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Trying to buy a Wii on launch-day

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OR "Why you can't get freaking anything without camping out until midnight anymore."

As I walked into the Best Buy, fifteen minutes after it had openned, I was greeted by 2 employees, who were repeatedly shouting, "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" over and over again. They were standing behind a table that had boxes on it, so I figured this was the right place, and walked over.

"You sir, you look as though you could use a Wii hat," said the first one

"Why do you need a Wii hat you ask?" the second one butted in. They obviously had a routine going. "Good question!"

"It keeps your head warm," "It boosts your confidence,"

"You can store games in it, all this and more."

"You should pick up a Wii hat right now!" one of them said, lifting up one of the boxes he had at his table, which I could now see did not contain Wiis, but instead had Wii hats inside them

"Especially since we have no more Wii's in stock." the other mumbled very quickly.

They went back to shouting "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" as I shuffled back to my car.

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One word: Zellers.

Posts: 210
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you aren't making any of that up, are you? :annoyed

is there no one that managed to get their hands on a wii?

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Hiro has.


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Wii hats, lol, I wanted a wii hat, but gamestop was sold out of those too.

Everyone cross you finger for me as I'm going to invade Wichita this weekend to attempt to retrieve one. And this time I'm going armed with a small child so when they tell me the fat greasy dude walking out just bought the last one I can then send that child to feast apon his oceans of flesh and inherit his illgotten wii.

Thats a warning for Turtle to stay inside next Sunday. Mweh hehehehe,


Posts: 2097
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I've got my pre-order ready, I think I was the second person to pre-order a wii, so I should be okay when it comes out.

Posts: 899
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I preordered mine at a Tos R Us, but they lied and sold the twenty five they had, completely ignoring all of us who had reserved them. I was ticked.

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=) Thank you THS

My journey started at 7:00am. My ex-roommie picked me up from school. We went to the SuperTarget nearest school...and were shocked when we saw 30-40 people in line.

Beaten, but not disheartened, we traversed 10 miles up Interstate 35W to a town called Lino Lakes... There we found another Target... But this one only had 28 other brave souls in line. We started our post at 7:30am... That was when an angel in a security officer's uniform gave me this token...

At 8am we enter the store...and emerged 10 minutes later with THESE BEAUTIES

VICTORY! We celebrated our deeds at a local tavern they call 'Perkins'...

And then we went back to my room and hooked it up.

I feel really bad for the moron who camped out at Target... I got there 30min before hand and got one... HAHAHA

Posts: 170
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I technically have a Wii... but my parents have called the 'it's your Christmas present' trump card, so I have to wait 'til then to play it.

~Nytloc Penumbral Lightkeeper

Posts: 1818
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Okay, that thing I said about Zellers? Scratch that, they only got 14 machines and they sold them all. Toys "R" Us ran out too. As did Best Buy. Superstore didn't get any at all. Costco had a midnight launch for some damn reason. And the last one at Future Shop went to the guy in front of us in the queue.

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All the Wiis within 30 miles of here were sold out within an hour and a half.

It sure is a good thing I wasn't trying to get one =)

Posts: 889
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More bashing on my wal mart: you guessed it, my wal mart didn't even get one. I was thinking about getting one but I think i'll wait a little.

Posts: 1789
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You guys who have missed getting one could try again next week during Black Friday. *beaten*

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This "moron" had no problems waiting outside the Target for the duration of the night to guarantee ticket #3 (out of 42). In short, I have my Wii, although it stays home for the remainder of the semester.

Couldn't get any nunchuks or VC controllers, though - too little supply for the demand. I'm a little miffed, though, since some people apparently grabbed FIVE of the things, despite the Wii only allowing up to four controllers at one time, and one was included anyway. What a waste...

That said, I DID manage to get some points on the Virtual Console. Not much there as of now, but I decided to get SM64 for the heckuvit. Gunstar can't come out fast enough, though.

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This may be a dumb question, but I'm not sure who to ask on this. How long before stores get restocked. Nintendo has famously promised to ship 4 million units before the end of the year, so how long until the stores start filling up once more.

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By Black Friday, to be sure.

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Black Friday -.-. Damnit I work that day. I'm gonna hafta put an ad on Craigslist to have someone sit in line for me.

Hey...someone did it before and I jumped all over it :O.
Then it looked rainy and I punked out. 300 bux vs my health, i stick to living kthx

Posts: 1437
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I think I may be foolish enough to go out Wii-shopping on Black Friday. Possibly earlier. I'll call around to see when places think they'll have it.

