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Yet another nostalgia thread...

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Posts: 4885
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Everyone loves nostalgia! Especially me, as I am fairly sure I've done this thread once in the past, but being a scatter-brained ditz, I don't remember when, or the responce.

But, yeah. 5/6 years of Ezboard is slowly coming to an end. Let's sit around the campfire and tell eachother about our most treasured memories!

Their favourite skits, live PSXphile's superb Halloween parody of Poe's "The Raven" starring ChibiBecca and a dang load of PSX avatars and pictures :D That was by far the best thing ever posted on the MoFo.

Perhaps our favourite debates? I have to say my one on one with Mau Evig about marriage before sex is a fave, but the best have to be the political ones around the Iraq time, drama, but awesomeness.

Favourite oldbie who's currently residing on a missing poster? I'd have to say Eon and T-M-E are the two biggest for me, The Master Echidna just randomly vanished, I never found out the circumstances, it's a shame, he rocked. John Knux Echidna too! Hell, I forgot about him, but he was amazing...

Favourite Banned Baddy? THE STEVEN! I love that guy! How else would I know if I was going to hell?

Favourite time period? Sonic CuLT versus MoFo. Those were fun :3

Favourite chat experience... funny tales many may not remember... meet-ups...

Anything, really. Just get reminising!

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

I know what you mean on the the CulT vs MoFo thingy period, that was a good laugh. We need to get into more fights with random other websites in the fandom, just for fun. That one time when I was in an AIM chat with Faith and se was threatening to hack us and I invited a bunch of MoFoers into the chat was alright I guess, but after the whole CulT thing it just doesn't even compare.

Posts: 18
Active Member

I liked the Prevert and Molaster/CulT arc. People were really funny. Otherwise, I like to focus on the now.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Woah! I forgot all about those two. Damn those were some good times :D

Posts: 50
Trusted Member

I think one of my favorite times was when Flashchat was first discovered. Before Elitechat came along, a lot of us went to to the main Flashchat room to hang out and have fun with all the chat features. Those were some good times.

I'll add some more stuff later.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

My favorite skits? Anything written by Dubzie. That, and when Jin finally unveiled the meaning of PiE. Oh, and don't forget Psx's channel-surfing skit.

Favorite missing oldbie? Nick D. Biped. You know him as the guy with the spinning X-Wing in his avatar.

Debates...I have to say the first one I participated in, that one being about Bush's energy plan.

Favorite banned guy...I'd have to say Squishie. If only because he was around for so long. The only other guys I can recall off the top of my head would be the old-time RPers who didn't get off of their cardboard-characterizations and uber-Gundams. You know, the guys from before the era of Evalc's RP.

Favorite time period...undoubtedly when I was doing the whole Dimensional Guardian series of RPs. Immature and utterly full of DBZ-level characters when I look back upon it, but as a first-time was fun. :D

And let's see...I'm not quite sure what made people hate me more...

A) My Mis-Adventures of the Evil Admin skits (Yes, in hindsight, they were awful. I was young!)

B) Trying to act like a Mod (and failing)

C) Upon my return late last year, revealing my conservative politics.

Oh well, it's fun to be here. Now...if only I could stop father from demeaning me at every stop... (plots)

Posts: 50
Trusted Member

Oh, I completely forgot about the whole "Good afternoon AbiJayEchidna :) " incident. That was awesome.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i want a link to that skit if it's still about! :p *is trying to keep record of any skit mentioning her, because she tended to find them hillarious*

well, i loved most of the skits here. the humour you guys have is just great. ^-^

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

I wish I was here for the Sonic CulT/MoFo fights. I go to another board by the name of Sonic Classic which was embroiled in a flame war (and a far more brutal one, judging from the light-hearted remembrance of your conflict with the CulT) with Sonic CulT. It wasn't pretty.

Last I recall Pachuka was actually arrested in real life for rape of a minor female. o.o

Posts: 2354
Noble Member

The Sonic Heroes hype!

