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Well... look who just gone turnin' 21 now...

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Yep. You guessed it. Today (July 27th) tis being my birthday... maybe along with some others out there as well. So... what do I want you ask? I want Vec to get back to work on Eliteboard so we're not stuck on ezboard for eternity! Wait.. I shouldn't waste special demands like that since that's already in demand. Oh well. Whatever.

So... go me and stuff.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Stop getting older, darnit! **feels young now. XD**

Happy birthday, Lightdude! **hugs** ^^ Now get some sleep so you can wake up and greet your birthday with a smile and get cake and presents and stuff.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4336
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Yay. I guess.

What'll ya have?

Barcadi & Cola?

Seriously though, Happy 21st. :]

Posts: 74
Estimable Member

Happy happy, Lighthead! You beat my sister by 6 days. You have almost total freedom now. Only thing you can't do is rent a vehicle (need to be 25). But outside of that, life is yours for the taking! CAPTURE IT! EMBRACE IT! HUG IT AND SQUEEZE IT TO ITTY BITTY PIECES! AHAHAHAHAHAAA...!!!

Seriously, well wishes on this great day.

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Woo! ... I guess. ^^ Ah well anyway I hope yah have fun if you're doing anything special, Jeffy. Or otherwise!

*gives a new lightbulb*

Posts: 620
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Whatever! Loser! I was 21 WAY before you were in May! NEENER NEENER! *razz*

Posts: 2928
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Welcome to being an old man Doc. Now the users will say you warned 'em because you're old and crabby. Like they do me. :D

~Rico (Looks for his teeth)

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Happy birthday Doc. You are finally a man *Trumpet*. Go out and celebrate, be sure to let us know how your day goes though :)

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

If you're 21, shouldn't your lightbulb have been changed by now? Or is your head one of those newfangled LED bulbs?

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

happy birthday doc. Hope you have agreat day. I just turned 21 myself on the 9th, so I can give you a few pointers on how to party;

1) Don't get hammered. It doesn't look good plus you can do it in the evening, like me.

2) Invite an old friend that you haven't seen for years and wreck the town, city, village, hamlet. (Delete as applicable).

3) Last and by no means least. HAVE FUN.

Tell us all about your you hear. Happy 21st Birthday.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Happy Birthday! ^_^
I don't know what legal stuff you can do now where you live, but I'm sure it's quite a few stuff...

*brings out cake and cookies*

Who wants cake?!

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Do I get to mate with the cake?

And happpy 21st Ivius, hope you party away like a giant monster of some sort o.o

Posts: 1355
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Posts: 1583
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Hey, I didn't remember that you had a July birthday.

**gives a special box present**

Hope you enjoy your birthday ^_^

Posts: 2097
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Yay, happy birthday Lighthead!

Posts: 2232
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Hapee Biffdee Bulb bonnet!

Here, have a nice can of Dr Lighthead in celebration.

Posts: 2438
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Dee-yang, join the club Doc! Didn't realize there were a bunch of people who turned 21 this year. And I also didn't realize that I was older than a lot of them, since my B-day was back in January.

Is it right for me to feel old now being 21? 😛

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Whatever! Loser! I was 21 WAY before you were in May! NEENER NEENER! *razz*

I got you beat, Jin.

October 21st of last year.

Boo yah. :p

Anyways, happy birfday, Lighthead. May you have twenty one more!

*gives Lighthead twenty one scooters* 😀

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

Dude my Mom's birthday is today. Happy 21st and don't forget about all us young whippersnappers, ok? :jester

Posts: 333
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I happen to find 21 to be very young. XD...says the person who says "I'm getting so old" every 2 weeks at the age of 17.

Happy 21-day!


Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Ah, never mind, I had briefly forgotten that Cooki had me beat too. 😛 Now I don't feel so old. XD 😛

Posts: 1201
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Happy birthday, Ivius! *scooters 21 daisyheads in celebration*

Posts: 512
Honorable Member

Sings the song I did from chat.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you!

*Hits Lighthead 21 times*

Posts: 527
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Happy birthday! I hope your day is enjoyable.

*breaks out the cans of Dr L*

Posts: 209
Estimable Member

Happy birthday and welcome to the 21 club. Now just wait until you turn 25 then you can rent a car.

Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Huzzah! Happy birthday to the Lighthead man! Twenty-one, wow! *gives bottle of cheap wine* I could swear I remember when you were like seventeen or sixteen, even. O_O And Jinsoku, too. Blargh, we're all getting OLD! I dun wanna turn eighteen this year! ;___;

Crazy... A bunch of the MoForumers have grown up together.

