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...Well, this ain't...
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...Well, this ain't good. My mom may not last the week.

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Well, today started well enough, until I visit mom, who has been in Rowcroft Cancer Hospice for the last 2 weeks.

She seemed to have been getting better for the last week, then her recovery simply dropped off, until she was having some troubles getting out to the toilet and such.

Long story short, this morning was the worst I've ever seen her - and the general prognosis has gone from 6 months, to potentially a few days.

The last time she was given a prognosis, she lived for a good 3 years on top of it.

So here I am, at home...not overly sure how to deal with all of this.
I came back to her and the stepdads place to look after her, and now it seems like that was an even less shorter plan than initially thought.

She's had cancer of the bowels for the past 4 or so there was always some degree of inevitability to the events, but I lost my dad the same way and just feel like the whole thing is too nuts an' unfair.

To make it worse, my brother is AWOL - he's more or less homeless, but he did see her in the hospice on the first day of admission, along with me. He hasn't been seen since and the fact is he's not made any effort to try to get in touch with anyone. Fact is he's got no idea of just how serious this is because he's not visited or communicated in any way, and it's annoyed me no end.

So that's the long and short of it - I'm utterly lost as to direction beyond this week, and just...bleh...have no idea what I'm s'posed to be doing beyond the obvious visiting for the duration.

This week is gonna suck - and next week is gonna be worse, I'm sure...|I

Posts: 504
Honorable Member

I lost one of my Aunts due to cancer two or three years ago - I can feel your pain, but in a diffrent way.

Your brother might not visit your mom because he's scared to see her in the state she in. I happen to me whean some one i know goes to and from the hostipal. I love them but scared to look at them. One of the things that im not too happy with my self. |I

Sense you have Yahooo!, you can E-mail me so we can talk about it. My E- mail is in my profile.

Keep you head up and hope for the best that your mom recover.

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

Not sure what to say really.

I've gone through something silimar this year. My mum died unexpectedly. And to me the only word that makes sense during everything is @#%$.

Just remember that you aren't alone and hope that your mum pulls through.

Posts: 721
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Nine years ago, my mom had a massive stroke and almost died.
She got better, though.
I just hope your mom pulls through like mine did!:(

Posts: 1573
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I hope your mom pulls through okay. My prayer go out to you and your family.


Posts: 90
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My deepest condolences.
I can hardly imagine what you're going threw, but I hope the very best for you, no matter what happens.
Whether or not you are spiritual, I will pray for you and your family. *gigantic hug*

Posts: 1619
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My AIM's in my profile, if you want to shoot the breeze or talk about it. 🙁

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It's been a pretty odd couple of days, but generally I've managed to keep myself busy t'keep myself from going over it too much.

Things like this just come so suddenly, even if you know they're coming whether you like it or not.

Totally appreciate the support, and I'm keeping as positive about her recovery as I can...
Still, not like it's an easy thing to have to deal with.

Posts: 1583
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Best wishes, springheart.

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I know this means diddly squat to you, but right now you qualify as one of the bravest people I know.

Posts: 1381
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Well, Springheart, like others I shall keep you and your mom in my prayers when I do pray. God bless, sir.

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I'm trying to keep it together, but I just can't...

Just attempting to keep a normal day - but I know I can't.

Bam...and like that, everything changed. :(

Posts: 1827
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I'm sorry man. I don't have much to say other than even though it doesn't seem like it right now, time is a good healer.

You'll get through it.

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It was the same when my father died, so it's all familiar territory.

Bleh - I gotta go pound the streets for my Good-for-nothing brother and let him know.
That means following every lead, every snippet of whatever information I can glean from any of his friends I DON'T have problems with. Xx;

Like I REALLY needed THAT kinda hassle at this point...

Again - Just trying to live the day an hour at a'll get to me sooner or later,but right now I need to direct my frustrations into my 'task' for the day...I'll take some comfort knowing that I've crushed My Brothers day also - because he did NOTHING but make her life miserable the last 5 years, despite him declaring he never 'meant' to.

Plus, ya know, some other 'arrangements' and so forth to get under way...:

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Grandma had cancer last year. It seemed like she was getting better, then it suddenly took a turn for the worst.

She died soon after.


You have my prayers.

Posts: 1358
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You and your family have my prayers and sympathy .

Posts: 1619
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At least you were there with her, and she knows you care and love her.

Remember, I'm always here to talk to, so if you ever decide to give me a holler and talk about this.....go ahead, ok? 🙂

Posts: 721
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Believe it or not, this has actually got me crying! I'm sorry!

I hope you get through this...

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I would have said something earlier, but there's not much one can say, really.

You have my condolences for what it counts, though.

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

The spirit of your mother lives on inside of you, and I'll pray for that, and for you.

I wish there was something good I can say that hasn't been said already but just know that I'm always here to chat with on AIM or MSN if you need someone to talk to, or just someone to share random funny images/videos/whatever to cheer up.


Posts: 504
Honorable Member

Im so sorry that happend. Your Mom is in a better place thean this screwed up world. Her physical body maybe gone but here sprirtal one will always be the heart of your loved ones and your self.

Fell free to e-mail me if you like.

Take care.

Posts: 530
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Posts: 608
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This is not an easy thing to go through. I have lost many close to me. You mother is in a place were there is no more suffering. I'll be including her and your family in my prayers so you can all find the peace necessary to get through this.

Posts: 210
Estimable Member

My condolences :/