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One guy on a different board I go to got his Wii at midnight last night.

And, he got nine games for it, too. O__O

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Did Wii even launch with 9 games worth playing? XD


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More than the 360 or PS3 did to be sure (backwards compatibility and online titles notwithstanding), but I can't see myself getting NINE games. Zelda and Monkey Ball will do just fine for launch day, 'kay. I might rent something else later, like Red Steel (to see if it's really all that bad or not).

Posts: 1437
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Zelda, Rayman, Elebits, Red Steel, Monkey Ball, DBZ, Excite Truck, Call of Duty 3, Madden, Tony Hawk, and Wii Sports ( if that counts).

Now, I know that not all of those games are suited to your personal tastes (they aren't to mine), but they're all probably worthwhile games if you're into their particular genre/franchise.

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Elebits wasn't a launch title; I think it was pushed back a tad.

Metal Slug Anthology was, though. That should count.

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This is just all a bit new to me. Growing up, I never could afford game consoles and my parents were opposed to them (they had no problem with PC games incidentally). The only console I ever bought at launch was the gamecube, and I guarentee you, no one was lining up outside waiting for that.

Posts: 210
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Growing up, I never could afford game consoles and my parents were opposed to them (they had no problem with PC games incidentally).

omg I empathize. I never owned a console growing up either, and was always sneaking off to my cousin's place to spend some time with the Genesis *gibber*

I'll probably buy a Wii when a new hardware rev comes out and more games become available. With the possible exception of Red Steel and Excite Truck none of the launch titles appeal to me much :/

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Yeah, for a while I was always a generation behind. I bought an SNES at a garage sale for $4 the week before the N64 came out. I got a playstation a year later, and an N64 just in time for the release of Majora's Mask.

My parents didn't have any ideological problems. My dad and I spent a lot of my childhood playing PC games together. We would try and see who could get the farthest in X-Wing. When Starcraft came out, my dad gave it to me, then we ran to our computers to quickly install it and play against each other.

My parents just didn't like the idea of a machine that all it did was play games. The PC they could use for word processing, spreadsheets, and later, the internet. A game console couldn't do any of that stuff, so just because of this impracticality, I never saw one under the Christmas tree.

Now I got my own paycheck, so it's no longer an issue.

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Zelda, Rayman, Elebits, Red Steel, Monkey Ball, DBZ, Excite Truck, Call of Duty 3, Madden, Tony Hawk, and Wii Sports ( if that counts).

fixed. But dont worry, I'm not bashing it. It still had more good release games than the 360 and the ps3 had. And COD3 IS good, but ruined by the controls (and yes, my fellow Brits, my friend has imported one, the lucky f...)

Posts: 1437
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Just because those games aren't to your liking doesn't mean that they aren't games that a person would conceivably want to buy.

Posts: 1758
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Is the Rayman game that rabbit thing that I keep seeing in sigs? There's a scene of them attacking somebody and it's both hilarious and disturbing.

Posts: 1437
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Yeah, the new Rayman game has strange rabbits in it. I've never been a Rayman fan, but the new game intrigues me.

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Anyone that wants Wii Sports over the psycho Rayman Bunnies has lost their credibility with me. :3


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Couldn't afford to get it on launch day, so I didn't even try looking. I plan on getting one sometime in the next month or three. I could try to get my parents to get me one for Christmas. It's how I got my NES, Genesis, Game Boy, Dreamcast, and (as a gift to myself) PS2. Might as well continue the tradition.

Just for laughs, while I was in Wal-Mart last night/this morning after work, I looked in the electronics section. They had the games (minus Zelda) and two or three of the remotes, but no consoles or anything else. Not even a display/demo one. Just a video looping where they used to have the Gamecube display.


...I admit to being tempted to buy one of the remotes...

Posts: 1358
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Just of interst can you find the Wii anywhere still (I think I know the answer though:P) ?

Posts: 800
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Just because those games aren't to your liking doesn't mean that they aren't games that a person would conceivably want to buy.

And just because those games are to your liking doesn't mean that they are games that a person would conceivably want to buy.

Posts: 1437
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As I said, many of them AREN'T to my liking. I have no interest in Red Steel, Excite Truck, DBZ, Madden, Call of Duty, or Tony Hawk.

That said, if they WERE to my liking then, logically, yes, that would indicate that a person (for that is what I am) would want to buy them.

