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The MoFoDex

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Posts: 1758
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It started with the revelation that Wonderbat named his Pokemon after forumers.

Feraligator = Me
Crobat = Wonderbat of course

Surprisingly, he did not have a PsyDeck.

What pokemon should Wonderbat name after you or others?

Posts: 980
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He should, by all means, name a Zapdos after me. :thumbsup
If not that, a Pikachu...:crazy

Posts: 5772
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Don't worry Wonder. I won't hold it against you if you named a Lombre after me.

But don't name a Lombre after me, or you'll regret it. Regret it like the morning after.

Posts: 3756
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Gee, I wonder.

Posts: 1437
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Dirk Meowthba ftw

Or at least a Dunsparce. Or Bellsprout.

Posts: 2097
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I would probably be a Haunter. Mostly because I have the magical ability to never get noticed, just like a ghost.

Oh, and I'd be a shiny one too, because it has an eerie blue glow.

Posts: 2354
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I'd like to be a Gengar.

Posts: 2723
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I like Pichu. Sure, it's not very strong, but it's still cute. :3

Posts: 917
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What's the deal with this pokemon stuff anyway? I heard about it on the news, but it sounds like just a fad. I bet in six months, no one will remember it existed.

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Surprisingly, he did not have a PsyDeck.

Of course he did o.

Posts: 2438
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It's hard to say. I like Vulpix and Ninetales, but it's hard to take a Pokemon named "Tergonaut" seriously no matter what it is.

Or maybe a Starmie. That might work.

Posts: 1758
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Topic starter

I remember more names.

Rabid = Rattatta I think.
Acricolo = Ludicolo, so that's taken. 😛
SX = Vulpix because DB Vulpix would be too obvious.

Posts: 1573
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I'd probably be a Ponyta or Rapidash, what with my being an MLP and all.

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I caught a Geodude just to name it Geogwe.

I stuck it in the last box and never used it #o.o#

Posts: 2016
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I'd have to be a Nidoking. o.o


Or, at least a Dragonair or Dragonite. Coz their cool.

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We should comission someone to draw all these =)

Oh, and I didn't have a Psydeck. I had a Deckle instead =D

And after that conversation I remembered that on my emerald save I had Blazikun =3

Posts: 488
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Yeah, he said he believes I was Rattata. Quite fitting I do believe. 😛

I still have a level 50-something Rattata in my Blue version that I never evolved, since I think Rattata looks so much cooler than Raticate.



Posts: 530
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I think I'd be a DDKainite (Dragonite).

Posts: 2232
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I should be Nurse Joy.

Posts: 1619
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I also have a Pokemon named after me. Wonderbat told me which one, but....I forget what it was. It was one that was after the original 150, but....

Curse you, faulty memory! >:(

Posts: 3291
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there's too many pokemon now, i can't even remember the origional 150 names. o.x; goodness knows what i'd be!

Posts: 899
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I've always liked Metagross...

Nelagross, yes, that's the ticket. A shiny Nelagross. Gold and silver FTW

Posts: 489
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Ditto's rule =3

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Bah @ naming your Blaziken after me or Acrio

I always used a Jynx <3

Posts: 1789
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I guess a Nidoran(female) would be most appropriate for me since they are poisonous[Acid] and they do resemble Rabbits[Bunny].

Though if he gets D/P and chooses:

as his starter, then I welcome to be named after that. Or maybe even that new rabbit Pokemon in the games.

Posts: 2928
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Rica, RiCAchu.

Ok.. I'm done.

