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What's your heritage?

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I was just curious as to what people's heritage/ancestry around here is.
Personally, I am 1/8th Native American Cherokee as well as 1/16th Welsh, 1/32 Irish, 1/32 Scottish, and 1/16th Dutch.

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Mostly Scotch and Norwegian, with a little tiny bit of like ten other countries for good measure.

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As far as I'm aware, I'm pretty mcuh entirely British, but to be fair I don't know further back than my grandparents too well. My mum's said she'd like to look up my family history some time, but she has yet to.

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I've got a lot of Irish in me (Boston, Kennedy), some German (Burns), and possibly some Scotish (McKelvey, was possibly MacKelvey)... And also a little mix of English.

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Roughly 65% Polish and 35% Russian. I'm also related to Alexander the Great and we believe we are related to some liek really old russian Czar or something.

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My ancestors from about the 16th/17th century came from a town in the north of England. because my ancestors left the town of "Worrall", they had to put an "o" on the end of Worrall, and that's where my surname comes from. That's about as interesting as my ancestry gets.

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I won't go into unneeded stories but I'm a quarter blood Native American. Half blood irish. and the last quarter is a hodgepodge of welsh, polish, and some gypsies or something.

EDIT: Oh and from what I understand I'm probably 1/32nd black. yo yo yo shizzle.


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Mostly Welsh, with a bit of Irish in there as you go further back through my ancestry. I am, however, 1/8 miscellaneous on the basis that my maternal grandmother doesn't know who her father was.

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80 percent black (From whatever tribe I came from in Africa) and the rest is a mix of Cherokee and Navajo blood.

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50% Mexican, 25% German/25% Swedishandotherstuff.

It's funny. My mom (100% Mexican) looks Hispanic. My dad (100% GermanandEuropeanstuff) looks German. I look like a European version of my mom and my brother looks like a Hispanic version of my dad. 8D

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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...Or "I guess 100% English?" My mom's dad was Scottish, but I later found out he was a step-parent... so, yeah. 100% English.

Posts: 33
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50% English on my mother's side. There might be some non-English blood there of course, but nothing in recent generations.

50% Irish on my fathers' side. The Irish side of my family were originally descended from a Norman-Welshman who came across in the 11th century.

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Heh, I was thinking about making a topic like this for awhile. Anyway, I don't know percentage, but I know I have American Indian (Cherokee as far as I know), quite sure I have English, Scottish, Irish (my mom has highlights of red, or at least use to, when light shined through her hair), maybe German, and my uncle said we (my mom's side) may even have Jewish, but I think German and Jewish are kinda iffy.

Posts: 1044
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50% English (mother) and 50% Honduran (father) 😀

Quote: (nuch)

I am, however, 1/8 miscellaneous on the basis that my maternal grandmother doesn't know who her father was.

I say english!

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most of my family has been english, but i know that two of my great-grandfathers were pretty definately jewish, dispite one being thought of as just scottish for ages. :p i could be a bit french too, but i'm fully not sure if that's one of the g-grandads trying to confuse up the family tree or not.

so in conclusion, i'm mostly english. :p

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Half German/Slovenian, from Dad's parents. Half American? from Mom's. Half WTF, mostly from here.

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Mostly Basque, Irish, and French. I think a little Native American somewhere.

Posts: 348
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I'm a quarter Irish, some precentage Native American, and the rest I don't know.

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Prodominantly African. But for certain reasons, I can't get a direct country or even tribe.

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I'm Hispanic... Venezuelan, to be more specific.

Unfortunately, anyway.

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All I know is that my family came over from Portugal about five or six generations ago. o.o

Posts: 1195
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I'm all South Korean. My father told me we're apparently related to the Korean King who invented the current korean alphabet, but I don't really know if that's 100% true. *shrugs*

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Not sure completely, but I know I'm definately of Scottish descent. I beleive I'm a descendant of one of the first families to come to Australia.

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Italian, Polish, Swiss i know for sure. Maybe some irish, native american, german... wtf ever, im mostly ero-american trash.

On a side note, if i see Rico say "yo yo shizzle" again, im going to have to shoot him and myself. In no particular order of course.

Posts: 534
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50% Hispanic (Mexican), 25% Kahzak (but ethnically Russian) and 25% French Canadian?

Mostly I'm white and tan.

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I say english!


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Let's see... from what my mom told me, her late father was Native American/African American, and my grandma is 100% African American.
My dad's family is 100% Black,I guess, so that would make me 12.5% or less Native American and he other rest African American.

Now my brain hurts. ><

Posts: 1037
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The nationalities I have are italian, brazilian and greek, but I'm also of german descent and if you were to look at me you'd say I'm german, too.

From father's side I have a 100% greek grandpa and a 100% italian grandma who moved to Brazil, where my dad was born and was naturalized brazilian.

Then my mother's side we have my great-grandmother who was french, but lived on the border with Germany and married a german.
They moved to Brazil before the end of the Republic of Weimar and my grandma was born in Brazil. She married a man I don't know, since he ran off leaving her with two daughters.
(My mom told me he was brazilian of portuguese descent and son of an african american/native american mother, but she never wants to talk about him..)
Due to some weird german law my mom is not allowed to have german citizenship, even though people born 1 year later with the same background (grandpa and mother german) can; which is also the reason why I do not have german citizenship.

