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The Runaway Greenho...
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The Runaway Greenhouse Effect...

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Posts: 781
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So lemme get this straight. Basically, this site is saying that by 2015, people would have added enough greenhouse gases to the atmosphere that by then it'd have started a chain reaction that will eventually lead to Earth becoming much like Venus in climate. As in, as the atmosphere gets thicker, more heat gets trapped inside, as more heat gets trapped inside more of the ice caps melt, releasing more carbon dioxide from bubbles within the ice caps and adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and more of the water evaporates and less of it condenses adding more water vapour to the atmosphere, and as more carbon dioxide and water vapour is added to the atmosphere, the thicker the atmosphere gets. So according to that site global warming will cause more of itself at some point.

Eerily enough, that actually makes sense, so I kinda believe Exit Mundi on this one. As for Venus being closer to the sun, yes it is. But I remember hearing before that Venus is the way it is because it underwent the greenhouse effect, and it underwent the greenhouse effect BECAUSE it was closer to the sun. I mean come on, look at Planet Mercury, which is even closer to the sun yet its maximum temperature is lower than that of Venus.

Just making a couple more points about it. The site, assuming it is valid, just goes to show how dire of a problem global warming is, and why it should get more attention than it's getting (Especially compared to war, poverty, terrorism, ect... Not saying those aren't big issues but if the runaway greenhouse effect happens, nearly all humans will die, and so will most species of plants and animals. There is no way we can survive at temperatures that can melt lead. They say, "Perhaps well survive all that, clinging to our gas masks and our airconditioning-- and in the end starve to death because all plants and animals are gone." but I doubt air conditioners will work at such temperatures either. I remember hearing that wood sets fire on coals because the heat itself causes it to combust. At metal-melting temperatures, that would mean the wood our houses are made of will combust, and I doubt it's something air conditioners would prevent.

This is more for discussing the issue in general of global warming than necessarily that site. But still, the site makes a very crucial point, that global warming could in itself cause more global warming. I don't know how long it'd take for lead and tin to melt, but I'm pretty sure it would take probably hundreds of years, and it seems that 2015 was referring to the point at which global warming would cause more global warming.

Well, that's got to be my first thread in the MF central for a little while. I'm surprised I can mention that so casually after talking about such a disturbing scenario.

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


So lemme get this straight.

What is it now, curly or zig-zagged?



That is possible. Sometimes this becomes complicated though.


this site is saying that by 2015, people would have added enough greenhouse gases to the atmosphere that by then it'd have started a chain reaction that will eventually lead to Earth becoming much like Venus in climate.

:jawdrop I have had experience with the heat myself, once I went to Spain and it was really hot and I did not have any water whilst I was walking for hours. If the climate of Venus is anything like the climate of Spain then I am worried.


As in, as the atmosphere gets thicker, more heat gets trapped inside, as more heat gets trapped inside more of the ice caps melt, releasing more carbon dioxide from bubbles within the ice caps

This sounds dangerous! And there was an Ice Cap level in TWO Sonic games. Children were playing these?!! :eek No wonder this will happen, Sonic and all the bullies at school have been teaching kids that it's cool to make global warming.


and adding more carbon dioxide

Plants breathe that! I learned it in school.


to the atmosphere and more of the water evaporates and less of it condenses adding more water vapour to the atmosphere, and as more carbon dioxide and water vapour is added to the atmosphere, the thicker the atmosphere gets. So according to that site global warming will cause more of itself at some point.

Once the bath was REALLY HOT and the water vapour steamed up the mirror. I couldn't see my face on the mirror without giving it a wipe first. I am glad that I did not slip on the mirror but I could have. If what you say is true then there could be an epidemic of steamy mirrors and windows that people could slip on or worse!


