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Why aren't you posting in EliteBoard?

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Posts: 1355
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Seriously. If you're not, we need to know why.

Posts: 512
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Some ISPs seem to not work with it.

My dial up doesn't work with it. However when i use a different one it loads fine. This was tested on the same computer win xp sp2 ie6.

Also works fine at university.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Because I need to study, and I figure it'll all be solved eventually so there's no need for me to switch unless we're planning to do so permanently.

Posts: 1437
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It's nothing against the EliteBoard, it's just that it's odd having everythign in one forum.

And what Cyc said on both counts.

Posts: 5035
Illustrious Member

I'll admit I was a bit hesitant to go to the Elite side, but it's cool over there. I mean I prefer here...but it's alright, I don't mind.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I'm waiting to find out if this mess will ever be fixed, and only if we move to Eliteboard will I go there.

It's not like there's RPs over there, anyway.

Posts: 2438
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I understand the comment about no RPs, but we ARE trying. 😛

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member


It just doesn't feel home over there. I can't enjoy Eliteboard, I've tried, but I can't. So, even without alternative, I'd rather just spend my time getting work done, or surfing Gaia and Superdickery to fill the holes.

Nothing personal, it's just personal preference.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

What's that about RPs? Are you hiding something from me, Terg? Spill it, or I'll rip your lungs out!

Do you know what's worse than RP withdrawal? It's actually adjusting to life without RPs! Soon my imagination may degenerate to the standard of a mere caffine high schitzophreniac!

Come on, Ez, how can I have cool fantasies if I don't have RPs to try them out in first?

Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Excuses... excuses. You can RP here y'know. We'll make more temp forums if needed.

Posts: 4607
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It's not like there's RPs over there, anyway.

Uh, yeah there are. I KNOW there's one at least, maybe two.

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It just doesn't feel home over there. I can't enjoy Eliteboard, I've tried, but I can't.

Worrisome... are you going to DIE when we move there? o_O

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I'm just not going to have fun, feel relaxed or enjoy posting.

Plus, apparently, I just discovered my laptop doesn't load Elite anyway, work PC does though.

Posts: 110
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Try accessing any of

In fact, everyone with this problem... we need to know now to make future decisions.

Posts: 4607
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Can it load any of We've found some people can't even do THAT for some reason.

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

YAY!!! FINALLY!! For the past few days I couldn't post here coz it said i wasn't an administrator...
Well, anyway, I tried Elite as well, I just thought it was boring.
I'll try again some other time...but for now I'm happy with the boards.
Not to sound rude, but what's the big deal with RPing anyway?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Nope. Can't load :(

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

RPing is wonderful. In RPing I = that is you - can be whatever you want to be, as long as you have a nice thick coat of fur.

I'm a murderous angst-ridden psycho!

In the RP, too!

But in the RP I can actually be a person who's attractive and has an interesting life at the same time.

I can't possibly begin to explain how utterly wonderful RPing is to someone who doesn't eat, drink and breathe it.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I can't possibly begin to explain how utterly wonderful RPing is to someone who doesn't eat, drink and breathe it.

Then don't. It has nothing to do with anything.

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Hey, AbiJay wanted an answer. So I gave one.

The board's in such a mess... I doubt that everybody would return because they're all so tired of Ezboard messing up.

Posts: 1631
Noble Member

Harley I agree. I'm hooked on RPs too. There IS one going over there, and I'm considering starting another one up too. You'd be most welcome.

Having said that I'm kinda viewing RPs over there as be dropped as soon as our good old RP guild is back. I will continue them if others want to, but I'm already in quite a few over here, so it may be a little tough to keep track of...

But the main point is, there is one, may be two, and nothing to stop you making three RPs on Elite as we speak^^ come and join us ">

Wraith (<<<the RP freak)

Posts: 1269
Noble Member

I'm pretty much waiting for Spark: Ressurection, Evalc's RP and Endangered to be in a vauge sort of working order again - that's about 5000 posts lost by various people to some jerk.

RPs aren't the same as discussions; they can't just be carried over to another forum or board; and if they're wiped completely it's tough to pick them up again unless someone's got a damn good memory.

Posts: 2610
Famed Member

I have been posting a tiny bit over at Elite Board, but I agree with Craig. I also have been getting alot of homework and I have to study for some things.

Posts: 4
New Member

I fear that this hackery of EZB may be a sign of impending DOOM!

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I very much doubt it's a sign of impending doom. If anything, this just proved that nothing online is permanently stable and that we shouldn't get so wrapped up in a single community to the point where it literally disables us.

Granted, I love the MoFo and I'm a regular RPer and I was in Evalc's and a few other great RPs, but we can't let this drive us up the wall. We were already anticipating moving to the new board in any case; this just forces us to do some on-the-spot testing to see if that's feasible. It wouldn't be the first time the community has had to switch board systems, and I'm pretty sure there were people "lost" in the last transfer too. Change happens all the time.

I was actually worried that people would start getting "cabin fever" about this whole mess. Just keep your heads on straight for a week or two more and EZboard should, at the very least, be able to tell us whether we'll even have a restoral.

