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The death of my dear Sixty-Four (Ripped from my LJ)

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Tragety has struck the room of the grandmaster. Yes, I dug my Nintendo 64 out of it's resting place, plugged him in, and put Shadows of the Empire in, with desires to play Majoras Mask and Smash Brothers afterwords. I turned it on....and there was no life. I spent many minutes with Sixty-four. (I give a lot of things nicknames, as cheap as it is, that was the name for my N64 ^^; ) Trying all sorts of things to see if it will work...however. Nothing...happened. I checked cords, I tried different cartridges, the works. It's clear now, at 2:33 pm, that Sixty-four has died. This post is for you buddy.... since the end of 1996 when I was an 8 year old boy, until now when I am a late-teenager, you served me flawlessly. Why did I stack other consoles on top of you in that box? That must have done it....

I will tell you all a tale, the tale, of Sixty-four.

It all started in Christmas, 1996, I've been looking forward to the Nintendo 64 for some time, and there it was, under the Christmas tree with Super Mario 64, and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire. Oh did we play the heck out of it that morning. Having to go out to the desert at about 9 AM for a family christmas party away from Sixty-four was a bit difficult. When we returned home, I spent the night playing both games, and through the rest of my holiday break. We also caught a sweet deal sometime before New Years and got Pilotwings 64 for about 30 bucks. Many more things have came along, rentals here and there, Cruisin' USA for my 9 year old birthday. Mario Kart 64 on the end of January. For a while then, nothing happened, but we enjoyed the 5 delightful games that we had. Then something truly....exciting happened.

Being subscribed to Nintendo Power, we got a VHS that sported off Star Fox 64, and my big Star Wars and piloting desires. The game struck a large cord. The launch date was such a tease. Then one day at the mall, I saw the box there. With 20 bucks in my pocket, I asked my Dad if I could get the game, and pay for what I can of it, and he agreed. I was bursting with excitement. But, oh was I shot down shortly after... it turns out it was just a display box and the game wasn't going to come out for three more days. I thought the box felt light, but that was the first time that ever happened to me. So there I was, a long wait, and my dad saying he would get it for me when it comes out after work. Three long days I waited, I even tried sleeping at 5 PM, hoping the day would draw closer faster. But, I was always far to excited to sleep. When the day came, it felt like it was taking my father forever to get home, but when he showed up with the game in his hand I exploded with thanks and I gave him a large hug. As soon as I started playing I was Sure, I beat the game in 2 hours, but little did I know about the 2nd ending, and I know there were loads of planets I've not been to. So I played on. Some day, I woke up from an end-of-the-world styled nightmare at about 2 PM and the house was empty on a beautiful, glad to be alive kind of day. I then saw the second ending and actualy cried. o.0 That was the first time I was truely touched by a video game and saw how great it's story can be. I was a big fan of Star Fox, even having fantasies of being the 5th crew member.

Time went on, Goldeneye then joined me. The best shooter I've played since Doom, and it's multiplayer was just a bonanza for it's time. 2on2 matches with me, my brother, Ryan, and Kevin were always great. We were so vulgar for people aged between 10-12. I was boss enough to unlock everything, that file is still there today, living since 1998...untouched. >> Naturaly, we've bought many games after this time, both good and mediocre, but some honerable mentions were Diddy Kong Racing, and Extreme G...though I don't have that one anymore. Through it all, me and Dan have been waiting forever for "Zelda 64" which became Ocarina of Time. Christmas of 98 was a special one. Recieving that game, Star Wars: Rogue Squadren, and South Park, as well as one of those "Expansion Packs". Those still exist as some of my favorite games for the system. I can go for paragraphs on how much I loved OoT, it was such a blast when I first played through it, it was so great! One thing that is highly stupid on my behalf... I mean, I was Ten years old, soon to be eleven. We had the strategy guide and I looked at a lot of it, and when Link became an adult I was so extremely shocked. Like I didn't expect it coming at all. Which makes no sense, because I remember reading "Adult Link" in the instruction manual.... still, I was shocked and I was excited listening to his new vocal tone when swinging the sword around and other things, and forever wondering how he got his ears pierced and got leggings and sleeves.

1999 came, got a few nice games there too. Jet Force Gemini and Donkey Kong 64 makes up a good real of the beggining of my 6th grade. If I had to pick a favorite though, it'd be Jet Force Gemini. I loved the characters, (Everyone knows of looking up Velas skirt when she is laying down...pervs XP) the music, and the action. It's a shame the multiplayer grew a bit repeditive. In 2000 I made a long wait for Perfect Dark and it was well worth it. I blew my whole summer into that game....such an addictive action game. ^^ I can't play Goldeneye anymore after I witnessed the excellency of PD. Then, 7th grade rolled on through where another smash hit arrived at Christmas of 2000. Many of you can guess it, and I congradulate all of you who know what it is. Please, before any of you scroll down, think hard about what game it may be.

You know what it is?

You really think you do?

I congratulate all who guessed correctly. It was the Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. ^___^ Wow, that game was such a blast, having a TV and Sixty-four in my room at the time I was able to dedicate a lot of time into it. The sidequests were very entertaining ^^. I really grew attached to the Romani Ranch affairs as well. One embarassing note though, is Odolwa scared all thats holy out of me. 0_0 I actualy turned off my N64 after his ugly face was there for about 15 seconds and started singing or whatever. At least I was able to play through Bongo Bongo. >>

Alas, aside from a few times where I'd buy a great used title, a Mario Party here and all ended at 8th grade, when at that Christmas, I recieved my Gamecube, who I named "Radical". Sure, I plugged in Sixty-four and played a lot, but ya know. ^^; So, there's a large deal of the tale. I've been awake since a little before midnight and I'm dead tired. So I know I'm missing a lot of wonderful games that I have, or if I didn't have, I must've played. Trust me, I've played all the greats. I just remembered 1080 Snowboarding, Smash Brothers and many Pokemon titles. XD

I'm going to miss you brother. I've had a lot of consoles. The NES, SNES, Genesis, GB, GBA, DS, PS1, PS2, Gamcube, Dreamcast, Game Gear, and who knows what else, but you... from the end of age 8 to the end of age 13 you provided large entertainment for that time I had. The tales I can tell are endless, and you were just so awesome. You were the master when I had friends over too. ^_^ Your replacement will be a great friend and ally, but you, are very special in my heart. Perhaps I'll name your kid brother after you. Who knows, I'll make the newcomer your sister instead.

*Opens a Dr Pepper and rallies around my games* One for me. *sips* and one for my homies *leans the can low and pours it on my games and console...wait a second* 0_0 NO!!!!! THE GAMES ARE STILL GOOD! *Rushes for a towel and dries them off*

Rest in peace brother.



Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Rest in peace. :smile

N64's were very cool, but I only ever really managed to pick one up late in its life, and the games I did have were pretty mediocre other then Ocarina of Time and Super Smash Bros, although a good time was spent on it, it was definitely the best console I remember owning.

It was a shame that the games were so expensive...:(

Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Wow... man, you're getting me all teary-eyed.

Ah, those were the days!

My 64 is still alive. I better play it while I can.

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Have you taken the power supply or the N64 apart to check for blown fuses etc?

*Mr Creosote is not responsible for your death caused by electric shocks*
