plausible. On an unrelated note, I'd like to see Brad Bird as directer.

6.) None of the DIC shows were faithful to the games on which they were based.

AoStH was faithful in many ways, but although SatAM didn't get rid of much, you have to admit it did ADD a lot of stuff that made it unfaithful.

7.) Archie is a continuation of the SATAM.

See (3), only replace "two" with "any." Nobody with any familarity with the comic would ever, ever believe this. It's true that some of the stuff in the comic was based on some of Hurst's plans for future SatAM episodes, but NOBODY believes this.

8.) SATAM is dead.

Yes. It is. Being talked about doesn't mean it's alive. Look at Pope John Paul II. He's desd. Also, I find it interesting that you say "Oh yeah, and the Archie book." right after saying "Nope. Never. This comic was never a continuation to that series."

9.) Everything about "Sonic Underground" was far less believable than in the SATAM.

I don't know. I have almost no familiarity with the continuity itself. But you yourself claim this this is true, so whiy is it on the list.

10.) This list is WAY TOO LONG; Whoever wrote this needs to get a life.

It's not too long, it's too inaccurate. Here's MY list.

  • Cream was created for Sonic Advance 2. (Actually, she was created for Sonic Heroes, but for obvious reasons Sonic Advace 2 came out first)
  • Penders's Sonic movie plans killed Hurst's hope of reviving SatAM. (There hasn't been hope of a revival in years, and the Penders movie will never happen).
  • Vector was created for Knuckles' Chaotix. (He was to appear in the Sonic 1 Sound Test screen)
  • The use of the word "Robotizer" in Sonic 129 was an editorial oversight. (Actually, the Roboticizer and the Robotizer are two different devices with different effects and capabilities)
  • In Archie, Overlanders are Humans. (Although Archie is blurring the difference a little, the two species are different. The only visible difference is the number of fingers, which is often forgotten by artists)
  • All games are canon. (see the topic linked above)
  • SatAM can still be revived. (nope. Too long dead)
  • Non-Sega continuities are not obligated to resemble the SoJ continuity in any way. (No. Multiple continuities only exist for cross-promotion purposes, and should at least somewhat resemble each other)
  • In Sonic X, 1 month in Sonic's world = 1 year in Chris's world (Just not true. I'm telling you, it's the TIME VARIBLE that Chris mentioned.)
  • Hyoer Sonic is likely to make another appearance. (Don't you think he would have by now?)[/list:u:fc3cc24b99]
Posts: 142
Estimable Member


After all, nobody in their right mind plays video games for moving and complex plots.

Thanks for the insult, I appreciate that. Here, have a cookie.

Posts: 270
Reputable Member


After all, nobody in their right mind plays video games for moving and complex plots; it's the fun factor that's the selling point.

Is that so? Then explain Final Fantasy to me. Their battle system often times can be awfully repetitive, but the fact that it (often) has a moving and complex story to it is what makes it so flippin' popular.

Posts: 124
Estimable Member

well said dirk.

Posts: 462
Honorable Member


After all, nobody in their right mind plays video games for moving and complex plots

Shenmue. Nuff said.

Posts: 8
Active Member

Ho-ho. This'll be fun, and somebodies gotta stand up for Sonic Underground. 😛


6.) None of the DIC shows were faithful to the games on which they were based.

I don't know why people think SatAM is more closely related to the SegaSonic continuity than SU. They both went pretty far away from their SEGA counterpart. SatAM gave Sonic a love interest, and put a more serious edge onto Sonic, SU gave Sonic a guitar, and some siblings...Oh, and lacked Tails, then gained Knuckles and the Chaos Emeralds. I'd say that puts them on equal terms of straying from the "official" continuity. AoSTH was a lot more faithful to the SegaSonic continuity if you ask me. I outright despise it when people criticise SU plainly for being "too distant" from the games.


9.) Everything about "Sonic Underground" was far less believable than in the SATAM.

I'd love to see your definition of believeable. Same reasons as above.

Seriously, let them say what they want. If people don't like the SegaSonic continuity, and like SU/Fleetway/Whatever instead, who's to criticise? They're all good continuities in there own right. Infact, I prefer SU over Fleetway over the "official continuities", and I'm sure you'll find plenty of people that like Archie, Sonic X, SatAM, or AoSTH better than SegaSonic, official or not.

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1) I've actually encountered several people who feel quite strongly that anything that's not "SegaSonic" simply doesn't exist, at least not in terms of validity.

