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The 'War' On Christ...
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The 'War' On Christmas

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Dear friends and family,

Have you noticed how this years festive season has been blighted by this seemingly international war against Christmas, waged, of course, by the the evil liberal left, atheists, and advocates of political correctness, while the virtuous right-wing and conservative Christians, spearheaded by the likes of Bill O'Reilly and those brave men and women at The Sun and The Daily Mail have fought back gallantly to protect Britain's proud Christian heritage (as well as that of all of Europe and the USA, which was, of course, founded explicitly upon the Christian faith, as every good conservative Republican knows)?

Of course, this battles been fought every December for the last few years, but never quite as tooth and nail as this year it seems. The twist in the tale, however, is that the War on Christmas doesnt actually exist at all. It's an invention of the not-so-virtuous, reactionary religious right to mobilise outrage, hatred, and general opposition to the liberal left, atheists, and members of other religious faiths who might enjoy a little bit representation here and there.

Lutons ban on Christmas? It doesnt exist; Luton Council has never banned Christmas nor is it likely to.

Birminghams Winterval? A lie; Birmingham had an urban regeneration project called Winterval that ran from November 1997 to January 1998 and has never been repeated since; it had nothing to do with renaming Christmas, and Christmas was celebrated as usual during the Winterval project.

The Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Childrens ban on a Christmas CD for mentioning Jesus? Again, its never happened this year or any other.

Chesters Christmas cards that read Season's Greetings? Well this is actually true, though correct me if Im wrong, but havent Christmas cards said Season's Greetings for decades? Im fairly sure that particular phrase predates the modern concept of political correctness.

Moreover, Happy Holidays has been considered to be an appropriate Christmas greeting in North America for at least half a decade. Why is it only now that the religious right has decided that this is too PC?

This entire War on Christmas is a political smear campaign, and one as dishonest as the average US presidential election I might add. Do not be fooled! There is no War on Christmas; its a lie spun by the right-wing to incite hatred of the left, exactly like those accusations of baby-eating that the Republicans sling at their Democratic opponents in the USA. Its an attempt to polarise certain viewpoints, to turn mere political opponents into mortal enemies, to create an Us vs. Them scenario with no middle ground, and to muddy the already murky waters of British (and indeed, western) politics with religion.

Unless you fancy Britain becoming a carbon copy of the USA (i.e. if you don't want an American style socio-political Culture War on your hands) or if you already live in the USA and want to see the Culture War come to an end, then I strongly suggest that you don't buy into this nonsense.

This article from the Guardians website sheds a bit more light on the issue (and its more objective than my take on it, despite the papers reputation for being liberal, so give it a read):,,1967198,00.html

If you cant find the article with that link, Ive copied it onto the attached Word document. Hopefully you wont need to open that though.

Yours furiously

~ [name]

PS: It would be helpful if youd send this on to other people you know, so the message can get around. Whatever your political allegiance or religious beliefs may be, we do not need this kind enmity and discord at this time of year, particularly when most of the alleged reasons behind it are pure fabrications and the real reasons are exactly to incite this kind enmity and discord.

PPS: For those of you tempted by the argument that Christmas is a Christian holiday, please consider that it was not always so; what we now call Christmas began a pagan festival celebrating the rebirth of the waning sun in mid winter, as it was a sign of spring and summers return. Indeed, the giving of gifts and the tradition of togetherness both date back to this time (long before Jesus was born) when all people had to depend on during the harsh and brutal winters was each other. This winter solstice festival was so important to our pagan ancestors that Christians could not altogether eliminate it, so instead they changed the meaning of it, while changing almost none of the basic traditions, to ease mass conversion to their own faith; there is no documented evidence anywhere to suggest that Christ was born on December 25 (indeed, I believe its suspected that he was born in the spring).

Whatever the case may be, the point I want to make is this; if you want to celebrate Christmas, do so and dont let anybody tell you otherwise. I celebrate Christmas every year and Im an atheist; to me its a time to be spent with friends and family enjoying myself and not worrying about anything. But celebrate Christmas for what Christmas means to you, not what other people are telling you it means.

~ [name]

This is the letter old buddy and sexual partner Eon Squirrel sent to me. And I'm bloody glad I got it too or I might have believed the tripe he's describing to me.

