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When technology slaps you around. (Question)

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Posts: 333
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Okay, I'll create the lowdown. I got me Full Metal Alchemist volume 4 today, brand new. I put it in my DVD player, and everything runs fine, even forces me to watch the preview I can't fast forward through. Menus fine, but when I start up the first episode, the video will pause after a second or two and swarm me with mixed colors of little boxes and every now and then chop half a second more worth of footage.

I tried taking it out and putting back in, it fails. I played it on my PCs DVD player and it ran perfectly.

So is it the DVDs problem and I should walk into Best Buy and ask for a replacement? Or has my player just been evil? (Will test it on the living rooms DVD player later tonight)


Posts: 1055
Noble Member

If it works on other players, yours probably doesn't like the encoding/decoding methods. It could also be the copy protection.

Posts: 333
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Well it worked on the living room DVD player, so I guess you're right. x.X I love laying on my bed to watch things though....

Ah and I love the volume, if anyone else here likes FMA *looks at SA Tails' title*


Posts: 1437
Noble Member

I had that problem when I bought Invader ZIM volume 1. It worked fine on the computer, but was all screwed up in the DVD player. I returned it and got a replacement which worked fine.

I then had the same problem AGAIN with IZ volume 2, and got a replacement whcih worked fine.

And then AGAIN with IZ volume 3. Again, the replacement worked fine.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

They have a volume 4 of FMA?

Any new episodes on there? I've been wanting Adult Swim to air "Teacher" already for a GOOD while, but it looks like October'll be the earliest I could do that.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i've a boxed set of inu yasha (region one) which plays just fine on my DVD player, but for some reason is only black and white.
*prods DVD players in general, but figures it's just her TV, which still does the 'blobs of green and purple' on the screen effect at random.*

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

It's probably scratched. Damaged DVDs often perform better in PCs simply because PCs are smarter than DVD players.

Posts: 1827
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Thats just plain technologist right there. Hate Crime. :cuckoo

Posts: 333
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Okay, so should I go out tomorrow for a replacement or no? =b


Posts: 383
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Actually, probablynot. Almost all DVD players I know do that. Heh.

And off topic: T2K, Rp guild, "Equavalent exchange." o.o

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

I have some DVDs that work only on computers and not in DVD players... but I supect it's due to encoding, or similar.
They're not visibly damaged... and they are imported.

Posts: 1269
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Currently my computer's spouting nonsense about a messageboard reaching its bandwidth limit.

I HATE that.

Posts: 512
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Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80

Oh noes!

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Yeah, that. How'd you guess?

Posts: 512
Honorable Member


Yeah, that. How'd you guess?

I know when you've been sleeping, I know when you're awake, I know if you've been bad or good, so you better be good for goodness sakes.


I also post @ sonicstadium.

Posts: 322
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*runs over and sits on Creosote's lap*

Can I have a computer tablet? And the entire Ed Edd 'n Eddy series on DVD?

Posts: 774
Prominent Member

I'd say PS2 so far has been my best experience playing DVDs. Actual PLAYERS are buggy and PCs...if the graphics card isn't good enough, can totally ruin the movie.