2) Let me try to make my position a bit more understandable: The simple fact is that if material is approved by Sega, it's official. That means that although the cartoons "AOSTH" and the SATAM aired simultaneously, they are both "canon" within their respective universes. The same thing applies to the games, whether it be "Sonic Spinball" alongside "Sonic & Knuckles" or "Sonic Battle" alongside "Sonic Adventure." Furthermore, what's to stop me from saying that "Sonic 1" (on Genesis) isn't canon because it has nothing to do with "Sonic Advance?"

3) There are actually a number of websites that attempt to tie "Sonic X" into the gaming continuity, typically in order to justify the sudden existence of humans other than Eggman in Sonic's world.

4.) I will state what I previously stated: Both sides of the "Earth-vs.-Mobius camp are correct. In Japan, Sonic may have always been on Earth, but according to the old American instruction manuels, Sonic's world is clearly named Mobius. This brings back to #1, the idea that the Japanese story is the only valid story.

5.) Sonic may remain popular in the gaming world but that simply doesn't compare to the "Sonic-Explosion" of 1993 with "Sonic merchandise" everywhere. At that time, Sonic was more than a popular game character, he was a pop culture phenomenon. Furthermore, no matter how popular a game series, is, this by no means translates into boffo box office. Has anyone ever seen the "Super Mario Bros." movie?

6.) "Sonic Underground" arrived just as the gaming world was starting to form a solid narrative. When "AOSTH" and SATAM came out, the "story" of the games involves little more than Sonic running around smashing badniks and collecting rings with a vague backstory in place to explain the object of the game. As I previously alluded, "Sonic Team" was not overly concerned with creating a complex narrative full of well-rounded and deep characters, they were focusing on the gameplay like they should have. People are more concerned with whether or not a game is FUN than knowing what drives the hero or what his deepest fears are.

7.) Actually, if you visit a number of websites ( being one of them), you'll find that people do, in fact believe that Archie is a continuation of the SATAM. It's a typical error.

8.) Again, perhaps I should have been a bit more specific. The SATAM series has been cancelled for about a decade now, but it is by no means dead. For instance, while the Archie comic isn't actually a continuation of the series, the inclusion of its characters which they adapted them from keeps the essence alive. Remember, at the time of the series' cancellation, the comic came to increasingly resemble the SATAM although it stuck to its own continuity. The same thing goes for the countless amount of fanfics on the web taking after this continuity and the fact that its influence made its way into the "Sonic Christmas Blast!" special and "Sonic Underground." If the SATAM were truly "dead," it would be little more than an obscure artifact of the past. The fact is that whether you liked it or not, it remains relevanteven ten years after it ended. Oh, I assure you, it's far from dead.

9.) Well...if you want to get technical, nothing in any "Sonic Universe" is especially "believable," but I've never said that any continuity is any less valid or "official" in any case. True, there are some that I prefer, but that's the extent of my bias.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member


.) Everything about "Sonic Underground" was far less believable than in the SATAM.

Heck, I enjoy Sonic Underground as much as the next guy...

Actually, probably more than the next guy. Since I'm one of the few who prefer Udnerground to SataM (Id rather take Knuckles' 3 or 4 appearances over ALL of Tails, Sally's, rotos, Antoine nd Bunnies appearance) and the plots arent that far fetched, and with more episodes the world is much fuller....

Mind you, since Im one of the people documenting Fleetway for the site, i suppose I am biased towards the forgotten continuities...

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

You know, I was about to accuse you of being another rabid Sonic CulT worshipper, then I read your "SatAM isn't dead" thing and just pissed myself laughing.

Posts: 859
Prominent Member


then I read your "SatAM isn't dead" thing and just pissed myself laughing.

It's like me declaring that Fleetway isnt dead because it's got me documenting it at the HQ and a fan comic based off it being produced every couple of months, oh, and a couple of other websites mentioning that it existed....

But Fleetway isn't dead I tell you, it's immortal, it never died, just slept, and then one day it'll rise again and...

Just you wait and see *evil cackle*

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Quit you Fleetway fetishness's dead and it will never return...

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

There's always STC Online. *stifles raucous laughter*

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

I never knew that was based off Fleetway, sad but true...

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

I mentioned it in my opening monoloue Torn... 😛

Also, can I just ask something, if Satam isn't dead whens the next series coming out?

(Sorry, it had to be asked)

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Sorry but you just said an ongoing fan never mentioned STC in actual name...(Yes I'm being sue me)

Posts: 527
Honorable Member


You know, I was about to accuse you of being another rabid Sonic CulT worshipper, then I read your "SatAM isn't dead" thing and just pissed myself laughing.