Eerily enough

I do not like eery things and nor do children but their parents let them anyway like once at school a kid who was only 6 had seen the Scooby Doo movie, it wouldn't have been too bad if it was the cartoon but the movie was much more suggestive and scary. This must be stopped.


that actually makes sense

What does. :?


so I kinda believe

People have all kinds of beliefs. I do not know which ones to disagree with but I know what is wrong I found a site that says Americans are protesting the use of Kola Cubes in Canada???



Where? :0o Have you checked your facts?


Mundi on this one.

It's Wednesday now but still Tuesday in some places.


As for Venus being closer to the sun, yes it is.

:eek There is a razor called Venus (the ad showed a woman shaving her legs with it in the bath and it was aired at 5pm, boys or the elderly could have been watching at that time). Why would they name the razor that? It might encourage people to go to the sun to burn their hair off but it won't just do that it will kill them!


But I remember

I would remember more but I had a drink and it was too cold because my mother left it in the fridge for over half an hour and now my head aches.


hearing before that Venus is the way it is because it underwent the greenhouse effect,



and it underwent the greenhouse effect BECAUSE it was closer to the sun.

If it's so close why would Venus even WANT a greenhouse effect?


I mean come on

Where to. :?


look at Planet Mercury

Once the thermometer broke and I got some mercury on my hand and it hurt a lot and they sell these in general stores???!!!


which is even closer to the sun yet its maximum temperature is lower than that of Venus.

You might be right about this. However for reasons that have been said already I disagree because even the COLD can cause a lot of damage like the bullies at school who throw snowballs at me in Winter. One time it was even summer and they made snowballs in the fridge to throw at me and my t-shirt got wet but not like those contests they have at beaches that I hope don't become common knowledge where water is poured over ladies and they were not even dehydrated. :|


Just making a couple

Do you mean like when a girl and boy like each other. Once I saw two boys and they liked each other, what was happening I don't understand. :jawdrop


more points

There is too much competition and it causes kids to think only about points and throw the softballs at each other REALLY HARD that sometimes breaks the skin just because of sport on TV and video games all about points because people want to enter their names but at the arcade you can only type 3 letters for most games and I didn't know what to write and there was a time limit and the controls weren't clear so it ended up saying AAA. Why would they do this??


about it.

The film called It? The box was in PLAIN SIGHT in the video rental store and it scarred me for life. :|


The site, assuming it is valid,

My bus pass is no longer valid because the school year is over but I haven't had the chance to get a new one and I forgot because the calendar hadn't been marked because there were no soft felt pens in the house only sharp ball points and fountain pens that are pointy and drip ink everywhere that anyone could get their hands on.


just goes to show how dire of a problem global warming is, and why it should get more attention than it's getting (Especially compared to war, poverty, terrorism, ect... Not saying those aren't big issues but if the runaway greenhouse effect happens, nearly all humans will die, and so will most species of plants and animals.

And yet people complain when Canadians bash seals' heads in.


There is no way we can survive at temperatures that can melt lead.

I found out on a web site (that I assume is reliable) that pencil lead is not actual lead but is graphite. Maybe you are thinking of that which may not be as bad (depending on your opinion) but how will we rub things out if we can only use ink? Correction fluid spills and once my English teacher marked me down because I had used some and it went through the page but if I had a pencil this would never have happened!


They say, "Perhaps well survive all that, clinging to our gas masks and our airconditioning--

I once tried to cling to a fan and it nearly cut my finger off but there was no warning about it on the box. :eek How do they get away with this?


and in the end starve to death because all plants and animals are gone."

Where did they go to? Are you referring to the second World War? :0o


but I doubt air conditioners will work at such temperatures either.

You are wrong because the commercial with the bunny said that they can make electronics work for a long time. If they keep making them for the next few years I think we will survive 2015 with air conditioning.


I remember hearing



that wood sets fire

The house next door set on fire and there was shouting for hours before and weeks later Mr Jefferson wasn't living there any more but I saw him at the local store and he was with another woman. :eek


on coals because the heat itself causes it to combust. At metal-melting temperatures, that would mean the wood our houses are made of will combust, and I doubt it's something air conditioners would prevent.