** grins **

** will add more stuff later **

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Remember when EZbored was apparently hacked? And a majority of our heritage and history was deleted in a blink, never to be restored... including aforementioned skits and random, Cherry-Coke induced insanity?!

I do...

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Yep, it was fun sitting in the bomb shelter of Flashchat watching Harley go off her nut as all the RP's were turned into so much spaggeti ;P

Um, I've liked it all, but I liked it better when I could managed to pay attention to the rp guild for more than a day ^^;

Posts: 2610
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Posts: 3666
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Anyway, stuffs I remember. I actually don't remember forum threads all too well (although I do remember a few of the skits took place in my time. <3), but chat's always a high point for me. I did actually forget the pre-globalization of Flashchat, but now that I'm reminded of it it did kick major ass. I also <3'd the entire time where SRB2 netgames were in fashion. Unfortunately it got fased out around the same time Netbattle got introduced, which let it be known i'm not all too keen on, and hasn't been about popularly since. =( *awaits the second coming*

Probably some other stuff atop that, but I don't recall specifics right now. I might re-edit this later if I remember any more.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member


The only other guys I can recall off the top of my head would be the old-time RPers who didn't get off of their cardboard-characterizations and uber-Gundams. You know, the guys from before the era of Evalc's RP.

I'll take the blame for that Ultra. If you look back the small segment in time where they vanished as evalcs rp was starting. That was the same time those three loonies brought me onboard. XD

Posts: 333
Reputable Member

I think the Sonic Cult stuff a few years back was quite....interesting. However, my best memories of here is when I joined up back when SA2B hit the cube and Sonic was getting quite a large buzz. I even remember some of the fanboy wars and stuff. XD I used to be pretty darned hardcore for a couple of years, looking out for every game launch that was Sonic based. After Sonic Heroes came out though I just stopped making such a big deal. I really wish I could have gotten involved with some of the meetups, but...hey more are to come right?

Most missed MoFoer would probobly be Eon, I'd agree with Craig there. Though honestly Eon was acting a tad odd around me. XD *don't ask*

Ah...when I look back I just realize how much I love you guys.


Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Eh, I'd offer you the chance to play said SRB2, THS (or at least pester HSW to host again), but, well, it's kinda 2 in the morning over there in England, so...

Posts: 142
Estimable Member

I fondly (and again, not so fondly) remember that big ol' RP Cooki started where it started out with her getting kidnapped and then went into the whole crazyness with the going inside Vec and something about ressurecting Dark WB and of course Sam goes "No, Bad cooki" or something.

I also remember up until late 2001 where the forum list was odd and EVC and the SPA (which was 'sandopolis' or something at the time) were on top and South Island and MFC were down the page aways.

I also remember when most of the stuff you find in the SPA nowadays would be in MFC and the spam forum would be full of people saying "Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam" and the like.

My favorite Banee would definetly be Squishee simply because about two years before he got banned, in the banned users thread, he said "Hey guys, just be sure to never ever EVER ban me, ok?" Freaky...

Oh, and speaking of the banned users thread, that was the greatest thread ever (before it got eaten up by ez). Where else would people say crap like "How do I become admin I want to ban people"? That is freaking QOTW material right there.

Oh, and Craig, the name was John Knuxs Kent, not John Knux Echidna. See? There's my wonderfully selective memory at work again.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I've had many good memories here, but I'm not sure if I remember any of them.

The only one that I still think of to this day was the ongoing fight between me and that Sonic Control guy. Oh man, we'd flame each other like our lives depended on it... looking back, I think the way I acted was rather foolish (then again, I'd say the way I acted in the past in general was foolish), and if he ever came back I'd just give him a big old e-hug. But maybe that's because I've decided not to hate anymore--too much pressure. 🙁

Posts: 955
Noble Member

The only one that I still think of to this day was the ongoing fight between me and that Sonic Control guy. Oh man, we'd flame each other like our lives depended on it... looking back, I think the way I acted was rather foolish (then again, I'd say the way I acted in the past in general was foolish)

HAHAHA I CAN TOTALLY RELATE! Especially in that situation 'cause I totally remember that!

