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The Official Unnofficial Car Wreck thread.

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Posts: 3468
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Got hit by a car today. I'll post pics later.

Car door x Bumper- DISCUSS!!

Posts: 174
Estimable Member

...Urm... It sucks? I'd be having a heartattack if I was in the car that was being hit with a bumper ^_^ *panics easily*
Doesn't sound like fun.
My uncles have a bad reputation for being reckless with cars. One of the two had mold gorwing in the back of his car because he never cleaned it... Yucky >_>
Was the damage bad? And... Most importantly, who do we point fingers at and blame for this mess? *shot for being pessimistic and not asking about health or something like that*

Posts: 663
Honorable Member

*hopes everything is okay* accidents = no good. I've personally never been in a bad one, but...><.

Posts: 3291
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freind's car skidding on black ice + wall = bruised becca

i hope you're okay and the car can be repaired. ^^;

Posts: 2610
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I hate car crashes, very scary. That sucks SX hope you aren't hurt or anything, and hope it doesn't cost much repairng the car.

Posts: 3468
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Note the '96 Mustang Cobra in the background.

The damage. All to one door, that'll need replaced but the car is otherwise perfect.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Holy sheezle..... **hugs** It could have been worse, thank your lucky stars nobody was hurt and a door is all that needs replacing!

**was nearly in an accident today.... THANK YOU crazy people who make right turns when it clearly says "NO TURN ON RED", and time that right turn perfectly so that it scares the living crap out of mom and myself and we're nearly six inches away from their bumper**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

That stinks. Glad that no one was hurt. Good the damage isnt a terrible amount. Man that Maruader (thats what it looks like, and I think SX told me in chat) still looks mean though... Hope it will be easy to get fixed.

Posts: 3468
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The marauder is fine. We're all fine and his insurance company is going to pay I think.

But the idiot was on a cell phone. A Razr, which costs about as much as the car he was driving...

Man, and he walked off unharmed too. That sucked.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i'm glad that driving while using a phone (that isn't hands-free, but i've still seem people using handsfree phones and it's obvious that their concentraition on driving has dropped) is illigal over here, especially after narrowly mising being knocked down on several occasions by a driver with one hand firmly glued to the side of their face by their phone.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Our car got backed into by a truck once, when we were still in the car. >< Scary. Our back door was horribly misshapen, and that stupid mean -restrains self from calling names- lady just took off. She just drove away without any exchange of info, leaving our back door totally strobied! *fume*

Posts: 3468
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Hit and run?

Man, did they catch her?

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I was nearly in a car accident a while ago. My grandmother was driving me to my guitar lesson when we came to a four-way intersection and some person in a green car didn't bother looking before they rounded the corner we were coming out of. Almost crashed into the front-right side of our van.

Funnily enough, my grandma was the one who freaked out. I just sat there with my arms crossed and didn't even blink, for some reason.

And ShoeHedge, you should've tried to get their license plate number or something. That's a hit and run. Which is illegal.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

I was only in fourth grade, so I didn't know to grab the license number. :( My mom did get out of the car to talk to the lady, but I remember the lady saying over and over, "I really need to go now," and stuff. She eventually just drove off and left us there. I should ask Mom if that lady was ever tracked down, because I never did find out.