Shoving all those random topic-derailing thoughts aside, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR LIGHTHEAD! *slams head into cake*

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

I got you beat, Jin.

October 21st of last year.

Boo yah. :p

OH YEAH!? Well... well... my brother's 27!!! Put us both together and I'm 48!!! BOOYA TO THAT, BIOTCH! XD

Anyway, now the day's passed. What'd you end up doing, Lighto?

And btw, I'm kinda wondering that, too. You're 21, yet you gots the same bulb? Or ARE you wearing an LED? Sneaky sneaky. ;P

Posts: 880
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Thanks all.

TR - I think Acid also has her birthday today as well although she's not really around much... o.o I've VERY rarely done the birthday thing. Last time might've been when I turned 17 or 18.

LEDs? Sounds like a good idea. Guess I should upgrade... then I can get 100 billion candle power maybe.

As for what I've been doing... the same thing I always do... almost virtually nothing. 😛

Posts: 620
Honorable Member

Awe c'mon. I'm not a birthday goer myself, but not even a little birthday cake? Maybe got treated to some dinner or something?

Then went across the street to the gas station and got yourself some wine coolers cuz ya can?

... just described my 21st. Sorry. It wasn't even that good either, since I WORKED all frekain' day. Yay inventory. *snort*

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

pmg. Happy birthday, Doc. I'd get you a present but I'm poor and don't have a magical intertron teleportal.

Posts: 84
Estimable Member

Well, I know of at least two other Forumers who'll be 21 this year. The first of those, surprisingly enough, is myself: I'm 21 in September this year. And the other would be Craig, who'll be 21 a month later. NEENER NEENER NEENER CRAIG, I REMINDED THEM WHEN YOUR BIRTHDAY IS.

Anyway, that randomness aside, Happy (belated) Birthday Doc! *Raises a can of Doc L* A toast to the good Doctor!


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I hate you so damn much Bryan.

Just for that, I'm going to make an example of you, by not celebrating your birthday, in hopes you take the damn hint and stop pestering me about mine >.>

Posts: 84
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Chance'd be a fine thing, Craig. :p

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

o.O Wh0a, this is true. Dr L making topics that aren't screaming at us to check our computers? OH NOZ, ITS TEH ENDZ OF TEH WORLDZZZ!!!

No seriously-Happy birthday, even though I'm a day late as always :o Umm, yeah.

Get a new bulb. Like a gigawatt type deal. Blind the insolentD">

Posts: 880
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o.O Wh0a, this is true. Dr L making topics that aren't screaming at us to check our computers? OH NOZ, ITS TEH ENDZ OF TEH WORLDZZZ!!!

Blame Vec for that. I tried to make him stop! He wouldn't listen!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

You just had to relinquish control to Vec! Even though you're a mere Mod to Vector the Admin, you still could've done something! ANYTHING!

But failed. Now your record is sullied. And for that, you must pay!

(gives Dr. Lighthead a Dell Inspirion 5150)

TAKE THAT! :razz

Posts: 880
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- I got promoted to admin about a year ago
- Just got a Dell Inspiron 2200 today (that my dad ordered) o.O

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Oh. So you're an admin...huh. That's new (relatively speaking from my standpoint).

...but Vec's still got seniority! NEENER NEENER NEENER! :cuckoo

On the matter of the Dell Inspirion, I implore you, DO NOT get the i5150 model. Dell's had to replace tons of them due to bad hardware flaws that can cause the screen to lose its backlight and for the computer to simply not boot up entirely (that's what happened to me; there are a boatload of other problems as well).

In my case, it happened about a year after I got it. Some people had it for a little longer...some say it lasted for about six months or less.

Posts: 489
Reputable Member

WOOT! Your my age now! *shakes your hand/arm/shoulder into numbness* remember, dont drink and drive! that is if you drink at all... heck since i turned 21 in feb. i think ive only had like... 3 actual alcoholic substances. I'm crazy enough as it is.

Happy belated b-day Doc!

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

**delayed reaction** Happy birthday, Litb33r! :D

Posts: 2354
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I beat (most) of you. Try being 21 two years ago!


Aging is inevitable. Maturing is optional. 😀

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

DoN is older than I? ::D oes math:: O wow scary >>. Now I don't feel so old anymore. Yay!!