And I totally want those days to DIE A HORRIBLE FIRE-FILLED DEATH! **hug**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Didn't he and I have a crush on you at the same time?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Eh, I'd offer you the chance to play said SRB2, THS (or at least pester HSW to host again), but, well, it's kinda 2 in the morning over there in England, so...

It's the thought that counts. <3

On a side note, turns out that hosting seems to work on my system now, too...or at least, it did last time I tried. So yeah, feel free to poke me on it too.

Posts: 16
Active Member

Wow... I never realize exactly how short a time I've been on here compared to most people until I look back at all those dates... I haven't even been here a year yet O_O

Looking back over my short time here though... I remember the time before the Cheezybread "hack"... gods that "hack" killed so much...

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Didn't he and I have a crush on you at the same time?

I know you did, but I never payed alot of attention to SC so I don't know.

Looks like my usual interjecting question answering routine has brought me around to answering this topic...and I can honestly say that I feel that all the time I've spent here has been fairly equal, apart from two positive milestones - de-lurking, and stepping into the chat.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

lol remember when MFC had a Burger King theme? lololololololol those were the good old days.

I quite enjoyed the sailorness outbreak about a year ago. For those that never caught on or didn't care enough to catch on, I was/am Sailor Grammar.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

My favourite banned people would have to be Blippp (was he also WhiteAsh/MMK?). That guy was funny to mess around with, mainly due to the perma-IC faade he put up all the time too. Bobcow was pretty fun in his own lamery way, too.

Oh, and my favourite moments were probably those two times I had mod powers in the chat for all of five minutes.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Blipp wasn't WhiteAsh/MMK and wasn't banned either. O:

Fave banned person? Miles, hands down.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Favorite banned person? Oh, there's so many... I'll just go with Jrapidfire, for... personal reasons...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member
Topic starter

Ah... yes. The Sailorness uprising in the SPA was one of the best days I've ever spent on the MoFo. 5 or so hours of sheer insanity spanning 5 or 6 threads.

I saw so much naked pink haired Sailor that night! SCORE! :D

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Didn't he and I have a crush on you at the same time?

Yeah, which scared the crap out of me O_o Especially when his way of saying it was "SSS will you marry me?"

At least Tails Power at the time didn't go that far and simply asked "will you go out with me?" like he seemed to do with every single girl in the SPA at the time :3

As for the Sailorness, I said it before and I'll say it again. It was fun for awhile, but as soon as it became a fad I wanted to hightail it and run for the hills, all the while cursing myself for starting it. ^^; But I agree, that day was FUN. Absolutely insane, but fun. 😀

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Blippp wasn't banned? Oh. Put him under favourite disappeary person then.

Posts: 2
New Member

Wailsy: **stretches** Ahh, the good old days ^^ How we remember them.
Sunny: Ah yes. ^^
Wailsy: I remember when we were first introduced to the boards, way back in early early 2003. I think only two people read our skit, maybe another skimmed it.... **le sigh**
Sunny: Those were strange days. o.o
Wailsy: No more stranger than arguing with Sonikita, GTR, and Weirdo about what to do if suddenly the SPA was flooded and you'd be forced to become a pirate.
Sunny: Eh...
Wailsy: Or what about the Sailorness everyone keeps talking about? The really awesome outbreak? Or the times skits were actually posted and were good? Before Eliteboard was opened to the general people! When Fexusfan was created?!
Sunny: ....okay, you got me there. o.o The discovery of Dr. Fexusfan on the boards pretty much tops any strange memories I might have had of this place.
Wailsy: Bwaha.
Sunny: >>;
Wailsy: Remember when you KO'ed Sonic Control?
Sunny: I remember attempting it.... but he was such a powerplayer. O.o
Wailsy: Ah the old and crazy SPA days. Where did you go? **nostalgic sigh**
Sunny: **smirks** I remember when Harley was around a lot. I remember telling her off once... that was kinda cool. Her posts were always fun to read.
Wailsy: **eyebrow raise**
Sunny: ....yeeeah, I'm bored. >>;
