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UK Changes Licensing Laws

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Posts: 4885
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Posting this on behalf of Darkwing who can't sign in 🙂

"Thought I'd get the ball rolling on this one, see
what views folks had.

Basically, the UK government has relaxed the licensing
laws governing where and up to what time alcohol can
be sold in England and Wales. Apparently the old laws
dated back to WWI, when the government would rather
that workers at munitions factories didn't turn up
drunk for their shifts.

Now, instead of having last orders for alcohol at
11pm, pubs and off-licences can apply to extend their
hours, right up to remaining open 24 hours a day.

There's rather a debate about the advisability of this
plan over here. Some argue that the relaxation will
stop people from binge drinking; i.e. drinking as much
as they can before the pub stops serving at 11pm.
They point to continental Europe, where laws are
already more relaxed and where apparently the problems
we have do not exist. I don't believe that for a
second, having walked down a street full of drunken
teenagers at 1.30am in Madrid, but that's another

Another advantage is easier control of crowds of
people leaving the pubs - i.e., they won't all be
crowding onto the street at the same time, fighting
and throwing up on each other.

Finally, the police are to use their powers more
stringently, including the ability to shut down
premises whose patrons are disturbing the peace.

The other side of the argument is that, since many
people are apparently incapable of exercising
self-control in alcohol consumption, all the longer
opening hours will do is have them get even drunker
than now. I know a few people to whom the idea of
drinking all night has a great attraction.

In addition, many premises have not applied for an
extension of more than an hour or so, so the same
problem of chucking out time crowding on the streets
is likely to continue.

Plus, it'll be even more annoying for those
unfortunates who live near a pub, as the whole
shouting to mates who are standing approximately 5
feet away will go on well into the night, rather than
be more or less done with by midnight.

You can probably tell from this which side of the
argument I'm on 🙂 At least the pub opposite which I
live has applied only for an hour's extension. I'd be
more interested in the whole thing if cafes were
opening later at night. I could really go for a hot
chocolate and a muffin after catching the late show at
the cinema...


Posts: 1321
Noble Member

*can't be bothered switching accounts*

In the words of local newspaper:

"Sure the first few weeks may be complete chaos and see society going on one huge bender en masse. But we predict that once this period of adjustment is over, it will result in more social, modern and sensible drinking culture."

Frankly, I'm inclined to agree, in some instances

I feel the majority will go with this, but in every town, there will be a core group, the same group there is now, who simply abuse these laws and end up giving pub-goers a bad name.

What needs to accompany this is an increase in strictness of refusal of service by bartenders to those who have had enough, or are known troublemakers, IMO. Late drinking is fine, given that it is only those who can keep it sensible, as anyone who has ever attended a lock-in can testify =P

For me, I like the new laws, as I tend to naturally revert to a nocturnal cycle, this means that I won't feel like I'm going to the pub at 4 in the afternoon if I can find one that's open later than most. =D

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

This is a situation where it is difficult to tell what is going to happen. I, personally, feel that some people are gonna drown themselves in alcohol and others are going to be sensible about it. I think alcohol is a waste of time and money, though and nothing can be done to stop these idiots from drinking themselves stupid, then staggering into the street before collapsing into an alcohol induced coma, face down in their own vomit. But that's my opinion. :annoyed

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

Apparently, an official police report claimed that the day the licensing laws came into effect was one of the quietest nights across the country...

Also, they came into effect on my friends 18th, and he's taken it as a sign of providence... :rolleyes
Oh, well... His party tonight, Cricket Club centre... Late nights, lots of drinks flowing, should be good...


I really Cant say whether its good or bad news, It could go either way. It'll prevent the "must drink as much as I can before closing time" attitude but could bring in a "I can drink as much as I like" one in instead...

Oh well :)

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

there's downsides with this for me and my freinds. currently a local nightclub doesn't appear to stop serving drinks/kick out people until 1am.. so i've been kept awake until 3am most nights from people singing (literally) on their way home or throwing things and screaming.
an extended licence for them will mean people will be noisy all night long. fun.

a good freind is stuck in his job as a minibus driver for the university. so it'll mean even later working nights for him.. and he's already exhausted from working until 5-6 am. the same will go for taxi drivers and people running public transport. (or else the drunks will have to just walk home somehow)

the only advantages i can see with this law is staggered closing times. but that will only work if bars/pubs/etc worked together and agreed when they will close. currently most seem to just want to close at midnight or 1am, moving the usual chaos to an hour later.


It'll prevent the "must drink as much as I can before closing time" attitude but could bring in a "I can drink as much as I like" one in instead...


Posts: 336
Reputable Member

When I heard the news I was so happy I nearly cried.

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I'm... with Craig here. Sure, a French or Italian drinking culture would be nicer. However, I really doubt the (lack of) maturity of our population will allow us to achieve that.
Binge drinking's sunk into the culture. This is likely to encourage it more than anything else.
