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The MoFo Enquirer

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Welcome to the MoFo's tabloid premiere issue! Our paparazzi and unscrupulous reporters have brought you the top news that's been put together with out of context lines. Also see our reports on the latest in science. We have pictures, so it must be true.


Has Craig been cheating on SSS? Evidence ABOUNDS. See what happens when we ask a simple question about the UK's election?

Sailor Mischief (4:12 pm): if the UK had a vote to replace charles with the burger king who would win?
Craig (4:13 pm): *Kisses the King's plastic face*

He's even trying to get others into his love dodecahedrons.

Craig (4:16 pm): Burger King x Queen Samanfur. Discuss

Spotting our paparazzi, he tried to push the attention on SSS so we'd ignore him.

Shadowed Spirit Sage (4:30 pm): Hey there SX **HUG**
Craig (4:30 pm): Quick! Send a reporter. The MoFo Enquirer must know!

Who's next to date Craig? It's anybody's guess. The public speaks.

Chibi Box (4:25 pm): Craig x Craig - Discuss!


We've just spied the evil admin's latest plan. She's cloning Craigs and planting them in positions to help take over the world. The legion of lackeys have already infiltrated a major movie series and reality TV!


Vector's latest selection for an admin is Batboy! Batboy appeared today at the HQ tower to accept the position and address his adoring fans. His outstanding intelligence, technical skills, and ability to echolocate were cited as reasons for the hiring.

Coming soon to the MoFo Enquirer: you! You can join our illustrious staff of unlicensed reporters. If you have a scoop, you can post it right here!

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

It appears that the actor playing Ron Weasly in the acclaimed Harry Potter movies is in fact, not a Craig Bayfield clone at all!

The Mofo Tabloids have been following this up, and in a drastic interview, we can reveal the truth...

However, delving deeper we found...
THIS is what our "Criag clone" looked like before his exposeure to Craig.., Is this abuse...or mercy, our readers, YOU decide...

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Someone just dropped an Egg!


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Earlier tonight, Hyper Sonic Warrior revealed that Geogwe did not come up with the 😯 smiley. Although he was unable to give the name of the true inventor, he says that it isn't the guy in this thread.

Some people are not ready to accept HSW's accusation, however:

Wonderbat (10:42 pm): SHUT YO HONKY TRAP

When further interviewed, Wonderbat added, "I thin k I remember seeing the 😯 smiley in a Nintendo Power from back when the internet was a great and mysterious thing, so yeah."

I'm not very good at writing these.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

...... ROFL @ lines being taken out of context.

And an even bigger ROFL for using the Batboy idea.

Vec, you rock my socks. XD

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1381
Noble Member


Vec, you rock my socks. XD

Wait, are you saying Punchasaurus and Vec are the same people.:eek Well, you learn something everyday.:read

Posts: 439
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I'm actually trying to grow my hair out longer. So where do I order this Craig from? *_*

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Acrio was recently seen trying to imitate Ultra Sonic 007. As for why, no one knows. However, considering how unpopular Ultra Sonic 007 is because of his conservative ideals, one has to wonder why.

Acrio was laughed out of the room. He was last seen crying in a ditch, wondering why he imitated Ultra Sonic 007.

As for the real Ultra Sonic 007? He was last seen watching a movie.

(People who were there when Acrio turned into me know what happened. THEY KNOW. :O )

Posts: 4885
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My life is not news! Stop following me around! I can't handle this pressure, dang it, I'm nothing! I'm no one! STOP RAPING ME WITH YOUR EYES! ;_____;

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

In other news, some sort of thing called World War 5 broke out.

And now for some pictures of KITTENS!

Posts: 1619
Noble Member


And in other news, Cookirini eats someone. Again.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Kills Cookirini with Sailor ribbons!*

GAH! >.x

Posts: 1402
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News flash: Craig caught killing Cookirini with sailor ribbons! Pics included!

Taken by: Ace photographer HS77!

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New Member Guest

news flash: stairmaster was recently impregnated by hsw and acrio simeltanously. Both of have benn procecuted for giving stair the horrible disease.
