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Yep, its almost that time of year again where all those happy couples have a wonderful time spending money on each other through flowers, chocolates, cards and gifts. Where they whisper sweet nothings too each over to show their undying love to. Bah, soddit! While the rest of us either dont give two brass monkeys about the day and feel that it was been destroyed by over commercialisation.

So, to sum up the point of this topic what are your opinions about valentines day and what will be/are doing/or did for your valentines day, if anything?

And remember, the King loves you all? <3

'cept you }:0 YOU MAKE ME SICK!


Posts: 3666
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Nooot. ;3

Nah, I've got naught planned. I find Valentines day to be pointless 'cause I see no reason to have a day in which you should so love any more than you should normally anyway. Plus last year sucked for me relationship wise and I'm only just getting over things. NYAH. c.x

Yes I have nothing more to saay. Might edit this later if I can be arsed. <3

Posts: 2915
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Yeah...I could really give a damn less about Valentine's day... I don't have a gf though (yet...yet...)

I sent one friend a bag of M&Ms...she loved it...

My other friend (the one that I really like) is going to be getting a bouquet of roses; 6 white, 6 red... and a vase to put them in...My advice is don't order flowers online...I spent 50 for these things...I would just give them to her in person, but I'm in Minnesota and she's 8 hours away in Wisconsin...yeah...

Posts: 4336
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An endeavor of love, I'm sure...

Ah, screw it. (runs to nearest trash can)

Happy Pre-Valentine's Day.

Posts: 76
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Seen it in spa.

Posts: 4336
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And what of the people who don't go to SPA? THEY MUST KNOW!!!

This is the last place I'm showing it though. ENJOY THE KING'S SPECIAL SANDWICHES WHILE YOU CAN FORUMERS! }:O

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*blanks out the gif, yuuup, blanks it out* o.x;;

as my boyfreind is in canada, the whole kissing, presents and chocolates is a bit hard. but i get to see him online each day, so why do i have to be extra-soppy on a certain day of the year?
i'll save it up for either our birthday or when i see him in the summer. 😛

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I'd love to have Kasumi as my valentine but unfortunately that would sort of bend the laws of reality. :(

Posts: 4336
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There's always the inflatable Kasumi pillow.

Yes, Tecmo made an inflatable, human-sized Kasumi pillow. With two versions (Her blue uniform, and the other being a white swimsuit).

Why? (shrugs) Don't know, don't care.

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

It's for that use. I think.

I'd say more but the censors would get on my [censored].

See what I mean?

Posts: 2354
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I have nothing planned but only a day's work.

Plus I gots no moneyz! ;_;

Posts: 1367
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Yeah, I heard about that. It's a bit creepy.

I was just kidding, anyway. o.o

Posts: 2354
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** is being sarcastic ** ;p

Posts: 2232
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Gonna learn about physics and maths.

And feel arsey about St singles day.

And if my actions since it turned midnight are any indication, drink tequila o.o

Posts: 1195
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I still think Valentine's Day is a pointless holiday.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

I dunno. I choose to see Valentine's Day as a way to celebrate all friends, not just "that special someone". 'Cause I'm sure everybody here has at least one friend on the board, and I'm sure more online and IRL. A simple hug or a wave would be a perfect gift if you have no money.

I mean sure, it's stereotyped as the lover's holiday, but eh. Screw that, I say. Celebrate all friends and nobody's left out. ^^

As for what I'm doing? Well, going to school and giving a speech on Oedipus Rex (talk about a bad relationship oo;; ). Then I come home and photoshop till my hands fall off. 😀 Yeah, that's my day.

**hugs to all who are sad on this supposed-to-be-happy holiday**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Is a melted puddle of Craig, swooning sweetly in his little jar*

I hated this holiday once... then I saw her face!!! NOW I'M A BELIEVER!!! Not a trace! Of doubt in my mind! Oooo I'm a believer! I couldn't leave her if I tried!!!