We would be safe if it were Winter and it is Winter in China right now so we could get houses in China but what would happen if burglars came? We would have to sacrafice people to draw the curtains at night and not let the newspapers pile up while we are away so nobody burgles the house.


This is more for discussing the issue in general of global warming than necessarily that site.

It is? Where did you hear that? I never said that.


But still, the site makes a very crucial point,

No, that may be agreeable and perhaps you're right but you're wrong and you're missing MY point.


that global warming could in itself cause more global warming.



I don't know how long it'd take for lead and tin to melt, but I'm pretty sure it would take probably hundreds of years, and it seems that 2015 was referring to the point at which global warming would cause more global warming.

I saw a film called Back to the Future Part II (I think it was a sequel) that showed the world in 2015 and whilst it wasn't hot yet they did have hover boards so maybe we could all hover over the lava.


Well, that's got to be my first thread in the MF central for a little while.

What is MF Central?


I'm surprised

So am I, which does not surprise me.


I can mention that so casually after talking about such a disturbing scenario.

I had to take a break half way through because it was scary and my dad was shouting for me to clean my room if I want to have supper but I hope it is light because I do not want to go to bed on a full stomach.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

Ok...Don't Panic

Nothing like those two reassuring words to calm someone down right? You have been a victim of sensationalism.

Anyways, what you have read is only one climate model. However, as CO2 levels rise atmospheric H2O levels rise creating more cloud cover which reflects light back before it has a chance to be absorbed by solids/liquids on the surface and re-emitted as IR radiation to be trapped by the greenhouse gasses.

Do some research on historical climate fluxuations and you'll be happy to know that making a prediction as to the weather next week is very difficult except on a very broad scale. Making predictions decades in advance is simply foolish, three decades ago the big worry was Global Cooling.

I am not kidding on the Global Cooling, it's interesting reading.


Posts: 2354
Noble Member

So, you are saying we should not be worrying about the pollution that's abound the earth, even in the once pristine places? Let the world remain dependant on a limited supply of fossil fuels? I'm only asking some questions to ponder, ladies and gentlemen.

I would not call it sensationalism but if nothing's done, the earth will probably end up as either Mars (Global Cooling) or Venus (Global Warming), although it might stay the same but do we really want to find out?

No, I'm not siding with anyone.

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Well here is one theory that combines both ideas of cooling and warming. And Ill keep it short and sweet.

Planet heats up, ice caps melts thus leading to the dumping of tons of fresh water into the ocean, which leads to the major ocean currents shuting down and water temperature regulation goes along with them. Without the regulation the planet cools down since warm water is no longer transported from the equator to the northern and southern latitudes and everything freezes over.

The End

P.S. And ice cream stocks plumet in value.

Posts: 874
Prominent Member

The Day After Tomorrow was a documentary from the future! ONLY DENNIS QUAID CAN SAVE US FROM THE ICE AGE!

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

In the future we'll most likely have to watch out for the poorly rendered CGI wolves that can hijack tanker ships aswell.:p

Posts: 859
Prominent Member


VCP, i know matt had a reputation but you REALLY did pick his post apart unfairly there...
Telling him off for starting with: "let me get this straight" is... well a bit harsh...

Anyway, back on topic, there is always the possibility that something could happen, and probably will. Global Warming, or cooling, or possible both...
It's possible that if there is global warming then the UK will turn into a frozen wasteland because the melting ice cap will restrict the warm water flow from the mediteranian which keeps us warm...

Of course it's possible nothing will happen.
But I do know one thing, there have been too many heatwaves this year, I hope this is just temporary and not the first signs of something horrible to come.... :eek

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

A runaway greenhouse?!?!?1/1/1/ I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THEY HAD LEGS!!1/1/1/1/!?11!!!

oh and lmao @ lee

Posts: 666
Honorable Member


The solution to pollution is dilution. All substances are toxic in sufficient quantity, as my good friend Dan likes to say "There are no toxic substances, only toxic levels".

