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The Happy Halloween...
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The Happy Halloween Topic!

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Posts: 1619
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...I know it's 30 minutes before Halloween. Technically, though, in my Daylight Savings Time-deprived mind, it's past 12. (And adjusting my clock, it's still wring!)

Whichever you shoose, it is stil partay time! Dress up here in this topic and have fun! Talk about your favorite Halloween moments! Reminisce about tricking and treating! And don't forget the candy!

*dresses up as a cow and hold up a bag*

Trick or treat! 🙂

Posts: 110
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Umm.. I joined the forum 7 years ago this date where my first post "funny halloween story" that was really bad...

I was "That Kid" o.o;

Posts: 955
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😀 They allow costumes at my school, so here I sit, about twenty minutes from waltzing to my bus stop in full princess costume. ^^

As for my Halloween plans? I've been invited to go trick-or-treating sometime after school (though I'ma go home for a couple hours to relax and drop off school stuff and get out of this painful dress for a bit @__@), then a Halloween themed dinner, and finally going to another friend's house to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Depending on how my day goes, I might skip that last one 'cause I'm kinda sick of it. ;p

So yes. Happy Halloween! 😀 And don't forget to say thank you while trick-or-treating. ^^

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2016
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While I was at work, there were a group of young girls outside my shop asking passing-by motorists "trick-or-treat". If they didn't get anything, and the motorists parked inside the parking lot, the girls sprayed the motorist's car with shaving cream and silly string.

One of my workmates got his car hit by silly string. XD

But anyway, I just found this to be rather stupid and ridiculous... Because we don't celebrate Halloween in Australia. o.o

Posts: 3291
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i don't celebrate it, never gone trick or treating.. so sadly i can't share anything.

but it's amusing to watch kids sneek from door to door in the rain while wearing the oddest of costumes. we keep sweets by the door so they don't wreak anything. ^^;

Posts: 1396
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I don't celebrate it either, but I used to go to parties dressed as a bat when I was a kid. Still, I enjoy the theme, plus there's the Nightmare Before Christmas to watch ^^.

However, I'll be joining some halloween fun on City of Heroes, using an alt to create a halloween suit for my main RP character :D .

Posts: 763
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I'm not going out this year, especially after the chavs chased me and my friends acrossed the field and they managed to hit me with ONE egg last year... Rawr.

Posts: 178
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As my old teacher said, I just like to dress up =D

I'm not fussed on trick or treating or all that, but any excuse to grab a costume (always has to be home made, store bought is cheating ;P) and act a prat is fine by me =D Don't know what I'm doing yet, but my costume is going to be a viking!

Except it's thrown together at the last minute out of baking paper, tin-foil and paper plates.

Also, Rocky Horror Show rules.

Posts: 462
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I like this holiday mostly because I enjoy playing hostess and give out candy to little kids. Some of them are very creative with the costumes. I also like carving jack-o-lanterns. I usually get a couple of comments on how cute they look (I only carve nice pumpkins, not scary ones). One of these days I've got to buy me a digital camera because sadly the pumkins don't last long (they either rot or get smashed).

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my costume is going to be a viking!

Oh my god, that's what I was last year.
Of course, it wasn't all ghetto and was homemade and looked realistic, but feh.

This year I'm a smaurai, and I've got to go trick-or-treating in... woah, 40 minutes.

Posts: 1437
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This year, I am being J. Alfred Prufrock.

Yes. I know. I am a nerd.

Posts: 2097
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I don't do anything for Halloween. I'm not going out anywhere because everybody I know is a) Stopping in, or b) going out and getting drunk, and as I don't touch alcohol that's not an option.

Oh well, at least there's some pretty fireworks going on outside my window, I can watch them if I get bored or something.

Posts: 286
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Same here One Tru Blu! Too old to go trick or treating and since I don't drink, I don't bother with parties. I find that chavs are the biggest bunch of dicks over this time of year (of course, when aren't they?)

Gotta keep all the windows shut so my cat, Maya, doesn't go outside. I'm scared someone will strap a firework to her and...well, you get the idea. That kind of thing happens a lot here. :(

Posts: 160
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Unfortunately i'm not too fond of Halloween. I got egged by some horribke youths a few years ago, and have been put off ever since. It got to the point where i moved my car away for fear of it being egged...