Or are you denying that anyone would want to buy Rayman or Madden? Because you'd be wrong. People like them. Just because you and I don't doesn't mean nobody does.

Posts: 2928
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Why must you act so starkly precocious yet be so mockingly belligerent to me, Dirk. I want to mod you and ban you at the same time.


Posts: 800
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Or are you denying that anyone would want to buy Rayman or Madden? Because you'd be wrong. People like them. Just because you and I don't doesn't mean nobody does.

But then it's pointless giving a shortnened list of Wii games. You may as well list all of them! Unless you're saying no one wants to play them, i was simply defining what i thought was the best games for it. although madden WAS accidentally crossed out.

Posts: 1437
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Not really, because there are indeed games that are not generally viewed by gamers as "worthwhile." ie, Avatar, Cars, Billy and Mandy, and many other liscenced titles (DBZ is an exception, the Budokai games are usually viewed as solid). But that isn't the point.

Your opinion on what the "best games" are is irrelevant, as is mine. I was merely demonstrating that, yes, it is conceivable that Albino Rapper's friend could want nine different games without being a complete rube.

But honestly, I don't want to argue. Unless it's with Rico.

Posts: 1758
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I've never been a Rayman fan

The one Rayman game I've played was Rayman 2 for Dreamcast. It got rave reviews and I rented then bought it, being wowed for most of my first playthrough, but after I finished it I barely played it at all other than that really awesome level where the bad guys keep destroying the level and you have to outrun them.

The replay was just not there. I think part of it was because most of the music in the game was a remix of a single 7 note theme, and the incredibly disappointing ending credits consisted of 20 minutes of a remix of this 7 note theme while watching the not particularly interesting bad guy run away in a flying saucer that turned the theme into torture for my brain. Music is a big part of the game for me. The levels were also very much about challenge and learning how to survive them, which made them addicting the first time but a chore to explore in replay, so even with the collecting of 1000 fireflies thrown in as a replay enhancer, I just wasn't motivated to do so. The supporting cast of characters also rather sucked and I would have liked to have more fights against the very rare enemies (which in general were a lot of fun because they were each like a miniboss and not a pushover).

Posts: 4607
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I can't say as I can agree with that, since I replayed Rayman 2 at least three or four times, although it was only in those later runs that I figured out where the fabled 1000th Yellow Lum was hiding. I was more bummed that you didn't get a better explanation of where Rayman came from for finding that thing, or, well, any bonus for finding all 1000, than I was about any other aspect of the game. The thing's freakin' solid.

BTW, try the first Rayman out sometime. It doesn't have any main theme that get remixed into every tune imaginable, and is pretty damn fun overall - but very, very, VERY hard, so you'll need to memorize the code for extra continues. Otherwise it's very much worthwhile - plenty long for a platformer, and while it has mandatory collectibles, they're rarely that hard to find.

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Joystiq is reporting that Gamestop informed investors during a conference call that they would get more Wiis and PS3's for Black Friday. Joystiq also reported that many Best Buys allegedly have received more Wii units already, and that they are sitting on them until Black Friday.

Since I can only buy it from Best Buy, I suppose I should try earlier that day, lest I once more get sadled with just a hat.

Posts: 815
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Good luck with that dude... Black Friday in and of itself is legalized suicide, let alone the "OMG CONSOLES!!!" rush.

I'm really surprised by the acceptance of Wii so far. I can't tell you how many times around campus I've heard people talk about it... My Calc Prof's husband tried to get one but didn't... Girls on the bus were explaining it to others... I think Nintendo has struck a gold mine...

This made me go Oo...

Posts: 1437
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For those of you who haven't caught the buzz, many stores (including particularly Best Buy) have the consoles or will be getting them soon, but will not release them until sometime this weekend. Personally, I'm going to show up early at Best Buy on Fri, Sat and Sun morning, until I get a Wii.

The reason I want Best Buy in particular is because I have a rather large gift card.

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Dirk: Ditto, except subsitute gift with credit. I showed up this morning at 4:00am, an hour before they were to open, and there was a line going from the Best Buy entrance all the way back to the Home Depot. I'm not the paatient sort, so I went home.

I did manage to snag a copy of Twilight Princess. I saw it at Hastings this afternoon. I'd been hearing that they'd been hard to find, so I grabbed it now, since I plan on getting a Wii in due time.

Plus, I don't need to the Wii to play Twilight Princess.

::tosses the box in the air and catches it:: Wheeeeee!