In effect there has never been a "pristine" environment, only environments that have been affected less by activities elsewhere. Looking through Greenlands ice core samples it is clear when the Romans started to smelt lead because of atmospheric lead concentrations. Who would figure minute particles of such a dense substance would travel the globe in atmospheric suspension?

I appreciate your concern about the environment, but you need to study some science so you can answer your own question instead of believing sensationalist science.

As far as "The Day After Tomorrow" goes, someone please tell me that they understand that the law of gravity would have to be temporarily suspended to allow such a drop in atmospheric pressure. PV=nRT, Pressure times volume equals number of mols times the ideal gas constant times temperature in Kelvin. Basically if you want a massive drop in temp, you have to have a massive drop in pressure. Such a drop in pressure would kill anyone in the affected zone from lack of oxygen, and possibly flash boil the blood right out of their veins. The movie is junk science of the worst kind.


Posts: 336
Reputable Member

Lee is an actual god amongst men. You all know I would've done the same thing if he hadn't beaten me to it, though. ;)

As for my response to matt's panic over Exit Mundi's theoretical Apocolyptic scenarios, I'll let my custom title do the talking.

Posts: 781
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Topic starter

The following is in response to VCP... please skip over the quoting and over the large space if you don't want to read the rebuttals part...

It seems as if this is some sort of parody of me. Either way...


Sometimes this becomes complicated though.

Obviously. I was just saying the site makes some crucial points.


If the climate of Venus is anything like the climate of Spain then I am worried.

Ahaha you're kidding right? Since Venus has a temperature of about 750 degrees, Spain is nothing compared to Venus. So if Spain concerns you, the greenhouse effect should concern you even more.


And there was an Ice Cap level in TWO Sonic games. Children were playing these?!!

What do ice themed levels have to do with it? If anything you seem to think (Unless you're being sarcastic, but just in case you aren't) that Sonic running around in an Ice Cap portrays global warming as something the heroes do, when Robotnik is a villain and he's the one doing the pollution. If anything it is sending messages AGAINST pollution.


Plants breathe that!

Unfortunately, people are adding too much greenhouse gas and too few plants. The destruction of the rainforest is one example of people upsetting the balance of animals and plants. Overpopulation is another.


If what you say is true then there could be an epidemic of steamy mirrors and windows that people could slip on or worse!

That's not the problem. The problem is too much water in the atmosphere would make the atmosphere thicker, and the thicker the atmosphere gets the more water vapour that's in it, causing a chain reaction that goes back and forth.


I do not like eery things and nor do children but their parents let them anyway like once at school a kid who was only 6 had seen the Scooby Doo movie

While I'm kinda going further off topic by asking this... did the kid have a parent with him or her while watching it? I never saw the movie but I did read on IMDB that it was rated PG. At that rating I myself wouldn't agree with 6 year olds watching it, but that's another story...

Ironically enough, reading about the greenhouse effect puts video game and movie influence in perspective for me... The greenhouse effect would be a more real danger than kids being scared by video games/movies/ect... and since it'd be everywhere kids seeing it would be impossible to prevent...


What does.

The concept of global warming causing more global warming.

Sorry, guess I should've made that clearer...


People have all kinds of beliefs.

Yeah that's pretty true and maybe I SHOULD be listening to other perspectives too but that site makes it sound so extreme.


Americans are protesting the use of Kola Cubes in Canada???

What? :? Afraid you lost me there.


Have you checked your facts?

I got them straight from the site I linked to.


It's Wednesday now but still Tuesday in some places.

Read carefully, VCP. I said "I kinda believe Exit Mundi on this one" Exit Mundi is the site's name. It wasn't some sort of crazy typo for Monday. I was saying this scenario seems sort of believable, at least more so than its others.


Why would they name the razor that?

