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Happy furry alert!

I can still remember when Sam posted her one of these.

I went to uni today, it was exam results day. My final year, my final grade.

Would I come out with the goods, would I get my honours degree?


Just call me

Christopher James Richardson BSc (Hons)
Posts: 202
Estimable Member

Congratulations CJ, that's excellent news. I'm happy for you.

Posts: 1367
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Congratulations! I just wish I knew what BSc meant.

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Ditto. But good show and all tat, got a gig already?

Posts: 202
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BSc = Bachelor of Science. It's a uni degree, and not only that - CJ's is a Masters as well.

Posts: 1367
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Oh. That's cool. :O

Posts: 512
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*Gives Cj :cookies *

I just hope I do as well on my physics course.

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I now get to dress up in a graduation gown thingy ma jiggy on November the 1st.

Thats going to be interesting to do.

and Southampton Institute also becomes Southampton Solent University too!

Posts: 2116
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You've really worked hard for that. Well done!

Now welcome to the rest of your life...

Posts: 209
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Congratulations CJ. This is some very good news indeed. So what do you plan to do now after graduation?

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Im a Batchelor of Science now...

and I feel no different odd

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

Kudos on the Degree Cj. Thats really cool that your'e done with school now, heh. I cannot say the same for myself for a long, long while. *is still in High School*

Posts: 1583
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Cool, congrats, Cj ^_^

Posts: 336
Reputable Member

Grats, Chris! You bloody deserve it. :)

I got my results through too, for my BTEC ND Moving Image course - Triple Merit, which isn't the best but is certainly not the worst. I also got a double A in AS Film Studies, which is an excellent bit of news to get on your birthday. :)

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Wow! Congrats Cj!
Good to hear you got good grades!

Posts: 286
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Well done man! Always good to get the grades you want.

Currently waiting for my results in drama. Hoping to do well.

Once again, congratulations!:thumbsup

Posts: 233
Estimable Member

Congratulations. Getting a degree ain't as easy as some would have people believe, and I'm sure you've earned it. Hope all goes well for the next year, whatever you end up doing (finding a job/further study)

Posts: 322
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That's totally awesome! =D I wonder what it's like to be done with school...

Posts: 2232
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Wooo! Well done matey!

Posts: 2354
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Christopher James Richardson BSc (Hons)

How about Sir Christopher Richardson The First and Only so far Lord of Bristol England Bachelor of Science (Honors)?


Im a Batchelor of Science now...

and I feel no different odd

Trust me Sir Christopher Richardson The First and Only so far Lord of Bristol England Bachelor of Science (Honors), I felt no different when I achieved my Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science a year ago.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Congrats bud, I know you put alot of effort into it, and it's so great to see it paid off *HUG* You rule, dude :)

Posts: 763
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;_; Well done, duuuuuuuuuuuuude! *hugs* Soooooo furry. ;_;

Posts: 84
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Well done dude, you definitely deserved it! Many congrats! (BTW, in case you wonder, this is SS under a different account)


Posts: 1269
Noble Member

Congratulations, Ceej! I don't know you all that well, but I'm sure you'll look great in a dress.

As for feeling different, well, go get seriously drunk. You'll feel different soon enough then.