Obviously i enjoy the fact that kids trick or treat and dress up that's fine, but it's when the eggs come into play that the fun goes...

Posts: 85
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I'm watching Young Frankenstein as I type this.

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Shadow says Happy Halloween!


Posts: 2610
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I made a The Cheat Jack-o-Lantern yesterday, and it came out pretty good. I'm not too big on Trick or Treating but I went anyway. Good fun unless the people you go with are obsessed with shaving cream and all that. Next year I might make a costume. >>*is watching The Nightmare Before Christmas right now*

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I'm not sure if I should be amused and laugh, or be scared outta my wits and scream.

Posts: 774
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You better give it a trophy of staek-umms.
My mom...just came back in for another bag of candy...half an hour into trick or treating. Oh yes. Fun times.

Posts: 3468
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*bursts teh door down, AK-47 Kalishnakov Soviet Assault Rifle raised* TRICK OR TREAT!! *randomly starts firing, steals all the candy, and runs*

Posts: 85
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Now I'm watching Love at First Bite.

Posts: 4607
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Just finished trick-or-treating. Costumes? Bah, just give me the candy. :3

My sister was a Tetris piece. You'd be AMAZED at the number of people who didn't know what she was. And it wasn't quite as painful as the Mega64 video, thankfully.

I'd LOVE to watch Nightmare Before Christmas, but we lack any way of actually doing such. I guess I could settle for playing Castlevania games or something. I mean, it is Dracula.

Posts: 1195
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I was called in for work, so my original plan to dress as a samurai and pass out candy to the kids on my front porch was bust. Oh, well, next time.

Happy Halloween, all.

Posts: 74
Estimable Member

Well, THIS has been an adventerous day for me...

First up, I did not dress up for the kids in school, as we were doing test reviews and I needed their full concentration. But I did show them my pics of the outfit.

They liked it, and of course, the guys were the ones that knew who I was first.

If nothing else, I made up for it tonight, and I'm actually still dressed in full Ryu attire right now as I type this. I couldn't let the day go to waste. 🙂

Sadly, not everything today was so smooth...

First up (and the weaker of my problems), Ryu is without his Sakura, for reasons which will remain unnamed. A piece of my heart remains empty...

Then there's the bigger problem. On the way to school this morning, I went to pass a parked fire engine, and came back a little too close. Took my own rear-view mirror out. It needs to be replaced on Wednesday. $320 setback.

Consolation: The police said they'd let it go without a report to insurance, and Andrea wasn't mad one bit at me. And considering we've been hit badly in the wallets these last couple months, that's a huge relief off my back.

I guess if nothing else, the one thing that's really missing here on this Halloween night is that I couldn't take advantage of the spirit of the night, and get everyone together for a round of ATMOSFEAR. It would have been my first opportunity, but I'll find a way to make up for it. After all, this holiday is what that game was meant for.

Anyone have Atmosfear, BTW?

OK, that's it from here. I'd better take this gi and stuff off and head for bed. Got an emergency meeting in the morning, and I have no idea what for. Hope it's good news.

Have a GN, all!

Posts: 36
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I'm upset. We never celebrate Halloween. I wanted to dress up as a vampire.:0o

Posts: 403
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I just put on my karate gi last year, w00t. Brown Belt, yo!

Posts: 113
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we don't get trick or treaters as I live in a TA centre and have an 8 foot fence around my place of residence ^__^

I don't think i've ever been trick or treating myself either, I might have been once or twice when I was ickle but I can't remember.

I do remember the year my dad carved a turnip instead of a pumpkin just to prove it could be done though

Posts: 36
Eminent Member

That's.... interesting.

I went to a Brownie Guides Halloween party as a vampire once. It was fun. I had fake blood all over my mouth.:razz

Posts: 489
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This is rhe first year i didnt do anything for halloween. and i didnt see one, not one person out let alone dressed up in this place. It must be a north carolina thing... because back in New England, halloween was the best day ever...

Posts: 209
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A few days late..but I hope everyone had a fun and safe halloween.