Ah, you mean that little article on CulT discussing whether Mobius is official in the SegaSonic universe or not? Man, that was a classic. XP

Posts: 1583
Noble Member


1) I've actually encountered several people who feel quite strongly that anything that's not "SegaSonic" simply doesn't exist, at least not in terms of validity.

Which is true when people use something other than "SegaSonic" to explain "SegaSonic." Most people don't really believe what you implied (that's why you got the responses you did), but I can see how it can bother people that some will try to explain things that happen in the continuity of the video games by using the Archie comics (as an example). That's just as wrong as using the video games to explain something in Archie, unless Archie specifically says it's actually using something as it appears in the games.


2) Let me try to make my position a bit more understandable: The simple fact is that if material is approved by Sega, it's official. That means that although the cartoons "AOSTH" and the SATAM aired simultaneously, they are both "canon" within their respective universes.

That makes sense and most don't argue with that.


The same thing applies to the games, whether it be "Sonic Spinball" alongside "Sonic & Knuckles" or "Sonic Battle" alongside "Sonic Adventure." Furthermore, what's to stop me from saying that "Sonic 1" (on Genesis) isn't canon because it has nothing to do with "Sonic Advance?"

That's where your analogy fails or else those of us that read Archie would have to believe that Sonic's adventures in the Off-Panel stories (and some recent obvious paradies, like the Spy vs. Spy one) coincide with the official Archie universe when those that read Archie know they don't. Your analogy also doesn't hold up here because Sonic 1 & Sonic Advance don't contradict each other anyway--but you could say it, it's just that most people probably wouldn't listen to you (anyone can say anything that they choose). There are times that for sake of story that some things don't count. ;p


3) There are actually a number of websites that attempt to tie "Sonic X" into the gaming continuity, typically in order to justify the sudden existence of humans other than Eggman in Sonic's world.

Which mean nothing to the people that post HERE. Do not presume to "educate" people that you don't even know. You will find yourself making very bad impressions when you do that.


4.) I will state what I previously stated: Both sides of the "Earth-vs.-Mobius camp are correct. In Japan, Sonic may have always been on Earth, but according to the old American instruction manuels, Sonic's world is clearly named Mobius. This brings back to #1, the idea that the Japanese story is the only valid story.

Which no one has said here, unless the fact that they are currently calling the planet "Earth" everywhere and are using the old Japanese backstory everywhere (while ignoring the SoA/SoE stuff from years ago) in the video games means absolutely nothing to you.


7.) Actually, if you visit a number of websites ( being one of them), you'll find that people do, in fact believe that Archie is a continuation of the SATAM. It's a typical error.

Re-read what I said to your 3rd comment. ;p


The SATAM series has been cancelled for about a decade now, but it is by no means dead.

Dead = cancelled, not being officially continued

Fans may discuss it, love it, but as far as anything official goes, it is dead. Only if it officially continues will it be "alive."

Posts: 3
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Before now, I'd actually never even heard of anything called "Sonic Cult" but thanks to you, I've now discovered a very detailed, very informative site. Thanks a lot!

Posts: 270
Reputable Member


but according to the old American instruction manuels, Sonic's world is clearly named Mobius.

Those instances are few and far apart, actually. Sonic CD shouldn't count since Sega of America raped that manual to make it tie in with SatAM, which can't happen since the games and SatAM are different universes. Sonic Triple Trouble... eeeehhhh, I don't think it really means much since it's a relatively minor game (yes, I subscribe to the opinion that there are separate "canons" - bite me). Spinball and Mean Bean Machine are American-designed and are supposed to coincide with SatAM and AoStH respectively, not really the games (exampli grata: Eggman DIES, more-or-less, in Spinball's ending, which was SUPPOSED to take place after Sonic 2 if you believe the American manual, so how is he alive again in Sonic 3&K, and also in a plot that goes as if this takes place right after Sonic 2 and not Spinball?) so those don't count either.

Really, the only argument that can be made on the Mobius debacle is that both sides have nice points, but both have equal counterpoints. I prescribe to the notion that only the Japanese manuals matter, and it's proving to be the better side to be on since there are more in-game references to the Japanese manuals than you'll EVER find for the US ones.

Posts: 336
Reputable Member


Before now, I'd actually never even heard of anything called "Sonic Cult" but thanks to you, I've now discovered a very detailed, very informative site. Thanks a lot!


Posts: 76
Trusted Member


Sonic Triple Trouble... eeeehhhh, I don't think it really means much since it's a relatively minor game (yes, I subscribe to the opinion that there are separate "canons" - bite me).

I cant be sure, but i'm pretty sure Triple Trouble never said what the planet name was... and it's basicly like a tangent universe that dies right after the game ends...