I'm not sure, but wasn't both Planet Venus and that razor brand name both named after something else? (The Roman god of love I think... weird they'd name a planet after that)

But either way, what does that have to do with Earth becoming like the Planet Venus? Or what does it say about it?


It might encourage people to go to the sun to burn their hair off

You're kidding right? I doubt they'd even get a chance! (To go to the sun)


If it's so close why would Venus even WANT a greenhouse effect?

I was talking about how it's likely the extra heat from being closer to the sun would have lead to the greenhouse effect, according to that site.


Where to.

Not literally.


Once the thermometer broke and I got some mercury on my hand and it hurt a lot and they sell these in general stores???!!!

I was talking about Planet Mercury and I don't see what the element Mercury has to do with it. (Other than the same name of course...)


However for reasons that have been said already I disagree because even the COLD can cause a lot of damage

Yes, cold temperatures are a problem too. But that doesn't mean we should leave alone the problem of global warming.


the bullies at school who throw snowballs at me in Winter

:0o This is getting more and more suspicious.


Do you mean like when a girl and boy like each other.

No, I mean a couple as in "two". As in, normally if you refer to "couple" as a number you mean "two". As in I was making "two" more points...


There is too much competition and it causes kids to think only about points

Points as in key arguments...


The film called It?

No, the issue of global warming...


My bus pass is no longer valid because the school year is over

What does a bus pass's validity have to do with a web site's validity? Or if you're trying to say something about validity in general, what is it?


And yet people complain when Canadians bash seals' heads in.

You seem to be quoting me there from a previous thread of mine. If so please let me remind you that my initial point was: If those seal hunt protestors were for the Iraq war, they should consider the seal hunt is nothing compared to it. If they were against the war, maybe they should be praising Canada for not taking part in it, instead of making their arguments sound like anti-Canadian rants. Yes I linked to that same article (The one on global warming) in the other thread but what with the hacking making this site lose the thread, I decided to create a new thread for it.


I once tried to cling to a fan and it nearly cut my finger off

What kind of fan? Don't most large fans normally have metal bars around them that are too close together for fingers to fit through?

And does that really say anything about global warming anyway?


Where did they go to?

By "gone" I think he means "are extinct" and that at such high temperatures non-humans would definitely not live, if humans did at all.


You are wrong because the commercial with the bunny said that they can make electronics work for a long time.

Yeah, but they don't just because it lasts longer doesn't mean it's more powerful while it lasts. I highly doubt having a certain brand name of battery would allow them to air condition at temperatures in the hundreds of degrees.


If they keep making them for the next few years I think we will survive 2015 with air conditioning.

Oh survive 2015 no question. That's just when the effect, as in when global warming causes more global warming, will start. It'll probably take hundreds of years for it to get to the point of Earth being inhabitable, but at a certain point it will be inevitable that it becomes that way.


The house next door set on fire

And we'll get plenty more of that in the future if what is described on that site happens...


I never said that.

Oh nobody said that but I just wanted to make sure that it was clear BEFORE people started assuming it was solely for discussing that web site.


they did have hover boards so maybe we could all hover over the lava

Not everything in movies would necessarily work in real life, you know...

And while I should have mentioned the following before, I thought it wouldn't be practical: Are you making fun of me, VCP? This doesn't seem like your normal posting style and you were quoting me many times in exaggerating some of my habits. If these habits you had a problem with, you could have instead genuinely criticized problems you had with my posts, (As in by PM) but you instead decided to make fun of it. My posting style continued into when I came back in the SPA for a different reason, I figured since it was the SPA it didn't matter enough for me to change it. I figured changes to my posting style weren't needed in the SPA so I don't post the same there. Yes it continued to this post, but that was in response to yours. I actually was trying to improve until I noticed the satire. Making fun of me won't motivate me to stop, it only motivates me to make it worse.