We all know about Political Correctness going overboard at times. But to use it in this facical way, when it is a total lie, against political enemies, at this time of year, really is despicable. It's bad enough that Christmas is totally commercialised without also being politicalised too.

Posts: 247
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Christmas sucks anyway. It can go die.

Posts: 2928
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Dear Sirs and Madams of the United Kingdom,

We humbly offer our profound and sincere apologies for this disgusting event which has effected your less strong willed.

Much like our new age MTV did to Japan, our Fundamentalists have caused irreparable damage to your social structure. We offer our condolescences to any the families of any abortion doctors and homosexual individuals that might be harmed in any way due to this incident.

Again, our sincere apologies.

Regretfully Yours,

The American People

Posts: 534
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I would comment, but I'm too aghast at Rico speaking for the entire American people and Harley's use of the phrase "sexual partner".

Posts: 1437
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Rico's just abusing his authority. AGAIN.



Posts: 955
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Getting back on topic...

if you want to celebrate Christmas, do so and don?t let anybody tell you otherwise. I celebrate Christmas every year and I?m an atheist; to me it?s a time to be spent with friends and family enjoying myself and not worrying about anything. But celebrate Christmas for what Christmas means to you, not what other people are telling you it means.

I totally agree with this statement. ^^ Except for the fact I'm a Christian, not atheist.

It seems people can't go around without getting in each other's business anymore. Honestly, I don't care whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, a combination of the three, any other holiday around this time of year, or nothing at all. It doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother anyone else.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1437
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I agree, but the issue was never who celebrates what. It was more that some stores (notably Wal Mart) would not allow their employees to wish customers a "Merry Christmas." This was very silly. Some Christians got terribly offended by this. This was also very silly.

Eventually, it got into a giant conflict in which silly people (and even some reasonable people) yelled silly things at each other on television. Then, people decided to take this silly feud elsewhere and argue about other Christmas-related things.

I think most reasonable people will agree that the whole thing is really stupid.

Posts: 2928
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I was speaking for the non-moronic ones. You can be one of the others. XD


Posts: 2232
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Do you know what I think is silly? Christmas lights in october.

Whats up with that!?

And as long as it dosn't interfere with Christmas Doc Who, they can build giant politacal party themed christmas tree robots to battle it out over an artifically iced Themes for all I care.

Actually, that would be pretty cool, they should do that =D

Posts: 4336
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You know what I think is silly?

I work at Publix one night before Halloween. Everything is Halloweeny.

One week later, at my next work date, I come back...AND THERE ARE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS.


Thanksgiving gets no love. :'-(

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Thanksgiving doesn't move candy or gifts so it's out.

If it makes you feel better it does sell turkey and pumpkins.

Posts: 1818
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Thanksgiving doesn't move candy or gifts so it's out.
It does in the USA. Thanksgiving is bigger than Christmas down there.

Posts: 1437
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It does in the USA. Thanksgiving is bigger than Christmas down there.

It would be much easier if you'd just back up outlandish statements to start with, when you know someone's going to ask you anyway.

Posts: 1818
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It would be much easier if you'd just back up outlandish statements to start with, when you know someone's going to ask you anyway.
What? Are you kidding me? Thanksgiving is huge in the States. Black Friday is the largest shopping day in the USA, year after year after year. Everyone knows this.

Posts: 1437
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Black Friday isn't Thanksgiving. In fact, the whole POINT of Black Friday is that it stopped being Thanksgiving and we move on to Christmas. Those who purchase on Black Friday aren't shopping to fulfill their Thanksgiving needs, they're shopping to fulfill their Christmas needs.

Posts: 4336
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I find it highly ironic that the largest shopping day of the year lands on the day after a holiday called 'Thanksgiving'.

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What's so damn special about Thanksgiving anyway? It's just the day on which the Pilgrims started to cheat the Indians out of their land and resources.

Posts: 1376
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>> Started? Naa, They we're doing that a few weeks beforehand.

As for the whole USA/Thanksgiving point made..No. Thanksgiving is NOT huge here. In fact, people are quite disgruntled about it up here sometimes. This year definitely was no exception, getting turkeys became a bit annoying.