I was born in Brazil, but moved to Italy when I was 2.
Even though I have a lot of brazilian blood in me I consider myself to be mostly european, mainly because Europe >>>> Brazil. Except for game release dates. :(

Posts: 608
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I'm 100% Puertorican which means I'm a mud

If I got family history correct, it means some Rom (Indian tribes) and Moros went to south Spain and mixed with people who later traveled to somewhere else and eventually got to Puerto Rico... Ok, so my greatgrandfather's mother was 100% African. My dad's fam is 30% Greek my last name is anyway. And the melting pot in PR made it so that I have Taino, Spanish and African blood.

I might be 10% African, 10% Indian, 25% Greek, 40% Spanish, 5% Taino and 30% TPTB know what. So 100% PRican!

Posts: 841
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Oh hey this looks cool. I'll join in.

As far as I know I'm 100% Brit, and the family tree has been traced back around seven generations on my mum's side and it's all like that. They're all farmers.
However there is some dispute over my last name, on whether it's two British names joined into a double-barrel with the hyphen dropped, or whether it's just plain French. The French meaning is "a holly hedge around a field", which makes it entirely possible.

It's Hollingsworth, btw.

So you know. I probably have French somewhere, just really distantly. After all, most of the Brits came from mainland Europe, right?

My Dad disagrees. My Dad dislikes the French =(

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After all, most of the Brits came from mainland Europe, right?

Some did but not all. IIRC, the Brits come mostly from the Anglo-Saxon tribes which included not only the Angles and the Saxons, but Jeutes and Frisians as well. And they dominated the Welsh/Celtic people (Whom I am related to). But some Brits come from the Scandanavian countries, I think.

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Puerto Rican, from my grandparents on both sides. I don't know of anything farther than that, but I do know that my last name sounds vaguely European.

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Paternal Grandfather is English/Irish. Paternal Grandmother was the same. Maternal grandfather was French/Irish. Grandmother was Irish.

I think.

That could be completely inaccurate.

Irish is clearly the majority of my ancestry, but I think the English genes are more dominant or something.

Posts: 1134
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After all, most of the Brits came from mainland Europe, right?

Correction: most of the English came from mainland Europe. Us Celts are the original Brits. >:[

Posts: 609
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So I guess I'm the first samoan in here?

Yeah, I'm 50% samoan, 25% irish, and 25% german. I think that's correct, but I just say I'm 1/2 samoan, 1/2 white. My samoan heritage explains my height, physique, etc.

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Correction: most of the English came from mainland Europe. Us Celts are the original Brits. >:[

That's what I was trying to get to. But anyway,

Posts: 1055
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Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French. Probably more than half Welsh. Maybe a little Native American or some such... I don't know. 😛

Posts: 33
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Correction: most of the English came from mainland Europe. Us Celts are the original Brits. >:[

Actually a good deal of English stock is Celtic too. Likewise, the Scots have a good deal of Saxon and Viking blood. Pretty much every part of the British Isles is a mixture, there's no real dividing line.

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My Great Grandfather on my mother father's side is of dutch decent, and my great grandmother on my mother's side has a touch of indian blood in her. My mom's doctor said we got our low metabolism from those stupid injins. =(

Posts: 841
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Remind me never to post a rhetorical, totally un-backed up question again!

I wasn't saying totally Europian =( Obviously I'll have a good deal of celt, Viking, w/e in me. Just like Nuch probably has some English in him somewhere distantly enough, as much as he probably despises the idea.

I just meant that the English are mostly mixed blood from everywhere. Just like the Americans, but you know. Further in the past.

I'm sorry =(

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too menny to put down english for sure....

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Anglo-German. As far as I know, anyway.

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In no particular order:

Spanish (strong possibility of having minute and heavily diluted relations to old Visigothic nobility)

No, French isn't at the bottom for any special reason.

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Boringly English, to my knowledge, though portions of my family keep moving to Australia.

Posts: 182
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irish, hence my last name mcfarley, little bit o french too.

Posts: 125
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Tracing things back to my great-grandparents reveals that I am 1/8 Welsh and 7/8 English; i.e. a 100% Brit. From the nature of my family roots it also looks likely that they are purebred English going back a long ways, except for my great-grandfather's ancestors, obviously.

To be honest though I haven't researched it in any particiular detail.

Posts: 1583
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African-American/Caribbean. There's Native American blood in me as my one of my great-grandparents was a Native American though I haven't a clue from which group. Any other blood within me I don't know about.

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1/2 English, 1/4 Polish and a crapload of small quantities of other places in Europe that I mainly don't bother taking note of.

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3rd generation German-American. Great granpa came from a small town in Bavaria. He went to America in the 20's to rebuild: get new job, raise a family and I'm very glad he did. I doubt we'd have survived two wars there! Would love to go to Europe sometime tho.

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