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*test mic* One, two three... ahem, yes...

18 Posts
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Posts: 403
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Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
Nobody knows where my sanity has gone
But common sense left the same time
Why was she holding his hand
When she's supposed to be mine

It's my party, and I'll Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
You would Spam too if it happened to you

Play all my records, keep dancin' all night
Leave me alone for a while
'Til sanity's in my head with me
I've got no reason to smile

It's my party, and I'll Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
You would Spam too if it happened to you

(Nobody knows where my sanity has gone)
(But common sense left the same time)
(So I'll Spam, Spam, Spam if I want to)
(Spam, Spam, Spam if I want to)
(Spam, Spam, Spam if I want to)

Common Sense and Sanity just walked through the door
Like a king with her queen
Oh what a birthday surprise
Common sense's wearing his ring

It's my party, and I'll Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
You would Spam too if it happened to you

It's my party, and I'll Spam if I want to
Spam if I want to, Spam if I want to
You would Spam too if it happened to you

I'm 15 today, and feeling rather wordy.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Also known as...

5 x 3

3 + 12

5^2 - 10

Square root of 15^2

23 - 8


15 - 1 + 3 - 2 x 4 - 50 + 5

Well, congrats.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

*puts Tibby over my knee 15 times* #^_^# I'll be 13 come October next year. =)

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

13...yea sure, dad. Happy Bday Impossible.

Posts: 308
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...I feel old.... T_T

Happy Birthday!! ^___^;

Posts: 2610
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Happy Birthday! *gives you FIFTEEN bombchus*

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

15!? Why, I remember when I was 15. Ahhh, those were the good ol' times. Back then, we had them CD players. We had no ipod thingies or other thingabob. Dial-Up was still all I had, not one of them fancy smacny broadband. Why, those were the days. *cough cough hack hack* Those were the days.

Oh, yes, and of course. *chucks cake with 15 candles and commences birthday punches*

Posts: 1619
Noble Member


....Oh well. Happy birthday anyways, TIB! 🙂

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I just put him over my knee, waiting for you to spank him! It was a group project.

Posts: 109
Estimable Member

Ah, 15. I remember when I was 15. Seems like it was only a year ago...

Posts: 3291
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*hugs her spork protectively* >>;

happy 15th! enjoy your teenage years while you have 'em. ^^

Posts: 109
Estimable Member

It's me, Wes. I just changed my account name again.

And to be honest, I only thought that this could be concieved as a Becca rip-off after I made it. :[

Posts: 3291
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heh, i was wondering. :p

Posts: 1702
Noble Member

Happy Fifteenth Birthday! Very nice parody as well.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

Happy birthday, young'un.
And nice song.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Weee...^^ *delayed breadroll and candle*

Happee Biffdee!

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

o.O; Wow...3 years younger than me...

In any case...

Happy Belated Birthday. May you have many more.
*tosses a bomb that blows up, raining confetti*

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Hah, I stopped crawling out the RP Guild when my topic got moved to MF2, so I didn't see this 'til just now.


Birthdays are always one of those fascinating things...they're here before you know it, and gone faster than Sonic on a rainy day.

Heh, I was gonna tell you to update your age in your RP, but I guess that takes place before your birthday, now doesn't it?