>> Couple that with people waiting for certain things for hours in the cold -.-... and Thanksgiving was really a day to shake off the cold shock and eat food.

Posts: 2016
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I am offended by people who are offended by Christmas =O

Posts: 1358
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I am offended by people who are offended by Christmas because they are politically correct. :

Posts: 1437
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Harley, Thanksgiving is a day of thanks. It doesn't commemorate anything. The tradition dates back to pilgrim settlements, but the holiday isn't about them.

Posts: 917
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I think this entire issue is hilarious. For retailers it's a damned if you do, damned if don't situation.

"Merry Christmas!"
"What! How dare you! I'm Jewish/Muslim/atheist/Jedi! I'm extremely offended! I'm speaking with your manager!"

"Happy Holidays!"
"What! I bet you're just saying that because political correctness doesn't allow you to say Christmas! I'm very offended! I'm going to speak with your manager."

Does that sound like something an actual human being would say? No, in fact probably only 1% of the population would react that way in either situation. And that 1% ruins it for everyone else.

So I'm not quite sure why the writer of this form letter has their boxers all twisted in a knot in the first place, as this isn't an issue that affects anyone whatsoever except people who are easily offended anyway.

And it's just fun to tweak with them in the first place!

Oh, and one more thing. Canada is not "down" anywhere. Canada is "up there". Unless you live in Alaska.

Posts: 2116
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What disturbed me was seeing Fox News (which I'd skipped onto whilst looking for shuttle launch coverage a couple of nights ago) treat this article from one of the UK's most embarrassingly right-wing tabloids as a serious international news story.

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What you have to understand is that FOX doesn't care if what they're reporting is true or blatantly biased, so long as it suits their crazy backwards views. They have a gargantuan right-wing bias and they're not afraid to show it.

Posts: 3468
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Man, Fox-bashing has got to be the new religion-war of political topics. o.O

Getting semi back on topic, If people are going to be offended at "Merry Christmas," why don't I have the right to sue when someone wishes me a happy Kwanzaa? They're offending me by forcing their religious views on me, why can't I complain about it?

If I do, it's racism/other-ism. If they do, it's equal rights. I sure wish PC went both ways.

and a lot of people hate Thanksgiving; it's time spent dangerously close to relatives, just like Christmas, except you don't even get presents out of the deal. Just the cussing matches.

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

I'm greatly offended by people who are offended by being offended by Christmas!


because they are politically correct

Oh please. Taking any position on the issue for the purpose of not offending somebody is "politically correct."

Sam, FOX news started out at least attempting to look like anything other than Rupert Murdoch's propaganda channel, but at this point they're practically beyond parody. You'd pass out on a FOX news ridiculousness drinking game after about 5 minutes of it being on. They are on the watch for any insurgent who might say something pro-Democrat and promoted a guy for openly manipulating reporting to be pro-Republican.

On the day the historically bad Republican Congress made a "nobody broke the rules" concluding Foley investigation their final act, the top story on most networks, and they whined about Democrats wanting to make congress work more than 3 days a week for their ridiculous pay, the story wasn't even on FOX news during my sampling. Instead they reported the #2 story on the other networks, another terrorist wannabe caught by the FBI. But they misrepresented the story, clearly stating that the FBI intercepted his plan to blow up a mall in September (in fact he had only a knife then and was talking about stabbing people at a synagogue until the FBI informant talked him into using grenades on a mall so they could catch him buying said grenades). They then talked about this being one of the coldest winters on record *wink* *wink*.

I found this one on


"Keeping us here eats away at families. Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families...that's what this says." - Jack Kingston on 5-day work weeks, "The Big Story", 12/6/06

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Youtube FOX news reporter gets tortured, calls it efficient and safe

Posts: 917
Noble Member

Sam, was this the UK feed or the U.S. feed? I'm just asking because there was a story in the U.S. that ran in many Medianewsgroup owned papers that was just about how retailers are actually letting employees say Merry Christmas now if they want to. We ran it on the front page on Saturday (slow news day).