Besides, when I went off topic in my threads, at least MY not-directly-relevant comments had something comparable to the main topic... at least it was SAYING something about the main topic, most of the time recently, that is...

Anyway, onto other responses. I don't really pay much attention to the different actual models themselves, more what Internet web sites say about them. I thought cloud cover would actually trap more of the heat inside, making the climate change even worse. Now I'm not really sure what to listen to; Water vapour making climate change worse or further preventing it? I guess if water vapour would reflect radiation as opposed to trapping it inside, then yes it is good for the environment, so that's a relief. :) As for global cooling being the big worry a few decades ago, I'm kinda surprised. I thought global warming was always the concern. But even now global cooling (Ironically being caused by global warming) is also a concern too, to some extent.


I would not call it sensationalism but if nothing's done, the earth will probably end up as either Mars (Global Cooling) or Venus (Global Warming), although it might stay the same but do we really want to find out?

Agreed either way. We should still be careful about it, no matter how unlikely it may be.

As for hyper shadow X's comments on global cooling, yeah I already knew about that scenario too.

[This post was edited right after posting it because I forgot to make that big space first time I posted it]

Posts: 0
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(The Roman god of love I think... weird they'd name a planet after that)

All the planets are named after gods (except for Earth... maybe.). Gods are what make the planet have global warming.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Give it a few hundred years...all the billions and billions of little cars carrying their fat-arsed passengers, all going in the same direction...and we will have a planet that resembles Venus! :insane

Posts: 456
Reputable Member


It seems as if this is some sort of parody of me.

What? No. I don't even like those birds too much except in Sonic Adventure when I'm trying to get a NiGHTS Chao.


Ahaha you're kidding right? Since Venus has a temperature of about 750 degrees, Spain is nothing compared to Venus. So if Spain concerns you, the greenhouse effect should concern you even more.

But Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and Earth is only the third, so I can't see it being that different. Are you sure about this? Although that would explain why we only ever send robots to Mars and not Venus. Bringing this back on topic would we be able to live on Mars in the future if Earth gets global warmed? :?


What do ice themed levels have to do with it? If anything you seem to think (Unless you're being sarcastic, but just in case you aren't) that Sonic running around in an Ice Cap portrays global warming as something the heroes do, when Robotnik is a villain and he's the one doing the pollution. If anything it is sending messages AGAINST pollution.

At the end of Act 1 it starts to melt. :eek But you're right this might be something that Eggman is doing which makes me glad that he is not real (at least I hope).


Unfortunately, people are adding too much greenhouse gas and too few plants. The destruction of the rainforest is one example of people upsetting the balance of animals and plants. Overpopulation is another.

Bringing back to your earlier point have you noticed that Sonic saves flowers in Sonic CD? I think you were right about Eggman!


That's not the problem.

It was for me.


While I'm kinda going further off topic by asking this... did the kid have a parent with him or her while watching it? I never saw the movie but I did read on IMDB that it was rated PG. At that rating I myself wouldn't agree with 6 year olds watching it, but that's another story...

His parents TOOK him.


Ironically enough, reading about the greenhouse effect puts video game and movie influence in perspective for me... The greenhouse effect would be a more real danger than kids being scared by video games/movies/ect... and since it'd be everywhere kids seeing it would be impossible to prevent...

And once the world is global warmed there will be even more video games with global warming in them so there'll be nowhere to escape it except in Back to the Future Part II (thank you for the link to IMDB, it turns out it IS a sequel).


The concept of global warming causing more global warming.

Sorry, guess I should've made that clearer... :><

Thanks. :)


What? :? Afraid you lost me there.


Read carefully, VCP. I said "I kinda believe Exit Mundi on this one" Exit Mundi is the site's name. It wasn't some sort of crazy typo for Monday. I was saying this scenario seems sort of believable, at least more so than its others.

Are you sure you are not misremembering?


:0o This is getting more and more suspicious.

That's what I said to the teacher.