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

My Valentine is somewhere in the pages of a Playboy magazine lost between the fabrics of space and time XP

I had nothing planned this year, except maybe go out clubbing. u_U Oh yeah, I'm gonna be someone's Valentine tonight. X3

Posts: 4336
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Either he's staring at Kasumi, or he's actually found a girl.

Which one, which one...?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, perhaps you should check who I'm replying to. You know, MFC having the whole thread thing.

Likewise, you can realise that you're like a year behind on everything, as usual ;3

Posts: 30
Eminent Member

just came back from my vday extravaganza. bf blindfolded me and led me upstairs, presented me with a huge card, choooocolates, roses (eee, how i love ye, tradition), this teddy bear he made at animalland, and this bitchin' guess watch with hearts on it <3 omfg eeee i love this holiday

Posts: 800
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i probably would have asked this girl out but i dont know her number and there is no school at the moment.

Posts: 2097
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Doing something for Valentine's/having a relationship takes away too much of my free time, so screw it.

Posts: 4336
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Well I was gone for two years. So sue me.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Well, if you're going to throw around petty insults based on total ignorance, you deserve to be sued. How much've you got, you slanderous whore?

Posts: 4336
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Petty insults? When? Huh? o.o???

Is this about the whole 'My mother is the Mobius Forum' thing again?

Posts: 2723
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I just think of it as just some regular day, only lots of people walk down the street with balloons and cards and such. It doesn't bother me.

Posts: 2915
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Me a moron...

Yeah, I sent flowers to the girl I like, but I didn't put my name on the From line...Here's her AIM away message from this afternoon...


ok, very funny, you got me. The flowers are beautiful, but normal people sign the card, so I at least know who to thank. dumb

Posts: 462
Reputable Member

I never had much luck in the Valentine dept. but I do like the idea of a day devoted just to showing your loved ones how much you care. I'm spending the day listening to music and sending cards to family, and will finish up by taking a relaxing swim in the evening. Not exactly fancy or romantical, just a pleasant day for me.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I love Valentine's Day! My friends all gave me lots of chocolate and flowers and I gave them all tic-tacs and poptarts. =D

Also I got this weird 3D looking card that hurts my brain.

Posts: 99
Estimable Member

She's working... 🙁

But we're going out for dinner and stuff later on in the week, with it being her birthday and all on Sunday.

Luckily our conflicting schedules allows me to spend more time working on her Valentines Day gift.


Posts: 3468
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I sent a rose but it didn't get delievered. Oh well, today still went perfectly. ^^

Posts: 2928
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Posts: 1402
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i don't have a valentine, but i did get spanked by a really hot friend of mine.

Posts: 3468
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Aww, Rico, that made me sad. Here, I'll give you one so you can't say you got NOTHING.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

o.O ::Saw Knuxlver Posted. Wonders where she's been hiding:: :O!

Umm I'm just kinda...well I don't kow what i'm doing today. Mainly cause I was explicitly told by my G/f that I was to be getting pampered today,not her. Very weird x_X

Posts: 383
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I'm so Unloved. ;_;

Posts: 2928
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An sx valentine...

I'd like to buy a vowel.

Posts: 2915
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SX, that just looks wrong...

Posts: 800
Prominent Member

THIS is what we're aiming for you next year, Rico.
instead youll need to buy a Towel

Posts: 3468
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SX, that just looks wrong...

I know. ^.^ It's not supposed to, but it does.

That and she has a bulge under the second banana. ._.

*hugs Silver*

Posts: 931
Prominent Member

As usual, I denied the existance of a holiday with no more point than keeping greetings cards manufacturers afloat.
Mind you, an acquaintance send me a random internet valentine.

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

Every year it's the same damn thread here. Blah blah blah I don't have a girlfriend. Blah blah blah I saw couples having a great day and this greatly offends me. Blah blah blah commercial holiday.

Yesterday I had an excuse to eat chocolate out of a box while watching men's figure skating. My neighbors made all of us a card out of construction paper that had fish on it. My dad sent me what is possibly the most sacchrine card I have ever gotten ("to a special daughter?"). Today candy is like 50% off. I love Valentine's Day.