I'm trying to find the link right now, but it was a wire story and I'm not sure which paper originally published it.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Getting semi back on topic, If people are going to be offended at "Merry Christmas," why don't I have the right to sue when someone wishes me a happy Kwanzaa?
Nobody is offended over "Merry Christmas" and nobody is suing.

I suspect if you walked up to someone wearing a turban or yarmulke and said "Merry Christmas", it would make you look like a giant douche and they might get annoyed, but it would be your fault for being an ignorant schmuck and/or trying to piss them off.

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Also I felt I should point out that Kwanzaa is a secular holiday, not a religious one.

Posts: 3291
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i'm just happy that they put the 'merry christmas' lights back up in wolverhampton the other year. for awhile we only had the 'happy holidays' and 'seasons greetings' ones.

Posts: 931
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Careful analysis apparantly suggests that most of the christmas being banned stuff is plain incorrect, based on the endless repeating of one incident that happened some 13 years ago.
That's according to the serious newspapers here.

Posts: 1583
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why don't I have the right to sue when someone wishes me a happy Kwanzaa? They're offending me by forcing their religious views on me, why can't I complain about it?

You have the right to sue about anything your heart desires. You would be incorrect to call it "religious" though. Kwanzaa is not part of any religion.

Posts: 0
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Rico's just abusing his authority. AGAIN.


Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!
Run hence, proclaim, cry it about the streets.

Posts: 774
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I believe people sue over using the word "Christmas" because they know most people won't fight for it in court. Historically, over the past 50 some-odd years, we Christians have stood back and let a lot of things happen, things that any other religion would have gone batshit insane over.

Also, in regards to Cycle's statement:


What? Are you kidding me? Thanksgiving is huge in the States.

Bullcrap XD. I work in a grocery store. We had our Christmas lights and displays up BEFORE HALLOWEEN WAS OVER. We had Santa Claus going eye to eye with plastic jack-o-lanterns. There are virtually never any Thanksgiving sales, outside of maybe grocers, at least not on the scale of every other holiday. Thanksgiving's pretty much degenerated into stuffing our faces until we pass out and then watching NFL football.

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Well, on something less Caesar-related.

and a lot of people hate Thanksgiving; it's time spent dangerously close to relatives, just like Christmas, except you don't even get presents out of the deal. Just the cussing matches.

Stop taking lessons from Rico and using your angst-ridden screachings as blanket statements in an attempt to represent a large group of people.
I like thanksgiving, this most recent one I had a 102 fever and stayed in bed watching Bears clips tapes but still enjoyed it. Because it's a time to be with your family and have some good eats.
The large majority of my friends, enemies, and neutrals feel the same. Then again, I haven't personally polled every last person in my county, let alone country, so I'm only speaking for myself here.

Oh, and I'm disregarding the disgusting materialism in that quote.

Posts: 620
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I forget where it was, I think it was on Something Awful, but there was this one dude who apparently worked at Wal-Mart, and got bished at by some lady who he said "Happy Holidays" to. She was all "you should wish me a Merry Christmas because that's what this time of the year is and bla bla bla, you people sicken me. Wish me a Merry Christmas." Silence, and then the guy says "Uh... I'm Jewish." More silence, "Oh..." and she grabs her stuff and leaves.

The guy was not Jewish. ^________________^

Posts: 1818
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The people on SA are all kinds of awesome. I really need to sign up there.

Posts: 620
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It's totally worth the $10. I rarely comment, mostly because I know my humor there can teeter-totter between acceptable and retardism, so I keep my mouth shut often, just to be able to read everything.

Posts: 2116
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Srol, it was the US feed.

And yes, I know that Fox're biased to almost parodic levels - hence my comment that I didn't think that even they were that desperate.

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"Keeping us here eats away at families. Marriages suffer. The Democrats could care less about families...that's what this says." - Jack Kingston on 5-day work weeks, "The Big Story", 12/6/06

Well then, with that in mind can all Americans have three day weeks?

And as for the torture...

"Man gets kicked in mid-region until his kidneys stop working, his widow calls it efficient and safe after being handed a check for several million dollars."

(Okay so it's a fabrication but it's still more realistic.)

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Harley what does any of that have to do with the war on Christmas =(

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Well, the topic has changed somewhat since I started about Christmas, so I thought I'd go with thye flow, eh?