What does a bus pass's validity have to do with a web site's validity? Or if you're trying to say something about validity in general, what is it?

Sometimes things that used to be valid aren't valid any more just like my bus pass.


What kind of fan? Don't most large fans normally have metal bars around them that are too close together for fingers to fit through?

Yes, that is why I said "nearly".


Yeah, but they don't just because it lasts longer doesn't mean it's more powerful while it lasts. I highly doubt having a certain brand name of battery would allow them to air condition at temperatures in the hundreds of degrees.

The advert said it was the most powerful battery and the bunny DID last MUCH LONGER than the other batteries, the scientists said so themselves. So my point is this could stop global warming.


And we'll get plenty more of that in the future if what is described on that site happens...



Not everything in movies would necessarily work in real life, you know...

This film was much more realistic than Star Trek and there was a reason for the future because there was a time machine but Star Wars is actually set in the past.


And while I should have mentioned the following before, I thought it wouldn't be practical: Are you making fun of me, VCP?

WHAT? :(


This doesn't seem like your normal posting style

Have you been spying on me? :nono

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

I'm just going to address this for the sake of discussion, even though I've damn near keeled over with laughter.

Bringing this back on topic would we be able to live on Mars in the future if Earth gets global warmed?
No, not with today's technology.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

In order to terraform Mars we would need to increase the atmosphere and set up a planetwide magnetic field to keep the atmosphere from being blown away by solar winds.

Anyways, why doesn't somebody take a look at CO2 and how it interacts with the IR spectrum, then look at historical CO2 levels, and then look me dead in the eye and say that CO2 causes "global warming". I just don't buy it.


Posts: 209
Estimable Member


In order to terraform Mars we would need to increase the atmosphere and set up a planetwide magnetic field to keep the atmosphere from being blown away by solar winds.

Yeah but wouldnt we have to find some way to increase the gravity as well? Yes a strong magnetic field keeps an atmosphere from being blown away by solar winds but gravity is what keeps the atmosphere on the planet in the first place.

Posts: 0
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Mars is roughly the same size of Earth, so it's gravity shouldn't be too far off... o.o

Posts: 880
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Mars is about half the size of the earth. The gravity I think is a third of earth's.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

No, you're thinking of Venus. Mars has about half the diameter, one-tenth the mass, and one-third the gravitational force (3.3N at the surface) of Earth.

Posts: 666
Honorable Member


Increasing gravity is one way of keeping the atmosphere, but that would require an increase in mass. Interestingly enough, the bulk of Martian atmosphere is that terrible greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide.

However, my guess is that if you can set up a magnetic field around Mars then creating artificial gravity wouldn't be too big of a hurdle, maybe just keep lobbing asteroids onto the surface to increase planetary mass....


Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Yes so pretty much terraforming Mars is a lost cause. One could make a nice thick Earth-like atmosphere on Mars that could last a few thousand years, gradually it will slip away. Though it could be possible to keep replenishing the atmosphere every hundred years or so...

Posts: 666
Honorable Member

I dunno, couple thousand years of lobbing asteroids at the surface, along with ice from Jupiters rings, Von Neuman machines to place an iron core in the center of the planet...

Probably .9 G would be enough to sustain a nitrogen oxygen atmosphere for quite some time, of course that means an increase of Mars' mass by nearly a factor of ten.

Anyways life on Mars isn't a short term proposition, but a mans reach should excede his grasp.


Posts: 209
Estimable Member

To say if we did set up a planetary magnetic field, a way of producing a decent atmosphere would be the spreading of genetically altered plants and micro-organisms across the surface of Mars. That would change the atmosphere over time as well. Besides introducing new species to different environments is what us humans do best.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

We kind of just got through explaining that Mars can't hold a livable atmosphere together because it doesn't have a strong enough magnetic field.

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Sorry. I should have stated that I was refering to after the set up of a magnetic field and that would be a solution on how to form an atmosphere.

Ill fix my mistake.