And if not, then so be it. Life and story go on, and we can always make another Evalc's RP. I sympathize with everyone who's lost something important to them, but just don't count on a restoral and move on if moving has to be done.

Posts: 18
Active Member

I have tested the Eliteboard at my house and I can access it with no problem. But at my friend's house, I have trouble acessing it.

Posts: 4607
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No, Terg, he's right, there is impending DOOM coming... and in fact, that DOOM

Had to be done.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

3 reasons.

1: It's exam time, so I need to study.
2: I'm just not generally keen on it.

And the main reason...

3: City. Of. Heroes.
...I'm actually playing it right now:]

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I stand corrected, SH. 😛

On a serious note, the point of this topic is to discuss why people (which includes YOU! *jabs finger at the screen*) aren't posting on Eliteboard. Mostly we're looking for technical problems, but also for other issues that might be keeping people from going over to Eliteboard. This is important 'cause if EZboard crashes again (some pessimists would change that if to when, but I'm a hopeful dreamer), then we might have to make a permanent move to EZboard. And the sooner we fix Eliteboard up so the majority of people can access it smoothly, the better.

Posts: 2417
Famed Member


I'll admit I was a bit hesitant to go to the Elite side, but it's cool over there. I mean I prefer here...but it's alright, I don't mind.

You are making it sound all Star Wars-ish. <_<

{raspy voice} Don't be afraid of becoming the next "Darth Vader"...the Elite side has more power than the EZ side...don't hesitate child. The EZboard is a dying order in the wind...join us..... {/raspy voice}

Posts: 4607
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Don't be afraid of becoming the next "Darth Vader"...

Me, the next Darth Vader?



Posts: 1818
Noble Member

No no no, you've got it all wrong. It goes like this:


Posts: 4607
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Posts: 23
Eminent Member

This place is so much better... *cringes at the darkness of EliteBoard*

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Is that REALLY all that puts you off? I mean, c'mon, it's not like we can't slap something bright on there in a jiffy.

Posts: 23
Eminent Member

Visually, the place repels me somehow >_> And the simpleness of using ezboard keeps me coming here.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

When we (finally) move on to a dedicated server, will we be able to request for our old post count? (Something's telling me Craig won't be 😛 ) Could we have all our alt's posts put together to make a new count?

Posts: 122
Estimable Member

Possibly, depends if Vec wants to do that. Personally, I don't see the point in that as I find it silly. Just make an account and actually post there if a post count is that important to you. It's not like anyone's post count here will come close to those that have actually been using the Eliteboard. Ignore Eric L's post count though as he just editted his to make a point a long time ago--those with control of the server can change anyone's post count to be whatever. ;p

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Thanks for the input, Saishu, that's the kind of stuff we're looking for and trying to take into consideration.

Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Okay, fair enough. One last question, when the MoFo is back-up and running will MFC0 be deleted? Or will the topics be moved to MFC1/2? Or will the MFC0 still exist?

(Damn, that's more than one question -_-)

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

All existing topics will be moved to the proper location when the MoFo reopens.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Another issue with the post count thing is that the Eliteboard's post count system works a bit differently. Ezboard displays a global post count (the combined posts from all the forums).

Eliteboard, on the other hand, has forum specific post counts (for example, one post count for MFC, another for the SPA, etc.) so it would be confusing on where to distribute the old post counts. It really doesn't matter anyway since a post count is just like virtual Monopoly Money (fun to brag about, but in reality is just a pointless number).


It's not like anyone's post count here will come close to those that have actually been using the Eliteboard.

It's not THAT bad. The only people that are going to be hard to reach are me, GT, and possibly TP. (assuming that the old post counts are added) :p

Posts: 534
Honorable Member

I don't like using it because I honestly just don't like the way it looks. It's dark, it seems more squished up and I don't like how everything looks sort of small and 16 bit. Even after the hack, I don't get what's so horrible about Ezboard. Sure it has downtime, but when it does you can always just go amuse yourself in the real world for an hour or so and then it's back up. The layout is attractive, it's pretty user friendly and it doesn't look really "busy".

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Vec had been planning to transfer post counts. I'm not sure if it's in his 'to do' list anymore, but it was an idea of his to do so.

Posts: 1567
Noble Member

Why? And what is with this obsession with post counts? Make the Eliteboard more appealing and less buggy should be more important than post counts...:p

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Of course it is. I made no indication of it being a major priority. If anything it would be to appease the posty masses.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Why do I not go to Eliteboard?

1. It's too confusing for me. Just ONE board? Its hard to discern things.
2. I can't log in. Whenevr I try, I just come in as an "unregistered user" and it drives me insane. x__x;

Posts: 122
Estimable Member

1) There are 3 boards, unless you're referring to spam in one forum, board problems/suggestions in another, and all "serious" discussion in the third. That's not a big deal, particularly since it is a testing board. You don't make a full-fledged board for testing purposes.

2) Did you register an account? If so, what exactly are the messages that you're getting. When you log in, which you must do on the login/register page (I believe you can't do it while making a post), do you get a "Logged In" message with a link to the forum that you logged in from? That is what is supposed to happen.

Posts: 880
Member Admin

For those who didn't like it because it's too dark, see what you think of this:

Be sure to also check the posts.
